MidReal Story

Mirror's Deception


May 16
Scenario:Mulan meets an evil representation of herself.
Create my version of this story
Mulan meets an evil representation of herself.
I was running through the battlefield, my sword in hand, when I saw her.
She was standing in the middle of the chaos, her eyes fixed on me.
I knew she was here for me, and I knew that she would not stop until she had what she wanted.
I had been running for so long, and I was tired of it all.
It was time to end this once and for all.
She started running towards me, and I did the same.
We met in the middle of the battlefield, our swords clashing together with a loud clang.
We fought fiercely, each blow more powerful than the last.
I could see that she was just as good as me, if not better.
We were evenly matched, and I knew that this fight would not be an easy one.
But I was not going to give up without a fight.
I had come too far to let her win now.
I had to defeat her once and for all.
She pushed me back with a powerful blow, and I stumbled backwards.
The ground beneath me shook violently as a wall collapsed.
The air was thick with dust, and the cries of soldiers who had fallen caused my heart to ache.
It was a terrible thing, to fight and kill one another.
To what end did we all fight?
All I wanted was for peace to return.
As I thought this, a figure appeared from the shadow of the ruined building.
I couldn’t make out her features, but I could see her armor and sword, glinting in the sunlight.
She took one step forward, revealing herself.
It was a woman.
She was even taller than me, her fierce gaze locked on me.
Her long hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and her sharp eyes were staring at me with an unreadable expression.
Without a word, she took one step forward.
The silver sword in her hand pointed straight at me.
It was clear that she didn’t want to talk things out.
I had no idea where she had come from, or why she wanted to kill me.
But the only thing I knew was that I had to kill her before she killed me.
This was the battlefield, and there was nothing worth saying here.
I tightened my grip on my sword and faced her head on.
My eyes met hers for a split second, then we both moved at the same time.
She ran towards me, her sword raised high above her head, while I took this opportunity to charge into her as well.
Before the swords could meet, she swung her sword down at me.
I dodged the attack by jumping to the side at the last moment, then used my sword to push against hers before leaping back to create some distance between us.
I couldn’t see anything in her expression that told me what she was thinking or what she would do next, but it didn’t matter.
The warrior inside of me stirred, ready for whatever came my way.
This woman who had suddenly appeared might be stronger than any opponent I had faced before, but that didn’t matter either.
There was no such thing as a battle without a strong opponent.
I held my sword up to my chest, preparing for another attack.
She lunged at me, and I moved my sword to block hers.
She tried to push me back, but I stood my ground and would not be moved.
We were both equally skilled in sword fighting, but in terms of strength, I knew that I had an advantage.
I pushed forward with my sword, and she had no choice but to take a few steps back.
It was then that I caught a glimpse of a figure running towards me from my peripheral vision.
I didn’t have time to turn around, but my instincts told me that it was Li Wei.
But now wasn’t the time to worry about him.
Although I had more strength, this woman still wasn’t easy to fight against.
However, I wasn’t going to lose hope so quickly.
I would not die here today.
I would end this war, and then peace would return.
"Mirror's Deception"
Her long black hair matched mine,her tall athletic build just like mine,a warrior's attire in front of my eyes,her sharp and determined gaze… everything about her was just like me!
She was me!
But… she wasn’t.
My other self, Xun Hua, was just like me on the outside, but she wasn’t me on the inside.
Her eyes struck fear in my heart, a sense of malevolence that even I couldn’t deny.
She looked just like me, but everything about her—her presence, her killing intent, and even her sharp gaze—was completely different from mine.
“Who are you?”
I asked hesitantly, not knowing what to do.
“Who am I?”
she repeated in a voice that sounded exactly like mine, only it was filled with pain.
Her black eyes met mine as she continued speaking in an almost insane tone of voice, “I am you… and you are me…”
“I don’t understand!”
I said in confusion.
Her dark gaze suddenly landed on something behind me before she added coldly, “But it doesn’t matter…”
Her words trailed off as she turned towards me.
She took a step closer, and the dust from the walls that had just crumbled fell between us, blocking my vision for a moment.
