MidReal Story

Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis


May 7
Scenario:Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis club and notices a strange girl entering the cafeteria kitchen. Nancy follows her and is confronted by five girls . They tie Nancy up in a chair and begin to forcefeed her large amounts of cheesecakes . Nancy’s stomach is getting fuller and fuller. After being stuffed the eighth cheesecake they put a funnel in her mouth and pour liters and liters of Boston cream into Nancy’s ballooning stomach. Nancy’s rounded bloated stomach burst the button on her tennis shorts and protrudes into her lap like a giant flesh colored water balloon. The grab the hose from the cake batter machine and stuff it into Nancy’s mouth and turn on the machine as it pumps gallons of cake batter into Nancy’s swelling belly . Donna wanted to see how big Nancy’s stomach could get so she turned the machine up high. The machine quickly filled Nancy’s stomach 12 times faster. The girls watched as Nancy’s stomach lifted her white buttoned tennis blouse and expended it to burst open , exposing her round beachball sized belly. Cloe grabbed the hose from the chocolate fudge machine and the Boston cream machine and stuffed both hoses in her mouth . Madison grabbed the hose from the butter cream machine and stuffed it into Nancy’s mouth. The girls turned on all four machines as they rapidly filled Nancy’s stomach all at the same time . The girls watched as Nancy’s stomach rapidly grew larger and larger swelling past her knees and becoming over 100 inches around . Let’s continue to fill Nancy’s stomach every day from now on !
Create my version of this story
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis club and notices a strange girl entering the cafeteria kitchen. Nancy follows her and is confronted by five girls . They tie Nancy up in a chair and begin to forcefeed her large amounts of cheesecakes . Nancy’s stomach is getting fuller and fuller. After being stuffed the eighth cheesecake they put a funnel in her mouth and pour liters and liters of Boston cream into Nancy’s ballooning stomach. Nancy’s rounded bloated stomach burst the button on her tennis shorts and protrudes into her lap like a giant flesh colored water balloon. The grab the hose from the cake batter machine and stuff it into Nancy’s mouth and turn on the machine as it pumps gallons of cake batter into Nancy’s swelling belly . Donna wanted to see how big Nancy’s stomach could get so she turned the machine up high. The machine quickly filled Nancy’s stomach 12 times faster. The girls watched as Nancy’s stomach lifted her white buttoned tennis blouse and expended it to burst open , exposing her round beachball sized belly. Cloe grabbed the hose from the chocolate fudge machine and the Boston cream machine and stuffed both hoses in her mouth . Madison grabbed the hose from the butter cream machine and stuffed it into Nancy’s mouth. The girls turned on all four machines as they rapidly filled Nancy’s stomach all at the same time . The girls watched as Nancy’s stomach rapidly grew larger and larger swelling past her knees and becoming over 100 inches around . Let’s continue to fill Nancy’s stomach every day from now on !
I love playing tennis at the River Heights Country Club.
I’ve been a member for several years now, and I usually play here every summer.
I just finished my game today, and I’m feeling great.
It was a long and hard battle, but I won in the end.
I’m feeling proud of myself, but at the same time, I feel a little guilty for beating my opponent.
I know that she isn’t the best tennis player in the club, but I didn’t expect her to be that bad.
She’s one of the top juniors in my school, and she does have some skills.
It was a very close game, and she almost won more than ten points from me.
My opponent is Bess Marvin, one of my best friends.
We played doubles together in college, and we’ve been practicing together for years.
She’s one of my favorite people in the world, and I can’t stand to lose to her.
That’s why I gave it my all today, and I was able to win by a couple of points.
Bess is standing on the other side of the net, looking at me with a disappointed expression.
“Good game, Bess,” I shout to her as I walk off the court.
It was a long match, and we’re both exhausted.
I grab my bag from the stands and start walking back to the clubhouse.
The cold wind is blowing through my hair, and it feels great after playing under the sun for hours.
The last time I checked my watch, it was 3:30 p.m., so it should be around 5:00 p.m.
now that we’re finished with our game.
The club is starting to get crowded, as more and more people come here to enjoy their afternoon teas.
We just moved into our new house a few months ago, and it’s been a while since we’ve had the chance to spend time at the club.
I’ve almost forgotten how much I love playing tennis here.
