MidReal Story

Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending


May 9
Scenario:Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending a Halloween festival in Salem Massachusetts dressed in a parochial school uniform with a tight white button down shirt and plaid skirt . A mysterious figure dressed as a witch, wearing a green amulet around her neck, places her hand on Nancy’s exposed stomach and places a curse on Nancy , “ at the stroke of midnight, your stomach will gain 13 pounds of fat , every 13 minutes all through the night , and just before the crack of dawn , your enormously fattened belly will burst like an over filled water balloon!” . Later that evening Nancy meets up with Frank and Joe Hardy at a costume party , and at midnight, Nancy begins to feel her stomach filling up like she just ate 4 or 5 plates at thanksgiving , her stomach is quickly getting fatter and fatter. “Oh my goodness ! My stomach is getting so fat! It looks like I’m about to give birth to twins!” Frank and Joe need to find a way to stop the curse before Nancy’s enormously fattened belly explodes! Every thirteen minutes, Nancy’s stomach expands, getting 13 pounds fatter. My stomach is getting so heavy! By 1:30 Nancy’s stomach had swelled out from under her cheerleading uniform shirt, the button on her skirt burst open as her enormous fatten stomach filled her lap. “ I feel like someone stuffed a hose inside my bellybutton and filled my stomach up like a water balloon! “ Soon it was almost 3:30am and Nancy’s stomach weighed over 150 pounds as it ballooned to the size of a giant beachball. “ I feel like my stomach is going to burst!” Heather rubbed Nancy’s taut stomach , “ Jeez Nancy , your skin is stretched so tight , I don’t know how much bigger your going to get!” Nancy , embarrassed at how fat she was , “ I don’t want to be fat!” It was almost 5:00am and Nancy’s stomach began to rapidly inflate again .
Create my version of this story
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending a Halloween festival in Salem Massachusetts dressed in a parochial school uniform with a tight white button down shirt and plaid skirt . A mysterious figure dressed as a witch, wearing a green amulet around her neck, places her hand on Nancy’s exposed stomach and places a curse on Nancy , “ at the stroke of midnight, your stomach will gain 13 pounds of fat , every 13 minutes all through the night , and just before the crack of dawn , your enormously fattened belly will burst like an over filled water balloon!” . Later that evening Nancy meets up with Frank and Joe Hardy at a costume party , and at midnight, Nancy begins to feel her stomach filling up like she just ate 4 or 5 plates at thanksgiving , her stomach is quickly getting fatter and fatter. “Oh my goodness ! My stomach is getting so fat! It looks like I’m about to give birth to twins!” Frank and Joe need to find a way to stop the curse before Nancy’s enormously fattened belly explodes! Every thirteen minutes, Nancy’s stomach expands, getting 13 pounds fatter. My stomach is getting so heavy! By 1:30 Nancy’s stomach had swelled out from under her cheerleading uniform shirt, the button on her skirt burst open as her enormous fatten stomach filled her lap. “ I feel like someone stuffed a hose inside my bellybutton and filled my stomach up like a water balloon! “ Soon it was almost 3:30am and Nancy’s stomach weighed over 150 pounds as it ballooned to the size of a giant beachball. “ I feel like my stomach is going to burst!” Heather rubbed Nancy’s taut stomach , “ Jeez Nancy , your skin is stretched so tight , I don’t know how much bigger your going to get!” Nancy , embarrassed at how fat she was , “ I don’t want to be fat!” It was almost 5:00am and Nancy’s stomach began to rapidly inflate again .
Heather and I are at the Halloween festival in Salem, Massachusetts, and she’s dragging me from booth to booth, trying to show me a good time.
It’s not that I don’t want to have a good time, it’s just that I’m a little preoccupied right now.
Actually, make that a lot preoccupied.
Because in twenty minutes, according to the curse that was put on me at midnight, my stomach is going to inflate like an overfilled water balloon and I’m going to gain thirteen pounds every thirteen minutes until I die.
And since it’s 12:40, I’m going to be dead shortly after five o’clock.
That’s not much time.
So I’m not really in the mood to be eating funnel cakes and looking at the jewelry they sell here that’s supposed to be “magical.” I mean, sure, we’re here in Salem because we’re trying to stop a curse.
And maybe something they’re selling could help me out.
But I highly doubt it.
A crowd of people bump into us as we walk through the narrow street.
It smells like autumn, and even though it’s crowded, I like it here.
There are so many people in costume everywhere you look, and they’re all laughing and pushing and yelling—just having fun.
I’m dressed as a parochial school girl, which is what Heather is, too.
Except for one big difference: she’s dressed more like an actual school girl while I’m dressed more like a slutty school girl.
My shirt is white, tight as can be, and unbuttoned so you can see my boobs.
My skirt is plaid, blue and white, with a white band on top that hugs my waist.
