MidReal Story

My name is Chen Feng . I am a psychic

Scenario:My name is Chen Feng. I am a psychic. I can talk to the dead. One of my childhood friends is Shen Tu. She is a criminal policeman. At present, she is working as an intern criminal police in a county in the northeast. Her father is the director of the provincial public security department. On this day, she came across a strange case, and there was no progress for more than a month. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed my phone.
Create my version of this story
My name is Chen Feng. I am a psychic. I can talk to the dead. One of my childhood friends is Shen Tu. She is a criminal policeman. At present, she is working as an intern criminal police in a county in the northeast. Her father is the director of the provincial public security department. On this day, she came across a strange case, and there was no progress for more than a month. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed my phone.
It was just past midnight and I was already tired and ready to sleep.
But my phone rang at this time, and it was a call from Shen Tu, my childhood friend.
I thought for a moment that something big might have happened I don’t care what happened, go to sleep and give me an explanation tomorrow.” I told her in a sleepy voice, then hung up the phone without waiting for her to respond.
I was about to go to bed when the phone rang again, so I picked up the phone and said, “I’ll be angry if it’s not important.” “Chen Feng, come back and help me,” Shen Tu’s voice came through the phone.
I have a case that has been stuck for more than a month, and the leaders are pressuring me.”
I was silent for a moment before asking, “What case?”
Shen Tu is an intern criminal policeman who works in a remote county in the northeast.
For her, she has been full of enthusiasm for criminal investigation since she was a child. At that time, she would often take me to play detectives with her.
Therefore, she went to a police school after graduating from high school.
She has a strong ability to analyze problems logically and clearly.
And there is a strong sense of justice and responsibility in her heart.
Hearing this tone of hers made me feel that something big had happened.
Five people died of unknown causes one after another,” Shen Tu said anxiously.
It has been more than a month since the case was reported.No matter how many ways we tried to investigate the case, we still couldn’t find any evidence or clues related to the case.”
The five victims were all male with ages ranging from 25 to 35 years old.But the victims’ families have not found any missing persons reports in the past few months.
We can’t even identify who these five people are.”
Shen Tu and I grew up together since we were little in a small town with less than 10,000 people.
And we are good friends.
She would never call me if it wasn’t something important.
In addition, there are so many things about ghosts and gods happening around us since we were young.
There are also many supernatural events experienced by our family members.
My family members have various abilities to see ghosts and talk to gods.
And I have inherited this ability from my ancestors.
Therefore, I am very curious about these things and I often observe them by the side.
I am also very curious about the supernatural events I have experienced and I also like to talk to them to pass the time when I am bored.
These experiences have also greatly increased my interest in ghosts and gods.
I majored in forensic medicine at university and wanted to be a forensic doctor in the future.
So when I heard Shen Tu say this, I quickly agreed to help her without even thinking about it.
Because it is often the case that the police cannot solve some cases with common sense and methods of investigation.
But with the help of the supernatural power that I possess, it seems that it is not that difficult to find out the truth of the incident and solve the case.
I quickly got up and washed my face before turning on the computer and sending her a WeChat message: “I will be there soon.”
My name is Chen Feng . I am a psychic
In the early hours of dawn, I went back to my hometown on the first train and then took a taxi to Shen Tu’s county town.
In my memory, Shen Tu and I are almost inseparable since we were young in our small town with less than 10,000 people.
We were often scolded and beaten because we made trouble everywhere when we were young.
And we have done many interesting things together when we were kids.
When I think about it now, I can’t help but smile.
When we were kids, we even made an oath under the moonlight: “If one day we are in trouble or need each other’s help, we must come forward no matter what happens.”
Back then, I thought that making such an oath was very childish and ridiculous, but Shen Tu insisted on making it and she asked me very seriously if I would agree to this oath of hers?
And my heart was very happy at that time, thinking that she cared so much about me, so I nodded my head in agreement without any hesitation, then the two of us made an oath to each other under the moonlight that night, and we would always be there for each other no matter what happened in the future.
