MidReal Story

Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave

Scenario:Club Penquin: Rookie is wandering in the Club Penquin Island!
Create my version of this story
Club Penquin: Rookie is wandering in the Club Penquin Island!
I was on a thrilling adventure on Club Penguin Island.
Well, I was actually stuck in a deep, dark cave, but it was a pretty adventurous moment.
I was using the latest technology to explore the cave with my friends Gary and Aunt Arctic, when suddenly the floor collapsed, leaving me alone in the depths.
If I’m being totally honest, the chances of being stuck in a collapsing tunnel are actually fairly high when I’m around.
It’s just one of those Rookie things.
Anyway, I found myself staring at a small, winding path that led down into the darkness, as my green puffle waddled up to my side.
He sniffed the air and blinked at me curiously, as if wondering what we should do next.
I pulled out my camera and snapped a picture of the path, just like Aunt Arctic showed me, and sent it to Gary.
“Is there any way we can explore this area?The path looks really small… And a bit scary.”
“That’s a good observation, Rookie,” replied Gary.
It’s important to be careful when exploring this cave system.
Some paths may be too dangerous for even the bravest penguin.”
“Thanks for the advice,” I said as I stepped onto the path.
Trusty map in flipper, I started down the winding trail into the darkness.
I’m very good at following instructions.
It wasn’t long before the path opened up into a large chamber filled with glowing mushrooms hanging from the ceiling and dotting the walls.
They were beautiful!
And they looked delicious!
They also looked soft and squishy, which is where most of my problems begin.
A narrow path swooped down from the edge of the chamber, leading into an even darker spot below.
The only light that filtered down came from the mushrooms themselves, which were clustered on a rocky outcrop near the edge of another huge chasm.
As I got closer, I spied a few more mushrooms dotting the rocky slope below.
They looked so cool!
I carefully made my way down to a small ledge near the biggest mushroom, being very careful not to touch any of them.
That’s when I heard a distant voice calling me back.
“Rookie, be very careful.
You are getting very close to a steep drop.
Please return to a safe area and we can explore something else!”
I took a few steps back and turned to talk to my friends.
As I did, I slipped on a loose stone and felt myself plummeting into darkness.
I screamed, and my green puffle squealed in terror.
We tumbled down a rocky slope, bouncing off walls and each other.
I tried to reach out and grab something—anything—but it was too dark to even see where I was going.
After what felt like forever, I crashed into something hard and sharp, jolting me to a stop.
My head pounded.
My flippers ached.
And I was seeing stars, even though there weren’t any in sight.
Picking myself up off the ground, I turned on my flashlight and took stock of my situation, which was not looking great.
I was at the bottom of a deep pit, surrounded by steep walls and jagged rocks.
Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave
Gah. My aloha shirt is dirty!
At least I have my green puffle.
He’s still here and… glowing?
He’d activated his special powers, which cause him to light up like a flashlight.
It really helped me feel better about my current situation.
The walls of the pit were lined with ledges and handholds that looked pretty tricky to navigate.
They also looked pretty far apart from each other.
But if I wanted to get out of this cave, it looked like I had no choice but to climb them.
My green puffle and I started climbing together.
I could tell he was nervous about following me up—we both had a long way to go.
But he’s been in training for this very moment, and I wasn’t about to leave him behind now.
My flippers were still shaking from my fall, and every movement sent a jolt of pain through my body.
I knew I must have taken a major spill, and it would probably take a while before I felt better.
But I didn’t have a while.
I had to get out of this cave… fast!
We climbed up and up, using every bit of strength and courage we could muster.
It was so dark in that cave!
Far below us, the floor disappeared into shadows, and above us… well, it wasn’t above us.
The mouth of the cave was still a long way off.
And then… A hand slipped on a rock and suddenly my flipper was free-falling again into nothingness.
My green puffle squealed as we tumbled down into the deep pit below.
Luckily, we were able to grab onto a ledge and stop ourselves before falling all the way down again.
My poor green puffle was terrified, but he still managed to light up and give me a weak smile of encouragement.
“That’s okay,” I said as I took a deep breath and stood up on the narrow ledge beneath me.
“I’m not about to give up on this cave adventure!”
We started climbing again and soon reached the top of the pit.
My puffle and I were both panting heavily as we pulled ourselves over the edge of the rocky ledge and gazed up at the mouth of the cave.
The sky should have been clear and sunny with a gentle breeze blowing through the palm trees.