It’s so short you can see my underwear if I bend over.
And if I don’t keep pulling it down in the back, you can almost see my butt cheeks.
But that’s on purpose.
Heather thinks I wear this costume because deep down inside I like to show off my body.
That may be true.
But mostly I wear it because it pisses off Principal Hawthorne.
She hates Halloween and she hates sexy costumes even more.
As we walk through the crowd of people, Heather and I are holding hands.
She’s not really into girls like that.
I mean, I’ve kissed her before and she didn’t recoil in horror or anything.
But I think it’s more of a joke to her than anything else.
She’s way into guys.
And she’s pretty enough that she has no trouble getting them.
She has long blonde hair and blue eyes.
Her skin is perfect and her lips are full and pink.
Basically she could be a model if she wanted to.
Even though I’m not into that stuff, I can still appreciate it.
I get why guys trip all over themselves to open doors for her and carry her books to class.
She’s beautiful and confident.
I’m not as beautiful as Heather.
My hair is blond like hers but it’s shorter and wavy while hers is long and straight.
My eyes are blue-green and sometimes they’re too big for my face.
I’m skinny but I have curves—big boobs and a butt that sticks out.
The rest of me is all angles and elbows.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending
So I don’t have the ideal body type but I’m not going to get all bent out of shape about it.
As we walk through the crowd holding hands, we see a tall figure moving toward us in the crowd.
She’s dressed as a witch, but unlike the other witches we’ve seen here today—ones with long noses and pointy hats—she looks real.
Her skin is green and warty, her hat is bent on the top like it’s been through something.
And she’s cackling like she’s just seen something really funny.
“Witches are everywhere,” Heather says under her breath as the woman passes by us on the crowded street.
“Why do you say that?”
I ask her as we move past the woman who smells strongly of garlic and unwashed laundry.
“Because they are,” she says, gripping my hand harder as she looks over her shoulder to watch the woman move through the crowd.
“And you need to stay away from them.”
“But why?”
I ask her as we step over someone who’s squatting in the middle of the street drawing with chalk on the cobblestones.
“What is the Salem Sisterhood?”
“It’s a group of women who take witchcraft very seriously,” she says.
“And they don’t like outsiders.They’re very protective of their territory.”
I watch as the woman in the witch costume moves away from us farther down the street.
She’s moving slowly, her steps long and deliberate.
“What do you mean protective?”
“They don’t like strangers here,” she says.
“But they especially don’t like girls who come here trying to pretend they’re witches.”
“I’m not pretending,” I tell her.
“I know you’re not,” she says.
“But they don’t.”
I look back over my shoulder at the woman in the witch costume.
She’s talking to someone who’s dressed just like her.
They’re the same height, the same build, the same everything.
Except for one thing: the woman they’re talking to has a red amulet hanging around her neck while the other one has a green one.
“What’s the difference between the two?”
“I don’t know,” Heather says as she starts to pull me along.
“Come on.Let’s go see if we can find Frank.”
Even though I want to keep looking at the woman in the witch costume, I let Heather pull me away.
Because I already have enough problems without getting into a fight with a group of women who think I’m making fun of them.
“It smells like fall here,” I say as we walk down the uneven cobblestones that make up this part of town.
“Like apple cider and pumpkins.”
“It does,” Heather agrees as we pass by two men in plaid kilts.
One is playing a drum while the other plays an electric guitar.
“They say it was like that when people were hanged too.”
“Were you hanged here?”
I ask her, even though I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to that question.
Heather is originally from this area, so she knows a lot about Salem history.
And she knows that I already know that many people were killed in horrible ways back in 1692 because they were accused of practicing black magic or being witches when they really weren’t.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending
“Not that I know of,” she says.
“I think it was mostly people from out of town who were killed.
Not locals.” She gives me a sad look.
“Why do you think that woman came up to you the way she did?”
I ask, trying to change the subject.
“Usually the coven keeps to themselves.
They don’t bother people.
At least not that I’ve heard of.”
“It’s probably nothing,” I tell her even though I know that’s not true.
The way the woman in the witch costume looked at me was definitely strange.
It was almost as if she was trying to figure something out.
“What do you think she wanted?”
Heather asks as we walk along.
“I don’t know,” I say with a shake of my head.
I’m trying not to think about it, but there’s no way I can forget what happened just a few minutes ago.
The way that woman reached out and put her hand on my stomach was just weird.
It’s almost as if she knew something I didn’t.
“Why don’t you go ask her?”
“I don’t know,” I say as I hurry along.
“It’s kind of cold out, don’t you think?”
She wraps her arms around her body as if she’s suddenly feeling it too.
“Do you want my sweatshirt?”
I ask as we make our way down the cobblestoned street.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine,” I tell her as I pull her along.
The truth is, I’m not fine.
