MidReal Story

Paws of Love: A Family's Playful Day


May 12
Scenario:Outside on the lawn, the sun is shining, the family is playing on the lawn, mom and dad with a cute little girl, and a corgi. The little girl was running on the lawn, and the corgi followed her, jumping happily. The little girl accidentally fell while running, and the corgi hurried over and rubbed the little girl's face with his nose. Corgi: "Wow." The little girl sat up and held the corgi, and the corgi licked the little girl's hand. The little girl threw the ball out of her hand, and the corgi quickly ran over to pick it up. The corgi picked up the ball and put it at the little girl's feet, wagging its tail. Mom and Dad sat on the lawn and watched the little girl play with the Corgi with happy smiles on their faces. The little girl was tired of running and sat on the lawn to rest, and the corgi lay on her side and licked her face. Mom took some food and water out of her bag and handed it to the little girl and the corgi. The little girl broke a piece of food and fed it to the corgi, and the corgi ate happily. Dad came over and touched the little girl and the corgi's head. Mom took a frisbee out of her bag and threw it out. The corgi ran quickly to pick up the frisbee, and the little girl chased after him. The family continued to play on the lawn, enjoying the spring sun and warmth.
Create my version of this story
Outside on the lawn, the sun is shining, the family is playing on the lawn, mom and dad with a cute little girl, and a corgi. The little girl was running on the lawn, and the corgi followed her, jumping happily. The little girl accidentally fell while running, and the corgi hurried over and rubbed the little girl's face with his nose. Corgi: "Wow." The little girl sat up and held the corgi, and the corgi licked the little girl's hand. The little girl threw the ball out of her hand, and the corgi quickly ran over to pick it up. The corgi picked up the ball and put it at the little girl's feet, wagging its tail. Mom and Dad sat on the lawn and watched the little girl play with the Corgi with happy smiles on their faces. The little girl was tired of running and sat on the lawn to rest, and the corgi lay on her side and licked her face. Mom took some food and water out of her bag and handed it to the little girl and the corgi. The little girl broke a piece of food and fed it to the corgi, and the corgi ate happily. Dad came over and touched the little girl and the corgi's head. Mom took a frisbee out of her bag and threw it out. The corgi ran quickly to pick up the frisbee, and the little girl chased after him. The family continued to play on the lawn, enjoying the spring sun and warmth.
I ran as fast as I could, my little legs moving as quickly as they could.
The corgi was right behind me, his little legs moving even faster.
He was catching up to me.
I could feel him breathing down my neck.
I had to run faster.
I had to get away from him.
I had to get away from the corgi!
But he was too fast for me, and before I knew it, he was right beside me, and with a playful bark, he pushed me over with his nose.
I tumbled over on the grass, and the corgi jumped on top of me, licking my face all over.
“Get off of me!”
I laughed and pushed him away, but he wouldn’t budge.
He kept licking my face all over, and I couldn’t help but laugh even more.
I called out for my mom in between laughs.
“Sarah!The corgi is attacking me!”
My mom came running out of the house with a worried look on her face, but when she saw that it was just the corgi playing with me, she relaxed and smiled.
“She’s just playing with you.”
The corgi’s tail wagged furiously, and he kept licking my face all over.
I laughed even more, trying to push him away, but he was too strong for me.
He was a corgi, after all.
“Okay, that’s enough,” my mom said, and she picked him up in her arms.
“Let Emily breathe a little.” She set him down on the grass, and he panted happily, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
I sat up and rubbed my face, sticking out my tongue.
His kisses were so slobbery!
But I still loved them.
My mom came over to me and brushed a strand of curly brown hair out of my eyes.
“You two are so cute,” she said.
Just like that, I jumped right back up and started to run again.
The corgi barked at me and came running after me once more.
I laughed and tried to run away from him, but he was too fast for me.
He pushed me over with his nose again, this time on the grass that was a little more wet.
I tumbled over, half from exhaustion and half from the joy of being pushed over by the corgi, and I lay there on the grass with my eyes closed.
The sun was warm on my face, and I could feel the corgi jumping all over me, licking my face all over again while his ears hung down over his eyes.
He kept barking at me, trying to get me to play with him some more, but I could hardly breathe with how much I was laughing.
"Paws of Love: A Family's Playful Day"
My mom came running over, the corgi following her all the way there, and picked me up in her arms.
She cleaned my face off with a tissue, and I snuggled into her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail because I was tired from playing so much.
We were in the backyard, which was small but full of green grass and some trees that were starting to grow back their leaves.
It was a nice day with a bright blue sky.
I could smell the fresh air all around us as if I was breathing it in for the first time.
