MidReal Story

Ocean of Dreams

Scenario:In the year 201, the high-profile fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program finally launched the selection of volunteers. This news has aroused the attention of all walks of life. For many, this is an opportunity. For a time, thousands of enthusiastic young people began to compete fiercely for this precious place with dreams and expectations.
Create my version of this story
In the year 201, the high-profile fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program finally launched the selection of volunteers. This news has aroused the attention of all walks of life. For many, this is an opportunity. For a time, thousands of enthusiastic young people began to compete fiercely for this precious place with dreams and expectations.
Chapter 1 In 201, the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program finally opened the selection of volunteers.
This news has caused a sensation in the world.
The selection of volunteers has always been a high-profile event.
In order to ensure that this role is assumed by the most suitable talents, each phase will be selected only after ten years of preparation.
The average selection time is five to six years.
This time, it took a full ten years.
It can be said that there has never been a fifth phase that has attracted so much attention before it was launched.
In an instant, the news spread all over the world, and it aroused the attention of all walks of life.
For some people, it is an opportunity to change fate.
Some people even see this as a shortcut to realize their dreams in one fell swoop.
For a time, thousands of enthusiastic young people began to compete fiercely for this precious place with dreams and expectations.
The Blue Ocean Plan was launched in 198 by a private enterprise with no military background.
The goal is clear: to explore the blue ocean planet within 200 light-years and build a new home for human beings on it.
According to their plan, this is entirely feasible.
The key to the Blue Ocean Program is “pioneering”.
After arriving at the target planet, the colonists need to start from scratch and build everything from scratch.
This includes artificial intelligence robots and even spacecraft needed for future exploration.
In order to prepare for this moment, the Blue Ocean Program has laid out a complete ecosystem for more than thirty years, attracting more than 1,300 scientists and more than 2,000 engineers.
At the same time, there are more than 700,000 young people actively applying to become pioneers in the future.
Over the past thirty years, the Blue Ocean Program has been accompanied by controversy all the way.
Many people question whether human beings can travel at light speed, how long it will take to arrive at the target planet if they fly at sub-light speed, and what resources will be available after landing on the planet?
There are also many people who question whether these humans can survive on alien planets with different environments from Earth, and whether artificial intelligence robots will become Skynet as in science fiction movies… In short, no one knows how far it will go on this road of pioneering humanity.
The most controversial issue is that since its establishment in 1980, the Blue Ocean Program has spent a total of 4 trillion US dollars.
It is said that half of this funding comes from donations from all walks of life because of its “human salvation” goal, and another quarter comes from governments around the world.
Ocean of Dreams
At the end of the 20th century, when the Blue Ocean Program was first established, it was not well received by all walks of life, and it was even ridiculed as a “crazy plan”.
However, after the discovery of a blue ocean planet similar to Earth twenty years ago, the Blue Ocean Program finally had an opportunity to take off.
After the successful colonization of the first phase of Mars and the second phase of the moon, humans are full of confidence in the Blue Ocean Program, and more and more governments are willing to invest in it.
After all, if they can successfully colonize Hope, the benefits to human civilization are unimaginable.
In the past few decades, overpopulation has become an increasingly serious problem on Earth, and resources have been rapidly depleted, leading to more frequent wars and environmental degradation.
Hope is a breathable planet with abundant natural resources and many similarities to Earth, so if humans can successfully colonize it, they will be able to alleviate these problems fundamentally, thus creating new opportunities for human development.
After the pioneers from the third phase succeeded in colonizing Hope, they immediately began their work of transforming the planet.
With their hard work and dedication, Hope has become more and more hospitable to humans.Numerous cities have been built on its surface, and its atmosphere has gradually become similar to Earth’s.
Nowadays, there are tens of millions of people living on Hope, who enjoy high-quality food and drinking water every day just like on Earth.
Of course, there are still some differences between Hope and Earth because of their different ecosystems.For example, there are all kinds of strange plants and animals on Hope that do not exist on Earth.
However, what is certain is that Hope is no longer an alien planet for humans.
On the contrary, it is an ideal planet for them to live on.