I’m not fine at all.
Because ever since that woman in the witch costume put her hand on my stomach and walked away, I can’t shake the feeling that something really bad is about to happen.
As if a storm is coming and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
And it fills me with a sense of fear and guilt so strong I can hardly breathe.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?”
Heather asks as we make our way toward the Hardy brothers’ party.
I shake my head.
“I want to see if Frank is here.”
I need to see him.
And Joe too.
Because I need to make sure they’re okay before I do anything else tonight.
In case I can’t see them tomorrow ever again.
“What if she put a curse on you?”
I roll my eyes because Heather is really into this whole thing.
“The Salem Sisterhood doesn’t put curses on people,” I tell her even though I’m not sure if that’s true or not.
For all I know, they could be putting them on people left and right.
“Okay,” she says as we approach a brownstone building that has been decorated to look like an old haunted mansion.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending
“I’ll wait here,” Heather says as she stops walking.
“Are you sure?”
I ask as I turn around to look at her.
There are a lot of weirdos around here and I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“I’ll be fine,” she says as she holds up her candy bag and smiles.
“I’ll be right here if you need me.”
I nod as I turn back around and enter the building, the sound of laughter filling my ears.
Once inside, I make my way past some hanging skeletons before stepping into what appears to be a dining room.
The table is set with plates and silverware, but there’s no food on them, just some fake cobwebs hanging down from the chandelier above me.
I listen for any sounds of life, but all I hear is music coming from another room somewhere else in the house.
I start to walk toward it when I hear someone calling out to me.
I turn around, but there’s no one there.
I guess I must have been imagining things when I hear it again, this time louder than before and coming from another direction.
“Nancy,” someone calls out to me as a shadowy figure emerges from beneath an archway at the other end of the room.
My heart starts to race as I watch it approach me, its face shrouded in darkness and impossible to see.
“Who are you?”
I ask as I take a step back.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” it says to me as it comes closer.
“Who are you?”
I ask again as I take another step back, but it keeps coming toward me, its face still hidden in shadows.
“Help me,” it says to me as it reaches out its hand and beckons me forward.
And before I know it, I’m walking toward it, even though everything inside of me is screaming at me to run away, to get as far away from it as possible before it’s too late.
But something inside of me is telling me not to run away, that it’s safe to be here right now, that nothing bad is going to happen to me.
“Who are you?”
I ask again as I watch as the figure steps out from beneath the archway and into the light.
And when I see who or what I’m looking at, my heart almost stops beating in my chest.
Because standing in front of me is not a person, but something else entirely.
Something I can hardly believe I’m seeing with my own two eyes.
Just then Heather enters the room and sees what I’m looking at.
And the color drains from her face as well as she takes in what she’s seeing, staring at the figure in front of us with wide eyes as she takes in its appearance and realizes that it is something real and not just a figment of my imagination.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending
“Nancy, we should go,” she says when she finally finds her voice, but I can’t seem to move, can’t seem to get away from the figure standing in front of us, can’t seem to breathe as I watch it take another step closer and beckon us forward with its mangled hand.
It’s not every day that you get to celebrate Halloween in Salem, Massachusetts, and I can hardly wait for tonight’s festivities to begin.
Heather and I are dressed in matching parochial school uniforms as we walk down the crowded streets of the small Massachusetts town, our skirts blowing in the wind as we make our way towards the town square where the festivities will be taking place later on this evening.
The streets are already packed with people dressed up in their best Halloween costumes as we make our way towards the center of town, our hair blowing in our faces as we walk down the cobblestone streets and weave our way through the crowds.
“Isn’t this amazing?”
Heather asks as she takes my hand in her own and gives it a squeeze.
“This is the best Halloween ever.” And I have to agree.
There really is no better place to be on Halloween than in Salem, Massachusetts.
“I know,” I say to her as we walk down the street towards the town square.
“We’re totally going to win this year,” she says excitedly as she starts to jump up and down and do a little twirl around me as we walk down the sidewalk.
“Totally,” I agree, “as long as I don’t explode before then.”
She looks over at me and grins before taking my arm in her own and leading me towards the center of town where all of the festivities will be taking place later on tonight.
“I’m starving,” I say to her as we walk down the street and make our way towards the town square.
And when I see a food tent just off to the side of the street, I take Heather by the hand and lead her towards it before she even knows what’s happening.
“What are you doing?”
She asks me as I pull her towards the food tent and make my way inside.
“They’re going to close soon,” I say to her as I lead her inside and start looking at the food on display in front of us.
“What do you want?”
She looks over at me and grins before taking me by the hand and leading me over to a table in the middle of the tent where we sit down and get comfortable.
“I have no idea,” she says to me as she pulls out one of the chairs in front of us and sits down across from me.
“Ugh,” I say to her as I take a look at my phone and see that it’s already 5:30 in the afternoon.
