Scenario:Hendi fakerunners karawang: umar, acaranya sudah mau mulai bro!
Umar Aziz Nurcholish: siap hendi!
Hendi fakerunners karawang: padahal kita sudah pemanasan semua jam 5 pagi tadi
Umar Aziz Nurcholish: Siap Kak Hendi
Hendi Fakerunners Karawang: Siapp umar
Wira Fakerunners Karawang: Umar ini kita Collab ya Sama Princess Peach Showtime?
Umar Aziz Nurcholish: Iya, Yang Dimana Mas Umar Meminjamkan Mas Kholid Nintendo switch sebelum dibawa ke Probolinggo
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Good Morning all members of Fakerunners Karawang! i'm Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth from Sekolah Spectrum Ciputat Tangerang and as the host of nintendo Runners, also welcome to Nintendo Runners, we're at the yogya grand karawang store. Before we begin the marathon race let me introduce myself as the host. I'm my name is Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth from students of sekolah spectrum tangerang and 7 graph Special Class Students as a announcer of Nintendo marathon run by Fakerunners karawang
Fakerunners KRW Members: Agung, hendi, umar, fadly, riska, ridwan and all Fakerunners Karawang: hai evelyn fedora fonbeth!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: I was born October 17th 2007 and i'm 17 years old and i like content creator and 7 graph special class student like umar at zoom with rifan dermawan and priyo nartpro design class at zoom meeting along with titi widjayati
And also welcome to nintendo Marathon run and thank you for coming at gramedia karawang. so today we are So Excited For All Members Of Fakerunners Karawang because this the first ever of the Fakerunners X Nintendo Runners!
Fakerunners Karawang: woooooo! Shouts
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Alright, and Have All Members Of Fakerunners Karawang done Warm Up Before Sprint Run?
All members of fakerunners karawang: Done!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Great, Now it is the first installment of nintendo Marathon run, So the route are must to run!
Here's are of route:
Start/Finish Lines at Festive Walk North Lobby
1st Checkpoint: Super Indo Groceries Near At Mitra Family Hospital
2nd Checkpoint: Alun Alun Karawang
4th Checkpoint: Al Isyrad School
5th Checkpoint: Swiss Belinn Hotel
6th Checkpoint: Karangpawitan
7th Checkpoint: Bridge Of Galuh Mas
8th checkpoint: Mahalona Coffee
Finish Line Back Again At Festive Walk Lobby North Karawang that where start lines at 5am. Is it right?
Fakerunners Karawang: yes sir!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: okay, before we begin this marathon run, let's make a 2 chant at the all members of fakerunners karawang.
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: here's the first chants, if i shout Princess Peach all members of fakerunners karawang says Showtime with louder. okay?
Fakerunners karawang: okayy!!!!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: good, now let's start the chant for the spirits at members fakerunners karawang, here we go in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Princess peach....
Fakerunners Karawang: Showtime!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: good, again! Princess peach....
Fakerunners Karawang: Showtime!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: nice, one more! Princess peach....
Fakerunners Karawang: Showtime!
Chant fakerunners karawang 2
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: awesome, and now for the second chants while i'm recording on my phone, if Agung shout Princess Peach: Showtime! x fakerunners karawang. All members of Fakerunners Karawang says fun larinya, happy hidupnya With louder, okay wait for it i'm using the phone.. okay camera app front is set to record video mode starts recording in 5, 4 3, 2, 1. Agung Please say it....
Agung Fakerunners Karawang: Princess Peach: Showtime! Dan fakerunners karawang.....
All Members of Fakerunners Karawang yells louder fun larinya, happy hidupnya!!!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth stops recoding and continue to host: Awesome thanks agung! Now Let's pray first before start the marathon run, pray starts now.
All members fakerunners karawang have pray different religious
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: okay, it's all done to pray, and now let's begin The Marathon Run!!! Are you guys ready?
Fakerunners Karawang: ready sir!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: alright, without further ado, let's get this begin this run.
Here we go in 3, 2, 1, Go!!!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth Blast The Horn and fakerunners karawang starts to run
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Enjoy The Run, and have fun with all members of fakerunners!!
Me and fakerunners members are so fast on run 5k marathon
Me 1st Checkpoint Super Indo Groceries Near At Mitra Family Hospital and members fakerunners are chants by agung coach while running marathon
Agung fakerunners yells Fakerunners!!!!
All Members: Fun Larinya, Happy Hidupnya!
Then Umar Aziz Continue Run And Heading to the 2nd Checkpoint of Alun Alun Karawang
Create my version of this story
Hendi fakerunners karawang: umar, acaranya sudah mau mulai bro!
Umar Aziz Nurcholish: siap hendi!
Hendi fakerunners karawang: padahal kita sudah pemanasan semua jam 5 pagi tadi
Umar Aziz Nurcholish: Siap Kak Hendi
Hendi Fakerunners Karawang: Siapp umar
Wira Fakerunners Karawang: Umar ini kita Collab ya Sama Princess Peach Showtime?
