MidReal Story

Olivia , who is pregnant with twins , is confronted


May 5
Scenario:Olivia, who is pregnant with twins, is confronted by a pack of wolves led by an Alpha named Hawthorne, who recognizes her as a lone wolf and threatens her.
Create my version of this story
Olivia, who is pregnant with twins, is confronted by a pack of wolves led by an Alpha named Hawthorne, who recognizes her as a lone wolf and threatens her.
Collecting herbs in the forest was a lot easier when I wasn’t about to throw up what little I ate.
But it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and I needed to make the most of it.
I needed to find anything that could help with my morning sickness.
So with my backpack on my back, I wandered further into the trees, ignoring the way my stomach rolled and clenched.
I’d been feeling nauseous for days now.
My body was slowly changing as my pregnancy progressed, but I refused to let it slow me down.
And as a lone wolf, no one was here to help me.
So I pushed through the nausea and focused only on my task.
As I harvested some lavender for a new batch of oil, I heard a noise—a rustle in the bushes.
I paused, lifting my head to the wind and inhaling deeply, but there was nothing odd about this scent.
I was about to continue my work when I heard a low growl.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I slowly turned around, my eyes widening in shock as I saw a pack of wolves surrounding me.
There were at least ten of them, maybe more.
But there was one in particular that caught my eye—a black wolf with piercing green eyes, his body strong and powerful.
He was Alpha of this pack, that much was clear from his presence alone.
And the black fur that covered him like a second skin only served to make him even more intimidating.
But his eyes were what drew me in, capturing me so completely that I couldn’t tear my gaze away even if I tried.
Because those eyes were staring intently at me, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled deeply.
Trying to pick up on my scent.
But I’d made sure that was impossible by dousing myself with lavender oil before coming out into the woods today.
“I can smell you,” he snarled, his voice deep and dangerous.
“You’re trying to hide your scent from me.”
“And you’re desperate to find it,” I replied evenly, refusing to show any fear where he could see it.
I knew better than to let an Alpha like him see any weakness or vulnerability on my part—especially since I was a lone wolf right now.
It wouldn’t be hard for him to pick up on something like that and use it to his advantage.
“Who are you?Why are you here?”
“You can call me Olivia,” I said with a small smile, deciding that there was no point in pretending I didn’t know who he was—especially when I could smell the power rolling off him in waves.
“What do you want from me?”
I asked instead, trying to get him to tell me what he planned to do so I could plan accordingly.
His eyes narrowed as he took another step toward me, his black fur shining in the sunlight as he did so.
Olivia , who is pregnant with twins , is confronted
Life of a little toddler girl going to school
“I want you to join my pack,” he growled, his voice echoing around me as he spoke.“I want you to submit to me and become my mate.”
I knew exactly what he wanted.
He wanted me on my knees with my head bowed before him—showing him that he was in control and that I belonged to him now.
But I wasn’t about to submit to anyone like that—especially not someone who thought they could just walk all over me since I was a lone wolf at the moment.
I might not have a pack right now, but that didn’t make me any less of a threat to him than I would be if I still had one backing me up.
So I slowly shook my head, keeping my eyes locked on his as I did so.
“I’m not doing anything you ask,” I said firmly, lifting my chin as I spoke.
“There are other wolves in this area—why not target them?”
“They’re not important,” he said with a dismissive shrug of his massive shoulders.
“You’re the one who matters here.You’re the one who smelled so sweet that I had to track you down.”
I took another step back, trying to put some distance between us as I did so.
And I could tell by the way his lip curled into a snarl that he didn’t like being denied what he wanted.
But too bad for him.
“Please, just let me go,” I begged, surprising both of us with how desperate I sounded.
But I couldn’t help it.
I needed to protect these babies at all costs, and I would do whatever it took to keep them safe.
Even if that meant begging on my hands and knees for mercy from an Alpha like him.
Especially when he had me cornered with nowhere left to run.“Let you go?”
he repeated, sounding genuinely surprised by what I was asking for.
“You think I’m going to let someone like you just walk away from me?
You think I’m going to let you slip through my fingers when I’ve finally found you?”
I have no idea why you’re targeting me,” I replied honestly, shrugging one shoulder ever so slightly.
“There are plenty of other wolves more than willing to join your pack.
So why not target them instead?”
But he just shook his head, taking another step closer to me even as I took another step back.
“Because you’re the one I want,” he said simply, his voice sounding almost bored now.
“But you’re not going to come quietly, are you?”
I shook my head, my nails digging into my palms painfully as I tried to summon up the courage to go through with this.
I had no idea how I was going to beat a pack this size—let alone an Alpha as strong and powerful as Hawthorne Blackwood—but I had no other choice at this point.
I’d let him push me around for far too long now.
And it was time to show him that I wasn’t going down without a fight.
Even if that meant fighting until my last breath.
“Then don’t blame me if I have to break you to get what I want,” he said with a shrug, his eyes already looking bored by this entire conversation.
“You’ll come to me willingly soon enough.”
I shook my head, my hands clenching into fists by my side as I glared at him.
Olivia , who is pregnant with twins , is confronted