MidReal Story

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1

Scenario:My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
Create my version of this story
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
My hooves clicked against the cobblestone streets of Ponyville.
The small village stretched out around me, and I found myself so focused on my task that I barely noticed the colorful buildings and bright signs.
I was here to study friendship, not sightsee.
It was a concept I understood intellectually, but didn’t really get.
It was a nice thing, sure, but it seemed like an inefficient waste of time.
I could instead be studying magic and improving my skills.
Instead, I’d been tasked by Princess Celestia to come here and learn about friendship.
And I had been so busy studying my book that I hadn’t even really thought about what it actually meant.
At least, not until now.
I had been studying friendship for a few days now, ever since Princess Celestia had assigned me this task.
I had been so caught up in my studies that I hadn’t really stopped to think about what was being asked of me.
But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.
I was still young, and there was still much for me to learn.
And before I could grow any stronger in my magic, I needed to grow as a pony.
That made sense.
And I couldn’t very well grow as a pony if I didn’t understand such an important concept.
So here I was, in Ponyville, ready to start my studies in earnest.
The first thing on the agenda?
Just what was this “friendship” thing?
It wasn’t something that could be easily quantified or studied in a vacuum.
To truly understand it, I would need to immerse myself in it.
The last few days had been spent studying up on the subject of friendship and its magical properties.
But now it was time to get out there and do some real world research.
According to my book, there were two key components to friendship: sharing your feelings with others, and spending time with them.
My plan to understand friendship was simple: to observe and document every facet of it in Ponyville so that once I was finished with my observations, I could return to Canterlot and write a report on the subject for Princess Celestia.
After all, that’s what she liked best about me; my reports.
And my organization skills.
And how smart I was.
So really, everything about me.
My plan was perfect!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
it's been 3 days after we defeated nightmare moon and brought celestias sister back.
I was going to make sure that I learned all I needed to about friendship, and then I would return to Canterlot and resume my life as it had been before.
I would have my nose buried in my books, and I would be all alone.
Just the way I liked it.
And nothing was going to distract me from my plans.
I was convinced that once I understood friendship, I would be able to predict and control it, just like I did everything else.
And if I can control it, then no one can force it on me!
I had always been a good little student, and my plan was to study friendship until I knew everything there was to know about it.
And then I would never have to think about it again.
The first step in my plan was to observe the residents of Ponyville and identify any patterns that emerged.
By watching them interact with one another, I should be able to determine exactly how friendship worked.
Were friends made instantly, or did they grow over time?
Could you have more than one friend at a time?
A dozen?
A hundred?
Or was it more like some sort of disease that you caught once, and then you were immune?
I had my doubts, but I needed to be sure.
So, as any good scientist would do, I created a checklist of criteria that needed to be met for a pony to become friends with another pony.
I would be sure to stick strictly to my list and not let my own personal feelings get in the way of my research.
After all, this was a matter of the utmost importance.
There was no room for error.
With my checklist drawn up and ready, I was about to head downstairs and begin my observations when a loud crash from below startled me.
I turned my head toward the source of the noise, and my brow furrowed.
That was odd, I thought to myself.
It was strange for something to distract me from my studies.
I made a mental note to find out just what had happened, and then report back as soon as possible.
I had never really been one for distractions, and I had no intention of starting now.
It was time to get to work.
I made my way down the stairs with determination in my step.
As soon as I found out what had caused that noise, I would put an end to it once and for all.
I had an important job to do, and nothing was going to stop me from completing it.
It might have only been a few steps down, but they felt like they took forever.
My mind raced as I tried to figure out who or what had caused that crash.
The most likely culprits were those three fillies who lived down the street.
They were always getting into trouble, and today was probably no different.
It was time for me to get to the bottom of this once and for all.
But when my hooves finally touched solid ground, I found myself face-to-face with something that I never would have expected.
And no amount of preparation could have ever readied me for what I saw next.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
The Pony I saw, was Pinkie Pie, The Pony that encouraged us five to laugh at the creepy! I still have good memories in the everfree forest.
"Hi there!" One of the ponies exclaimed as soon as she saw me.
"Welcome to Ponyville!You're gonna love it here!"
Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she spoke and her smile was so wide that it nearly stretched from one side of her face to the other.
She had a pink coat and a massive poofy mane that was an even darker shade of pink than her coat was.
In the few seconds that we stood there staring at each other, it had already become twisted and tangled in the branches above us and looked as though it was only being held up by her sheer willpower alone.