I unzip my bag and take out my phone to check the time.
It’s actually 5:10 p.m., which means that we played for almost two hours straight.
No wonder I’m feeling so tired now.
I open the messages app on my phone to see if there are any new ones from Dad or Ned, but I don’t see anything important.
I quickly reply to a few messages from my friends before I put it back in my bag to charge it later tonight.
I take a deep breath and start walking towards the locker room to freshen up before I go home.
I still have a few things to do today, but I should be able to finish them all in an hour or two.
I change into a pair of crisp white shorts and a white blouse after I take a quick shower at the locker room.
I’m feeling so much better now, and I think I can use a refreshing drink at the cafeteria bar before I head home.
The day is so hot today, and I can’t wait for summer break to come soon so that I can spend more time with Dad, Ned, and George at the beach.
I’ve been so busy with school lately, and I really need a vacation right now to recharge myself.
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
As I walk out of the locker room and head towards the cafeteria bar to get a drink, I suddenly feel that something is not right.
It feels like there is a dark cloud hanging over me, but I don’t know where it is coming from.
I can sense that something bad is about to happen soon, but I don’t know what it is yet.
I stop for a moment to gather my thoughts before I continue walking to the bar to get my drink.
Maybe I’m just too tired from playing tennis all day long in the sun, or maybe it’s because I haven’t eaten anything since this morning.
I’ll go grab a quick bite at the cafeteria after this drink before I head home for dinner tonight.
That should make me feel better soon.
I walk to the bar and order a glass of cold lemonade from the bartender before I take a sip of it as I relax by the poolside.
As I sit there and enjoy my drink in peace, I notice that there are more people coming to the club now than earlier in the afternoon.
The place is getting crowded with members who are enjoying their afternoon tea and waiting for their matches to begin soon.
I look at the courts and see that many of them are already occupied by some of the junior members.
They are practicing for their upcoming matches before the summer tournament begins next month.
I watch them play for a few minutes while I finish my drink.
Playing tennis feels so good!
I miss it so much when I’m away at school and can only play occasionally during the weekends.
I’ll definitely come back to practice here more often this summer and make sure that I stay in shape.
“Nancy,” someone shouts at me from behind.
I turn around and see Bess running towards me.
“Hi!” I say to her with a big smile on my face as I wave to her.
“Are you ready to go?”
she asks as she walks up to me.
“I’m almost done here.
Are you still planning to play for another hour?”
I ask her as I look at the time on my phone to check if I need to leave soon.
“I can play for another hour or so, but it’s up to you,” she says to me with a big smile on her face.
I put my phone back in my bag before I stand up and look at her.
“Actually, I’m feeling a little tired now because I haven’t eaten anything since this morning,” I say to her with a big smile on my face before I continue, “But if you’re still planning to play, I can sit here and cheer for you instead.”
“No, no,” she says to me quickly, waving her hands, “I’ll go get a drink first before we continue.”
She turns around and walks back to the bar to order a drink while I walk to the stands to pack my stuff so that I can leave soon.
I watch her play while I sit in the stands.
She’s been playing really well today, but I think she’s feeling a little tired too because she’s been making a lot of mistakes lately.
I wonder if she’s been practicing a lot lately or if she’s been busy with other things besides tennis this year.
I need to take her out for dinner later so that we can catch up while we eat.
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
I get up from the stands and walk back to the bar to meet Bess when I see a few more club members walking towards the cafeteria.
The cafeteria is already bustling with activity now as more club members arrive for their matches after watching some of the games earlier.
The chef is preparing more cheesecakes at the counter, but he seems to be a little distracted when he sees me walk in through the main entrance because he spills some cream onto the floor while he’s pouring it into one of the machines.
I furrow my brows when I see what he’s doing because he’s preparing so many cheesecakes!
There are only seven juniors playing today, so I don’t think they can finish eating all of them in one day!
I wonder why he’s making so many cheesecakes today…
Before I can think more about what he’s doing, I see a girl in a bright yellow dress walking towards me from one of the tables by the side of the cafeteria, and she disappears into the kitchen through one of the side doors when she walks past me.
I furrow my brows again when I see what she’s doing.
Why did she walk into the kitchen?
Can’t she see that it’s a restricted area?