Just as my mom carried me away from the corgi, he jumped out of her arms and started following us inside again.
“Where are you going?”
I asked him as he ran off.
He didn’t answer me because he was a dog, but we all knew where he was going.
"Paws of Love: A Family's Playful Day"
He was going to make another mess in the house for us to clean up!
I sat down on the floor in the living room while my mom went into the kitchen to make us all some lunch.
The corgi ran into the room, his little legs moving faster than a bullet train, but he stopped when he saw that I was sitting there.
He slowed down and walked over to me instead of jumping all over me like he had been doing before.
He licked my face a few times before lying down at my feet with his head between his paws.
I laughed again and tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge this time.
I gave up after a while because no matter how much I tried to push him away, he would always come back!
I sighed in defeat but then laughed because he had been too cute about it.
I continued to lie there on the floor in silence, staring at the ceiling while he licked my face over and over again until I heard my mom calling us from the kitchen.
It was time for lunch!
As soon as my mom set the plate of sandwiches down on the table in front of us and turned her back for just one second to get some drinks from the fridge, I grabbed one of them and ran off with it into the living room before anyone could stop me.
My mom called after me, but I didn’t listen because I was too fast for her!
I sat down on the floor in front of my favorite television show with my corgi sandwich in hand while the corgi sat there watching me from across the room with his little eyes that were just as big as golf balls.
But then his eyes got even bigger when he saw me take a bite out of it!
I giggled because I knew I was being naughty by eating a sandwich in the living room instead of at the table like I was supposed to be doing, but I didn’t care!
The sandwich was so good, and I was so hungry!
The corgi barked at me and ran over to where I was sitting with the sandwich in my hands while he tried to jump up and take it from me with his little paws that were just as big as buttons.
But I was too fast for him this time!
I took another bite out of it before he could get there and started to laugh again because he was so cute when he was mad!
My mom came running out of the kitchen when she heard me laughing again, but when she saw the scene that was unfolding in front of us with the corgi running around in circles while trying to take the sandwich out of my hands with his mouth open all the way with his tongue hanging out, she couldn’t help but laugh either!
“Mom, help!”
"Paws of Love: A Family's Playful Day"
Before I could take another bite out of it, the corgi jumped on top of me and started to attack me with kisses all over my face while I started to laugh again because it was just so cute!
“Somebody save me!”
I laughed as I tried to push him away while my mom ran over to us and started to laugh even more because it was just too adorable!
“Someone get this vicious beast off of her right now!”
she laughed as she grabbed the corgi by the collar and pulled him off of me while he continued to jump up at me with his little tongue hanging out all the way as far as it would go while he continued to attack me with kisses anyway because he just wouldn’t stop!
“He’s attacking me!”
I laughed as I jumped up to run away from him while he ran after me with his little paws flying everywhere while he continued to attack me with kisses as soon as he caught up to me again while I continued to run around in circles while I tried to get away from him because it was just so much fun!
“Somebody stop this beast!”
I laughed as I tried to push him away from me while he continued to attack me with kisses anyway while I continued to laugh even more because it was just so much fun!
“Emily, you little rascal!”
My mom laughed as she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off of me again before he could attack me for the third time.
But he didn’t care how many times he was being scolded for attacking me with kisses, or how many times we tried to push him away, because he knew that we secretly loved it when he did it anyway, even when we said that we didn’t!
His little tail continued to wag back and forth while he continued to smile at us with his big brown eyes that were just as cute as buttons, even though he was supposed to be getting in trouble for being naughty.
We sat there in the living room for a few more minutes together with our corgi laying on the floor in front of us with his little tongue hanging out while he continued to smile at us with his big brown eyes that were just as big as buttons, like we had nothing better to do, until he jumped up on the couch with us and started to attack me with kisses all over my face again.
“He won’t stop!”
I laughed as I tried to push him away from me again.
“Somebody get this beast off of her right now!”
my mom laughed as she tried to pull him off of me too, but he wouldn’t listen because he was having too much fun!
After a few more minutes, the corgi finally sat back on his haunches on the couch next to me while he continued to smile at us with his big brown eyes that were just as cute as buttons.
But then my mom grabbed him by the collar again and pulled him off of us before he could attack us for the third time.
We sat there playing with our corgi for a few more minutes with our sandwiches in our hands until we finally finished eating them, then my mom grabbed the empty plates from us before she took them back into the kitchen.
“He’s just so irresistibly cute,”
I laughed as I ran after her into the kitchen so that I could give him one more pet before I left.
“I know,”
my mom laughed as she ruffled his fur.
“I just can’t stay mad at him no matter what he does.”