The success of the colonization of Hope not only made the Blue Ocean Program more popular than ever before but also attracted many top talents from various fields to apply for the position of pioneers.
After all, not everyone can become astronauts or soldiers like the pioneers from the third phase.
The number of people who can be selected as pioneers is limited.
Therefore, for many people who dream of becoming pioneers, the most important thing to do is to stand out from the crowd so that they can receive the attention of the selection committee.
At this moment, the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program has finally opened the selection of volunteers after ten years of preparation.
As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the world.
Many young people from different countries have begun to sign up for the competition in order to have the opportunity to be selected.
Emma Thompson’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the news about the commencement of the selection process for volunteers in the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program.
She quickly opened the official website of the Blue Ocean Program and saw a detailed recruitment advertisement on it.
It was mentioned in the advertisement that the selection process for volunteers in the fifth phase was as rigorous as before.
There were only 200 spots available in total, but more than 700,000 applications had been received so far.
This meant that competition for these limited spots would be fierce.
In addition, in order to ensure that they could select the best possible candidates to become pioneers this time, the organizer had increased their requirements for volunteers.
In other words, only those who met these requirements would have the opportunity to be selected by them.
When Emma saw this, she hesitated for a moment.
She knew that she had no chance to be selected if she competed with so many people.
After all, she was just an ordinary university student who had just graduated from school not long ago.
She didn’t have any professional skills or rich experience in any field.
As such, how could she compete with those geniuses or experts in various fields?
But after thinking about it carefully, she finally decided to give it a try.
After all, it was an opportunity for her to become a pioneer, which was not something she could get easily.
If she missed this chance, there might not be another one in her lifetime.
So, with this thought in mind, she immediately signed up for the competition without any hesitation.
The selection of volunteers for the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program has officially started, and we are looking forward to your participation!
This message popped up on her computer screen after she submitted her application, which made her feel a little nervous.
She didn’t know if she could become a pioneer, but she hoped that her dream of being one would come true soon.
Of course, Emma wasn’t the only one who signed up for the competition to become a pioneer in this fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program.
In fact, many other young people like her also signed up for it when they learned about this news, hoping to become one of the 200 people selected by them.
Among them were Alex Johnson, who was an engineering student from the same university as Emma.
He had always dreamed of becoming an astronaut since he was a child.
As such, he was quite excited when he heard the news of the selection of volunteers for the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program.
He immediately signed up for the competition without any hesitation.
After graduating from school not long ago, he had been looking for an opportunity to achieve his dream ever since.
And now, this chance has finally come to him!
At the same time, there were also other young people like Sophia Rodriguez who signed up for the competition as well.
Sophia was an acquaintance of Emma and Alex.
Although she had never mentioned it to them before, she was actually quite interested in computer hacking.
She loved using her computer skills to do some challenging things or have some fun.
For example, she once hacked into the database of the Department of Defense of the United States to get some confidential information about aliens.
Ocean of Dreams
She even tried to hack into the system of NASA once to check the information about the Blue Ocean Program.
Sophia was a very talented girl.
She was good at almost everything she did.
That was why Emma and Alex admired her so much.
She was so amazing in their eyes!
Although they were not very familiar with each other, they were still quite close.
They often chatted online or played games together.
So when they saw each other signing up for the competition, they immediately sent messages to each other to discuss it.
Emma said that she wanted to become a pioneer because she loved science so much.
She had been dreaming of becoming a scientist since she was a child.
Therefore, she hoped that she could have an opportunity to be one by joining the Blue Ocean Program this time.
After all, there were so many things in the universe for her to explore, such as biochemistry that she was very interested in.
Although she could also study it on Earth, there were many limitations here, such as ethical constraints and economic factors.
She might not have enough resources or equipment to conduct experiments or research on some subjects here.
However, these things could be easily solved if she became a pioneer in the Blue Ocean Program.
She could go to some other planets with her teammates to conduct research on these subjects there.
Besides, she could also develop some new drugs or treatments for diseases there, which were not available on Earth at present.
Maybe she would even win a Nobel Prize in medicine or chemistry one day!
