MidReal Story

Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided

Scenario:I am caught in a love triangle
Create my version of this story
I am caught in a love triangle
Mark and I have been best friends since we were kids.
We grew up together, went to the same schools, and even lived on the same street.
We’ve always been there for each other, through thick and thin.
He’s my rock, my shoulder to cry on, and my partner in crime.
I don’t know what I’d do without him.
The only problem is he’s in love with me.
He’s never said it out loud, but I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at me.
I’ve been friends with Mark Thompson for as long as I can remember.
Since we were kids, we’ve been inseparable.
We lived on the same street, went to the same schools, and spent nearly every day together.
We grew up together, and I can’t imagine what my life would be like if he weren’t in it.
Mark is my best friend and has been for as long as I can remember.
He’s my partner in crime, the one I turn to when I need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with.
He’s seen me through everything and has always had my back, no matter what.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him, and no one else who knows me like he does.
We have a bond that goes beyond friendship, and it’s something I hold dear.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
He knows my quirks, my fears, and my dreams, and he’s been there for me through every high and low.
Over the years, we’ve shared countless memories and secrets, things that no one else knows but us.
We’ve laughed together, cried together, and grown up together.
Our friendship has shaped me in ways that are impossible to measure or put into words, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.
Mark has always been there for me when I needed him most, giving me courage when I felt weak, laughter when I wanted to cry, and love when I needed it most.
He has a way of making everything okay again, even when it feels like nothing ever will be.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
I’ve always been aware of the tension that exists between us.
It’s something I recognized even as a kid, though it’s only grown stronger over the years.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
We grew up together, went to the same schools, and even lived on the same street.
We’ve always been there for each other, through thick and thin.
He’s my rock, my shoulder to cry on, and my partner in crime.
I don’t know what I’d do without him.
The only problem is he’s in love with me.
He’s never said it out loud, but I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at me.
I’ve known for years that he has feelings for me, but I’ve never felt the same way about him.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
Mark Thompson is tall with dark hair and deep blue eyes that could make any girl melt with just a single glance.
He has a contagious smile that can light up an entire room, though it seems like these days his smile is reserved just for me.
He’s a great listener and always knows what to say when I need advice or a little perspective on things.
He’s generous with his time and his heart, though he can be shy at times and keep his feelings hidden from the world.
But not from me.
When Mark looks at me with those big blue eyes of his, I can see everything he’s feeling written on his face like an open book.
Especially when it comes to his feelings for me.
They’re there in his eyes every time he looks at me, in the way his face softens when he smiles, or how his voice gets all low and husky when he talks to me.
But as much as I wish we could be something more than just friends, I know deep down we can’t be anything else.
It’s not that I don’t love him; I do.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
It’s just not the same way he loves me, and I don’t want to hurt him by leading him on or pretending that I could ever be more than what I am to him—his best friend and nothing more.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
It was one of those typical summer nights in our small town when a group of us decided to hang out and catch up on everything that had happened over the past week.
I hadn’t expected anything unusual or out of the ordinary to happen—certainly not that night of all nights—but then I saw him and everything changed.
The moment my eyes landed on Lucas, I knew there was something different about him.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
I watched him from across the park where the rest of us were hanging out, pretending to be aloof and uninterested while I studied him from head to toe, though I couldn’t help myself.
He was like nothing I’d ever seen before, not in our small town at least, and I was curious about who he was and where he’d come from.
I knew I should have ignored him and continued to chat away with the group as if I wasn’t interested in the slightest, but I couldn’t help myself; I was drawn to him in a way I’d never experienced before.
The guy was hot, there was no denying that, and he was different from anyone else I’d ever known in our small town.
He was tall and lean with a rugged appearance that included a few days’ worth of scruff covering his jawline and cheeks, giving him a rough-around-the-edges kind of look that made my heart beat faster just looking at him.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
He had pale skin that looked as if it had been kissed by the sun after hours spent working outside, with muscles that rippled beneath the thin T-shirt he was wearing, giving him a strong and masculine appearance.
His most striking feature, however, were his eyes—piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through me as if he knew all my secrets before I even had the chance to tell them to anyone else.
His blond hair was long and unkempt, the kind of hair that looked like he’d just gotten out of bed and hadn’t bothered to brush or comb it for days on end, but it only added to his appeal, making him look even sexier than he already was.
He had on a pair of well-worn jeans and a black T-shirt that clung to his chest in all the right ways, showcasing every muscle on his body to perfection.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
"Hey," he said as he approached us, flashing a bright smile as his gaze met mine. "My name is Lucas. I couldn’t help but notice you guys hanging out here in the park. What are you up to?"
"Nothing much," I managed to say, my voice sounding breathless even to my own ears as I tried to sound casual and unaffected by his presence.
I heard Mark utter the word beside me as he stood there, silent and tense, though I didn’t dare look in his direction for fear of what I might see in his eyes if I did.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
"Hey," Lucas said again, a smile still on his face as he turned to look at Mark.
He looked him up and down, pausing on him for a moment before his gaze returned to me.
"Are you guys doing anything right now? I was thinking about heading over to the carnival. I heard it’s in town this weekend. Interested in joining me?"
"Sure," I said before Mark had a chance to answer.
"I’m always up for a good time…at the carnival. Of course."
Mark didn’t say anything, just glared at Lucas as if he were going to tear him apart limb from limb at any second, which was quite the feat since Mark was a good full foot shorter than Lucas.
It was only a matter of time before Mark exploded and lost his cool with him, but there wasn’t much I could do to stop it from happening, so I just stood there and waited for the inevitable to happen.
"Great," Lucas said, reaching out to take my hand in his.
I felt my body stiffen as his fingers tightened around mine, sending shivers down my spine.
"Let’s go, then."
I tried to keep up with Lucas as he tugged me along behind him, but it was difficult with his long strides and confident gait, especially when my legs felt like jelly beneath me.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided
I’d never felt this way before, at least not over a mere touch from a guy I’d just met, and I was having a hard time coming to terms with the effect he was having on me.
I was nervous and excited at the same time, my stomach churning with butterflies as I followed him through the park toward the carnival, where the sounds of laughter and music filled the air around us.
It wasn’t long before we came to a clearing where the carnival had been set up for the weekend.
The place was packed with people of all ages, from young children to senior citizens, who were there to enjoy the festivities.
We spent the next couple of hours wandering around the carnival together, checking out all the rides and games that were available to us.
Love's Triangle: A Heart Divided