MidReal Story

Poolside Secrets


Apr 27
Scenario:Sitting by the pool busty sisters and mom come for a swim
Create my version of this story
Sitting by the pool busty sisters and mom come for a swim
I’m stretched out on a lounge chair by the pool, sipping a cold drink and soaking in the sun.
It’s the perfect way to spend my last day at this gorgeous resort and forget about all the stress that comes with running my blog and taking care of a house full of men.
I look around and realize I’m alone.
The receptionist at the front desk told me my sisters were already back in their room.
I text them to see what they’re up to and ask if they want to join me poolside while we wait for the wedding.
It’s a shame if they’re holed up in their rooms when it’s so beautiful outside.
Emma: Hey, what’re you guys up to?
Want to meet me by the pool?
Lily: I’m just relaxing in my room, but I’m down for some pool time.
Mia: I’m finishing up some work, but I’d love to come out for a bit.
I take my phone out again and send them another text.
Emma: Perfect, meet you there!
I know that was sneaky of me, but I couldn’t help it.
Mia has been working nonstop since we got here, and Lily is always running around taking care of everyone besides herself.
They both need a break, and we have plenty of time before the wedding to get ready.
I take another sip of my drink and lean back on the chair.
It’s so comfortable, and it feels like it hugs me.
The perfect way to relax and enjoy this last day of vacation.
A minute later, my phone buzzes with their responses.
Lily: Be there in ten!
I close my eyes and focus on the feel of the warm sun against my skin.
Who knew I’d be so sad to leave paradise behind?
Poolside Secrets
My eyes fly open when I hear Lily’s voice, and I sit up just as she makes her way over to me.
Her dark hair is pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, and she has on a pair of jean shorts over her swimsuit with flip-flops.
She looks cute as hell, per usual, even if she doesn’t seem to think so when she’s not in her scrubs.
I’ve always thought Lily was gorgeous and had no idea why she ever complained about being compared to Mia.
But then again, I guess you never really see yourself clearly.
Especially when you’re busy comparing yourself to someone else your entire life.
I stand up to give her a hug before she plops down on a lounge chair next to mine, taking off her sunglasses and untwisting her hair from the bun.
Hurry up, Mia!”
I call out without looking away from Lily.
She’s over there, talking to that guy.” Lily points across the pool, and sure enough, Mia is laughing with a guy who looks about our age.
She’s not in the lounge chair where I left her, and she’s wearing shorts and a tank top, but she still looks gorgeous.
Then again, when doesn’t she?
Mia’s hair never has a strand out of place, even when she hasn’t done anything with it.
It’s a deep red color and hangs in waves down her back.
Her green eyes are always perfectly lined with makeup, and she dresses like she just stepped off the pages of a magazine.
She could easily be a model if she wanted to be.
But instead, she’s a killer advertising exec at one of the best ad agencies in New York City.
Mia is a badass at work and doesn’t let anyone get in her way, and I love that about her.
Lily and Mia are both such strong women, and they’re not afraid to go after what they want.
I’ve always looked up to them and tried to follow their example.
Even if I’m the baby of the family.
Don’t be an idiot,” Lily says to me after rolling her eyes.
She looks back at Mia and the guy she’s talking to and sighs.
She loves Mia like crazy, but there’s always been this part of her that feels like she needs to protect us.
Especially Mia since she’s the oldest, even if Mia would never let her.
When our parents died in a car accident on their way home from dinner one night, Mia was the one who stepped up and took charge of all the arrangements.
Lily was only ten at the time, and Mia was fifteen.
I was only six and didn’t understand everything that was going on, but both of them were there for me every step of the way.
We all have our own ways of dealing and coping with things, but because we’re all so different, we’ve managed to stick together through it all.
We moved in with our grandparents after our parents died, and they did what they could to hold us together, but as we got older and became adults, we’ve kept each other close and made sure we stayed that way.
Poolside Secrets
*kisses mia and lily gently on the lips softly wanting love* my sweet sisters wheres momma?
We don’t get to see each other that often, but we always know that we’ll be there for one another when we need to be.
“She’s an adult,” I say to Lily.
“She can handle herself.
And he seems nice enough.”
There’s no way she’s hooking up with some guy she just met at a resort in the Caribbean.
And you know exactly what I mean.”
I look over at Mia and see that she’s trying not to laugh now.
She knows exactly what Lily is trying to say.
Lily has always had guys falling at her feet wherever she goes.
She has the sweetest personality of all of us and is so kind and caring that guys just love her.
But she also has these huge brown eyes that always make her look doe-eyed and innocent.
Her hair is the color of dark chocolate and falls in loose waves down her back.
She could easily be a supermodel with her long legs and hourglass figure.
And I’m not even joking when I say that.
She could be on the cover of any magazine.
I sit up and look around the pool and see quite a few people staring at my sisters, their phones out, trying to act like they aren’t taking pictures, but it’s obvious they are.
I would be too if I didn’t know them like I do.
They’re both so beautiful in their own way, but it’s almost like they’re different kinds of beautiful.
It’s hard to explain, but they stand out in a crowd no matter where we are, and it’s impossible not to notice them right away.
And right now, Mia and Lily are getting noticed by every single guy around the pool, and probably more guys than that since most of them are in the pool and can’t see them.
“Why do you always get all the attention?”
Mia asks Lily as she sits up with me and looks across the pool at her twin sister.
Lily laughs and shakes her head.
She’s not going to take Mia’s bait, but it’s kind of amusing that Mia even asked in the first place.
She knows why people are staring at her, but Lily is also as modest as they come and doesn’t like to draw attention to herself in any way, even though it’s impossible not to when you’re as beautiful as she is.
But then again, Mia is just as gorgeous as Lily is, so Lily really doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
And they both know that too.