Therefore, Emma was quite excited when she thought about it.
She couldn’t wait to get started on this mission soon!
As for Alex, he said that he wanted to become a pioneer because he wanted to fulfill his dream of becoming an astronaut.
Sophia was quite surprised when she heard him say this.
She asked him why he wanted to be an astronaut since he was an engineer and had nothing to do with it.
Alex replied that it was true.
However, he was so talented in his field that he could study or work in any other field if he wanted to.
He just liked astronauts more than engineers, so he hoped he could become one in the future.
He also said that his family had many debts and failed businesses in recent years, which made him feel very stressed.
He couldn’t bear it anymore, so he decided to leave them and make a fresh start.
But in order to do this, he needed money.
Lots of money!
So when he saw the advertisement for the selection of volunteers for the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program, he immediately signed up for it without any hesitation.
Perhaps he could achieve his dream and make a fortune by doing this mission!
After listening to his story, Emma and Sophia couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
They also admired him very much for what he did.
He was such a kind and brave boy in their eyes!
Although only a few hours had passed since its opening, more than 50,000 people had signed up for the competition already.
This number was quite large compared with other times.
After all, not everyone had the courage and ability to become pioneers.
They needed not only intelligence but also determination and adventurousness.
In other words, these people were all geniuses or experts who were eager to become pioneers and had no fear of death at all!
Among these people, there were also many young college students like Emma and Alex who took part in it for fun.
Ocean of Dreams
Emma was even more determined to join the Blue Ocean Program after she saw that her friends were all disqualified.
In her opinion, they were all geniuses who could do anything they wanted to do if they worked hard.
Unfortunately, they failed.
It was such a pity that they were not given another chance to prove themselves again.
But Emma was different from them.
She was still in the running for it, and she would never give up on it even if she failed at last!
Because of this, she became more and more hardworking and determined to excel in all aspects of this selection process.
She studied all day and night to improve her knowledge and skills.
She exercised regularly to keep her body in good physical condition.
She also took good care of her mental health by meditating and doing yoga to relieve stress and anxiety as well.
Emma’s hard work paid off when she passed three levels of tests in three months.
She was so happy that she jumped up and down with joy when she received an email notification stating that she could move on to the next level of tests soon!
At that time, Alex saw her jumping up and down like an excited little girl.
He couldn’t help but look at her again and again.
He thought she was quite cute when she acted like this.
This made him feel happy when he saw her like this.
He also felt quite relieved that she could pass three levels of tests in three months.
Because it meant that they were both talented enough to become pioneers!
At that time, Alex became more and more interested in her, so he decided to get to know her better.
He also thought it was quite important for him to form a team with her later.
After all, she was not only an intelligent girl but also in good physical condition.
She was the perfect partner for him!
Alex sent an email to Emma after thinking about it for a while.
In his email, he praised her for passing three levels of tests in three months and said that she was an amazing girl.
He also proposed that they should form a team together since they both had talents and abilities that were needed by pioneers.
In his opinion, they would definitely make it if they worked together as one!
Emma was very happy when she received his email.
She replied that she felt honored to be invited by him.
She also agreed to form a team with him as well.
Alex was so excited when he saw her reply.
He told Sophia about it right away.
Sophia was quite surprised when she heard it too.
Then she smiled at him and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”
After that, she shook hands with him happily.
Eventually, they formed a team called “Blue Ocean Team” together.
Emma was responsible for studying biology, medicine, and chemistry while Alex was responsible for studying physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.
They also studied other subjects as well as trained themselves physically every day.
When it came time to take the test, they both passed it easily one month later.
They were so excited that they jumped up and down with joy when they received an email notification stating that they could become pioneers soon!
All the other aspirants were also excited when they heard about it.
They couldn’t help but look forward to it now!
Ocean of Dreams
The fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program finally launched the selection of volunteers in 201.
This news spread all over the world in an instant.
Many people, including aspirants, researchers, politicians, and so on, were very excited when they heard about it.
They felt that it was their chance to become pioneers soon.
So, they all wanted to take part in it immediately!
Of course, many people had been dreaming about being a pioneer since 200.
