MidReal Story

Obsession's Delusion

Scenario:I'm being stalked by a guy who is obsessed with me and loves me he wants to keep me to himself and get jealous when I look at another person I don't know the guy we hardly even met but he thinks he owns me and wants to keep me locked up
Create my version of this story
I'm being stalked by a guy who is obsessed with me and loves me he wants to keep me to himself and get jealous when I look at another person I don't know the guy we hardly even met but he thinks he owns me and wants to keep me locked up
Chapter 1
I remember the first time I met Mark Anderson.
It was at a coffee shop near my office, and I was waiting for my order when he walked in.
He was tall and muscular with piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through me.
I couldn’t help but stare as he made his way to the counter, and I quickly looked away when he glanced in my direction.
A few minutes later, he came over to me and said, "Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but notice you staring at me. Do I know you from somewhere?"
I felt my face flush with embarrassment.
"No," I replied quickly.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare."
He gave me a small smile.
"It’s okay. It happens all the time."
At the time, I didn’t think much of it, other than that he was incredibly good-looking.
But over the next few weeks, I started to see him everywhere: at the grocery store, at the mall, even at my favorite lunch spot.
It seemed like no matter where I went, there he was.
It wasn’t until he showed up at my office that I started to get a little worried.
As much as I hated to admit it, there was something about Mark Anderson that intrigued me.
He was tall and muscular with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through you.
The first time we met was in a coffee shop near my office.
Obsession's Delusion
I was waiting for my order when he walked in and made his way to the counter.
He glanced over at me, and our eyes locked for just a moment before I quickly looked away.
My face flushed with embarrassment.
His lips curled into a small smile.
As he walked away, he gave me a quick wave and said, "Nice meeting you."
I remember thinking how strange it was that he seemed so sure we’d never met before.
After all, when our eyes had first met, there had been a look of recognition on his face as if we were old friends who hadn’t seen each other for years.
But then again, maybe it was just my imagination running wild.
Obsession's Delusion
I tried to put the strange encounter out of my mind, but over the next few weeks, I began seeing him more and more often.
It started off as nothing more than a passing glance here or there: once at the grocery store, another time at the mall.
Each time our eyes met, he would give me that same small smile—a look that seemed to say we were old friends who hadn’t seen each other for years.
And then one day, I saw him outside of my office building.
My heart skipped a beat as I watched him from across the street, unable to tear my eyes away from him.
Obsession's Delusion
I sighed, running a hand through my hair.
I’d just finished telling my friend all about my run-ins with Mark Anderson, and she didn’t look happy in the least.
"Seriously, Sara," she said, her dark eyes riveted on me.
"He’s following you."
"I wouldn’t go that far," I replied.
"You’ve only seen him five or six times in the past couple of months," she said.
"How many more sightings do you need before you admit he’s stalking you?"
I opened my mouth to protest, then stopped.
When she put it like that, it did sound kind of creepy.
But still… "He could just be going to the same places as me by coincidence," I said.
Lily let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes.
"Did you see his car in the parking lot today?"
"No," I replied slowly, frowning as I tried to remember where we’d parked this morning.
"Ohmigod," Lily whispered, her eyes growing wide.
"I think he was following us!"
"Are you serious?"
"I don’t know," she said thoughtfully, tapping her chin with her finger.
"I’ll have to check tomorrow morning and see if his car is there again." "What are you talking about?"
"It’s nothing. Forget it."
We both fell silent for a moment as we finished up our dinners.
Obsession's Delusion
Lily had been on a business trip for the past week, so she hadn’t heard about my latest Mark sighting until now.
I’d practically jumped down her throat as soon as she sat down across from me at the restaurant where we were having dinner.
I’d missed her like crazy, and it felt so good to be able to finally talk to someone about all of this.
After Lily went home for the night, I spent the next couple of hours thinking about everything that had happened since Connor and I broke up two months ago.
I’d been dating him for four years, and at first, everything seemed perfect between us.
But as time went on, we began to realize that we wanted different things.
Obsession's Delusion
He wanted to get married and start a family right away, while I wanted to wait a few more years before even thinking about having kids.
In the end, we just couldn’t make it work.
Obsession's Delusion
"Sara, I don’t know what happened to you after Connor, but this is not you. I’m sorry if I’m being too blunt about it, but I’m your friend and I care about you. You’re not the Sara I know when we were in college. You’re not the Sara who’s willing to experiment and try new things."
I could feel my face flush with embarrassment as Lily’s words hit home.
She was right.
I hadn’t been myself since Connor and I called it quits two months ago.
I’d become more withdrawn, more cautious, less adventurous.
And I didn’t like it one bit.
But it was hard to change overnight, especially when the pain was still too fresh.
Sighing heavily, I gave her a small nod of understanding.
"I know that I should move on already," I admitted quietly.
My voice trailed off as an image of Mark popped into my head, his intense blue eyes boring through me as he looked at me from across the parking lot earlier today.
Shuddering, I quickly shook off the thought before continuing what I was saying to Lily.
"But I’m not ready for a new relationship."
She gave me an understanding smile, her dark, almond-shaped eyes filled with concern and compassion as she waited patiently for me to say more.
"I just…can’t. It’s too soon, you know?"
I continued hesitantly, trying to put my thoughts into words so she would understand where I was coming from.
"I still miss him sometimes. Most times, actually. And it hurts like hell whenever I think about him."
"So do casual dating," Lily suggested helpfully after a beat of silence.
"You don’t have to be in a relationship right away. You can just date around and see how things go from there."
"Or better yet," she added with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"You can have a fling!"
I shook my head at her suggestion.
"I’m not that desperate yet."
Lily offered me another sympathetic smile as she reached for her drink and took a sip from it.
"Well, when you are…let me know. I’ll be more than happy to help you out."
I laughed at that.
"Oh, I will."
I promised her.
"At least I have something to look forward to now!"
That night, after Lily went home and I had my shower before bed, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she was right.
Maybe it really was time for me to move on with my life and try to find someone new to spend it with.
As I turned off the lights and climbed into bed later on that evening, I yawned widely as my eyelids began to droop before finally closing completely.
The next thing I knew, I was having the most vivid dream of my life!
In that dream…
I was making love to a man whose face I couldn’t quite make out because he was being obscured by shadows.