The pony in front of me was like nothing I had ever seen before, and my brain struggled to comprehend the sight in front of me in my current state of confusion and disbelief.
What was she doing here?
And why was she trying to ruin my studies?
Did she not know how much of an inconvenience her arrival was going to be?
Didn't she know that when you interrupted somepony during an important research project that it took them almost twice as long to get back on track than if you had just left them alone in the first place?
Not only was she going out of her way to make a nuisance of herself, but she was also doing it at the worst possible time.
She must have known how important this study was to me, and yet, she still felt the need to come and interrupt my work.
I barely even had time to process what was happening before I felt an overwhelming sense of panic come over me.
I needed to get rid of her, and fast.
But I wasn't quite sure how to do it just yet.
So I tried to keep my cool and collect my thoughts while I still could.
The last thing I wanted to do was scare her away before I could figure out what she was up to.
"I'm sorry," I said as calmly as I could in order to reassure myself more than anything else.
"But...do I know you?"
"You do now!" She exclaimed happily.
I'm Pinkie Pie!And as the official party planner of Ponyville, I'm also the one who's in charge of throwing you your welcome party!"
That's when I realized what she was here for.
She wanted to throw me a party.
I should have known sooner, but in my current state of panic, I hadn't been able to put two and two together quite like I should have.
A look of horror came over my face as I tried desperately to think of a way out of this mess before it was too late.
I didn't need a welcoming party, after all.
I would have been perfectly happy just moving into the library and starting my research on friendship without any kind of a fuss at all.
But now it looked as though that wasn't an option anymore.
"You...you can't throw me a party," I said.
"But...why not?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"Because...I don't know you," I said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"You can't throw someone a party if you're not friends with them first!"
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
"Then all we have to do is become friends!" She exclaimed as though the answer was the most obvious thing in the world, all the while jumping up and down in excitement and causing her mane to get even more tangled up in the branches above her head.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
If she thought that becoming friends with me was going to be as simple as planning a welcome party, then she was in for a rude awakening.
Friendship was something that had to be earned, after all, and I wasn't about to go around making friends with everypony that came along the first time they asked me if we could.
That was just absurd, in my opinion, and if this one pony had come here under the assumption that my studies were done and that I was ready to be friends with her, then she was sorely mistaken.
But before I could tell her that, she wrapped herself around me in what must have been the single most awkward hug of my entire life.
It was so sudden, in fact, that there was nothing that I could have done to stop her even if I had wanted to.
"Welcome to Ponyville, Twilight!" She exclaimed happily as she pulled away from me and looked me straight in the eyes with a happy little smile.
I barely even had time to react before she let go of me and ran off into the distance without so much as a second thought for the words that had just come out of her mouth.
My brain struggled to comprehend what had just happened as I stood there trying to figure out where exactly all of this had gone wrong.
If she thought that she could become my friend just by planning a party for me then she had another thing coming, that much was for sure.
But no matter what my brain came up with as an answer, the solution continued to elude me for reasons unknown.
Instead of trying to make sense of what was happening, I went back inside the library and shut the door behind me so that no other ponies would try to come inside and bother me while I tried to make sense of what exactly this Pinkie Pie creature was all about.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
My Sidekick, Spike, was relaxing in his bed, he's probably a very sleepy dragon!
I walked over to the desk and sat down in the chair, looking over at the book that was still open to the page about the history of Ponyville and the magical properties of friendship, and began to read it over once more.
Maybe if I put a little more effort into reading it then I would be able to come up with a better understanding of what exactly friendship is.
I just hoped that the ponies in this town wouldn't try to bother me again while I was in the middle of trying to get some work done.
Letting out a long sigh, I felt myself slowly beginning to relax as I continued to read over the pages, letting myself get completely lost in them as the hours flew by without me even realizing it.
That is until the peace and quiet were shattered by a loud crashing sound that came from somewhere outside of the library.
It caused me to jump out of my chair and look over at the door with a confused look on my face, wondering what in the world that sound was supposed to be.
It sounded like it was pretty close by too.
I told you I'm sorry!
I didn't mean to be late but I was busy with the apple harvest and I didn't even realize that it was so late until just a few minutes ago!" A voice called from behind the library doors, making me jump slightly in place as I tried to figure out who it was that was being so loud and obnoxious about whatever it was that they had apparently been late for.