Now that the fifth phase of the Blue Ocean Program had finally launched the selection of volunteers, their dreams were finally going to come true!
Many famous actors and actresses, singers, writers, and public figures expressed their support for the program and volunteers on their social media accounts.
Some people even announced that they would take part in it as well!
Thousands of young people around the world who were dreaming of becoming pioneers started to gather at all the test sites in the world.
They were all competing with each other to become volunteers for the program.
When the selection of volunteers began, Emma and Alex couldn’t wait to take part in it as well.
So, they went to the nearest test site in New York City.
There were thousands of young people who were waiting in line at the test site when they arrived there.
Some of them were preparing themselves for the test by studying textbooks, watching videos, or reading materials about the Blue Ocean Program on their smartphones or tablets.
Some of them were chatting with each other and having fun while waiting in line.
And some of them were stretching their bodies and doing some exercises to keep themselves in good shape.
Emma and Alex thought that they should do something like what other young people were doing while waiting in line as well.
So, they took a bottle of water out of their backpacks and drank some water first.
Then they started to stretch their bodies and do some exercises too after putting the bottle of water back into their backpacks.
They had to do some exercises too to make sure that they could pass the test.
After all, the test would be very difficult for them since they had to compete with other aspirants, who were all very talented young people.
Emma and Alex did the exercises for a long time until they felt tired.
Then they took a short break before they continued to do the exercises again.
They repeated this process until they finished all the exercises.
Emma and Alex looked at each other as they smiled at each other.
Then they held their hands tightly together.
They also promised each other that they would pass the test, no matter what happened!
When it came time to take the test, Emma and Alex tried their best to answer the questions on the test paper as quickly as possible.
Ocean of Dreams
There were many questions on the test paper that they didn’t know how to answer at the beginning.
However, they didn’t give up and kept on trying to answer the questions until they finished answering all questions on the test paper.
After that, they gave their answer sheets to the staff at the test site before they left the test site too.
As they walked out of the test site, Emma asked Alex a question, “Do you think we can pass the test?”
Alex looked at Emma before he answered her question with a smile on his face.
He said to Emma, “Of course, we can pass the test!”
“We have been best friends for so many years!”
“We have gone through so many challenges together ever since we were children!”
“We will definitely not be defeated by any challenge that comes our way this time!”
Emma’s eyes were shining when she heard what Alex said to her.
She looked at Alex before she said to him excitedly.
We can do it!”
She said that because she knew that she could always rely on Alex for help whenever she needed help ever since they were children.
Alex was always there for her at that time, no matter what happened.
She knew that Alex would always be there for her even at this moment as well.
She also knew that Alex would support her to do anything that she wanted to do in her life.
So she believed in Alex that he would definitely help her pass the test and realize her dream of exploring the world together with him as well.
Emma Thompson was a beautiful young lady with long brown hair and deep blue eyes.
She was also an intelligent and talented young lady who loved science very much.
She loved science because science could help her to explore the world and find answers to the questions that she had in her mind.
She was always lost in thought whenever she thought about the mysteries of the universe and the existence of humans as well.
She also wrote down all her thoughts about these things in her notebook so that she could read them again later.
She was very organized and good at managing her own time.
She even made a schedule for herself every day and followed it strictly as well.
Her parents didn’t have to worry about her studies at all because she was able to take care of herself very well.
Alex Johnson was an athletic young man with a strong body and an adventurous soul.
He was very good at playing soccer and running as well.
He also liked to play video games and watch movies during his free time too.
He wanted to be a soldier when he was young because he thought that soldiers were heroes who could protect their own countries from harm and danger.
However, his parents didn’t agree with his decision at all because they thought that being a soldier was a very dangerous job to do in their country.
So they asked him to change his mind and choose something else to do instead.
In the end, Alex decided to become an engineer because he thought that engineers could help to build things that people needed in their daily lives and make the world a better place for everyone to live as well.
He was also very good at solving problems and fixing machines too because he liked to play with machines very much when he was a child.
That was why many people in his community on the island of Kerguelen liked him and respected him very much since he was a child.
