MidReal Story

Love's Silent Secret: The Andrew Turner Dilemma

Scenario:I am a girl who cannot talk.. I amBeautiful well thats what i thought.but not extra ordinary. Guys dont take a second glances at me passing through. I was single Through out my life. Beacause of my best friend.Bianca. Cause when we walk together all the attention always goes towards her.when ever i like some guy.he always end up proposing her. Well that's not a issue at all.the issue is the one and only Andrew turner. Bianca turner's one and only Hot brother. Well he is a problem Because i am in love with him for 4 years now.and nobody knows about it.well i think nobody will even care as almost all the girls in OUR University has a major crush on him.
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I am a girl who cannot talk.. I amBeautiful well thats what i thought.but not extra ordinary. Guys dont take a second glances at me passing through. I was single Through out my life. Beacause of my best friend.Bianca. Cause when we walk together all the attention always goes towards her.when ever i like some guy.he always end up proposing her. Well that's not a issue at all.the issue is the one and only Andrew turner. Bianca turner's one and only Hot brother. Well he is a problem Because i am in love with him for 4 years now.and nobody knows about it.well i think nobody will even care as almost all the girls in OUR University has a major crush on him.
I have been single all my life, and I have my stunning best friend, Bianca Turner, to thank for it.
Walking in her shadow, I am not noticed by anyone.
Bianca is so beautiful, so gorgeous, that no one ever looks at me when she’s around.
It’s as if she’s the sun and I am just a lone star in the dark sky, hidden behind her radiance.
But I don’t mind it.
I love my best friend, and I love walking beside her, even if she is the only one who gets noticed.
The guys always come running after my best friend, and I am left alone in the dark.
I have watched countless guys fall for my best friend while they never even take a second glance at me.
I have been the sidekick to my best friend for so long that I’ve gotten used to being invisible.
I could count on one hand the number of guys who’d shown interest in me instead of Bianca.
Most of those guys had been Bianca’s friends, and they had only paid attention to me when they realized that Bianca wasn’t interested in them.
This is always the story of my life: single, lonely, and invisible.
But I don’t blame Bianca for it.
She is the nicest person that I know, and if she had known that guys were falling for her all because they were seeing us together, I was sure that she would have done something about it.
But she never knew, because no one told her about it.
She is unlike most people who are beautiful and know it.
Bianca doesn’t think of herself as special, even though she is.
She isn’t mean or arrogant, and she isn’t picky about the people she chooses to be friends with.
Bianca is nice to everyone, even if they don’t deserve it.
That is just who she is—kind-hearted and caring—and that is why I love her so much.
It’s also the reason why girls never hate her for stealing their boyfriends or getting all the attention from the guys.
Because everyone knows that Bianca isn’t interested in their boyfriends—she has a crush on someone else—and because she doesn’t flirt with them or show any interest in them unless they’re her friends.
The only thing that bothers me about my best friend is that she has a tendency to get into trouble.
And as her best friend, it’s my responsibility to protect her from anything or anyone who might hurt her.
"Love's Silent Secret: The Andrew Turner Dilemma"
I am not as pretty as Bianca, and I am not as tall as her either, but I have always been bolder than my best friend, and I know how to protect myself from anyone who might want to hurt me.
I’ve always been more mature and more responsible than Bianca, even though I am younger than her.
She’s the beauty, and I have always been the brains between the two of us, and we complete each other perfectly.
I don’t know what I would do without my best friend by my side, and I don’t want to think about it either.
I have always been thankful for having Bianca as my best friend, and I am proud to be the one person who knows her better than anyone else does.
We share everything together, and we are inseparable in every way possible.
She is the most important person in my life, and I know that I am as important to her as well, even if we don’t say it out loud.
We both know how much we mean to each other, and we don’t need to tell each other about it to know that it’s true.
Growing up, I have watched countless guys fall in love with Bianca, and I have watched as Bianca unknowingly broke their hearts because of that love that she couldn’t give back to them.
But even though some of those guys had been our friends, none of them ever hated Bianca for not loving them back because they knew that she wasn’t doing it intentionally.
Bianca has never flirted with anyone or tried to get their attention when she wasn’t interested in them, but most of those guys never listened when Bianca told them that she wasn’t interested in them, on the off chance that she might change her mind someday.
They never did, and I don’t think that they ever will.
That’s just who Bianca is, and no one can change that.
It makes me sad when I see my best friend breaking someone’s heart, but I can’t blame her for it.
She has always been honest with everyone, and she has never pretended to love someone when she didn’t.
Even if a part of me sometimes wishes that she could pretend for once, just so that I could date someone too.
But I know that Bianca would never do that, no matter what.
It’s just how she is, and no one can change that.
I have watched as my heart has been broken too many times by guys who only had eyes for my best friend.
"Love's Silent Secret: The Andrew Turner Dilemma"
Now come to the main character of the story or rather i say the main character of my life to whom i am invisible. Noman turner.the one and Only hot sexy adonis big brother of my best friend. Well i think you guys already know the whrre the story is going. Typical story.well i think not so typical well why? Oh i didn’t tell you about my condition did i.i am mute. Well not intentional.i am mute after an terrible accident. Well lets not divert from my main character. Well i love him for almost 5 years and i think he don't even know my name. Well last time he called me nina instead of well melisa.does it relate able.we i Don't think so.
"Love's Silent Secret: The Andrew Turner Dilemma"
Andrew Turner; the guy i have loved for almost four long years.
I know that he is completely out of my league and that he will never look at me as anything more than his sister's plain friend, but I can't help my foolish heart from hoping anyway.
I am one of the countless girls who fell in love with Andrew after only one glance, and I am probably the only one who still hasn't fallen out of love yet.
I am nothing compared to him, but that doesn't mean that I would ever want him to change his mind and fall in love with me.I am not good enough for him, and I know it.
I don’t think anyone is good enough for him.
Andrew is nothing short of perfect, and no one can compare to him, not even in the smallest way.
He is more than just handsome, with his dark hair and beautiful blue eyes that seem to smile every time he looks at you.
He is also the smartest person here at our university, and I think that he could be a doctor or a lawyer or anything else that he wanted if he put his mind to it.
But he doesn’t want to be any of those things, and that is okay too.
He can be whatever he wants to be, and he can do whatever he wants to do.
It doesn’t matter what that is because he will always be the same Andrew that everyone knows and loves anyway.
He is also a really good basketball player too, but he doesn’t let anyone know that he is until they see him in action for themselves.
He only plays for fun and to pass the time, but he is the one who always takes the game seriously whenever he does play.
And don’t even get me started on how good and kind he is because I would be talking about that for hours if I did!
Andrew has been the only person who has seen me since the first time that we met because he was looking at me through his sister’s eyes; even though no one else was doing the same thing.
Bianca has always made sure of that because she loves me just the way that I am and doesn’t want me to feel like I am invisible; even when everyone else does.
She could never be like them because she has always known who I am underneath everything else, and she has always been there for me when no one else has been.
I would tell her about my love for her brother if I could, but since I can’t talk, there hasn’t been any point in doing so yet; even though she has been waiting for me to talk to her too ever since we first met all those years ago.
"Love's Silent Secret: The Andrew Turner Dilemma"