MidReal Story

Melodic Hearts

Scenario:Story about a 3 friends coming together to make a rock band set in the 2000's anime like setting with a little rom
Create my version of this story
Story about a 3 friends coming together to make a rock band set in the 2000's anime like setting with a little rom
Chapter 1
I was 17 when I met Jon and Lisa.
It was the summer of 2003, and we were at a music festival in the park.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I had just finished my last exam of the year.
I was walking home from school, feeling on top of the world, when I heard the sound of music coming from the park.
I followed the sound to a small stage that had been set up in front of a crowd of people, all dancing and clapping along to the beat.
It was like nothing I’d ever heard before.
The song wasn’t mine, but I could feel it in my bones.
She sang with so much passion that it felt like she was singing just to me.
As she finished her song, the crowd broke out into applause, and the girl smiled and took a bow before hopping down off the stage.
I didn’t know her, but I could tell right away that she was something special.
The crowd went wild as another kid climbed up onto the stage with his guitar and started strumming out a melody.
Like the girl before him, he sang with such raw emotion that I couldn’t help but start dancing along with everyone else.
The audience was as diverse as our city itself: young and old, black and white, rich and poor.
Everyone had come out to celebrate their love of music—something we all had in common despite our differences—and it made me feel proud to be part of such an amazing community.
This kid was really good too—in fact, he was even better than the girl who had gone before him!
He played like his life depended on it, his fingers flying over the frets so quickly I could barely keep up.
He closed his eyes and bowed his head as he played, letting the music take him over completely—and from the way everyone around me was swaying in time to his melody, I could tell they felt it too.
When he finished playing, everyone clapped and whistled as he grinned at us all before hopping down off the stage to make room for the next act.
I didn’t know any of these kids personally, but there was something about watching them play that really moved me.
I’d never felt this way before—not even when I read my favorite manga.
There was just something about these performers, and the energy of the crowd, that had me feeling all warm and tingly inside.
It was like we were all part of some epic adventure story, where the hero has to face dangerous challenges and fight for what’s right—and, if the audience is lucky, they get a little help from their friends along the way.
The kids who had performed on stage—especially the purple-haired girl—felt like those heroes, fighting for justice with nothing but their courage, their creativity, and their music.
And somehow…somehow it felt like maybe they were fighting for me too.
As the guitarist made his way off stage, he stopped at the bottom of the stairs to look back at the purple-haired girl.
She flashed him a brilliant smile as she took his hand.
They stared at each other for a long moment—long enough for me to blush just watching them—and then they hopped down together.
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They were both so beautiful, so perfect together, that I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
And then there was that energy between them, so strong and palpable that it felt like I could reach out and touch it.
It was the same feeling I got when I read my favorite manga, or watched my favorite anime: pure excitement, pure joy, and—most of all—a pure sense of belonging.
I would’ve given anything to be up on that stage with them, to share in their adventure and see where it took us.
But since I couldn’t do that…
…Maybe I’d just have to go talk to them instead.
I watched as the kids stepped off stage and started making their way through the crowd.
This was my chance!
Taking a deep breath, I pushed my way through until I caught up with them—and then tapped them on the shoulder.
"Excuse me," I said when they turned around.
Melodic Hearts
"Hi, my name’s Mia Haruno. I just wanted to say…that was amazing. The two of you are so brave for getting up there on stage like that."
The two kids—Jon and Lisa, as they would soon introduce themselves—looked at each other for a moment before turning back to me with twin grins.
"Thank you," Jon said.
"That means a lot to us both."
"We’re glad you liked it," Lisa added.
I couldn’t help but smile back at them.
"‘Like’ it? That was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen! You two were so good, it made me want to get up there with you!"
The two kids exchanged another look at that, this one bemused; but after a moment, they both ended up chuckling.
I’d never felt so sure about anything in my life—not until that day in the park when I met Jon and Lisa anyway.
I nodded.
"That sounds great! I’ve always wanted to be in a band!"
With that, I turned to the guitarist, the boy named Jon.
"And you! You were amazing up there. The way you played… It was like you were channeling some kind of magic or something."
The boy blinked at my words.
"I’ve never seen anything quite like it. You’re a real pro."
He smiled at that, just a little bit.
"Thanks," he said.
"I practice a lot."
I grinned back at him.
"Well, it shows. But seriously… I think you’re going to make it big one day. And I hope that when you do, you won’t forget us little people!"
The boy chuckled as his face flushed a light shade of red.
