MidReal Story

Pirate's Vow: Queen's Rescue and Betrayal


May 19
Scenario:Write a plot for a story about a princess going on a mission to save her mom from pirates but she has to team up with another group of pirates to save her. The reason that the pirates kidnapped her is because the captain of the crew was her lover. But when she was taken hostage by the former king. She ended up falling in love with his son and got married. So the captain chose to hunt her down. But when they get to the shop they fight the crew but her mother ends up getting killedBut when they find her and try to save her
Create my version of this story
Write a plot for a story about a princess going on a mission to save her mom from pirates but she has to team up with another group of pirates to save her. The reason that the pirates kidnapped her is because the captain of the crew was her lover. But when she was taken hostage by the former king. She ended up falling in love with his son and got married. So the captain chose to hunt her down. But when they get to the shop they fight the crew but her mother ends up getting killedBut when they find her and try to save her
The pirate crew of the Black Pearl was not happy to see me.
I didn’t blame them.
I’d just stolen their ship.
“Captain Blackwood,” I said, striding up to the man who was currently tied to the mast of my ship.
“Or should I say, Captain Marigold?”
He spat at me, but it didn’t bother me.
I was used to his antics.
“Elara,” he said, his voice low and dangerous.
“You’re going to regret this.”
“I don’t think so,” I said, smiling at him.
“I have a proposition for you.”
He raised an eyebrow at me, and I could see the curiosity in his eyes.
He was always curious about what I had to say.
And he would be even more curious when he heard what I had to say next.
I turned my attention to his crew, who were all watching us with wide eyes.
They knew who I was, and they knew that they were in trouble for letting me get this close to their captain.
I was on the deck of the Black Pearl, surrounded by the notorious Captain Rourke Blackwood and his crew, all of them looking at me like I’d grown two heads.
They were a fearsome bunch, every single one of them.
The Black Pearl was one of the fastest ships on the seas, and its crew was just as deadly.
Blackwood himself was a force to be reckoned with, a man so rugged and handsome that he had no trouble charming his way into any woman’s bed.
He was also the man who had broken my heart, and I was about to make sure that he regretted it for the rest of his life.
But first, I needed him to hear me out.
And then I needed him to do what I was asking him to do.
I couldn’t afford to screw this up.
My mother’s life depended on it.
“What are you doing here?”
Blackwood asked, his voice low and dangerous.
His eyes were narrowed and his jaw was tight.
I raised an eyebrow at him, deciding that it was probably best not to tell him that I’d just stolen his ship.
Instead, I smiled at him, hoping that my expression would be enough to get my point across.
“Captain Marigold,” I said, nodding my head at the man who was currently sitting on the deck in front of me with his hands tied behind his back.
He glared up at me with hate in his eyes, but it didn’t bother me.
I was used to his antics by now.
“My name is Princess Elara Marigold,” I said, turning my attention back to Blackwood.
“And I am here to make you a proposition.”
The man’s eyes went wide with surprise, and I could see the tension in his shoulders as he realized exactly who he was dealing with.
But he was a smart man, and he knew better than to show any emotion on his face.
He was going for stoic, but I could see the fear in his eyes.
“Elara, what are you doing?”
I ignored my husband and turned my attention back to Blackwood.
“Will you accept my proposition?”
I asked him, raising an eyebrow and daring him to say no.
It was a risk, coming here like this and putting myself in danger.
But it was a risk I was willing to take, if it meant that I could get my mother back.
Blackwood was silent for a moment, his jaw tight as he considered his options.
But I could see the curiosity in his eyes, and I knew that he would agree to my terms.
He had no choice.
And then I would have everything I needed to get my mother back.
"Pirate's Vow: Queen's Rescue and Betrayal"
But I had a desperate plea that needed to be heard, even if it meant putting myself in harm’s way in order to do so.
I faced the crew of the Black Pearl and knew that I was probably going to regret this decision for the rest of my life.
They were all staring at me like they couldn’t believe their eyes, but their expressions quickly turned dark as they realized who I was and why I was here.
Their loyalty to their captain was unwavering, but I had a desperate plea that required their attention.