It didn't take long for me to figure out exactly who it was, as a young filly with an orange coat and a blonde mane and tail came running inside with a stetson on her head and some kind of saddlebag on her back.
She looked to be around the same age as Pinkie Pie but there were some noticeable differences between the two of them, such as how this one had a much more down to Earth feel to her than Pinkie Pie did.
Not to mention she also wasn't very hyper, which made things a lot easier for me to figure out than if she had been jumping around and acting completely insane like Pinkie Pie had been earlier.
"Sorry I'm late, I didn't even realize it was so late until just now!" She said as she looked at me with a sheepish smile on her face, "Heh, I guess I let my excitement get away from me and lost track of time.
I'm sorry, but who are you supposed to be?" I asked, looking at her with an expression that could only be described as one of confusion and surprise.
I hadn't been expecting any other ponies to come barging into the library like they owned the place, but apparently I had been wrong in thinking that.
This one was here right now, and she was staring at me with a look of shock on her face as she realized that she might have come off as rude or something like that.
"Oh, sorry about that.
My name is Applejack and I'm one of the ponies who lives here in Ponyville." She said with a small smile as she looked at me, "I'm really sorry for being so rude and all of that, it's just that I was busy with the apple harvest and all of that."
"It's quite alright." I said, walking over to her and offering her a friendly smile, "I know how these things can get sometimes."
"Thanks." She replied, smiling back at me before walking over to the chair by the desk and plopping herself down onto it without even being invited to take a seat.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
"So, who is this then?" She asked as Pinkie Pie came bounding into the room behind her with that same huge smile on her face as she had earlier.
"Well I'm Pinkie Pie, of course!" She exclaimed as she hopped over to the chair next to Applejack and sat down in it without even being invited to do so.
"Nice to meet you." Applejack said with a polite little smile on her face as she looked at Pinkie Pie.
"Likewise!" Pinkie Pie said with a huge smile, "It's always nice to meet new ponies, even if they are just passing through Ponyville and all of that."
"Speaking of which," Applejack said with a small smile as she turned to look at me, "Who is this?"
"Oh, that's Twilight Sparkle!" Pinkie Pie said before I could respond, "She's new in town and she's an egg-head who lives here in the library and studies all day!"
"Pinkie Pie!" I said with an annoyed groan as I looked at her with an expression that was somewhere between shock and surprise.
"I'm sorry!" Pinkie Pie said as she gave me an apologetic little smile.
"I'm not an egg-head, I'm just very smart." I said with a small huff as I looked at Pinkie Pie with an annoyed expression on my face.
"Yeah right." Pinkie Pie said as she rolled her eyes and looked away from me like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which made me groan and roll my eyes as well.
"So what do you do then?" Applejack asked as she turned back to look at me with an expression that was somewhere between curiosity and shock as she realized that I was different from the two of them in more ways than one.
"Well," I said with a small huff as I looked away from them for a moment before turning back to them and offering them both a small smile, "I'm not really sure what it is that I do exactly, but let's just say that I have my hooves in some very important matters."
"Like what?" Applejack asked with an expression of interest on her face as she stared at me like it was the most important thing in the world for her to know what it was that I did for a living.
"Let's just say that it involves magic and leave it at that." I replied with a small huff before turning back to my books and looking through them for anything interesting that might catch my eye.
"Whatever." Applejack said with a slight shrug of her shoulders as she turned to look at Pinkie Pie and saw that she was staring at a piece of paper with a big smile on her face as she read it and thought about whatever it was that was written there.
"So what's so interesting there?" Applejack asked as she leaned in close and tried to see what it was that Pinkie Pie was looking at.
"Nothing much." Pinkie Pie said with a little giggle as she looked back at Applejack and saw the expression of curiosity and surprise on her face as she realized that there was something interesting written there.
"Can I see it then?" Applejack asked with a slightly impatient huff as she reached out and snatched the piece of paper away from Pinkie Pie before she could stop her.
"Hey!" Pinkie Pie complained as Applejack looked down at the paper and saw that it was a list of things that she wanted to do before she died.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
"A list of things that I want to do before I die." Pinkie Pie replied with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face as she stared at the list of things that she wanted to do before she died.
"Like what?" Applejack asked as she looked down at the list and saw all of the things that were written there.
"Things like eating a triple chocolate fudge sundae, learning how to fly, going to the moon, meeting Celestia, and meeting all of Celestia's students." Pinkie Pie replied with a big smile on her face as she looked up at Applejack and saw the expression of shock and surprise that was written there.
