MidReal Story

Olivia Evans s apartment floods and Joshua Anderson , her


May 25
Scenario:Olivia Evans's apartment floods and Joshua Anderson, her childhood best friend's older brother, offers to help fix it, leading to a spark between them.
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Olivia Evans's apartment floods and Joshua Anderson, her childhood best friend's older brother, offers to help fix it, leading to a spark between them.
He’s so unbelievably sexy that I have to remind myself to breathe.
I try not to look at him too closely, but it’s hard not to when he’s practically glowing like this.
I can feel the warmth of his gaze on me, and for some reason, it makes my cheeks start to burn.
I pull my eyes away from him and glance around the room instead.
There are towels and pillows and cushions and other miscellaneous items scattered all over the floor, and the water is starting to pool up in different places, causing everything to get soggy and gross.
I can’t believe how much damage this is going to do.
My living room is ruined.
Joshua sets the wrench down on the floor and then starts to bend over, grabbing a towel off the back of the couch as he goes.
It’s a tight fit for him, but he manages to make it look good all the same.
“Here,” he says, holding the towel out for me.
He keeps his eyes on me as I take the towel from him, and I can see the concern in his expression as he watches how I’m reacting.
It makes me feel embarrassed all over again, knowing that he’s seeing me like this.
It would have been bad enough even if it were only Mia who had caught me in this situation, but the fact that Joshua is here too just makes it worse.
He’s going to think that I’m a total mess, even if I am.
But what can I do?
I don’t have any other options.
There was no way that I was going to be able to clean up this mess on my own, so I called Mia over to help me.
I should have known better than that.
She was having a guy over tonight, so of course she was going to be busy with him.
I could have asked someone else, but all of our other friends were busy too, so there was really only one other person who I could call in a situation like this.
“Thanks,” I say, trying to give Joshua a smile even though it comes out looking more like a grimace.
I turn away from him and bend down to start picking up some of the things off of the floor.
The water is starting to get higher and higher now, so it’s important for me to get everything out of the way before it gets ruined any further than it already has been.
I’m not even sure if there’s anything left for me to save at this point.
The entire front half of my apartment is flooded with water, and everything in it has been soaked through completely.
All of my boxes have been destroyed, and every single one of my belongings has been scattered all over the floor.
Everything is turning into a huge mess, and there’s nothing that I can do about it.
This was supposed to be my last night here before moving in with Mia and Noah next week, and now everything is falling apart around me sooner than I could have ever anticipated.
As soon as Joshua sees what I’m doing, he starts to help me pick things up too.
Olivia Evans s apartment floods and Joshua Anderson , her