Shen Tu grew up in a single-parent family, her mother died when she was very young, she only has a father who works in a distantly located city, and her grandfather lives with them most of the time when her father is not at home, so she is a little impulsive child who grew up under the doting care of her family members.
She is very brave and always likes to take risks, but I am the type of person who is relatively cautious when doing something, so it’s good for me to be with her, because she can help me overcome my fear of ghosts and gods at that time, while I can help her analyze things from different aspects in order to avoid unnecessary trouble or danger.
When we were in primary school, our grades were among the best in our class, but when we entered middle school, Shen Tu’s grades skyrocketed while my grades remained the same without any improvement, but fortunately my grades are still among the best in the class because of my stable foundation compared to my classmates’ grades.
My name is Chen Feng . I am a psychic
At that time, Shen Tu had already set her goal to become a lawyer because she wanted to help her father solve the problems her mother had left for her family, so she did not hesitate to apply to study law in high school, while my grades were relatively average so I applied to the best high school in the province, which is located in a big city, so we had to be separated from each other when we went to high school, but after all, the two schools were not too far apart, so we could still see each other every weekend during that time when there was no homework or exam to do.
When I was in high school, my psychic talent gradually began to develop, so every time when Shen Tu saw that there were some strange phenomena happened around me, she always said curiously, “Did you just see a ghost again?You have to be careful, remember to call me if you need help.I will come to help you no matter what the situation is.” And then I would jokingly say to her, “Don’t worry, even if I died, I would become a ghost to haunt you for the rest of your life.” Then she would give me a punch on my arm, while her eyes showed a touch of warmth to me, “You must be my best friend even if you become a ghost.”
I smiled slightly when I thought of that memory, it’s already been eight years since we graduated from senior high school, now Shen Tu has become a criminal police officer, but she was still as independent and resolute as before, she was even more determined than ever before, so there were many people who admired her in our county.
“Please allow me to answer this call first,” I said to my client apologetically, “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“No problem, you can take your time,” the client replied with a smile on his face.
I picked up my phone hastily, and found that it was from Shen Tu after glancing at it, so I said to her anxiously after answering her call, “What’s up?Is there anything urgent for you to call me at this hour?”
The other end of the phone was silent for a while then came Shen Tu’s hoarse voice, “Yes, there is something necessary for you to come here immediately.”
“Can you tell me more about it?” I asked.
“The case I’m investigating now is very strange, and there has been no progress so far.The superiors have given me an ultimatum, and if I am still unable to find any clues about it within two days, I’m afraid that…”
I frowned at her words, and then asked with concern, “How long have you been investigating this case?Can you tell me more about it?”
“I’ve been investigating it for over a month, and I’ve already conducted an investigation on all possible suspects, but unfortunately I still couldn’t get any useful leads,” She said helplessly.
“So, what about the victims?”
She sighed and said, “There were five dead bodies discovered, but for now we don’t know their identities yet.We have already conducted DNA analysis of their bodies and compared them with their families, but we still haven’t found any match until now, and there were no traces of poison found on their bodies either.”
“Have you conducted an autopsy for them?”
My name is Chen Feng . I am a psychic
“Yes, we have already conducted the autopsy for them,” She said in a low voice.
“Then can you tell me more about the details of the crime scene?”
I asked as I clenched the phone tightly with my hand.
She paused for a while then said helplessly, “All the victims were killed in different ways in the same area of our county.”
“Um…” I nodded slightly in agreement.
She continued at this moment, “The first victim was a 19-year-old girl who was found strangled in the woods outside a small village.The second victim was a 40-year-old man who was found decapitated in his own home.The third victim was a 30-year-old woman who was found poisoned by carbon monoxide in her car.The fourth victim was a 60-year-old man who died from a gunshot wound to his head in his farmhouse.The fifth victim was a 24-year-old man who was found dismembered in an abandoned factory.”
I felt cold when I heard about all of these.
These five people were of different ages and different genders as well as different occupations, and they also had no blood relationship with each other as far as I could see from the information she had just provided.
“So, do you think these five people have any connections between them?”
I asked as I furrowed my brows.
