MidReal Story

Mind's Dark Descent


May 26
Scenario:A young teen with the power of mind control slowly turns evil
Create my version of this story
A young teen with the power of mind control slowly turns evil
I first discovered my ability to control minds when I was thirteen.
It was an accident, of course.
I was sitting in class, bored out of my mind, and I couldn’t help but notice the boy in front of me.
He was so annoying, constantly tapping his pencil on the desk and making weird noises with his mouth.
I tried to ignore him, but he just kept getting louder and louder.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.
Without even thinking about it, I reached out with my mind and told him to stop.
And he did.
Just like that.
He froze in place, his mouth hanging open mid-squeak, and he didn’t move again until the bell rang and class was over.
I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to do.
I didn’t even know what had happened at first—I thought maybe he’d had some kind of seizure or something—so I just sat there staring at him while everyone else filed out of the room.
I didn’t know what to think.
For a few minutes, I wondered if I’d imagined the whole thing or if it had all been some kind of coincidence, but then I started to get curious.
So I tried it again.
This time, I picked a different boy, one who was sitting on the other side of the room and talking loudly with his friends.
This time, I was more confident.
This time, I knew what I was doing.
And when I reached out with my mind and told him to be quiet, he did.
Just like that.
He put a hand over his mouth in mid-sentence and his friends all stopped talking too.
They sat there for a few seconds, looking around anxiously as if they weren’t sure what to do without their leader, and then they all got up and left the room.
It was so easy that I almost laughed.
That’s when I realized what I could do.
It didn’t take long for me to learn how to control it.
At first, I could only affect one person at a time, and it took all of my concentration.
But once I got the hang of it, it became second nature, and then it wasn’t long before I discovered that I could control groups of people too.
I could make them do whatever I wanted.
I didn’t even have to speak out loud; all it took were a few words in my head, and they would obey without question.
Over the years, my powers only got stronger.
By the time I was seventeen, there was almost nothing that I couldn’t do.
I could control people’s memories and emotions.
I could erase entire conversations from their minds or convince them that things had happened when they hadn’t.
I could make them forget that they’d ever met me if I wanted to.
The first time that I tried it—really tried it—was at a school dance near the end of freshman year.
My parents were out of town, so I invited a bunch of friends over to have a sleepover and we all snuck out together to go and see what we could get up to at school after hours.
I wasn’t sure how well my powers would work on a large group of people at once, but I wanted to see for myself.
So when we got to the gym and everyone started dancing, I decided to give it a try.
This is my school,” I told them in my mind, “and you will do as I command.”
For a moment, nothing happened.
But then someone turned off the music, and everything went silent.
All around me, people were staring at each other in confusion, wondering why they’d stopped dancing and why they couldn’t remember what song had been playing only seconds before.
“Go home,” I told them all again.
"Mind's Dark Descent"
I wasn’t sure how long it would last, but it was enough to tell me that my powers were working exactly as they should be—and that was all that mattered in the end.
I never would have believed it if someone had told me that the world was full of mindless sheep who could be controlled at will.
I was just your average teenage girl—or at least, that’s what most people thought of me—and there was nothing remarkable about my life in any way.
I wasn’t especially popular or unpopular at school; my grades were mostly B’s with an occasional A; and as far as anyone could tell, there weren’t any skeletons in my closet or any dark secrets hidden in my past.
I was just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life in an ordinary town—or at least, that’s what most people thought of me—so it was entirely my own fault when they found out what I’d done and everything came crashing down around me like a house of cards.
It wasn’t like this all happened overnight, of course.
I was just a kid when it first started, and it took me years to realize exactly how powerful my abilities were and how much control I really had over other people.
At first, I thought it was just a fluke or something—a weird quirk of fate that let me tell people to be quiet or stop tapping their pencils and have them do it without even realizing it—but then it became something more than that.
I realized that if they would do what I said without question or hesitation—if they would obey me as easily as they would their own mother or father or teacher—then why not take things one step further?
Why not push them to do things that they wouldn’t normally do on their own?
"Mind's Dark Descent"
He was a popular kid, one of the jocks, and he had a lot of friends who always laughed along with him when he made fun of me, the weird quiet girl in the back of the class who knew all the answers but never raised her hand to speak them out loud.
I didn’t want to control him, not at first, because I didn’t think that it would work, but then he said something particularly nasty about me one day, and before I could even think about it, he stopped talking and his face just went blank.
I whispered, and after a few seconds of silence, he picked up his pencil and went back to work without so much as a backward glance.
It worked so well that I figured if it could work on him, then it could work on just about anybody, so I decided to start trying it out on other people too.
It was easy to tell who they were—there were a few in every class who would always raise their hands before anyone else and who always knew the answers before anyone else too—but the trick was in getting them to actually listen to me when they didn’t even realize that they were doing it at all.
He didn’t want to listen to me at first, even though he did it anyway, but then I just pushed him farther and harder until he couldn’t help himself anymore, and after a while, he didn’t even remember why he’d ever wanted to fight me in the first place; all he could remember was that he loved me and would do anything for me too.
I’ve been doing this for years now, working my way through everyone in the school, changing their minds—and their lives—without them even realizing how much they’ve changed at all, but he was the first one who got me into real trouble.
I found out his secret by accident one day, while I was wandering around in his head, and as soon as I did, I knew exactly what needed to be done: I was going to have to destroy him completely and totally because of what he had done to those little girls.
I thought that I’d gotten away with it, too, until I saw the look on her face as she watched me walking down the hall with my friends, and then I knew that I hadn’t gotten away with it at all.
It wasn’t that she remembered what I’d done, not really, because I’d made sure to erase all of that from her memory long before then, but there was something about the way that I acted that still made her suspicious, so I knew that it wouldn’t be long until she started asking questions too.
I didn’t want to control her too, not at first, because I thought that everything would be fine if we were all friends again like we used to be, but then she started talking about it more and more, and I realized that I couldn’t let her get away with it either, not when things were already so close to falling apart at the seams.
"Mind's Dark Descent"