MidReal Story

Mystical Guardians: A Forest's Last Stand


May 17
Scenario:Fairy tale like gnome elvish creatures that protect the forest called woggles.  They heal plants and protect the forest from humans destruction.  This is the story of Lily and Sam.   Two young children who move into a cottage in the forest and discover the woggles for the first time.  The woggles teach them about sharing, gardening, and the power of Mother Nature.
Create my version of this story
Fairy tale like gnome elvish creatures that protect the forest called woggles.  They heal plants and protect the forest from humans destruction.  This is the story of Lily and Sam.   Two young children who move into a cottage in the forest and discover the woggles for the first time.  The woggles teach them about sharing, gardening, and the power of Mother Nature.
Lily Thompson and her best friend Sam Carter were two of the bravest kids in the whole world.
They had to be, because they were about to do something that no one else had ever done before.
They were going to save the forest.
It all started on a sunny Saturday morning in May, when Lily and Sam decided to explore the woods behind Lily’s new house.
Lily had just moved into a cute little cottage with her mom and dad, and she was excited to have a whole forest as her backyard.
Sam had lived in the neighborhood for years, but he’d never been very interested in the woods until now.
He was more of a sports guy, always playing soccer or basketball with his friends, but he’d do anything for his best buddy Lily.
So there they were, hiking through the trees with their backpacks and water bottles, looking for adventure.
“Do you think we’ll find any bears?”
Lily asked, her eyes wide with excitement.
Sam snorted.
“Bears and mountain lions don’t live in New Jersey, Lils.”
“I know that,” Lily said, rolling her eyes.
“But it’s fun to pretend.”
“Okay, but if we see a bear, I’m not going to pretend I’m afraid of it,” Sam said.
“I’m actually going to be afraid of it.”
Lily laughed and punched him in the arm.
“You’re such a wimp.”
“I am not,” Sam said, rubbing his arm.
“You know what’s a real wimp move?
Letting your best friend hike through the woods all alone while you sit at home staring at your phone.”
“Good thing I’m not a wimp, then,” Sam said.
“I’m the bravest kid in town, and I have the trophy to prove it.”
“Yeah, but I’m the one who found that rattlesnake nest when you were too scared to look in the rock pile.”
“That’s not true!
I told you to stop poking it with a stick so we wouldn’t get bitten!”
“That’s true, you did,” Lily admitted.
“You’re a way better friend than I am.”
Sam grinned at her.
“Well, yeah, but I already knew that.
And I don’t have to be good at everything.
Just the important stuff, like being brave and rescuing damsels in distress from deadly snake pits.”
“I’m not sure that counts as being a damsel in distress,” Lily said.
“More like being an idiot with a stick.”
Sam laughed and slung his arm around her shoulders.
She was about a foot shorter than him, even though they were both ten years old.
She had curly brown hair that was so short, it barely reached her chin, and huge green eyes that were always wide open with excitement.
She was pretty in a cute little-kid way, but Sam had never really thought of her as a girl before.
She was just Lily, his best friend and partner in adventure.
“You’re lucky to have me along today,” he said smugly.
“Who else would carry your backpack for you?”
Lily shrugged modestly.
“I do have the weight of the forest on my shoulders.
It’s nice to have someone share the load.”
Sam raised an eyebrow.
“Is that why you brought all this stuff?”
He thumped her backpack.
“It feels like it weighs about fifty pounds.”
“We’re going to be out here all day,” Lily said.
“How else am I supposed to survive?”
“You’re only going to be out here for an hour,” Sam said.
“And we’re not even supposed to be here in the first place.
Your parents told us to stay on the trail.”
“Just because I’m supposed to do something doesn’t mean I’m going to do it,” Lily said primly.
“I’m not like my little sister, who always does everything my mom tells her to do without question.
I like to think for myself.”
Sam snorted and shook his head.
“I feel sorry for your sister when she grows up.
You’re going to be such a pain in the butt.”
Lily grinned wickedly and held her hands in front of her like claws.
“I live to torment my enemies,” she said in a spooky voice.
"Mystical Guardians: A Forest's Last Stand"
As they hiked, the path grew steeper, and Lily had to use both hands to climb down the rocks.
Sam grabbed her backpack and carried it for her, making her roll her eyes again.
“Are you going to follow me around all day doing everything I say?”
she asked, feeling annoyed but also a little bit flattered that he was so chivalrous.