“Let her speak,” Blackwood said, his voice low and dangerous as he stared at me with narrowed eyes.
I could see the tension in his jaw as he waited for my response, and I decided not to keep him waiting any longer.
I stepped forward and made my way onto their ship, ignoring the way they all reached for their weapons as I passed by them.
I held my head high and ignored their threats as I made my way over to where Blackwood was tied up on the mast of my ship.
“Elara,” he said as I approached him.
“What are you doing here?”
I ignored him and turned to face his crew, who were all watching me with wide eyes.
Some of them looked angry, and I could see their hands tightening around their weapons as they waited for me to explain myself.
I knew that I was taking a big risk by coming here like this, and I also knew that I might not make it out alive if Blackwood decided to make an example out of me.
But I had come this far, and I wasn’t about to back down now.
“Let him go,” I said, turning to face Blackwood once more.
I held his gaze, and I could see the wariness in his eyes as he considered his options.
I knew that he wouldn’t dare cross me, and I knew that he would do exactly what I was asking him to do, even if it meant putting himself in danger in order to do so.
I turned back to his crew and raised an eyebrow at them, daring them to say something about my proposal.
They stared at me in shock, and I could see the realization dawning on their faces as they finally saw me for who I really was.
I stepped forward and faced Blackwood once more, holding his gaze as he stared up at me with wide eyes.
And then I said the words that would change everything, and make sure that he had no choice but to listen to what I had to say next.
“My name is Princess Elara Isolde Marigold,” I said, smiling at him as I watched the realization dawn on his face
His jaw went slack and his eyes went wide with surprise, and I could see the shock in his eyes as he realized exactly who he was dealing with.
"Pirate's Vow: Queen's Rescue and Betrayal"
“My father is King Marigold, and my mother is Queen Isolde Marigold.”
I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked out at the crew of the Black Pearl.
I could see the doubt in their eyes, even as they tried to suppress their laughter at my claim.
I didn’t blame them for not believing me, since most of the people in our kingdom didn’t even know that my mother had given birth to me almost twenty years ago.
But it didn’t matter if they believed me or not, because it was the truth, and nothing they said or did could change that.
“Do you really expect us to believe that, princess?”
one of the crew members asked, staring at me like I was some kind of idiot.
“Because if you’re a princess, then I’m the king of the world.” The other pirates roared with laughter as he said this, clearly thinking that my claim was nothing more than a joke.
Or worse…that it was an insult to their intelligence.
They all turned to me, clearly expecting me to run away in embarrassment now that they knew that I was just another spoiled noble girl who thought that she could get whatever she wanted just by asking for it.
But I held my ground and met their gazes with a cold glare that promised pain if they didn’t do exactly what I told them to do.
“What’s so funny?”
I asked, my voice deathly calm.
“I didn’t realize that I had just made a joke.
Would you like me to try insulting your intelligence some more?
Because I assure you that I can do this all day if you’d like.” I narrowed my eyes at them as I said this, and I could see the fear in their eyes as they realized that I wasn’t playing around anymore.
I knew that I wasn’t the scariest person on this ship, but I also knew that I was more than capable of taking them all down if that was what it would take in order for them to hear me out.
“So are you going to let me talk, or am I going to have to make you?”
I asked, raising an eyebrow at them as I waited for their answer.
The pirates stared at me for a long moment, and then they finally nodded their heads and stepped aside in order to let me past them.
I walked up to the end of the deck and turned around so that I was facing them once more.
“I came here today because I need your help,” I said, knowing that it was time for me to explain why I had come here today.
“I know that you don’t know me, and that you have no reason to trust me, but I swear that everything that I have told you is true.”
“Then why are you here?”
one of the crew members asked.
What could possibly make a pampered little princess like you come all the way out here just to ask us for our help?”
I swallowed hard and met Rourke’s gaze as he stared down at me from where he was still tied up on the mast.
“My mother is in danger,” I said, feeling my voice shake as I was forced to admit this out loud for the first time ever.
"Pirate's Vow: Queen's Rescue and Betrayal"