Scenario:A sweet couple
Create my version of this story
Lily Chen
Jason. She is shy, introspective, and loyal. Lily has been in love with Jason for years but fears ruining their friendship by confessing. She tries to navigate her emotions while maintaining their close bond. Despite her insecurities, she remains supportive of Jason's relationships, even when it pains her.
Emily Zhang
outgoing, and manipulative. Emily uses her charm to win over Jason but lacks genuine interest in him beyond his popularity status. Her relationship with Jason is superficial and shortlived as she moves on to other men after breaking up with him.
Jason Li
popular, and oblivious to Lily's feelings. Jason often seeks Lily's advice on his romantic life, unaware of her deep affection for him. His relationships are fleeting and shallow, causing Lily emotional turmoil as she watches him move from one girl to another.
I love Jason Li, my best friend since high school.
I never thought I would end up loving my best friend.
Jason is everything a girl can ask for.
He is handsome, smart, funny, and sweet.
Every time he smiles, my heart skips a beat.
Whenever he talks to me, I get nervous and my cheeks turn red.
I never thought I would end up loving him because we are just friends.
But I am scared to tell him how I feel because I don't want to ruin our friendship.
We have been friends for almost seven years, and I don't think I can ever find another friend like him.
He is the only person that truly understands me, and I am the only person that truly understands him.
Whenever he has a problem, he always comes to me.
Whenever I have a problem, I always go to him.
He is the first person to see my morning face when I wake up because we live in the same floor in the dorms.
He is the last person to see my night face when I sleep because we always say goodnight before we sleep.
We are so close that people start to think that we are a couple.
But sadly, we are not.
We are just best friends?
When we were in our second year in college, Jason started dating different girls.
Every time he gets into a relationship, it never lasts long.