Emma and Alex were both excited about the Blue Ocean Program because it would allow them to explore new worlds that they had never seen before and learn more things that they didn’t know before too.
Ocean of Dreams
However, they also knew that it would not be easy to pass the test and become a volunteer of the program because there would be many challenges that they had to face in the future too.
They would have to be prepared for these challenges in order to pass the test and realize their dreams of exploring the world together as well.
They also knew that they had to work very hard and do their best to help each other pass the test and become volunteers of the program too.
Otherwise, they would not be able to do what they wanted to do in their lives at all.
They both loved each other very much too because they had been best friends since they were children, and they understood each other very well too.
However, they decided not to tell each other about this feeling because they thought that it would not be good to fall in love with each other at this moment when they had so many things to do in their lives too.
Instead, they chose to become good friends and help each other realize their dreams of being volunteers of the Blue Ocean Program together as well.
Although Emma and Alex knew that they had a deep, platonic love for each other, they also realized that they had the potential to become a couple as well because they both loved each other so much too.
However, they chose to set aside this feeling for now and focus on fulfilling the dreams that they had in their lives instead because they thought that it would be better for them to be friends and help each other realize their dreams of exploring the world together with the Blue Ocean Program first before doing anything else as well.
They also believed that their bond was strong enough to withstand any trial that they might face in the future too.
So they decided to become a team and work together to help each other pass the test and become volunteers of the program as well.
As a result, Emma used her intelligence to come up with ideas on how to solve problems and answer questions during the test while Alex used his technical skills to build machines and devices that could help her pass the test and become a volunteer of the program as well.
They were very happy about the results that they got and believed that they would definitely pass the next test too because they were both very talented and could help each other realize their dreams of exploring the world together with the program very well too.
They were both confident and excited about what they were about to do in their lives, so they decided to prepare for it immediately and start doing it soon too.
As a result, they worked very hard and did their best to prepare for it with each other together too.
That was when a young lady named Sophia Rodriguez came up to them and offered her assistance to them after recognizing them as the “dream couple” who were known even among the participants of the program too.
Sophia Rodriguez was a smart and witty young lady who loved hacking very much.
She was also an independent young lady who believed that girls could do anything that boys could do too, so she chose to study computer science at school and become a hacker in her life too.
Ocean of Dreams
Emma and Alex were both surprised by her offer and asked her why she wanted to help them pass the test instead of working on it alone without telling anyone else, so she told them that she needed some help from them in order to pass it soon too.
Sophia Rodriguez also told them that she knew a lot of things that she did not know and could help them in solving many problems and answering many questions that they did not know either during the test too, so she decided to join them and become part of their team together at once too.
Emma and Alex asked her if she was sure about what she wanted to do, so she told them that she was sure about it and believed that they would definitely pass it together with each other too because she thought that they were all talented enough and could help each other pass it very well too.
And she was right about it indeed because Emma, Alex, and Sophia all passed the test easily after working together on it without any difficulty at all too.
They were both happy about what they did and thought that no one else could work together like them in order to pass it easily as well, so they decided to wait for the next test immediately and see what it was going to be like too.
As a result, they were surprised when they were approached by a pair of young men who wanted to join them in forming a team for the test as well.
They were the twins who were known for their exceptional engineering skills and accomplishments in artificial intelligence and robotics too.
The twins told them that they wanted to work with Emma, Alex, and Sophia in helping them become volunteers of the program because they knew how talented they were and thought that it would be better for them to work with each other instead of doing it alone by themselves, so they asked the trio if they could join them too.
Emma, Alex, and Sophia were surprised when they heard their question, so they asked them if they were sure about what they wanted to do before telling them that they were a little skeptical about it too.
The twins told them that they had thought about it already and were sure about it, so they wanted to join them in forming a team for the test as well.
The twins also told them that they knew a lot of things that they did not know and could help them solve many problems and answer many questions that they did not know too, so they asked them to let them become part of their team as well.
After hearing their answer, Emma, Alex, and Sophia thought about it carefully before telling them that they would let them become part of their team too because they knew how talented they were and thought that no one else could work with them like they could either.