"I’ll try not to," he said.
"But if I do… Then promise me you’ll come find me and remind me where I came from?"
He offered out his hand for a shake.
My smile widened even further as I clasped it in my own.
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I said.
"I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you guys get the recognition you deserve. And if there’s ever anything you need—anything at all—just let me know, okay?"
The guitarist’s smile widened a little more at that.
He turned towards the purple-haired girl beside him.
"And what about you? You’re not going to say anything?"
The girl blushed at that as she shook her head.
"Oh, sorry. My name is Mia Haruno. What’s yours?"
"I’m Lisa Chen," the girl replied.
"It’s nice to meet you, Mia."
She smiled at me then—a warm, gentle smile that made my heart flutter in my chest.
As soon as I saw it, I knew: this was the girl who had been singing up on stage.
She was beautiful, with her long purple hair that fell all the way down to her waist; and in that moment, she seemed even more beautiful than any girl I had ever seen in one of my manga stories before.
But even so, there was something sad about her too—something hidden deep in those big brown eyes of hers that seemed to be crying out for help…
Melodic Hearts
"Lisa," Jon said gently.
"Were you serious about what you said earlier? About starting a band with Mia here?"
Lisa bit her lip at that for a moment.
"Well… Yeah, I was. You know how much I love to sing, and how much I’ve always wanted to be in a band. And when Jon and I were up on stage together just now… It was amazing! This is literally my dream come true!"
Jon nodded at that as he took her hand in his own.
"I get that," he said.
"And if you want to start a band together, then I’m all for it. But who else are we going to play with? And where are we going to find a place to practice?"
"Well, there’s one other person I had in mind," Lisa replied.
"Another friend of mine from school. He plays bass guitar, so he’d be perfect for our group."
Jon looked thoughtful at that for a moment before nodding again.
"Okay, so that takes care of three out of four members," he said.
"But what about the drummer? And more importantly… What about our lead singer? We don’t have either one yet."
At that, Lisa turned towards me again.
"Mia… Do you sing?"
I almost laughed at that; instead, I just shook my head and smiled back at her.
"What do you think?" "Well… Then maybe you could be our lead singer?" she suggested tentatively.
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Chapter 2
At that, I felt my heart skip a beat in my chest as my hands began to tremble with excitement—and fear.
For as long as I could remember, singing had been my greatest passion in life; but despite that, it was also something that terrified me more than anything else in the world.
I had practiced for years, honing my skills and perfecting my technique until they were nothing less than flawless—but even so, I had never dared to share my music with anyone outside of my family before now.
And so if Lisa and Jon were to hear me sing… If they were to listen to the songs I had written for myself over the years…
Would they like them?
Or would they laugh at me instead?
There was only one way to find out…
So with trembling hands, I reached into my bag and pulled out a homemade CD—filled with recordings of myself singing all the songs I had ever written for myself—and handed it over to them.
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I held my breath as they both stared at it, their eyes widening in surprise; and when Lisa finally took it from me, a small smile began to curl up on her lips as she examined the CD case—where I had drawn a picture of myself singing on stage, just like she and Jon had been doing before.
"Wow… Is this you?" she asked.
"Well, not literally. But you know what I mean."
She handed the CD over to Jon, who stared down at it for a moment before smiling back at me too.
"Yeah, we get it," he said gently.
"That’s pretty amazing. You sound really good!"
I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes at his words—as well as relief flooding through every inch of my body.
All my life, people had told me that I wasn’t good enough; and because of that, I had always doubted myself more than anyone else could ever doubt me.
But now…
Now everything was going to change!
And as soon as he said those words…
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Everything inside of me seemed to light up like a thousand shining stars.
"Thank you," I whispered back at him as he helped me to my feet.
"Thank you so much for saying that!"
He chuckled at that as he nodded again.
"But it’s true," he replied.
"That was really amazing."
"What do you think, Lisa? You agree with me, right?"
Lisa beamed at that as she nodded too.
"Yeah! That was beautiful! Your voice is so sweet and pure. You sound like an angel!"
"Oh, stop it," Jon said with a roll of his eyes.
But even so, I could see the way his cheeks flushed just a little bit at her words.
Slowly but surely, a wide grin began to spread over them both; and for a few moments then, they just stood there together—laughing and talking with one another while I watched alongside them in silence.
There was something special about the two of them—the way they smiled at each other; the way they laughed together; the way they sang on stage side by side…
Melodic Hearts