MidReal Story

Mimicry in the Shadows


May 30
Scenario:Something in the woods called back to me Alright, here it goes. I've never posted here before, but what happened to me last weekend still has me rattled. I need to get it off my chest, and maybe, just maybe, someone here can help me make sense of it. I live in a small town in Montana, nestled in the Rockies. My house is just a few miles from a vast expanse of national forest land. It’s beautiful, sure, but it can be incredibly isolating. That isolation is part of why I love it, but after what happened, it’s also why I’m terrified. Last Saturday, I decided to take a late afternoon hike. There's a trail I frequent, one that winds up to a small clearing overlooking the valley. I brought my dog, Max, a German Shepherd who’s never been spooked by anything in his life. We set off around 3 PM, figuring we'd be back before sunset. The hike up was uneventful. The forest was serene, and the only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds. Max was his usual self, darting ahead and then circling back to me. It was perfect, exactly why I moved out here. When we reached the clearing, I sat down on a fallen log to catch my breath and enjoy the view. Max was sniffing around, but after a few minutes, he froze. He was staring at the tree line on the opposite side of the clearing, his ears perked up and his body tense. "What's up, boy?" I asked, trying to see what he was looking at. That's when I noticed it. At first, it was just a shadow moving between the trees. I squinted, thinking maybe it was a deer or something. But then it stepped out into the clearing. It looked like a person, but not quite. It was tall and gaunt, with limbs that seemed too long for its body. Its skin was pale, almost grayish, and its eyes... its eyes were completely black. Max started growling, a low, menacing sound that I'd never heard from him before. The figure took a step forward, and that's when I noticed it was mimicking my movements from earlier, almost like it was replaying a tape of me walking. Then it spoke. "Max... what's up, boy?" The voice was mine. Exactly mine. I felt a chill run down my spine, and Max started barking furiously. The figure stopped, tilted its head, and then turned around, disappearing back into the trees. I didn’t stick around to see if it would come back. I grabbed Max by the collar and practically ran down the trail. It was getting dark, and every sound made me jump. Max kept looking back, growling intermittently. We made it home just as the last light was fading. I locked all the doors and windows, something I rarely do out here. I tried to calm myself down, rationalizing that maybe it was just some sort of trick of the light, or maybe another hiker messing with me. But deep down, I knew that wasn’t it. That night, I couldn't sleep. Every creak of the house made me jump, and Max was restless, pacing around the living room. Around 2 AM, just as I was starting to doze off, I heard it. "Max... what's up, boy?" It was faint, almost like a whisper, but it was definitely my voice. It was coming from outside, near the tree line. I didn’t sleep at all after that. When the sun finally came up, I took Max and drove into town. I needed to be around people, somewhere that didn’t feel so exposed. I told my friend Jake about it, and he just laughed, saying I’d been out in the woods too long. Maybe he’s right. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But I can’t shake the feeling that something out there saw me, remembered me, and called back in my own voice. I haven’t been back to that trail since. Every time I think about going for a hike, I hear that voice again, and I can’t bring myself to leave the house. I don’t know what I saw, but I’m sure of one thing: it saw me too. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I need to know I’m not losing my mind
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Something in the woods called back to me Alright, here it goes. I've never posted here before, but what happened to me last weekend still has me rattled. I need to get it off my chest, and maybe, just maybe, someone here can help me make sense of it. I live in a small town in Montana, nestled in the Rockies. My house is just a few miles from a vast expanse of national forest land. It’s beautiful, sure, but it can be incredibly isolating. That isolation is part of why I love it, but after what happened, it’s also why I’m terrified. Last Saturday, I decided to take a late afternoon hike. There's a trail I frequent, one that winds up to a small clearing overlooking the valley. I brought my dog, Max, a German Shepherd who’s never been spooked by anything in his life. We set off around 3 PM, figuring we'd be back before sunset. The hike up was uneventful. The forest was serene, and the only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds. Max was his usual self, darting ahead and then circling back to me. It was perfect, exactly why I moved out here. When we reached the clearing, I sat down on a fallen log to catch my breath and enjoy the view. Max was sniffing around, but after a few minutes, he froze. He was staring at the tree line on the opposite side of the clearing, his ears perked up and his body tense. "What's up, boy?" I asked, trying to see what he was looking at. That's when I noticed it. At first, it was just a shadow moving between the trees. I squinted, thinking maybe it was a deer or something. But then it stepped out into the clearing. It looked like a person, but not quite. It was tall and gaunt, with limbs that seemed too long for its body. Its skin was pale, almost grayish, and its eyes... its eyes were completely black. Max started growling, a low, menacing sound that I'd never heard from him before. The figure took a step forward, and that's when I noticed it was mimicking my movements from earlier, almost like it was replaying a tape of me walking. Then it spoke. "Max... what's up, boy?" The voice was mine. Exactly mine. I felt a chill run down my spine, and Max started barking furiously. The figure stopped, tilted its head, and then turned around, disappearing back into the trees. I didn’t stick around to see if it would come back. I grabbed Max by the collar and practically ran down the trail. It was getting dark, and every sound made me jump. Max kept looking back, growling intermittently. We made it home just as the last light was fading. I locked all the doors and windows, something I rarely do out here. I tried to calm myself down, rationalizing that maybe it was just some sort of trick of the light, or maybe another hiker messing with me. But deep down, I knew that wasn’t it. That night, I couldn't sleep. Every creak of the house made me jump, and Max was restless, pacing around the living room. Around 2 AM, just as I was starting to doze off, I heard it. "Max... what's up, boy?" It was faint, almost like a whisper, but it was definitely my voice. It was coming from outside, near the tree line. I didn’t sleep at all after that. When the sun finally came up, I took Max and drove into town. I needed to be around people, somewhere that didn’t feel so exposed. I told my friend Jake about it, and he just laughed, saying I’d been out in the woods too long. Maybe he’s right. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But I can’t shake the feeling that something out there saw me, remembered me, and called back in my own voice. I haven’t been back to that trail since. Every time I think about going for a hike, I hear that voice again, and I can’t bring myself to leave the house. I don’t know what I saw, but I’m sure of one thing: it saw me too. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I need to know I’m not losing my mind
I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal.