And they were right because the two pairs of twins became part of their team immediately after that and worked with each other in solving problems, answering questions, building machines, devices, gadgets, or tools that could help Emma pass the test easily without any difficulty at all too.
Ocean of Dreams
After that, Emma, Alex, and Sophia became eighteenth among the top twenty candidates who passed the test easily without any difficulty at all.
After passing the test, Emma and Alex knew that the next thing that they needed to do was find someone who was willing to work with them as their third teammate for the selection process too.
They also knew that it was not going to be easy for them to find someone who was going to help them pass the test easily without any difficulty at all but knew that they had to do something about it anyway, so they asked the twins if they knew someone who was willing to become part of their team too.
The twins told them that they did not know anyone but told them to ask the people who also passed the test if they were willing to work with them too before telling Emma, Alex, and Sophia that one of the requirements for the blue ocean program was all teams must have at least three members instead of two before asking them if they were sure about what they wanted to do.
Emma, Alex, and Sophia were a little surprised when they heard the twins' question, so they asked them to explain it to them a little more before telling them that it was going to be hard for them to find someone who wanted to work with them as their third teammate for the test because the candidate who was willing to work with them must be someone who was talented, intelligent, and passionate about the blue ocean program too.
The twins told them that they understood what they meant but also told them that there was nothing that they could do about it too.
Emma, Alex, and Sophia knew that the twins were right and thought about it for a while before deciding to ask the candidates if they were willing to become part of their team too.
They also told each other that if the candidate was willing to become part of their team, then it was going to be good for them but if the candidate was not willing to become part of their team, then it was going to be a waste of time and effort for them too.
And Emma, Alex, and Sophia did exactly what they wanted to do too because they knew that there was nothing else that they could do too.
So after asking the candidates, Emma, Alex, and Sophia found out that there was only one person who was willing to become part of their team too.
And her name was Sophia Rodriguez, a talented hacker who had short black hair and wore glasses too.
She was also the same person who passed the test easily without any difficulty at all as well.
Sophia was surprised when she received an email from Emma and Alex, two of the most outstanding candidates for the blue ocean program, asking her if she was willing to become part of her team for the selection process too.
Sophia knew that this was her chance to escape from her current reality and be part of something extraordinary too, so she decided to accept Emma and Alex's offer before replying to their email.
Ocean of Dreams
Hi, my name is Emma Thompson, and this is my best friend, Alex Johnson.
We are contacting you because we would like to invite you to become our third team member too.
We know that this is quite sudden, but we hope that you are willing to work with us too.
We have gone through all of the candidates who have passed the test and found out that you are the most suitable candidate that we can find.
We hope that you are interested in becoming our third team member too.
We will be waiting for your reply.
Thank you, Emma and Alex.
Sophia was quite surprised when she read Emma and Alex's email, so she thought about it for a while before deciding to reply to their email too.
What do you want me to do?
Sophia asked Emma and Alex after typing her reply because she knew that there was nothing else that she could do except ask them what they wanted her to do too.
She was also quite curious about what Emma and Alex wanted her to do too, so she decided to ask them what they wanted her to do too.
Hi, my name is Emma Thompson, and this is my best friend, Alex Johnson.
We are contacting you because we would like you to become our third team member too.
We hope that you are interested in becoming our third team member too.
We will be waiting for your reply.
Thank you, Emma and Alex.
Sophia was quite surprised when she received an email from Emma and Alex, two of the most outstanding candidates for the blue ocean program, asking her if she was willing to become part of her team for the selection process too.
Sophia knew that this was her chance to escape from her current reality and be part of something extraordinary too, so she decided to accept Emma and Alex's offer before replying to their email too.
What do you want me to do?
Sophia asked Emma and Alex after typing her reply because she knew that there was nothing else that she could do except ask them what they wanted her to do too.
She was also quite curious about what Emma and Alex wanted her to do too, so she decided to ask them what they wanted her to do too.
Hi, my name is Emma Thompson, and this is my best friend, Alex Johnson.
We are contacting you because we would like you to become our third team member too.