Umar Aziz Nurcholish: Iya, Yang Dimana Mas Umar Meminjamkan Mas Kholid Nintendo switch sebelum dibawa ke Probolinggo
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Good Morning all members of Fakerunners Karawang! i'm Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth from Sekolah Spectrum Ciputat Tangerang and as the host of nintendo Runners, also welcome to Nintendo Runners, we're at the yogya grand karawang store. Before we begin the marathon race let me introduce myself as the host. I'm my name is Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth from students of sekolah spectrum tangerang and 7 graph Special Class Students as a announcer of Nintendo marathon run by Fakerunners karawang
Fakerunners KRW Members: Agung, hendi, umar, fadly, riska, ridwan and all Fakerunners Karawang: hai evelyn fedora fonbeth!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: I was born October 17th 2007 and i'm 17 years old and i like content creator and 7 graph special class student like umar at zoom with rifan dermawan and priyo nartpro design class at zoom meeting along with titi widjayati
And also welcome to nintendo Marathon run and thank you for coming at gramedia karawang. so today we are So Excited For All Members Of Fakerunners Karawang because this the first ever of the Fakerunners X Nintendo Runners!
Fakerunners Karawang: woooooo! Shouts
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Alright, and Have All Members Of Fakerunners Karawang done Warm Up Before Sprint Run?
All members of fakerunners karawang: Done!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Great, Now it is the first installment of nintendo Marathon run, So the route are must to run!
Here's are of route:
Start/Finish Lines at Festive Walk North Lobby
1st Checkpoint: Super Indo Groceries Near At Mitra Family Hospital
2nd Checkpoint: Alun Alun Karawang
4th Checkpoint: Al Isyrad School
5th Checkpoint: Swiss Belinn Hotel
6th Checkpoint: Karangpawitan
7th Checkpoint: Bridge Of Galuh Mas
8th checkpoint: Mahalona Coffee
Finish Line Back Again At Festive Walk Lobby North Karawang that where start lines at 5am. Is it right?
Fakerunners Karawang: yes sir!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: okay, before we begin this marathon run, let's make a 2 chant at the all members of fakerunners karawang.
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: here's the first chants, if i shout Princess Peach all members of fakerunners karawang says Showtime with louder. okay?
Fakerunners karawang: okayy!!!!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: good, now let's start the chant for the spirits at members fakerunners karawang, here we go in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Princess peach....
Fakerunners Karawang: Showtime!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: good, again! Princess peach....
Fakerunners Karawang: Showtime!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: nice, one more! Princess peach....
Fakerunners Karawang: Showtime!
Chant fakerunners karawang 2
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: awesome, and now for the second chants while i'm recording on my phone, if Agung shout Princess Peach: Showtime! x fakerunners karawang. All members of Fakerunners Karawang says fun larinya, happy hidupnya With louder, okay wait for it i'm using the phone.. okay camera app front is set to record video mode starts recording in 5, 4 3, 2, 1. Agung Please say it....
Agung Fakerunners Karawang: Princess Peach: Showtime! Dan fakerunners karawang.....
All Members of Fakerunners Karawang yells louder fun larinya, happy hidupnya!!!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth stops recoding and continue to host: Awesome thanks agung! Now Let's pray first before start the marathon run, pray starts now.
All members fakerunners karawang have pray different religious
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: okay, it's all done to pray, and now let's begin The Marathon Run!!! Are you guys ready?
Fakerunners Karawang: ready sir!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: alright, without further ado, let's get this begin this run.
Here we go in 3, 2, 1, Go!!!!!
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth Blast The Horn and fakerunners karawang starts to run
Evelyn Fedora Fonbeth: Enjoy The Run, and have fun with all members of fakerunners!!
Me and fakerunners members are so fast on run 5k marathon
Me 1st Checkpoint Super Indo Groceries Near At Mitra Family Hospital and members fakerunners are chants by agung coach while running marathon
Agung fakerunners yells Fakerunners!!!!
All Members: Fun Larinya, Happy Hidupnya!
Then Umar Aziz Continue Run And Heading to the 2nd Checkpoint of Alun Alun Karawang
Brother Umar, Umar Aziz Nurcholish, and All Members of Fakerunners Karawang
Here's a story of how we started our first Nintendo Runners marathon in Karawang.
Bro Umar Aziz Nurcholish and all of us were already preparing for the first Nintendo Runners marathon in Karawang.
We were preparing for this since 3 months ago.
And now it finally came.
We went to Gramedia Karawang with Umar Aziz Nurcholish and all of us.
We were so excited to come here because this was our first Nintendo Runners marathon in Karawang.
When we came to Gramedia Karawang, we saw the Nintendo Switch that we wanted to buy at Gramedia Karawang.
And now we finally had a chance to buy it after we finished the Nintendo Runners marathon in Karawang.