MidReal Story

Nightmare's Reflection

Scenario:A father went to say goodnight to his son as it was routine, since he knew his son would have trouble sleeping if he didn'tIt was a sort of silent tradition between them, one he never forgot to attend.The room was dimly lit by the lamp, but the father could clearly see there was something unusual about the kid tonightHe looked the same, just with a huge grin that drew from ear to ear.You okay, buddy?He asked.The son nodded, still grinning, before saying, daddy, check for monsters under my bed.The father chuckled and got on his knees to take a lookThere, under the bed, was his son
Create my version of this story
A father went to say goodnight to his son as it was routine, since he knew his son would have trouble sleeping if he didn'tIt was a sort of silent tradition between them, one he never forgot to attend.The room was dimly lit by the lamp, but the father could clearly see there was something unusual about the kid tonightHe looked the same, just with a huge grin that drew from ear to ear.You okay, buddy?He asked.The son nodded, still grinning, before saying, daddy, check for monsters under my bed.The father chuckled and got on his knees to take a lookThere, under the bed, was his son
It was that time of the night again.
His son was waiting for him in his room, just like he always was, and he couldn’t leave him in there alone.
The walk to his room was always the same, every step echoing down the corridor, his heart pounding in his chest.
He reached his son’s door, and he knocked softly.
This was their tradition, a way to say goodnight without saying a word.
A quiet “I love you” that he wished he could say out loud, but that he knew he couldn’t.
He opened the door and looked at his son.
He was sitting on the bed, and it made his heart ache to see him like this.
But he couldn’t let him know how much it hurt him.
Not yet.
It was still too soon.
The room was dimly lit by the small lamp on the bedside table, casting an orange glow over everything.
It was almost dark, but he could still see Michael.
He was so still, like a statue, with his eyes fixed to the floor and his hands in his lap.
His smile caught his attention first, though.
Michael had always been a happy boy, but this smile was different.
It stretched across his face so far that it looked painful, from ear to ear without stopping.
It was impossible to tell where it started or where it ended—just a never-ending grin that looked too wide to be real.
But his eyes were what made the smile truly terrifying.
They were like mirrors, reflecting the light from the lamp right back into his father’s face.
He could see himself staring back at him from them.
And they were fixed on him too, unblinking and cold as they watched him walk into the room.
The light cast an eerie shadow on Michael’s face, but even so, he could see it clearly even from this distance.
He never took his eyes off of his father as he walked further into the room.
And as soon as he stepped into the light and Michael saw him more clearly, the grin widened even further.
It seemed to stretch impossibly far, and for a moment he thought it would rip open his face.
But it didn’t—it just kept going until it reached every corner of his head.
Michael watched him closely as if waiting for some sort of reaction as he made his way towards him, and he knew that if he didn’t do something soon, they’d never get to sleep tonight.
So he knelt down in front of him and took his hands in his own.
He knew what had to be done next and he squeezed them gently, forcing the boy to close his eyes.
There had been a time when Michael wouldn’t be able to sleep unless he knew for sure that there weren’t any monsters under there with him.
So every night after dinner, they had taken turns checking under the bed for anything lurking in the dark shadows under there.
"Nightmare's Reflection"
It was a game to Michael, one that he loved playing with his dad every night before bed.
“Are there any monsters under the bed tonight?”
Michael’s voice was soft and sweet as he asked the question, and it almost made him change his mind about what he was going to do next.
But he knew that if he didn’t do this now, it would only get worse later on.
So instead of answering the question right away like he wanted to, he did the one thing Michael loved more than anything—he took a deep breath and then let out a big growl into the space under the bed, just like a monster would do right before jumping out at you in a movie.
The giggle that followed was enough to make him forget about everything else for a moment as Michael’s eyes opened wide with joy and wonder.
He waited for Michael to respond for a moment before finally answering his question with a smile of his own.
“Nope,” he said with a shake of his head as if he really had found one down there but had scared it away with his growling, “there’s nothing down there at all except for an old sock.”
He made sure to hold up the sock as proof before getting up from the floor and giving Michael another small smile before turning off the light and leaving the room for the night.
The darkness was waiting for him when he slowly lowered himself down on one knee in front of Michael’s bed with a heavy heart.
"Nightmare's Reflection"
He hated these moments, but he loved his son, so he did what he had to do, and that included checking for monsters.
He really did hate these moments, though.
It wasn’t just that he was tired and ready to go to bed himself, but there was also something about the way that Michael would grin with those big brown eyes shining in the dim light that was just a little off-putting to say the least.
But he loved his son, and he knew how important these moments were for him, so he pushed those feelings down and did what he had to do, which meant checking under his son’s bed for monsters every night before tucking him in and saying goodnight.