But instead it was dark and dreary, with no sign of life anywhere on the island.
The sky was black as night, but it wasn’t just a lack of sunlight that left it that way.
Dark clouds choked out any hint of daylight that might have been able to filter through.
The island itself looked different too.
A few scraggly trees were scattered along the edge of a rocky cliff that overlooked an endless ocean below.
But that ocean didn’t look right either, with murky waters swirling and crashing against jagged rocks instead of gently lapping at sandy beaches like normal oceans do.
And then there were no sound—well, almost no sounds.
There were no music or laughter from happy penguins playing on an idyllic tropical island, that’s for sure!
Instead, there was an eerie silence that hung heavy over everything like a dark blanket of doom.
I stared out at this dark world in shock and confusion.
What had happened?
Where are all the colors?
And why is everything so dark?
Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave
Suddenly, in a Dark Silhouette, I could see a Silhouette of Herbert the Bear. Herbert P Bear.
My heart pounded and my flippers began to tremble as I slowly turned around to take a closer look.
The mouth of the cave was darker than ever now—so dark that it was almost completely black.
But not quite completely black.
I could still see a faint glow in there—glowing eyes—or something.
I couldn’t tell what it was at first.
But then it started moving towards me.
I turned and ran as fast as my flippers could carry me.
“Come on!”
I shouted to my green puffle as it fluttered along beside me.
If there’s something bad coming after us, we have to get away from here as fast as we can!”
But before we could get very far, something reached out and grabbed me from behind.
A giant paw pinned my flippers to my sides as something lifted me off my feet and dangled me upside down right in front of its face.
Oh no,” I groaned.
I knew you couldn’t resist exploring that cave,” Herbert said.
“What you didn’t know is that it is also my secret lair.”
It was still too dark for me to see his face, but I knew that voice all too well.
It was Herbert!
But that was impossible!
How did you get here?”
I cried as I tried in vain to break free from his powerful grip.
“You were all locked up inside your scrapbook!”
“Of course I was,” Herbert growled.
“But then someone else unlocked it and set me free!”
“So now I’m back on my favorite island again!
And there’s nothing any of you can do about it, either!
The Club Penguin Island is all mine!
Or at least it will be soon…”
Then he growled softly, giving me a menacing look before he turned and disappeared into the darkness with me still dangling helplessly from his paw.
I wanted to turn around and see what was back there, but I was too busy thinking about how I could escape from Herbert’s clutches instead.
I squirmed and twisted as he carried me down through a long, winding tunnel, but he had too firm of a grip on me.
There was nothing I could do except go along for the ride and hope that something would happen soon to help me escape.
As we walked, I passed by a couple of side tunnels with stairways leading down into them.
Then we finally reached a dead end.
I was afraid he was going to throw me down into a pit or something, but instead he just dropped me onto a pile of rocks beside him before he turned around and started walking back up towards where he had picked me up.
I was still trying to figure out what was going on as he walked away, so I called out after him and asked, “What are you doing down here?
How did you get here?
And what’s in those other tunnels?”
Instead of answering me, Herbert gave me another menacing growl, and then he disappeared into the darkness again before he could hear my reply.
Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave
I was hearing some electricity noises.. most specifically buzzes. Until suddenly, Herbert came with a syringe, on the syringe, there was a Herbert Logo, of his face. Herbert was laughing and said that this thing here contained polar bear dna and also Herbert himself, the injected will turn into Herbert Completely.
Now I was terrified.
I had no idea what was going on, but I knew that I had to get out of there as fast as I could!
Unfortunately, even though I didn’t think my injuries were too bad from when I fell at first, they were starting to hurt a lot more now.
So it took me a few seconds before I could finally stand up and try to find my way out of there.
I looked around in all directions, but there was no sign of any kind of exit or anything else in there except for more tunnels.
Then my green puffle came fluttering over towards me.
It seemed like it had lost its glow, but it managed to transform itself into a little ball so I could carry it in my flippers while we tried looking for a way out together.
We walked down through one tunnel after another until we finally found one that had a side tunnel leading off towards some stairs that went back up again.
I was so relieved when we finally found an exit, I didn’t even think about looking around first before we climbed back up out of the cave again.
As soon as we got back outside, I breathed a sigh of relief.
The sky was bright and sunny, just like always, and everything was back to normal again.
I was so happy to be safe back on the surface again that I almost forgot about everything else.
But then, just as we were about to go on our way again, I looked down into the pit where we had fallen before, and I saw something that made me stop in my tracks again.