As soon as the dust settled, I could see that she was already standing in front of me, sword in hand.
As I looked into her black eyes once more, I felt like I was staring into the abyss itself.
There was nothing but darkness there, and it sent shivers down my spine.
“I am Xun Hua,”she said with a twisted smile that was exactly like mine,“and I’m here to kill you…”
“Kill me?”
I repeated in disbelief.
Why did she want to kill me?
But that didn’t matter anymore.
All I knew was that I couldn’t let this woman kill me.
I had worked so hard to get here, and I wasn’t going to die so easily now!
She continued to smile coldly at me, “Hua Mulan… the hero who saved the entire country…”
My heart tightened at the mention of my name, which was also hers.
The hero who saved the entire country…
Was that really who I was?
She scoffed before adding, “A hero, huh?A hero who saved the entire country…”
Her smile widened as she spoke, and my heart clenched in response.
“Are you saying that I’m not a hero?”
She shook her head in response, her smile cold and cruel, “Of course not.I am not only going to kill you, but I’m also going to destroy your reputation…”
The moment she finished speaking, she raised her sword and slashed at me.
I quickly dodged the attack by taking a step back, then immediately swung my sword at her.
But she was still faster than I was, blocking my attack easily before launching another attack at me.
However, I knew that I could not lose.
I had been through so many battles and had overcome numerous obstacles.
I had defeated countless enemies on the battlefield, and I would not be defeated now.
Furthermore, I was the real Hua Mulan, the one who had worked so hard to earn her reputation and become who she was today.
No matter what this woman said or did, I would not lose!
However, despite my determination, I couldn’t help but worry about my reputation.
What would happen if she really did something terrible while pretending to be me?
"Mirror's Deception"
Her silver sword sparkled in the sunlight as she raised it to block my attack, then smiled at me coldly.
“You’re not bad,”she said,“You’re actually quite good.
This is the first time that I’ve met someone who fights like me…”
As she spoke, she took another step forward and swung her sword at me.
I parried the attack with my sword before taking a step back to dodge her next strike, but she seemed to be able to predict all of my movements.
She stepped forward and attacked me yet again, and I could see that there was no point in trying to dodge her attacks.
Instead, I raised my sword and blocked her attack with all of my strength.
When our swords collided, a loud clang echoed through the air.
For a moment, I felt as if time had stopped, and in that moment, I could see the reflection of the silver sword in her black eyes.
Once again, I felt a chill run down my spine.
It was the same feeling that I had gotten when I had sensed the malevolent force following me earlier.
Was this woman the one who had been following me all along?
However, there was no time for me to think about that now.
The woman in front of me was definitely strong, but it didn’t matter.
I would overcome this obstacle just like all the other obstacles that I had faced before, and I would come out on top!
I smiled calmly at her before saying, “You’re quite good yourself.As expected from someone who fights like me…”
She narrowed her eyes at my words before breaking into a cold laugh, “You still have the nerve to say that?
Do you really think you can defeat me?”
I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her before asking, “Why wouldn’t I be able to defeat you?”
She continued to laugh as she spoke, “Because there is only one hero who can save the entire country, and that hero is not you.I’m going to kill you, then pretend to be you, and do all sorts of terrible things as Hua Mulan!
As soon as she finished speaking, she took a step forward before launching another attack at me.
Her attacks became faster and fiercer, and I knew that I would not be able to keep up with her for much longer.
However, even though I knew this, my heart was still filled with doubt.
If she really managed to do something terrible while pretending to be me, would anyone believe that it wasn’t me?
After all, no one else knew that this woman even existed…
As the thought crossed my mind, Xun Hua’s attacks grew even more ferocious.
It was almost as if she could sense my inner turmoil and was trying to take advantage of it.
Every time she attacked, the malevolent aura around her seemed to grow stronger as well.
However, even though she was strong, there was no way that she could defeat me!
I had worked so hard to become who I was today, and there was no way that I would let her destroy everything that I had worked for!
I quickly glanced around us to try to come up with a plan, then noticed Li Wei standing not too far away from us.
"Mirror's Deception"