MidReal Story

Passion's Embrace


May 8
Scenario:Man making love to his girlfriend for the first time
Create my version of this story
Man making love to his girlfriend for the first time
When I think of Mary, I think of love.
Six months of dating, and I’m finally ready to ask her to make love with me.
I know she feels the same way, but I didn’t want to be forward or make her uncomfortable.
The last thing I want is to pressure her into something she doesn’t want.
But now I can feel it in my bones.
I can tell she’s ready, too.
I want her in a way that I’ve never wanted anyone before.
Our bond is strong, our love is powerful.
It’s time for us to take the next step in our relationship.
I’m so nervous, I can hardly stand it.
I don’t know how she’ll respond.
What if she doesn’t feel the same way?
What if she thinks it’s too soon?
I just have to remind myself not to rush her, to give her all the time and space she needs.
That’s the only way this will work.
If we’re going to make this commitment to each other, we have to be ready.
And I believe with every fiber of my being that we are.
I’ve been in love before, but nothing like this.
This is a whole different kind of love.
It’s like I was meant to be with Mary, like our hearts were made for each other and it was just a matter of time until we found each other.
I don’t know if it’s fate or destiny or some other cosmic force that brought us together, but I’m eternally grateful for whatever it was.
I didn’t know what love was before Mary, and now that I have her, I don’t know what I’d do without her.
She’s my everything, my entire world.
I’ve spent all day preparing for tonight.
Setting the scene for the momentous occasion when we make love for the first time.
It has to be perfect.
I’ve turned on some soft music, set out candles for lighting, and fixed a meal from our favorite restaurant so we can share a romantic dinner together.
But that’s not what tonight is really about.
It’s about celebrating our love and all the wonderful things it brings into our lives.
Our mutual respect and admiration for each other.
The way we push each other to be our best selves and support each other no matter what.
It’s about opening myself up and being vulnerable with Mary, letting her see me as I truly am and trusting that she’ll accept me for it.
Through thick and thin, good times and bad, and everything in between.
I’m going to put myself out there tonight, because I know that’s what it will take if we’re going to take the next step in our relationship.
And I hope she knows how much this means to me, how much I care about her, and how much I want her.
No matter how nervous I am or how uncertain the future may be, none of that matters if she knows how much I love her and how ready I am to express that love physically through sexual intimacy.
That doesn’t come without some fear or trepidation on my part.
What if I’m not good enough?
What if I don’t know what to do?
What if she laughs at me?
Passion's Embrace
But all that fades away when Mary walks through the door.
We share a quick kiss as she walks inside the apartment.
Her blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail and her green eyes are wide and expectant.
She’s wearing a short skirt and a tight top that shows off her ample cleavage.
She’s beautiful in every way.
She smiles at me when she walks in.
“I hope you’re hungry,” she says.
“Because I made your favorite.”
“I am,” I say.
“You always know how to make me happy.”
“You always know how to make me happy too,” she says.
“I don’t know what my life would look like without you.”
That’s when the nerves hit me again.
My stomach is rolling and my hands are sweating.
It’s time to ask her.
But before I can say anything, she nods towards the dining room.
“Wow,” she says.
“This looks amazing.”
“It’s the least I could do,” I say.
“We have so much to celebrate.”
“I know,” she says.
I pull out her chair for her and then sit down across from her.
Dinner is served.
We eat in silence at first.
The food is delicious and I can’t get enough of it.
But the whole time I’m staring at Mary.
She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and she’s mine.
It still feels surreal that someone like her would want to be with someone like me.
But it’s not just her looks that I’m attracted to.
It’s her personality and the way she carries herself.
The way she talks and walks and laughs.
I love every little thing about her.
And I only love her more with each passing day.
“It was such a nice day today,” she says.
“I can’t wait until we’re old enough to retire.”
“Me too,” I say.
“Then we can spend all day together.”
“And do all of the things we love.”
“And maybe even travel,” I say.
“That would be so much fun.”
She puts down her fork and looks at me with those big green eyes.
“And maybe even make love,” she says.
“I’ve been thinking about it all day long.”
“Me too,” I say.
“The same exact thing.”
She smiles again, then picks up her fork and continues eating.
It’s time to ask her now, before it’s too late.
Before the moment is gone and I lose my nerve again.
“Mary,” I say.
Passion's Embrace
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” she says.
“What is it?”
My heart is pounding in my chest and my palms are sweaty again.
The same way they were when I asked her out on our first date.
The same way they were when I finally kissed her for the first time after weeks of trying to work up the courage to do it.
And now my palms are sweaty again because I’m about to ask her something that could change everything between us.
Something that’s been on my mind for a while now, but that I haven’t been able to work up the nerve to ask her until now.
“Will you be gentle with me?”
I say, reaching out and taking her hand in mine.
“Of course I will,” she says, squeezing my hand gently.
“Can you light a fire for me?”
That playful smile is back on her face and I can’t help but smile back at her.
She’s so cute when she’s being silly like this.
But I know that she’s not just being silly right now.
She’s being serious, too.
“Of course I can,” I say.
“I’ll light a fire that will never go out.”
“You’d better,” she says, her smile still there but her tone growing serious all of a sudden as well.
“I don’t know what I would do without you.”
We’re both silent for a moment then, just staring at each other over the table and squeezing each other’s hands gently as we sit there in silence, lost in our love for one another.
Finally, I can’t take it anymore and I lean in closer to her across the table and gently touch my lips to hers, feeling an electric shock run through me the moment they touch and we kiss each other gently at first before gradually kissing each other more deeply and passionately.
Passion's Embrace