MidReal Story

My Afghan Hound

Scenario:Chloe is at fun high school student and her Afghan hound Sophie
Create my version of this story
Chloe is at fun high school student and her Afghan hound Sophie
I am an ordinary fun girl who studies in high school.
I have my best friend and companion with me.
She is also a student but not like me; she studies how to catch sticks and sleep under the sun.
Her name is Sophie Martin, and she is my pet.
She is an Afghan hound.
How can I forget her?
She is the one who always gave me company when I needed it.
My parents always fight over money, and they always tell each other that they don't have enough money to fulfill each other's needs.
However, they never asked me what I want from them.
I don't know why I feel like my parents don't love me just because they never cared about my feelings or about what I want or need.
But I don't feel bad about it because I have Sophie with me.
She makes me laugh when I am sad, and she is always there with me.
She is the only one who makes my day better.
She knows when I get sad or stressed.
She comes near to me and puts her head on my lap, and I start caressing her silky hair.
Then I forget all the stress and anxiety I have.
She is the best companion a person can have.
I can rot in hell but never leave her behind.
I swear this on my life.
My Afghan Hound