He was usually quick about it, but he took his time that night, more than usual, to say the least, because he saw something that he couldn’t quite believe was real.
There was another Michael under the bed, grinning at him with that same creepy grin that his son always gave him this time of night.
Michael didn’t say anything to give himself away, but he could see that his son was watching him while he got up from the floor, turned out the light, and left the room for the night before walking down the short hallway to his own room where his wife was waiting for him with a smile on her face and a book in her hands as she sat in bed reading until he came home for the night so that they could catch up on their days before going to bed together for the night.
"Nightmare's Reflection"
He was filled with a sense of foreboding as he walked to his son’s room that night, and that was something that he wasn’t used to feeling at all when it came to his son, because Michael was a sweet and innocent little boy who never did anything wrong, not really, and even if he did do something wrong, it was usually just because he didn’t know any better at this point in his young life.
He wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but something was different about that night, and he didn’t like it one bit, even though he didn’t know why he didn’t like it, to begin with.
He was just a little off that night, and it worried him more than it probably should have, but he couldn’t help worrying about his son all the same.
After all, Michael was his son, and there wasn’t anything in this world that he wouldn’t do for his boy, so he normally didn’t let things get to him like this, but this time was different for some reason that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“Daddy, please check under my bed for monsters?”
Michael asked him with a big grin on his face that was even bigger than usual that night, and he felt a chill go down his spine as he heard his son speaking in a voice that was so sweet and innocent that he could have sworn there was no way that his son could have been doing anything wrong at all, even though there was something in his tone that told him otherwise, at least a little bit.
He didn’t want to look under the bed to see what was there for a number of reasons, but he knew that he had to do it because Michael had asked him to check for monsters, and he would be damned if he wouldn’t check for those monsters to protect his son from any kind of harm that might come to him in the night.
It was his job as a father to protect his boy from any kind of danger that might try to hurt him or worse, and monsters were no exception at all.
He just hoped that there weren’t any of them under Michael’s bed that night because he wasn’t sure if he would be able to protect his innocent little boy from those monsters if they were real and trying to get to him while he was alone in his room for the night.
"Nightmare's Reflection"
He felt his heart pounding in his chest as he slowly bent down to take a look under the bed to see if there were any monsters there that night.
He had to know if there were any of those monsters under the bed before Michael went to sleep because that was what his son wanted him to do.
He also had to make sure that the bed was clear so that Michael wouldn’t be afraid to go to sleep in the dark all alone in that big room with only a tiny night light to keep him company during the night.
He just hoped that there wouldn’t be any monsters waiting for him under that bed when he took a look to see if there were any.
He held his breath as he looked under the bed to see what was there.
He couldn’t believe it when he saw his son lying on the floor beneath the bed in exactly the same position that Michael had been in when they had walked in the room together.
It was almost as if someone had taken a picture of Michael and placed it beneath the bed in the exact same spot that Michael had been standing in when they had first walked into the room together for the night.
He tried to blink away what he had seen because it just couldn’t have been real.
There was no way that there could have been two Michaels in this room and in exactly the same spot too.
He knew that it just wasn’t possible for there to be two Michaels in exactly the same spot with exactly the same position too because it defied all logic and reason, as well as science too.
He tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths as he looked under Michael’s bed again to see what was there.
Sure enough, there was another Michael lying on the floor beneath the bed with an identical expression on his face to the one that was on Michael’s face when they had first walked into the room together for the night.
He felt like his heart would stop for good this time as he looked beneath the bed again to see what could possibly be lying on the floor beneath it.
He just couldn’t believe what he saw lying on the floor beneath that bed right then.
It was another Michael lying on the floor beneath the bed with exactly the same expression on his face too.
There were two Michaels in that room now with exactly the same expression on their faces just like one another.
It was then that he realized something that made him feel like he was about to lose it for good and never come back again.
The second Michael was lying on its belly with its head facing him with that eerie grin on its face while its eyes were locked onto Michael’s eyes with a chilling intensity that he knew he would never forget.
It was then that he saw that there was a faint red light emanating from its mouth as if it were trying to communicate with him but wasn’t able to do so with its voice or anything like that at all.
The silence in that room was deafening as he realized what could possibly have been happening right then.
He struggled to maintain his composure as he realized what was happening and what he had seen when he had looked under Michael’s bed for monsters that night.
He was frozen in place as he stared at what was lying beneath that bed right then.
Everything about this situation was wrong and completely impossible too.
There was no way that there could have been two Michaels in that room right now with exactly the same expressions on their faces and everything like that.
"Nightmare's Reflection"
It was then that he realized something even more frightening and disturbing too.
