MidReal Story

Musclebound Hearts


May 4
Scenario: man meets female bodybuilder
Create my version of this story
man meets female bodybuilder
I’m not a stalker, I swear.
But somehow, I ended up watching her from across the room.
With the way she was built, it was impossible not to.
Her biceps were nearly as big as mine, and her shoulders were broader than some of the guys who used the gym.
But she was definitely all woman from the waist down, and her long, brown hair hung in a sleek ponytail that brushed the top of her butt.
The first time I’d seen her, I’d been stunned.
I’d never seen a woman with muscles that big.
Yeah, I came to the gym to lift and get my body in shape, but her body was something else entirely.
Her legs were thick and powerful, and her abs were cut so deep I could see them even from across the room.
When she glanced over at me, I quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in the exercise I was doing.
I’d never seen a woman so strong before.
Not like this, not in person.
There were strong women on TV, sure.
But they seemed more like freaks than anything else.
She looked so powerful and so beautiful at the same time.
It was like nothing I’d ever seen before.
And believe me when I say that I had my pick of women at this gym.
There were always a few who were willing to go out with me for a drink after we finished up our workouts, but none of them had ever been like this.
Women with bodies like hers didn’t exist—at least not in my world.
The very first time I saw her training at the gym, my mouth had dropped open as I watched her do reps on the bench press with more plates than most of the guys used for their sets.
She was strong as hell, no question about it.
And even though I knew it wasn’t cool to watch her like that, I couldn’t help myself.
Every week when she came in to train, I found myself looking up from my own exercises and staring at her across the room.
I couldn’t help myself.
And anyway, no one ever seemed to notice or care that I was watching her like that.
It wasn’t like she was some fragile flower who needed protecting, after all.
She could take care of herself.
Her eyes were always hidden behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses or dark contacts, but when she glanced over at me, I could see that they were almond-shaped and so dark they were almost black.
Her mouth was full and soft-looking like she was made for kissing and other pleasures of the flesh, but most days it was set into a firm line as she concentrated on whatever exercise she was doing.
Even though she was beautiful, there was something about her expression that seemed cold and distant.
She never smiled or talked to anyone else while they were in the gym, and for some reason, that made me want to get to know her even more.
Musclebound Hearts
Over the past few weeks, I’d learned to look for her.
I’d learned to crane my neck so I could see the door of the gym when the clock ticked around to 7:30.
She always arrived right on time, and she never wasted a moment.
As soon as she walked through the door, she headed straight for the cardio equipment.
I’d learned to watch for the way she stretched out her long legs and ran on the treadmill as if she were being chased by a pack of wild dogs.
Her face was always screwed up into a look of determination, but it was clear she was enjoying herself.
Even from across the gym, the scent of sweat on her skin reached my nostrils like a siren song.
It was so fucking sexy it made me want to walk across the gym and take a huge whiff.
I knew how hard she was working because I worked hard too.
Every drop of sweat that soaked into my workout clothes was earned.
There weren’t any shortcuts to getting the body you wanted.
You had to put in the work if you wanted to see results.
And damn did she put in the work.
But for some reason, watching her was making it harder and harder for me to concentrate on my own workouts.
I’d learned to watch for her after she finished up with her cardio and headed to the squat rack.
That was where I was right now.
I was trying to do my own workout and keep my eyes off her at the same time but it was becoming more and more difficult.
I didn’t want her to catch me staring.
It wasn’t cool.
But I couldn’t help myself.
Her workout was unreal.
She started with squats—full, deep squats with her ass almost touching the ground.
I didn’t know how much weight was on the bar but judging by how fast she was moving through her reps, it was a lot.
Most guys at this gym never squatted more than 135.
They thought they’d get hurt if they tried anything more.
But Sam was doing sets with 225 like it was no big deal.
And then after she finished up with those, she did leg presses with seven plates on each side.
Her legs burned with effort as she pushed herself up and down with fierce determination.
Her muscles bunched and swelled with every rep she did.
You could see the cords and tendons in her neck straining with effort and her jaw was clenched so tight it looked like it hurt.
But she never gave up, not even when her face turned red and sweat poured down her forehead in sheets.
When she finished up with the leg press machine, she moved on to lunges around the gym.
She did them with dumbbells in her hands so heavy that I had to strain to lift them myself when I tried to copy her routine later that night.
They made her legs shake like jell-o when she moved, but still she kept going.
It was impossible to deny that Sam was one of the strongest people in the gym—man or woman.
And the most beautiful one too.
Even though most guys didn’t think muscles were sexy on a woman, there was something about the way they looked on her that set my heart on fire.
Maybe I was crazy but I thought that muscles were sexy on anyone—male or female.
They showed that you worked hard to get what you wanted and that you put in the effort even when no one else was watching.
Musclebound Hearts
And that was what Sam did day in and day out.
Even though I tried to keep my eyes off of her and focus on my workout, it was impossible.
I could only watch as Sam continued to push herself through set after set of grueling exercises.
No matter how hard things got—no matter how much it hurt or how tired she was—she never gave up.
Her face might have been red and contorted with effort but she never stopped or slowed down.
It was like everything else in the world faded away when she worked out.
Every sound and sight disappeared and the only thing that remained was her and the task at hand—conquering whatever challenge she’d set for herself and not letting anything stand in her way.
It was beautiful—the way her muscles strained and popped with effort while she moved.
There were no wasted movements in any of the exercises she did.
Every step, every pump of the iron was measured and precise.
It was like watching an artist perform the most complicated ballet routine ever.
And then she finished up with lunges and went to deadlifts.
It was like she wasn’t even tired after all of that work.
Most people would have collapsed into a puddle of sweat and tears after only one of those exercises.
But not Sam.
She was still going strong and I knew she wasn’t going to stop until she was done and had nothing left to give.
And for some reason, that was when I felt my heart pick up even more and my stomach start to churn with nervous excitement.
It was like something inside of me was waking up and I couldn’t control it.
I didn’t know what was going on or what I should do about it, but I did know that I wanted to see her again and again and again.
Even though I tried my best to keep a straight face and a neutral expression on my face, it was like I couldn’t hide my true feelings.
Every time Sam made a move that seemed especially difficult or required more effort than usual, a small grimace would appear on her face and she’d suck in a quick breath between her teeth.
She might have been one of the strongest people in the gym but even she couldn’t hold back the pain and strain that came with lifting heavy weights.
No one could—not even her.
It was in those moments when I felt my heart clench and my throat get tight as I watched her work so hard.
And I couldn’t help but be drawn in even further by her beauty and strength.
Even though she might have been the most powerful person in the gym, she was still just a person at the end of the day.
And she had to work just as hard as everyone else if she wanted to get what she wanted.
But unlike most other people, she never gave up or quit even when things got really tough.
Musclebound Hearts
Musclebound Hearts
Musclebound Hearts