There was a hidden entrance down there—right beside where we had landed when we fell—leading down into a big dark cavern below Club Penguin Island!
I turned around and looked at my green puffle, but it didn’t seem surprised at all.
“Come on,” I said to my green puffle as we climbed back down into the pit again and went over for a closer look at it.
This entrance was so well hidden, no one would ever know it was there unless they were really looking for it!
And since no one else knew about it yet, no one else had ever been brave enough—or foolish enough—like me to go exploring those caves before, either!
“There are lots of other ways for you to have adventures on Club Penguin Island,” Gary said as he came running back over towards me and my green puffle again too.
“I don’t think you should explore these caves.”
But by this point, there was nothing he could do or say that would stop me from going now!
I had already decided that this was my next big adventure, and that nothing would keep me from exploring those caves now!
“Don’t worry, Gary,” I said as I grabbed a flashlight from his flippers before we went down into the cave together again.
Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave
Suddenly, herbert grabbed me again, holding the syringe in his other hand.
I didn’t waste any more time before climbing back down into that big dark cave.
“Wait for me!” Gary shouted as he came running after me too.
“Don’t go too far ahead!”
I didn’t know what was waiting for us down here this time, but I wasn’t planning to wait around to find out either.
I was going to be very careful and not do anything to get myself into trouble this time.
So as soon as we got back down into that big dark cavern again, my green puffle transformed into a trampoline and bounced along behind me as we went bouncing deeper into the cave together.
The walls were made out of big rough rocks—and it was a lot colder inside than it was outside too!
The air was damp and chilly—and although it was still warm enough for now not to freeze—I was getting a little worried that it might not always be this way.
“Are you sure you want to keep going?”
Gary asked as he came bouncing towards us on his pogo stick, looking very worried.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’ll be careful,” I told him.
I was still worried about what I would find down in those caves too, but I had already come this far—and I wasn’t going to turn back now!
We had been walking for a while when we suddenly came to a fork in the path.
The path to our right was narrow and dark, and looked like it didn’t go anywhere at all, but at the same time, there was something glowing down at the end of it too!
So even though I was worried that it might be dangerous, my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to go that way first anyway.
The path was so narrow that we had to squeeze very close together to fit through, and I had to hold my flashlight very close to the ground just to see where we were going, but as we went along, I could hear water dripping from somewhere up ahead—which meant that there must have been some place to go up ahead after all!
We kept on bouncing deeper and deeper into the cave together until finally, we emerged from the darkness on the other side of that narrow passage again.
I was expecting to find a big room or cave or something on the other side of that passage, but instead, I found myself standing at an entrance with a beam of sunlight shining down from above!
And when I stepped outside, I found myself standing in a place with a big white expanse stretching out before me in every direction!
It was so cold outside that I shivered uncontrollably even though I was wearing a warm hat and jacket, and big fluffy earmuffs too!
But my green puffle didn’t seem to mind this cold at all!
As soon as he saw the snow on the ground, he transformed back into his natural form again and bounced happily over to play in it!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all that snow on top of Club Penguin Island!
Suddenly, I hear heavy.. big footsteps, it was Herbert again, and he pressed a button that would lock everything, escape became futile, and he had a bearlike laugh.
I had never seen that much snow in my life before, and I was completely awestruck by the sight!
It was so white and fluffy looking that I wanted to try playing in it too!
But I soon discovered that walking through this snowy landscape wasn’t as easy as it looked either, because the snow was very deep, and my feet kept sinking into it with every step that I took!
My green puffle didn’t have any trouble walking through the snow either, because he simply floated above the ground, and didn’t have to worry about sinking down at all, just like he didn’t have to worry about falling off of cliffs!
So as I followed him along, I tried not to think about how he was also making this look very easy too, and I just kept on trudging through the snow as best as I could.
Then, all of a sudden, I saw something move up ahead of me!
For a moment, I thought it was just my imagination playing tricks on me again, but then I saw it happen once more, and this time, I was sure that something was moving up ahead!
It was something big and dark, and when I looked in that direction, I could see that it was moving away from me, and around a big ice formation that was sitting out in the middle of the snow!
I was still all alone out there, and I was really worried that something might have been trying to sneak up on me, so I called out to my green puffle to come back to me right away!
He must have heard me shouting for him, because he left his game and flew over to me right away, and I hugged him tight as soon as he came back, and then we both went to go check out what that thing was that had been moving around over there.