I think it’s strange that she’s walking into the kitchen because most of the club members who play tennis here are already familiar with the rules and would know that they’re not supposed to do that.
I’m getting more and more curious about what’s going on, so I walk into the kitchen to take a look.
“Hey!” someone calls out to me when I walk inside, “What are you doing here?
This is a restricted area!”
I turn around and see that it’s the chef who’s calling out to me.
I think his name is John, but we rarely talk to each other because he’s usually very busy when we come for our matches.
“Oh, I just thought that I’d take a look inside,” I say to him with a big smile on my face as I look around inside the kitchen.
“Please leave now,” he says to me as he walks towards me.
“There’s nothing interesting to see in here, so I think you should go back outside and wait for your friends instead,” he says to me as he holds onto my arms gently and tries to guide me out of the kitchen.
“Okay,” I say to him with a smile before I quickly turn around and walk into one of the storage rooms to hide from him.
I close the door behind me when he walks past me and pretend to look for something inside while I try to listen for any sounds outside.
I wait quietly for a few minutes until I hear some footsteps approaching me, and I open the door when there’s no sound outside anymore.
The same girl in the bright yellow dress is standing outside with four other girls who all have long blonde hair like her, but they’re all looking at me with very angry faces when they see me walk out from the storage room.
“What are you doing in here?”
the girl in yellow asks me angrily, “This is a restricted area!”
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
I was wondering what was going on inside, so I thought that I’d take a look inside,” I say to her with a smile as I walk towards her.
She looks at me in silence after I say that to her, and I can see that she’s very angry with me because her eyes are red from anger.
I try to smile at her to calm her down, but my smile seems to have made her even more annoyed because she turns around and walks away without saying anything to me.
I wonder if I’ve done something wrong as I watch her walk away, but I decide to ignore her and continue walking towards the door to leave.
I was about to go outside when I suddenly hear a loud bang coming from behind me, and I turn around to see that someone has closed and locked the door.
I try to open it, but I realise that it’s already locked from outside, so I can’t open it.
“What’s going on?”
I ask loudly as I knock on the door, but there is no response from outside.
I try to scream and call for help, but no one comes to help me.
I wonder who locked me inside and why they’re doing this to me…
As soon as I turn around after looking at the door, I see five girls emerging from inside one of the storage rooms: it’s the girl in yellow dress and four other girls who have blonde hair just like her!
They’re all looking at me with very angry faces as they walk towards me, and they quickly grab hold of my arms and legs before I can react.
They tie my arms and legs together using some tennis rackets that they take from one of the shelves inside the storage room, and they also stuff a piece of cloth into my mouth before they tie another cloth around my mouth to keep me quiet.
“There we go!”
the girl in yellow dress says to me after they’re done tying me up.
I glare at her angrily after she says that to me because I’m very angry that they’re tying me up like this for no reason.
“Why are you doing this?”
I ask them angrily as I struggle against my restraints, but they don’t say anything to me when they see that I’m struggling against them.“How did you know we’re here?”
the girl in yellow dress asks me after a few seconds of silence.
I look at her and frown when she says that to me because I don’t understand what she’s talking about.
“I saw you walk into the kitchen and got curious about what’s going on,” I say to her after I realise what she’s talking about.
The other girls gasp loudly when they hear what I just said, and they all start looking at each other with very angry faces.
I wonder what’s going on as I watch them looking at each other while they talk to each other quietly.
“Isolated Isi!”
the girl in yellow dress suddenly shouts at me after they’re done talking.
I wonder why she’s calling me that because my name is Nancy.
“Why did you come here?”
she asks me angrily after she calls out to me.
“I already told you that I was curious about what was going on,” I say to her with a frown as I glare at her.
She glares back at me angrily after I say that to her before she turns around to talk to the other girls.
“She knows too much!”
she says to them after they’ve talked to each other.
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
They all turn around and look at me with very angry faces when she says that to them, and I feel very scared when I see them looking at me like this.
“I think we should get rid of her!”
one of them says to Donna after a few seconds of silence, and they all start nodding their heads as soon as she says that to Donna.
Donna looks at them with a very angry face as well before she quickly turns around to look at me with a very angry face.
“Are you looking for trouble?”
she asks me angrily as soon as she looks at me, and I feel very scared when I hear her shouting at me like this.
“Is there something wrong with you?”