"All of Celestia's students?" Applejack asked with a slightly nervous expression on her face as she thought about all of Celestia's students that she had met before and realized that there were some students of hers that she didn't want to meet because they were too dangerous for her to be around.
"Yes." Pinkie Pie replied with a big smile on her face as she stared at Applejack with an excited expression before turning away and looking around for one of the students of Celestia that she hadn't met yet.
"Thanks, but no thanks." Applejack said with a nervous huff as she looked around for a way to escape the situation that she had gotten herself into, but found that there was no way for her to get away from it because there was no way out of the forest that she could see.
"Come on." Twilight Sparkle said with a slightly impatient huff as she turned to look at Applejack with an annoyed expression on her face before turning back to the dark and foreboding trees of the Everfree Forest and walking into them without another word.
"Wait for me!" Applejack called out with a panicked huff as she ran after Twilight Sparkle before she could disappear into the trees of the Everfree Forest forever.
As Applejack ran through the trees of the Everfree Forest she realized that she was running faster than she ever had before, but that she still couldn't keep up with Twilight Sparkle because she was running so fast that it seemed like she was flying through the air with every step that she took.
"Wait up!" Applejack called out with an annoyed huff as she kept running after Twilight Sparkle while trying not to trip over anything that might be in her path because it was so dark in the forest that she couldn't see where she was going.
"I don't think that you should be following me." Twilight Sparkle replied with a slightly nervous huff as she slowed down just enough for Applejack to catch up with her before turning to look at her with a nervous expression on her face as she realized that Applejack wasn't going to let up until she befriended her no matter how much she told her that it wasn't a good idea.
"Why not?" Applejack asked with a small shrug of her shoulders before turning to look at Twilight Sparkle with an annoyed huff as she realized that she wasn't going to like the answer that was coming next.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
"Because it's dangerous." Twilight Sparkle replied with a small frown as she turned to look at Applejack with a worried expression on her face before turning back to the dark and foreboding trees of the Everfree Forest and walking into them without another word.
"What's dangerous, Twilight Sparkle?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow as she followed Twilight Sparkle into the forest before she could disappear into the darkness and leave her behind without another word.
"This is dangerous." Twilight Sparkle replied with a small frown as she turned to look at Applejack with a worried expression on her face before turning back around and continuing to walk through the trees of the Everfree Forest.
"What is?" Applejack asked with a confused expression on her face as she followed Twilight Sparkle through the forest for what felt like hours until they finally came to a stop in front of a large cave with a gigantic manticore standing guard in front of it.
"This is." Twilight Sparkle replied with a slightly nervous huff as she turned to look at Applejack with a worried expression on her face before turning back around and walking up to the manticore with a confident expression on her face as she tried not to show how nervous she really was.
"Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing?" Applejack asked with a worried expression on her face as she watched Twilight Sparkle walk up to the manticore before it woke up from its nap and roared in their faces, causing both of them to fall over in shock as they tried not to show how scared they really were.
"Applejack, run!" Twilight Sparkle cried out with a panicked huff as she watched Applejack get up from where she had fallen over and try not to show how scared she really was as she walked up to the manticore and tried to lasso it with her trusty rope like she did whenever there was trouble back home, but quickly realized that it wasn't going to work this time because it was much bigger than anything else that she had ever lassoed in her entire life.
"Applejack, watch out!" Twilight Sparkle cried out with a worried huff as she watched Applejack try not to show how scared she really was as the manticore swatted her away with its paw and made her crash into a tree before falling onto the ground and getting stuck in its grip as it roared in her face.
"Twilight Sparkle, help me!" Applejack cried out with a worried huff as she got up from where she had fallen and tried not to show how scared she really was as the manticore tightened its grip on her and made her cry out in pain.
"Don't worry, I'm coming." Twilight Sparkle replied with a worried huff as she used her magic to untie Applejack's lasso and make her fall onto the ground before slamming into the manticore with all of her might and making it let go of Applejack so that they could run away before it could catch up with them.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
Suddenly, I heard a sound, it sounded.. like flying.. rapid fast flying.. I saw a blue pony.. with rainbow mane, save applejack.
"You okay, AJ?
"Yea, never been better!"
"What's your name?"
"Rainbow Dash!"
And that's how I met Rainbow Dash.
"Are you okay?"I asked with a worried huff as I walked up to Applejack and saw her rubbing her back legs like they were sore.
