Scenario:Based on Pingu: A Very Special Wedding, Mr. Grumpfish is marying his wife, Samatha (Mrs. Grumpfish) are getting married, the Bubble Guppies are on the way but Mr, Grouper has to get some BFC chicken (Parody of KFC) The Bubble Guppies have to find a way to get to the wedding without Mr. Grouper before they are late. The special aired on 2 May 2018.
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Based on Pingu: A Very Special Wedding, Mr. Grumpfish is marying his wife, Samatha (Mrs. Grumpfish) are getting married, the Bubble Guppies are on the way but Mr, Grouper has to get some BFC chicken (Parody of KFC) The Bubble Guppies have to find a way to get to the wedding without Mr. Grouper before they are late. The special aired on 2 May 2018.
I woke up and I was like "Yay! Today's the day I'm getting married to Samantha!"
Samantha was also happy, but then we got a call from our friends, the Bubble Guppies.
They said they were on their way, but then Mr. Grouper said "Wait guys! I need to stop at the BFC store to get some chicken!"
"No time for that!"
I said, "We need to be there before dark!"
Samantha said she was okay with it, but I wasn't.
We were already late, and now we're stopping?
I couldn't stop him, so he went anyway.
When he stopped for the chicken, he got out of the submarine, but he didn't shut it off!
It went all the way to the other side and it crashed into something!
When we came back, we were like "Oh no!"
"What are we going to do now?"
Molly Gil said "Don't worry! We can use this raft to get there!"
It was a good idea!
We were all going to ride the raft, but Deema had another idea.
She said "Why don't we use this thing? It will take us there faster!"
We didn't know what it was, but it looked like it would work!
We climbed on and... Vroom!