I ask her with a frown as I stare at her.
“You’ll be sorry!”
she shouts at me with an angry face as soon as I say that to her.
The other girls start laughing loudly as soon as Donna finishes shouting at me, and I wonder why they’re laughing like this.
“What’s wrong with you?”
I ask them with a frown as soon as they finish laughing.
They all stop laughing immediately after I say that to them before they start glaring at me again.
“You’ll find out soon enough!”
Donna says to me with a grin when she sees them glaring at me like this.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say to Donna with a grin of my own as I stare at her.
“What’s wrong with you?”
Donna asks me with a frown.
“Are you not scared?”
she asks me after I reply to her.
“Why should I be?”
I ask her with a frown as I stare at her.
Donna looks at me and frowns again when I ask her that question.
“You’re definitely not going to be laughing for much longer!”
Donna says to me as soon as she finishes saying that.
“You’re nothing but skin and bones!”
Donna says to me as soon as she sees me.
They all start laughing again after she says that to me, and I feel very angry when I see them laughing like this.
“You’re going to put on some weight!”
Donna says to me after they finish laughing again.
“Fatten you up!”
one of the other girls shouts at me.
The other girls start laughing again after the girl in yellow dress says that to me, but I don’t think they’re going to be able scare me like this.
“You don’t really think you can scare me like this, do you?”
I ask them after they finish laughing.
The other girls gasp when they hear what I just said before they all start laughing again.
“What’s wrong with you?”
I ask them again when they finish laughing.
They all stop laughing immediately before they start glaring at me very angrily.
“Don’t worry about it,” Donna says to me after she finishes glaring at me.
“You’ll find out soon enough!”
she says to me with an evil grin on her face.
“What are you talking about?”
I ask Donna with a frown when she says that.
“You’ll see soon enough!”
she says to me with a grin after I ask her that question.
She quickly turns around and starts talking to the other girls in hushed tones after I ask her that question, and I wonder what they’re talking about when I see them talking so quietly.
I try to think of what they could possibly be planning when I see them talking so quietly, but I can’t think of anything when I see them talking so quietly in front of me like this.
“What are you doing?”
I ask them again after they’ve talked for a few minutes.
“They’re ready for you!”
Donna says to me with an evil grin when I ask them that question.
“Are you sure about that?”
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
“What do you mean by that?”
Donna asks me with a frown when I ask her that question, and I can see that she’s very angry when she asks me that question.
“I’m just not really sure what you mean by that, that’s all,” I say to Donna with a frown as soon as she asks me that question, and she starts glaring at me again as soon as I say that to her.
“Just be quiet and listen to us!”
she says to me as soon as she finishes glaring at me, and she starts glaring at me again as soon as she finishes saying that to me.
She quickly turns around and starts talking to the other girls in hushed tones again as soon as she finishes glaring at me, but I can’t hear anything they’re saying because they’re talking too quietly in front of me.
“Just wait until they get here!”
Donna says to me as soon as she finishes talking to the other girls.
“They’ll tell you everything you need to know!”
she says to me with a grin before she quickly turns around and starts talking to the other girls in hushed tones again, but they still won’t let me hear anything they’re saying.
I try to listen very carefully when Donna goes back to talking to the other girls, but they still won’t let me hear anything they’re saying, and I start getting very angry when they won’t let me hear anything they’re saying to each other like this.
“What are you doing?”
I ask Donna and the other girls again when they won’t let me hear what they’re saying to each other like this, but they still won’t let me hear anything they’re saying to each other, and I get even angrier when they won’t let me hear what they’re saying to each other like this.
“Just be quiet and listen for a couple more minutes!”
Donna says to me when she hears what I just said, but I can tell that she’s very angry about the fact that I just asked her that question again, and she quickly turns around and glares at me when she hears what I just said to her.
“Just be quiet and listen for a couple more minutes!”
She tells me as soon as she finishes turning around, but I’m so angry about the fact that they won’t let me hear what they’re saying to each other that I can’t help but try to break free from the tennis rackets that Donna tied me up with before they have a chance to stop me from breaking free from them.
“Let me go!”
I shout at Donna and the other girls after I break free from the tennis rackets that Donna tied me up with, but Donna quickly grabs onto my arm before any of them can stop me from breaking free from them, and she pulls it behind my back before any of them have a chance to stop her from grabbing onto my arm like this.