We have seen your results from the test, so we know that you are talented and intelligent enough to become our third team member too.
We hope that you are interested in becoming our third team member, so we will be waiting for your reply.
Thank you, Emma and Alex.
Sophia was quite surprised when she read Emma and Alex's email, so she thought about it for a while before deciding to reply to their email too.
Yes, I am interested in becoming your third team member, Sophia replied after typing her reply because she knew that there was nothing else that she could say except saying that she was interested in becoming their third team member too.
Sophia was quite excited when she read the email from Emma and Alex saying that they would love it if Sophia became their third team member as well.
Because she knew that this was going to be a great opportunity for her since she had never been given a great opportunity like this one too.
Sophia knew that this was going to be a great opportunity for her since she had never been given a great opportunity like this one before, so she did not want to miss this opportunity at all as well.
I would love it if we could meet somewhere so that we could discuss everything too.
Sophia asked Emma and Alex after typing her reply because she knew that they needed a place where they could meet too.
She was quite curious about what they were going to discuss too, so she decided to ask them what they wanted them to discuss too.
Yes, I would love it too.
Do you want me to decide where we are going to meet?
Sophia asked Emma and Alex after typing her reply because she knew that they needed a place where they could meet too.
She was also quite curious about what they were going to discuss too, so she decided to ask them where they wanted them to meet too.
Yes, you can decide where we are going to meet then.
We will be waiting for you there.
Emma replied after typing her reply because she knew that there was nothing else that she could say except saying that Sophia could decide where they were going to meet too.
Sophia knew that there was nothing else that she could do except wait for the day when they were going to meet then.
They decided that they would meet at a café near her school first since it was a great place for them since it was not far away from her school too.
Sophia was already at the café when Emma and Alex arrived too.
Sophia was quite nervous at first since it was her first time meeting them as a team member.
However, she was also quite excited at the same time too since it was her first time being part of something great too.
Sophia was also quite surprised when she saw Emma and Alex walking towards her too.
She was also quite surprised when she saw how beautiful and confident Emma was as well.
She was also quite surprised when she saw how tall and athletic Alex was as well.
Sophia could tell that they were both talented enough to become part of the blue ocean program since they both looked like great leader materials too.
Hi, I am Sophia Rodriguez.
We decided to meet here first because it is near our school too.
I hope you don't mind.
Sophia said after introducing herself because she knew that there was nothing else that she could say except saying where they were meeting too.
Nice meeting you, Sophia.
We don't mind coming here too.
It's nice here too.
Emma said after introducing herself too.
Nice meeting you.
It's nice here too.
Alex said after introducing himself as well.
Nice meeting you guys too.
I hope we can work together as a team then.
Sophia said after saying goodbye too.
I hope so too.
It's nice meeting you.
We hope that you will become part of this team soon.
It's nice meeting you too.
I hope so too.
Sophia replied after saying goodbye too because she knew that there was nothing else that she could say too.
Sophia was also quite excited when she met Emma and Alex for the first time because she knew that they would become a great team together too.
Sophia was also quite confident that she would become part of Emma and Alex's team too because she knew how well-prepared she was for the test since she had been preparing for it for a long time.
Sophia was quite confident about what she was capable of doing too.
And she knew how much effort and time she had spent on preparing for it too.
Sophia knew how hard and challenging the test would be too.
And she knew how much effort and time she had spent on preparing for it too.
The test was going to have three different parts which were physical tests, mental tests and problem-solving tests too.
Sophia knew how hard and challenging the test would be.
It was designed in such a way that it would push all of the candidates who applied for it too.
Ocean of Dreams
Sophia didn't know what would happen next since she wasn't sure if they were going to go through with it or not.
Sophia Rodriguez was just sitting down comfortably on her bed while watching her favourite TV shows while eating some snacks and drinking some soda as well.
She was just wearing her casual clothes while doing so too.
Sophia was also quite excited about what she was watching on TV.
But then suddenly Sophia received an email from Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson who invited her to work with them for the blue ocean program selection process.
And Sophia wasn't sure if this was real or not since she hadn't met Emma and Alex before either.