“No, these five people had no connections between them at all based on our investigation, but it was very strange that the crimes got more and more brutal as time went by.I’m afraid that the next victim may be more tragic than the previous ones if I can’t find out any clues about this case today,” Shen Tu said, and there was anxiety and almost tears in her voice at this moment.
“I see, so don’t worry, I will come to help you as soon as possible,” I said as I took a deep breath, trying not to show my concern for her in my voice.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” She said softly and then hung up the phone.
I thought of what she had just told me, and continued my conversation with my client as if nothing had happened before, and he didn’t seem to know anything about it at all because of my calm voice.
The next day, when I got off work, I went back home immediately and packed up my luggage, then I took a taxi to the high-speed railway station, and after riding on the high-speed train for four hours, I finally arrived at the county where Shen Tu was working.
After I arrived there, I called Shen Tu and told her that I was already here, and she told me that the hotel where I was going to stay had been booked for me in advance, so I took the taxi she sent to pick me up to the hotel soon afterward.
When I arrived at the hotel and checked in, it was already around 10 pm, so Shen Tu told me that we would go back to the crime scene tomorrow morning, and I went back to my room to lie down on the bed after taking a shower and wash my hair.
I fell asleep not long after that because the bed was very comfortable, but suddenly, I heard someone knocking on my door when I was in a daze just now.
Because it was already 3 o’clock in the morning, so I got up from the bed quickly when I heard this sound, and opened the door of my room after putting on my slippers.
“Why are you here?”
My name is Chen Feng . I am a psychic
When I opened the door, a girl who was about the same age as me was standing outside, looking up at me as if she was shocked.
I asked her in confusion.
“Are you Chen Feng?Shen Tu told me that you are coming to help us solve this case, so I came to pick you up,” She said softly.
“Okay, I’ll pack up the stuff first, then we’ll go together,” I nodded at her, then went back to the room to put on my clothes.
While I was packing up some clothes, I asked her, “Can you tell me what is going on about this case?”
“What do you want to know?Do you want to know the reason why they were killed or do you want to know the details of the case?”
I asked as I packed up some clothes, and then asked again.
“I want to know the details of the case, including how they look like, their age, their occupation, where they live, if they have any families, or anything that happened before they died,” She said in a soft voice.
“The first victim was a 19-year-old girl, and she was from a small village around here.She seemed to have been a very diligent person who always helped her parents do farm work after school, and she was also a sensible girl who had never caused any trouble for her parents since she was young.
She was going to take the college entrance examination this year, so she had studied very hard in order to be able to enter a good university.However, she went missing three days before the college entrance examination when she went out to play with her friends, and her body was found three days later in the woods outside the village where she lived at that time.She was wearing a new dress when she went missing, but her body had already begun to decay when she was found that day.We couldn’t determine the cause of the death by traditional forensic methods because there were no obvious signs of injury on her body,” She explained as she sat on the sofa.
“Then do you have any suspects so far?”
I asked as I sat next to her.
“We have investigated all the villagers and her classmates around her at that time, but none of them were suspicious,” She shook her head.
“Then why did the killer kill these people?Is it just for fun?”
I asked in confusion.
“I’m not sure either, but we have always had a saying in our place that the more brutal a person is killed, the less chance the police will catch that person,” She said softly and sighed.
“Do you mean that there are still some villagers who are superstitious around here?”
I asked her in confusion.
“Yes, they don’t even dare to walk out of their houses at night because they are afraid that the dead will come to take them away,” She nodded.
After listening to what she had just said, I seemed to understand something in a flash, so I stopped asking her about this case.
So I asked her again after I paused for a while.
“Do you want to visit the crime scene now?”
She asked me as I looked at the clock on the wall.
“How far is it from here to the crime scene?”
I asked her again.
“It will take about half an hour to get there if we drive,” She said.
“Then we can wait until it’s bright,” I suggested.
“Okay then,” She nodded.
After that, I went back to the room where I slept just now and lay down on the bed again after taking a shower.
I closed my eyes and thought carefully about what Shen Tu had just told me, and then I began to focus and meditate so that I could concentrate all the power in my body on the top of my head slowly.
My name is Chen Feng . I am a psychic