I’m not saying I don’t believe in ghosts or anything like that, but I do think there’s usually a logical explanation for most things.
At least, that’s what I tell myself.
The truth is, I’m terrified of the dark and have been ever since I was a kid.
I used to sleep with the light on until my parents made me stop because they were worried about my eyesight.
I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal.
I’m not saying I don’t believe in ghosts or anything like that, but I do think there’s usually a logical explanation for most things.
At least, that’s what I tell myself.
The truth is, I’m terrified of the dark and have been ever since I was a kid.
I used to sleep with the light on until my parents made me stop because they were worried about my eyesight.
Even now, as an adult, I still have trouble sleeping if it’s too dark in my room.
It drives my fiancée nuts, but I can’t help it.
The dark just freaks me out.
Nothing good ever happens in the dark.
Well, almost nothing.
It wasn’t until a couple of months ago that my fear of the dark was kicked up to a whole new level.
I live in a small town in the Midwest, right on the edge of a large forest.
Mimicry in the Shadows
It wasn’t until a couple of months ago that my fear of the dark was kicked up to a whole new level.
I live in a small town in the Midwest, right on the edge of a large forest.
The forest is full of hiking trails and is one of the few things that I really love about living where I do.
Every day after work, I take my German Shepherd, Max, for a hike through the woods.
We have our favorite trails, but we also like to explore new places and sometimes we’ll just wander off the path and see where we end up.
Mimicry in the Shadows
One evening after work, I took Max out for our usual hike.
We had been walking for about an hour and had just reached our favorite spot—a small waterfall that was about 10 miles off the main trail—when it started to get dark.
Max looked up at me with his big brown eyes and wagged his tail as if to ask if we could stay just a little bit longer.
I smiled at him and we both sat down on the bank of the creek to enjoy the last few minutes of daylight before we headed back to the trailhead.
We were only there for about 10 minutes when I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye.
At first, I thought it was just the sunlight filtering through the trees and hitting the water at a weird angle, but when I looked again, I realized that wasn’t it at all.
Mimicry in the Shadows
I’m not saying I don’t believe in ghosts or anything like that, but I do think there’s usually a logical explanation for most things.
At least, that’s what I tell myself.
The truth is, I’m terrified of the dark and have been ever since I was a kid.
I used to sleep with the light on until my parents made me stop because they were worried about my eyesight.
Even now, as an adult, I still have trouble sleeping if it’s too dark in my room.
It drives my fiancée nuts, but I can’t help it.
The dark just freaks me out.
Nothing good ever happens in the dark.
Well, almost nothing.
It wasn’t until a couple of months ago that my fear of the dark was kicked up to a whole new level.
Mimicry in the Shadows
I live in a small town in the Midwest, right on the edge of a large forest.
The forest is full of hiking trails and is one of the few things that I really love about living where I do.
Every day after work, I take my German Shepherd, Max, for a hike through the woods.
We have our favorite trails, but we also like to explore new places and sometimes we’ll just wander off the path and see where we end up.One evening after work, I took Max out for our usual hike.
We had been walking for about an hour and had just reached our favorite spot—a small waterfall that was about 10 miles off the main trail—when it started to get dark.
Mimicry in the Shadows
Max looked up at me with his big brown eyes and wagged his tail as if to ask if we could stay just a little bit longer.
I smiled at him and we both sat down on the bank of the creek to enjoy the last few minutes of daylight before we headed back to the trailhead.
We were only there for about 10 minutes when I noticed something strange out of the corner of my eye.
At first, I thought it was just the sunlight filtering through the trees and hitting the water at a weird angle, but when I looked again, I realized that wasn’t it at all.
Mimicry in the Shadows
I immediately dismissed it as my imagination and continued to walk, but when I looked back, it was still there.
It was still moving in the same way that I was, almost like it was copying what I was doing.
I stopped for a moment and watched to see if it would stop too.
It did.
Every time I took a step, it took a step.
Every time I turned to the left, it turned to the left.
I tried to shake the feeling that it was following me, but the more I watched, the more I became convinced that it was.
I took a step to the right and so did it.
I took two steps forward and so did it.
Mimicry in the Shadows
I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves.
I knew that there had to be some logical explanation for what I was seeing—maybe it was just an optical illusion or some trick of the light that made it seem like it was copying my every movement.
To test out my theory, I started doing a series of rapid movements—spinning in circles, jumping up and down, flailing my arms around wildly.
Each time I stopped, it stopped too, perfectly mirroring my every movement.
At this point, I was starting to freak out a little bit.
I had been in the woods for almost two hours and I was exhausted and hungry and ready to go home.
Mimicry in the Shadows
I told myself I was just being paranoid and tried to take a more logical approach to the situation.
If it was an animal, it would have run away by now.
If it was a person playing a prank, they would have said something by now.
So I decided to call out to it.
"Hello?" I called out into the woods.
For a moment, there was no response, but then I heard a faint rustling of leaves coming from near its feet.
I felt a chill run down my spine and my heart started pounding in my chest.
Suddenly, I wished I had never called out—now I knew for sure that it wasn’t an animal and it wasn’t a person, so what the hell was it?
Mimicry in the Shadows