And then Sophia wasn't sure if they wanted her either since they could've asked other people instead of her too.
Sophia didn't know what else they wanted since they didn't write much in their email either.
Sophia wasn't sure if they wanted anything else from her either since they could've asked other people instead of her.
And Sophia didn't know what else could happen next since there wasn't much information provided by them either.
Sophia Rodriquez was also quite surprised when she saw that her email was from Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson.
She was quite surprised because she hadn't checked her email on this account for a long time.
Sophia was quite surprised because she only used her email account to apply for any job or to get any information about any jobs.
And she knew that she couldn't use it to communicate with anyone since she would never get any emails from anyone too.
Sophia was quite surprised since she thought that no one would communicate with her through her email too.
And then Sophia opened her email to read it.
Hi, Sophia.It's nice to meet you.We are looking for a third person who could work with us together during our selection process since we need a third person to work with us together too.
We hope you could work with us soon.
Please reply to our email too.
Thank you
Sophia Rodriguez was just read when she saw what they wrote to her too.
Sophia was quite happy to receive this email because she knew that she was going to be part of something great too.
Sophia wasn't sure why they chose her either since they could've chosen someone else too.
Sophia wasn't sure why they even chose her either but then she remembered that she applied through her email before too.
Sophia wasn't sure what was going to happen next but then she decided to reply to their email too since she knew that it was a great opportunity to meet Emma and Alex too.
Thank you so much for your email.
I'm really excited to work with you guys together too.
I'll be waiting for your reply soon too.
Please let me know when we could meet up together soon too.
Thank you
Sophia replied after reading their email too.
Sophia knew that they would reply to her soon too.
Sophia wasn't sure what was going to happen next but then she hoped that they would accept her to be part of their team soon too.
Ocean of Dreams
Meet me at Jefferson Park.
Sophia remembered the place because she went there when she was still young too.
It was a park near her school and it was perfect for them to talk about their plan together.
She hoped that they would be happy to meet her there soon.
Sophia told them where to meet her and then she waited for their reply.
She hoped that they would be happy to meet her there.
She wasn't sure what was going to happen next but then she hoped that they would be happy to meet her soon too.
Sophia was just waiting for their reply and then she saw that they replied to her message too.
We could meet at Jefferson Park.
We'll see you there
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson arrived at Jefferson Park.
They were excited to meet Sophia Rodriguez there.
They were afraid that she wouldn't want to meet them there too.
But then they were relieved to know that Sophia wanted to meet them there.
They were excited to get to know more about her too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson looked around when they arrived at Jefferson Park.
There weren't many people in Jefferson Park either.
The park was clean and there was no rubbish on the ground too.
There were some trees around Jefferson Park too.
There were also some benches near the trees too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson looked around when they arrived at Jefferson Park.
They saw Sophia Rodriguez but she didn't see them yet too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson walked towards her when they saw her too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson looked at her when they saw Sophia Rodriguez there.
Sophia Rodriguez had short black hair and she looked really beautiful too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson looked at Sophia Rodriguez when they saw her there.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson knew that Sophia Rodriguez was really beautiful since they found a picture of her on the internet before too.
They knew that she was beautiful since Sophia was a celebrity before too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson looked at Sophia Rodriguez when they saw her there.
They weren't sure if she was really beautiful since some celebrities used photoshop to make them look better too.
But then they knew that she was really beautiful after seeing her there too.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson looked at Sophia Rodriguez when they saw her there.
Emma Thompson and Alex Johnson knew that she looked really beautiful after seeing her there too.
Alex said when he saw Sophia Rodriguez there
I'm glad we have someone like her to work with us together."
Alex said when he saw Sophia Rodriguez there
We need someone who is good at hacking."
Emma said when she heard what Alex said too
We need someone who is good at hacking."
Emma said when she heard what Alex said
I'm sure she will help us to get through this selection process together."
Alex said before he walked towards Sophia Rodriguez
I'm sure we will get through this selection process together."
Alex said before he walked towards Sophia Rodriguez
She said before walking towards him too
She said before walking towards him
I'm happy to work with you guys together."
Ocean of Dreams