“Let go of my arm!”
I shout at Donna when she grabs onto my arm like this, but none of the other girls will let me go when they hear what I just said to Donna, and they quickly grab onto my arms and legs before any of us have a chance to stop them from grabbing onto my arms and legs like this.
“Stop it right now!”
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
I shout at Donna and the other girls again after they grab onto my arms and legs and start pulling them away from me like this, but they still won’t let me go, and they quickly start shoving cheesecakes into my mouth again before I have a chance to say anything else about what they’re doing to me now that they won’t let me hear what they’re saying to each other again.
I quickly try to spit out all of the cheesecakes that they just shoved into my mouth before I have a chance to swallow any of them, but Donna and the other girls still won’t let me spit out any of them, and they quickly start shoving even more cheesecakes into my mouth before any of us has a chance to stop them from shoving more of them into my mouth like this again.
“Eat them right now!”
Donna shouts at me when I still won’t eat any of the cheesecakes that they just shoved into my mouth before I have a chance to swallow any of them, and I quickly try to eat some of them before I have a chance to say anything else about what they’re doing to me now that they won’t let me hear what they’re saying to each other again.
Donna and the other girls still won’t let me eat any of the cheesecakes that they just shoved into my mouth before I have a chance to say anything else about what they’re doing to me now that they won’t let me hear what they’re saying to each other again, and they quickly start laughing at me and shoving even more cheesecakes into my mouth before any of us has a chance to do anything else about what they’re doing to me now that they won’t let me eat any of them again.
“How many are you going to make me eat?
I shout at Donna and the other girls when they still won’t let me finish eating the cheesecakes that they already shoved into my mouth before I have a chance to finish eating them, but none of them will tell me how many they’re going to make me eat before I have a chance to finish eating them, and Donna quickly points at a target on my body after none of them will tell me how many they’re going to make me eat like this before I have a chance to finish eating any of them.
“This is your new target,”
Donna tells me as soon as she finishes pointing at the target on my body, which is located on my stomach and arms, but I still won’t let her know that I heard what she just said to me, so she quickly points at all of the cheesecakes again before any of us has a chance to stop her from pointing at all of them like this.
“Eat all of them right now!”
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
I still won’t let Donna and any of the other girls see that I heard what she said to me after none of them will tell me how many cheesecakes they’re going to make me eat like this before I have a chance to finish eating any of them for some reason, though, so one of the other girls quickly holds all of the cheesecakes up in front of my face before any of us has a chance to do anything else about what’s happening right now.“You heard what Donna told you earlier,” one of the other girls tells me as soon as she finishes holding all of the cheesecakes up in front of my face.“Now do it and eat all of them right now or else.”
As soon as one of the other girls finishes telling me this, all of the other girls start laughing at me again, so I do exactly what one of the other girls told me and open up my mouth so that one of the girl can shove another cheesecake into it for me before I have a chance to finish eating any of them or doing anything else about what they’re doing to me now.“Now that you finally understand why we brought you in here,” one of the other girls tells me as soon as we finish laughing at each other for some reason.“You better do exactly what we tell you from now on or else we’ll show you why we brought you in here earlier.”
Before I have a chance to do anything else that I can do about what they’re doing to me now, one of the girls quickly starts shoving more cheesecakes into my mouth before I have a chance to do anything else about what they’re doing to me now that they won't let me eat any of them again, and I still won’t let any of them know that I heard what she just said, so none of us can do anything else about what they’re doing to me now that they won’t let me eat any of them for some reason.“Stop it!”
I shout as soon as I finish swallowing all of them, but none of them will listen and stop what they’re doing to me now that they won't let me eat any more cheesecakes, so I quickly start struggling against all of my ropes and yelling at all of them after none of them will listen and stop what they’re doing to me now.
“Stop it right now!”
But none of them will listen to me and stop what they’re doing after I start struggling against all of my ropes and yelling at all of them, and they quickly shove even more cheesecakes into my mouth before any of us has a chance to do anything else about this for some reason.“What’s happening right now?”
I ask Donna and all of the other girls that are here as soon as they finish shoving more cheesecakes into my mouth before any of us has a chance to do anything else about this for some reason.