I felt really scared as we went to go take a look at what was going on, but I was also really curious too, and I just had to know what was going on over there!
So I gathered up all of my courage, and I carefully peeked around that big ice formation to see what was going on over there.
And when I looked, I saw two puffles playing together in the snow!
I was so relieved to see that nothing bad had been happening after all that I almost laughed out loud in relief—and then, those two puffles stopped playing in the snow, and they looked up toward the sky.
They were looking at something up in the air, and then I heard a loud rumbling noise come from somewhere high above us too.
And when I looked in that direction, I saw a huge wall of snow tumbling down off of a cliff high above us!
Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave
Herbert P Bear appeared again.
The avalanche was coming right toward us, and I had to run away from it as fast as I could!
I called out to my green puffle, and I started running across the snow as fast as I could, and my green puffle turned into a trampoline so that we could bounce across the snow and get away from all of that snow that was coming down at us.
We bounced and bounced, and then we jumped up one last time—and the avalanche roared over the place where we had been standing just a moment before!
The snow rushed past me, and I felt the cold air on my face as the entire world turned white for a moment.
And then, everything was still again.
I felt really lucky to have managed to escape from that avalanche with my life, and I got up off of the snow to see what kind of damage there had been out there.
But when I looked around, I saw that there hadn't been any damage at all.
The whole place looked like a pristine winter wonderland—and everything was so still and quiet out there too.
It felt like time had frozen after the avalanche had passed, and everything out there was still covered in a thick white blanket of snow.
The sky was still gray, and the air was still cold, but everything out there looked completely different now that it was all buried under at least a foot of snow.
I could see big snowdrifts piled up all around me, and I could see the tops of trees poking up through the snow in every direction.
And everything else out there was just white!
The snow stretched on and on in every direction that I looked, and I couldn't see the end of it at all!
It felt like I had fallen through the ice into a completely different world than the one that I had left behind up on the surface.
It took my green puffle quite a while to change back into his regular shape after that whole thing with the snow avalanche had happened.
He had changed into a trampoline to help me jump across the snow and get away from that avalanche as fast as I could, but he had gotten really cold during that whole thing—and so when he flew over to me, I saw that he had changed into a big furry scarf to help keep me warm!
I needed something to help keep me warm too, because I was freezing out there—and so I wrapped my green puffle around my neck to help keep myself warm as I looked around out there and tried to figure out what had happened to me just then.
I could see my breath steaming in the cold air as the wind blew through the trees and made them rustle all around me.
Everything else out there was completely still, and completely silent—and then I heard something howling off in the distance somewhere!
Penguin Island: Secrets of the Mysterious Cave
I was dreaming. So I woke up at Herbert P Bears Lair, I was stuck in a cage with 10 locks, and Herbert was holding a syringe again..
But then it stopped again after just a few seconds, and I didn't hear anything else after that.
I didn't know what kind of animal that was or where it had come from, but I didn't want to stick around here in case it came poking around for me—or something worse came out of the woods after me—so I started walking away from there right away, and I left those snowy tree branches behind me once and for all!
I didn't know how long I walked for or how far I went after that, but I did know that I walked for a really long time before I finally got tired of walking in all those deep snowdrifts—and then I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and look around at everything out there again.
It felt like I had been walking for hours, but when I looked around at everything out there again, it looked like nothing had changed at all since the last time I had looked at everything out there!
And then I noticed something weird off in the distance, off on the horizon somewhere, way off in the distance!
It was really small, but it was there—and it was glowing!
Everything else out there was so still, so quiet, and so white that I couldn't believe it when I saw something glowing out there—so my eyes opened wide as I stared at that tiny little dot of light off in the distance, and I squinted my eyes to try to get a better look at it!
I couldn't tell what it was or where it was coming from, but it was definitely glowing—and it was definitely moving!
The more I looked at it, the more I realized that it was actually getting bigger—so I knew that I must be getting closer to it somehow!
I had no idea how far I was going or how long it was going to take for me to get there, but I knew that I had to check that thing out—so I made up my mind right then and there, and I headed off towards that little dot of light as fast as I could go!
My green puffle changed back into his scarf form to help keep me warm as we walked through all those big snowdrifts, but he still hopped along in the snow behind me as we headed off towards that light—and the closer we got to it, the bigger and brighter it got!
It took me a long time and a lot of walking before I finally got close enough to be able to see what it was—and when I finally saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes!
It was some kind of building or something—or some kind of structure, made out of ice or snow or something—and it was huge!