Sam grinned unrepentantly, but his eyes were serious as he looked into hers.
“I’ve got your back, Lils,” he said quietly, using his pet name for her.
They smiled at each other as they made their way through the trees, their bond as unbreakable as steel.
After that, they reached the bottom of the hill and came out into a clearing.
They saw something so beautiful that it took their breath away and made them fall silent for what felt like hours, but was probably only a minute or two.
In front of them was a sparkling, crystal-clear lake that stretched on forever, surrounded by tall trees that loomed over them like ancient kings on thrones of green leaves.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my whole life,” Lily breathed, her voice hushed by the majesty of the scene.
“Me neither,” Sam said, his eyes shining.
“It’s like something out of a fairy tale.”
As they gazed out at the water, they heard a strange noise coming from the other side of the lake.
It sounded like a chainsaw, except it was much louder and more horrible than any chainsaw they’d ever heard before.
It made their hair stand on end and their hearts pound with fear, and they felt an overwhelming urge to run away and hide.
But instead of running, they took a step forward and peered into the woods, looking for the source of the noise.
All at once, there was a blinding flash of light, and they were both knocked off their feet by a deafening explosion.
They cried out in fear and covered their eyes, waiting for the pain to come.
Instead, they heard a voice calling to them, soft and gentle like the rustling of leaves.
“Don’t be afraid,” said the voice.
“We won’t hurt you.”
Sam leaped to his feet and stood in front of Lily protectively, ready to defend her against whatever monster had come to eat them alive.
He was a brave boy who would do anything for his best friend, even if it meant giving his life to save hers.
But when he looked at the figure standing in front of him, he forgot all about being brave and just stared in shock and wonder, not believing his eyes.
It was a tiny creature with shimmering green skin and huge, almond-shaped eyes that glowed like fireflies.
It had delicate wings like those of a dragonfly and a sweet little face that made Sam want to pick it up and squeeze it in his arms.
It blinked at him curiously and cocked its head to one side.
“What are you looking at?”
it asked innocently.
Lily tugged on Sam’s shirt and pointed behind him.
Sam turned around just in time to see another creature pop up from the bushes.
"Mystical Guardians: A Forest's Last Stand"
“Hi there,” it said in a singsong voice.
It had a high, clear voice that sounded like a bell ringing and made Sam’s heart feel light as a feather.
Lily clapped her hands excitedly.
“Look at all of them!”
There were five creatures in all: three with green skin and two with blue.
But despite their differences in color, they all looked more or less the same: tiny and delicate, with shimmering skin and gauzy wings that sparkled and shone like diamonds.
They wore little tunics made of leaves and carried tiny bows and arrows, which they aimed at Sam and Lily playfully.
Sam held up his hands to show that he wasn’t carrying any weapons.
He knew he probably couldn’t hurt them even if he tried, but he didn’t want to take any chances.
The woggles giggled at him and lowered their bows, forgetting that they were supposed to be on guard.
They were very young—much younger than Willow Greenleaf—and they hadn’t had many adventures yet.
They were still learning how to protect the forest from danger, but they were eager to try.
Sam smiled back at them, relieved that they didn’t want to hurt him.
He turned back to Willow Greenleaf, who was watching him from a distance with a mixture of caution and curiosity.
“Who are you?”
Willow Greenleaf asked, stepping out of the bushes and walking toward them slowly.
“I am called Willow Greenleaf,” she said.
“I am one of the woggles who lives in this forest.”
She bowed her head respectfully.
“We have lived here for hundreds of years,” she said.
“But we have always been invisible to humans until now.”
She paused for a moment to let this sink in.
“Why are you showing yourself?”
Sam asked politely.
Willow Greenleaf hesitated, as if she wasn’t sure she should tell him.
But then she seemed to make up her mind and stepped closer to Sam, looking up at him with her huge, shining eyes.
“We are showing ourselves because we need your help,” she said.
The forest is in grave danger, and we don’t know what to do.”
Sam’s heart went out to her and her tiny friends, who were huddled together in a little group and watching him with big, anxious eyes.
He could see that they were scared, and he wanted to help them, even though he didn’t know how.
He felt an overwhelming urge to pick them up and hold them in his arms, soothing them with his voice and letting them know that everything would be okay.
But he knew that he couldn’t, because they were woggles, and woggles weren’t supposed to be touched by humans, even with the best of intentions.
"Mystical Guardians: A Forest's Last Stand"