“I’m hungry,” I say to her as I stand up and turn to leave, but she takes me by the hand and leads me back towards the table where she was sitting before.
“We’re going to miss it all if you keep acting like you’re starving.” And suddenly I feel my stomach start to grumble as she talks about all of the food we’ll be missing if we don’t hurry up and get something to eat right now.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending
“Okay,” she says to me as she takes me by the hand once more, “but we have to hurry.” And as she starts to pull me towards the food tent, I can’t help but feel like we should be making our way through the streets of Salem right now.
“Hurry up,” she calls out to me as she makes her way through the crowd of people who are all making their way towards the town square.
“Calm down,” I say to her as I try to keep up with her, “we still have time.” But as soon as we start making our way through the crowd of people, I realize that we may not have as much time as I thought.
“Can we get something from the tent over there?”
She asks me as she points towards a food tent just off to the side of the street.
“Sure,” I say to her as we make our way over to the tent, but as soon as we get closer to it, I can hear someone calling out to us from behind the counter.
“We have a candy apple-eating contest,” the woman behind the counter says to us as we make our way over to her, “and if you girls are interested in signing up, you can do so right over there.” And she points towards the other side of the tent where there is a small table set up with a sign that reads, “Sign Up Here.”
“This is what I want to do,” Heather says as she makes her way over to the table with a big smile on her face.
And when she gets there, she starts talking to the woman behind the counter while I stand back and wait for her to finish signing up for the contest.
And as we make our way over to one of the tables set up in front of us, Heather looks over at me with a big smile on her face before saying, “I’m so excited.” And as soon as she does, my stomach starts to churn with dread as I realize that we only have about an hour left before the witch’s curse takes effect.
“We should probably take it easy,” I say to her as I start looking at all of the candy apples set out in front of us, but she just smiles and shakes her head before saying, “I’ll be fine.” And then before I can say anything else, she picks one up off of the table in front of us and takes a big bite out of it.
I try not to think about it as I take another bite out of my own candy apple, but as soon as I do, I can’t help but feel like a witch has just placed a curse on me because suddenly my stomach is doing flips inside of my body and I know that something really bad is about to happen.
I look around at all of the people walking around us in costumes as I try my best not to think about how much my stomach hurts right now, but I know that something really bad is about to happen because I can feel every inch of my body screaming out in pain.
“Are you okay?”
Heather asks me as she looks over at me with a concerned look on her face, but as soon as she does, I see Frank and Joe Hardy walking up behind me in their costumes.
They’re both dressed up as cowboys, but Frank looks more like a cowboy than Joe does because he has on a large hat with a feather in it and a suede jacket over his cowboy shirt.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending
I look up at him with a smile as he reaches out his hand to help me up out of my chair and then we both start making our way over to the food tent where Heather is waiting for us, but as we do, I can’t help but feel like something really bad is about to happen.
My stomach is still hurting like crazy as we make our way over to the table, but when I finally get there, Heather smiles at me before saying, “I signed you up.”
And then right after she does, we both turn around and start making our way back over to Frank and Joe so that we can go find a table to sit at before the contest starts in five minutes, but when we get there, we suddenly see them standing in front of us with huge smiles on their faces as they say, “Surprise!”
I smile at both Frank and Joe before saying, “What are you two doing here?”
“We were going to leave, but then we saw you guys walking over here,” Joe says as he picks up one of the plates sitting in front of him and hands it to me with a smile.
I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel like something really bad is about to happen as we all sit down at the table together, and as soon as we do, I try my best not to think about it.
But as soon as they start talking to Heather and I start eating my dinner, I suddenly feel something happening inside of my stomach that feels like it was just cursed by a witch, and now it’s fighting back.
I try my best not to think about it as I take another bite out of my dinner and try not to think about how bad my stomach hurts right now, but as soon as I do, I suddenly see Frank looking at me out of the corner of my eye and I feel like he knows something is wrong.
I look over at him and smile before saying, “Do you want some?”
And then when he doesn’t say anything, I suddenly see him looking down at my plate and I realize that something is happening right now and that he knows it.
And then when I finally look down at my plate, I see that there’s nothing left on it except for the little piece of food that’s left in the middle, but when I finally finish eating all of that, I start feeling something happening inside of my body that feels like it was put there by a witch because suddenly my stomach is getting so big that it feels like it’s going to explode.
I try my best not to show any signs of what’s happening right now because the witch is still out there somewhere and she’s still watching me, but as soon as I feel my stomach start to get bigger and bigger, I know that it’s only going to be a matter of time before something really bad happens.
I’m so scared right now that I can barely even move or breathe or think straight because my body is in so much pain, but no one else seems to notice anything wrong yet because they’re all too busy talking and laughing with each other.
Nancy Drew and her good friend Heather Goodall are attending