But Donna and all of her followers just start laughing at me and shoving even more cheesecakes into my mouth before any of us has a chance to do anything else about this again, and once they finally stopped, my stomach already started feeling really full and bloated before I finally finished eating every single one of them for some reason.
“I think we need you to eat something that’ll help you with your bloating,” Donna tells me as soon as I finish eating all of the cheesecakes, but none of us will be able to do anything else before she can get started on something that’ll help me with this for some reason.
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
“Actually, I think we need you to eat something that’ll make you feel even fuller than you already are right now,” Donna says as soon as I finish eating all ten of those cheesecakes, and Cloe quickly brings out another hose that’s connected to a machine that’s filled with buttercream, then hooks it up to my funnel and turns it on, while Madison starts pumping it into my stomach through my funnel, and I quickly realize what’s happening after Donna says that.
“No, wait!”
I shout as soon as I realize that Madison is pumping even more buttercream straight into my stomach, but none of them will listen and turn it off after I say that.
Buttercream is really thick and sweet, so it’s also really rich, and it also has a lot more fat than most types of frosting, which means that it also has a lot more calories than most types too, and Madison isn’t going to stop pumping it into my stomach until it’s almost completely full and bloated, then forces even more down my throat until it’s almost completely full too, then keeps forcing even more down there until it’s almost completely full too, then keeps forcing even more down there until it’s almost completely full too, then forces even more down there until it’s almost completely full too, and once Madison did finally stop doing that, I already started feeling like I was going to puke everything up all over myself while trying not to throw up everything that’s in there for some reason.
“Stop this!”
I shout at all five of them that are here while trying not to throw up everything that’s in there after Madison finishes forcing even more down there, and Donna starts laughing at me before any of them can do anything else about this for some reason.
But none of them will listen and turn off my funnel after I say that, and Cloe quickly grabs the hose from the chocolate fudge machine, then hooks it up to my funnel and turns it on, while Madison finishes pumping even more buttercream straight into my stomach, and I quickly realize what’s happening again before she starts forcing even more down there, and I still won’t be able to do anything else about this for some reason.
“No, wait!”
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis
I beg Cloe not to do this, but she still won’t listen, and turns on the machine while Donna continues laughing at me, and then opens my mouth just enough for all three hoes to go in there at once.
“Please don’t do this to me!You guys can’t do this to me!Please don’t do this to me!”
I shout at everyone in here again, and then Cloe quickly grabs another spoon and hooks it up to my funnel, then starts force-feeding even more chocolate fudge into me, and Donna quickly grabs another cheesecake from the box, then shoves the entire thing into my mouth before I can say anything else about any of this.
“We can do whatever we want with you!You don’t get to say what we can or can’t do with you!You’re ours now, and we can do whatever we want with you!”
Donna shouts at me again after she stops laughing at me, and then slams a spoonful of chocolate fudge into my throat as hard as she can, and Madison immediately gets another cheesecake out of the box, then shoves the entire thing into my mouth again.
“You’re going to eat every last bite of all these cakes because we said so!You don’t have a choice in any of this!Now finish those cakes, like we told you to!”
Donna shouts at me again while quickly hooking up another spoon to my funnel and then slams another spoonful of chocolate fudge into my throat, and Cloe quickly hooks up another hose to one of the machines before turning it on again, while Madison immediately gets another cheesecake out of the box and shoves the entire thing into my mouth again.
And then Donna quickly grabs another spoonful of chocolate fudge out of the bowl, then shoves that into my throat as hard as she can again.
And then Madison quickly grabs some more buttercream out of one of the bowls, while Cloe continues force-feeding even more chocolate fudge into my mouth, and then shoves another spoonful of chocolate fudge into my throat.
I try to tell everyone in here again, but I still won’t be able to do anything else about any of this for some reason, and Madison quickly finishes pumping even more buttercream straight into my stomach before the machine finally stops, while Donna quickly grabs another cheesecake out of the box, then shoves the entire thing into my mouth again and immediately gets another spoonful of chocolate fudge out of the bowl again, and then slams that into my throat again before I can do anything else about any of this for some reason.
“You can make all the noise you want to, but we’re not going to let you go until you finish all these cakes!And there’s still a lot more cakes for you to finish after these ones are done!”
Nancy Drew finishes up a tennis match at her tennis