The Michael beneath that bed was grinning at him and looking at him with a chilling intensity too.
It was then that he realized something even more frightening and disturbing too.
The grin that was on its face was even wider than it had been when he first saw it peeking out from underneath Michael’s bed earlier this evening.
It made a whole lot of sense why Michael had invited him into this room tonight and asked him to check under his bed for monsters too.
His son was never afraid of monsters before this very moment and was definitely not afraid of them now either.
No, it definitely wasn’t monsters that Michael was afraid of right now.
It was whatever was lying underneath his bed with an identical expression on its face to the one that he was wearing too at this very moment.
That thought alone made everything about this situation even more terrifying and frightening than it already was too.
It was then that he realized what he had to do and what needed to happen next too.
He couldn’t allow that thing to stay underneath this bed for any longer than it already had.
It was then that he made a split second decision and grabbed that thing from underneath Michael’s bed.
The thing was heavier than it looked but it didn’t matter to him right now.
That thing had been lying underneath Michael’s bed with an unsettling expression on its face and all that he wanted right now was to get it out of that room right now.
No, it didn’t matter that Sarah was watching him as he ran down that corridor with that thing in his arms right now.
All that mattered was getting that thing out of that house and out of their lives for good.
That thing had been lying underneath Michael’s bed with an unsettling expression on its face and the last thing that he wanted right now was for it to be there any longer than it already had been too.
It was then that Sarah came running after him too.
She knew that something was wrong and that something terrifying was happening in Michael’s bedroom tonight too.
she screamed as she ran after him down that corridor.
“What’s wrong?”
She grabbed hold of his arm as she made her way down that corridor after John.
She wanted to know what was going on and what John had seen in Michael’s bedroom too.
John didn’t say anything just then though.
He just handed Sarah Michael and allowed himself a moment of relief in her arms too.
He closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of relief in her arms right then.
Sarah’s touch always made things better and allowed him a moment of relief like nothing else ever did or ever would either.
He closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of relief in her arms right then.
It was only when Sarah asked him what was going on in Michael’s bedroom tonight that he opened his eyes and stared back into Sarah’s eyes as well.
He had to tell her what was going on and what he saw in Michael’s bedroom when Michael invited him in there earlier this evening.
"Nightmare's Reflection"
“You have to believe me when I tell you this,” he said in a quiet voice as well.
“You have to believe me when I tell you what I saw in there tonight.”
“Whatever it is, we’ll face it together,” Sarah said in response with a smile on her face too.
“Now tell me what’s going on in there.”
John didn’t say anything in response just then though.
He didn’t know how he would be able to tell Sarah what he saw in Michael’s bedroom earlier tonight either.
The only thing that he knew was that he had no choice but to tell her what he saw in Michael’s bedroom earlier tonight too.
He didn’t know how he would be able to tell Sarah what he saw in Michael’s bedroom tonight either.
But he had no choice so he took a deep breath and told her what he saw in Michael’s bedroom when he went in there earlier this evening too.
As soon as John went inside Michael’s room, he saw the most unimaginable sight in that room and underneath Michael’s bed as well too.
It was then when John looked underneath Michael’s bed, he saw Michael lying down on his stomach with an exact copy of himself right beside him too.
The thing had the same clothes on its body as well as the same grin on its face too.
As soon as John picked up Michael from his bed, that thing looked up and smiled at him with an unsettling expression on its face as well too.
It was then that John realized what he had to do right then too.
He couldn’t allow that thing to lie underneath Michael’s bed for any longer than it already had been lying there all this time.
He couldn’t allow this thing to lie underneath their bed for any longer than it already had been either.
He couldn’t allow this thing to keep doing this either and so he grabbed it from underneath Michael’s bed and raced out of Michael’s room with Sarah following after him.
As soon as John came back into Michael’s bedroom with Sarah following after them, they saw that the thing wasn’t in Michael’s bedroom anymore either.
For a moment, they thought that they were seeing things too.
But it was there too.
The thing was still lying there underneath Michael’s bed with an unsettling expression on its face as well too.
It was then that John took a closer look at it and saw something else as well.
That thing had an exact copy of their son’s nose, eyes, legs, and hair too.
It seemed like even their son’s twin sister couldn’t have been this identical either.
It was then that the thing’s grin widened even more and sent shivers down John’s spine as well.
John didn’t know how long it would be able to keep doing this for either.
He didn’t know how long it would be able to keep doing this either.
But it didn’t matter right now.
All that mattered right now was getting it out of their house for good.
He didn’t know how long it would be able to keep doing this for either.
He didn’t know how long it would be able to keep doing this either.
He didn’t know how long it would be able to keep doing this either.
But it didn’t matter right now.
"Nightmare's Reflection"