"I'm fine, Twilight." Applejack replied with a sheepish smile as she got up from where she had been sitting and tried not to show how sore her back legs really were as she walked up to me and saw that I had been trying not to show how worried I really was about her.
"But what about you?You almost got yourself killed."Applejack asked as she walked up to me and saw that I had been trying not to show how worried I really was about her.
"I know, but you saved my life, so I had no choice."I replied with a sheepish smile as I walked up to her and saw that she had been trying not to show how sore her back legs really were.
"Thank you for saving me."Applejack replied with a smile as she walked up to me and tried not to show how sore she really was.
"You're welcome."I said with a smile as I walked up to her and saw that she had been trying not to show how sore she really was.
"Come, we need to get those elements."I said with a worried huff as I walked up to Applejack and tried not to show how worried I really was.
"What elements are you talking about?"Applejack asked with a confused expression on her face as she walked up to me and tried not to show how sore she really was.
"The elements of harmony, you silly pony."I replied with a giggle as I walked up to Applejack and tried not to show how worried I really was.
"Oh, right, those things."Applejack replied with a grin as she walked up to me and tried not to show how sore she really was.
"Now, let's go, we don't have much time left before the princess comes."
"Okay, let's go!"Applejack replied with an excited huff as she watched Twilight Sparkle walk up to the manticore and examine its body before she found the thorn that had been stuck in its paw and used her magic to remove it so that they could retrieve the elements of harmony from its body before it woke up and attacked them again.
A few minutes later, after Applejack and I had finally retrieved the elements of harmony from the manticore, we were finally able to leave the Everfree Forest and head back home before Princess Celestia came and checked on us one last time.
As we made our way out of the forest, we encountered Pinkie Pie, who had been waiting for us all this time and was happy to see us again after all this time.
"Hi, Pinkie Pie."I said with a smile as I walked up to Pinkie Pie and saw that she had been trying to contain her excitement for seeing all of us again after all this time.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1
"Hi, Twilight, hi, Applejack!"Pinkie replied with an excited huff as she walked up to me and saw that I had been trying not to contain my excitement for seeing her again after all this time.
"Hey, Pinkie."Applejack replied with a smile as she walked up to Pinkie and saw that she had been trying not to contain her excitement for seeing her again after all this time.
"Come, we have something important to tell you.""Okay, what is it?"Pinkie Pie asked with an excited huff as she watched Twilight Sparkle get out of the wagon and walk up to her so that she could tell her the good news.
"We're friends now!"I replied with an excited huff as I watched Pinkie Pie smile and jump for joy when she heard what I had said.
"That's wonderful, I'm so happy for you!"Pinkie Pie replied with an excited huff as she watched me smile and jump for joy when I heard what she had said.
"Thank you, Pinkie, but what about you, what have you been doing?"
"I've just been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for you guys to come back!"Pinkie replied with a sad frown as she watched me walk up to her and try not to show how sorry I really was.
"But now we're back, and we're friends!"I said with an excited huff as I watched Pinkie Pie smile and jump for joy when she heard what I had said.
"I know, and I'm so happy for you!"Pinkie replied with an excited huff as she watched me smile and jump for joy when she heard what she had said.
"Come on, let's go home."I said with an excited huff as I walked up to Pinkie Pie and got into the wagon while Applejack walked up to the front and started pulling it so that we could get back to Ponyville before Princess Celestia came and checked on us one last time.
As we made our way back home, I decided to ask Applejack how she became friends with Twilight Sparkle so quickly.
"How did you become friends with Twilight Sparkle so quickly?"I asked with a curious expression on my face as I watched Applejack walk up to me and try not to show how curious she really was.
"Honesty is the best policy."Applejack replied with a smile as she watched me walk up to her and try not to show how sore she really was.
"What do you mean?"I asked with a confused expression on my face as I watched Applejack walk up to me and try not to show how curious she really was.
"It means that if you're honest with others, they'll be honest with you."Applejack replied with a giggle as she walked up to me and tried not to show how sore she really was.
"But why does being honest make such a big difference?"I asked with a confused expression on my face as I watched Applejack walk up to me and try not to show how curious she really was.
"Because if you're honest with others, they'll trust you and be your friend."Applejack replied with a grin as she watched me walk up to her and try not to show how curious she really was.
"When you make new friends, they'll want to help you do things like raise barns or harvest apples or bake pastries."Applejack said with a grin as she watched me walk up to her and try not to show how curious she really was.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1