Even if they don’t like to admit it.
I reach over and gently shove Mia, knowing she’s only teasing Lily to try and get under her skin, and she laughs again and leans into me for support.
This is exactly what I’ve been wanting for days now, and even though it’s only been a few minutes since we’ve been sitting here together by the pool, my heart is already full because my sisters are finally here with me.
And there’s nothing better than laughing with them together because it doesn’t happen as often as it used to since we’ve all become adults and live in different cities now.
But then out of nowhere, three guys come up to us, led by one hot-as-hell guy with dark hair who looks like he could be on the cover of GQ.
Poolside Secrets
*feels uncomfortable i tear up and tap mia and lily to leave with me* l..lets go please *i stammer through tears*
“Hey there, beautiful ladies,” he says with a smile as he looks at all three of us.
“I’m here on a bachelors’ trip with my friends, and we were hoping you’d be willing to show us around for a bit.”
I’m about to say no when I see Mia already shaking her head because she knows exactly where this is going if we don’t stop it right away.
“No problem at all,” Lily says instead with a smile and gets up from her chair next to me while grabbing her pool bag.
“I have a first aid kit right here if you’d like me to bring it with me?”
she asks him seriously while holding up a plastic container filled with band-aids, gauze pads, and rubbing alcohol pads that she brought along with her to the pool.
She’s a serious nurse, but this is just taking it way too far if you ask me, which I know they didn’t, but still.
I look over at the other two guys and see them trying to stifle their laughter, and I know this is the last thing they were expecting, but they’re staring at her like they’re seeing a real-life angel right now.
“Are you serious?”
the guy asks her while staring at the container in her hands.
“I have some band-aids, but I think we’ll be okay without it.”
Lily looks at him like he’s crazy before putting the container away and nodding.
“Okay then, I’ll just bring my defibrillator instead,” she says while reaching into her bag for the small machine and then putting it on top of the first aid kit.
The other two guys crack up laughing, but the one who was talking to us rolls his eyes before gesturing to the chairs beside us.
“Sit down and tell us your names, beautiful ladies.”
I burst out laughing, and all three guys look over at me while raising their eyebrows.
“Sorry,” I say while still smiling.
“I’m just not used to my sister being so ready to save lives that she brought a defibrillator with her to the pool.
She’s not a doctor or anything, but you never know when one of us might need it I guess.”
The guy just rolls his eyes again while looking over at Mia and Lily, who are sitting down on their chairs beside me and staring up at him.
I can tell that they’re already over it too since they’re both trying not to laugh, but they’re getting impatient and really want to leave.
And it’s actually kind of funny to see them all flustered like this.
They probably thought they could just waltz right up to us with their good looks and perfect bodies and we’d drop everything we were doing to follow them around like puppies.
But we’re not in college anymore, and they’re not even close to being our type.
Not that we really have a type, but these guys are definitely not it.
“Lily,” he says while nodding at her before looking over at Mia.
“And you’re Mia?”
Mia nods and smiles at him while pulling out a book from her bag that she was reading before we got here.
“Just give me one second,” she says while opening it back up and turning her head away from him before continuing to read about chakras and healing.
Poolside Secrets
*i tear up more begging my sisters to leave with me having mild panic attacks* l..lets go!! *shouts upset*
The guy nods at her and smiles while turning to me.
“And you’re Emma?”
I nod and smile back at him, even though I just want to get to know what they want.
We came here to relax, and the last thing we need is for them to take up all of our time.
But I know my sisters are really trying to be nice, so I’ll go along with it for a little while at least.
“So, what can we help you with?”
I ask while leaning back in my chair and taking another sip of my drink.
The guy looks down at my drink and smirks at me like he knows something I don’t or something.
So I slide my sunglasses back on and raise my eyebrows.
He’s not saying anything, and I can tell he’s trying to think of the best way to say whatever it is he wants to say without sounding like a dick.
But he’s still taking too long, so I reach over for my bottle of water and take a drink.
And that’s when I see the other two guys laughing at him again for some reason.
I don’t know what that’s about, but it can’t be good if both of them are laughing at him behind his back like that.
“Okay,” he finally says while looking over at me and smiling.
“We were just wondering if you ladies would like to join us tonight for drinks.”
I shake my head and laugh at him while shaking my water bottle to see if there’s anything left in it before setting it down again.
He’s not asking us to go home with him or anything, but I know that’s what he’s really getting at, and I’m not interested in going home with anyone tonight.
I’ve had way too much to drink already, and I don’t feel like dealing with anyone’s bullshit right now.
“Sorry, but we can’t.”
The guy shakes his head like he knew I was going to say that before looking over at his friends, who are still laughing at him for some reason.
But he ignores them while nodding at us again.
“I understand,” he says while looking over at me.
“But could I at least get your number so we could meet up later instead?”
I shake my head at him and smile while shaking my water bottle for a second time to make sure there’s nothing left in it before setting it down again when I realize there’s no water left in it after all.
“Sorry, but we’re not going to be here later either,” I say while smiling up at him before gesturing toward the bags beside us.
“We’ve got a ton of stuff to do tonight too, so we won’t have any free time.”
The guy just stares at me for a minute before shaking his head again and nodding like he understands, but I know he doesn’t really get it.
We’re not on vacation or anything, so we don’t have all the free time in the world to party right now.
And even if we did, these guys aren’t even our type anyway, so there’s no way we’d want to get involved with them no matter how much free time we did have.
But they don’t seem to understand that either because they all look pretty pissed about it as they walk away from us without saying anything else.
“You probably shouldn’t have done that,” Lily says while looking over at me after they leave.
“Why not?
I thought you didn’t want to be here anyway.”
Lily shakes her head while reaching into her bag for her book before pulling out a piece of paper from between the pages and handing it to me.
Poolside Secrets