MidReal Story

Love's Professional Boundaries


May 12
Scenario:A beautiful woman is in love with her supervisor at work. Later she finds out that he is in a relationship and has a child . She has to keep her love a secret and never admit it
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A beautiful woman is in love with her supervisor at work. Later she finds out that he is in a relationship and has a child . She has to keep her love a secret and never admit it
I have a secret crush on my supervisor.
I know, it’s not professional.
But I can’t help it.
He’s so handsome and caring, and I just can’t resist him.
I’ve been working in this company for a year now, and I’ve been his assistant for six months.
I’m pretty sure he likes me too, but he’s just too shy to admit it.
He always looks at me with those deep eyes of his, and I can see the love in them.
I know he’s the one for me.
He’s tall with broad shoulders and a handsome face.
He looks so professional in his suit and tie, but I know that deep down he’s just a big softie.
I can tell by the way he treats me, always making sure that I’m okay and that I have everything I need to do my job properly.
And the way he smiles at me sometimes… It makes my heart skip a beat.
I’m so lucky to have him as my supervisor.
I’m so blessed to have him as my supervisor.
And I know he feels the same way about me.
I’ve been his assistant for six months now, and even though he’s never said it, I can tell that he loves me too.
He always looks at me with those deep eyes of his, and I can see the love in them.
"Love's Professional Boundaries"
He’s just too shy to admit it.
He treats me well, always making sure that I’m okay and that I have everything I need to do my job properly.
I know that he loves me.
I mean, why wouldn’t he?
I’m tall with long legs and a slender waist.
I can see the way other men look at me.
I think he’s just too shy to tell me how he really feels, and that’s okay.
I don’t mind telling him first.
I know he likes me too.
I mean, why else would he be so nice to me?
No, there’s no doubt in my mind that he likes me.
He’s just too shy to say it.
I know that he’s the one for me.
This is the first job I’ve ever had, and I’ve been working here for a year now.
I’ve always been really good at school, and I decided to become an assistant after I graduated because I thought it would be a good way to make some money while I looked for a husband.
And then I met Mr.
Smith, and everything changed.
I don’t think there’s any other job in the world where I could have met a man as perfect as him for me.
He treats me so well and is so caring and loving.
He’s always making sure that I have everything I need to do my job properly and always checking up on how I’m doing.
And he knows that I like him too; I can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at me.
He loves me so much, and I love him too.
He’s just too shy to say anything about it.
But that’s okay.
I don’t mind telling him first.
After working here for a year, I’ve come to realize that Mr.
Smith is the most perfect man in the world for me.
He’s tall with broad shoulders and a handsome face.
He looks so professional in his suit and tie, but deep down, I know that he’s just a big softie at heart.
Not that he ever shows it at work.
No, Mr.Smith is far too professional for that; he would never let his personal life interfere with his work.
But when I talk to him, I can see the love in his eyes.
Even though he tries to hide it from me, I know that Mr.
Smith loves me more than anything else in the world.
"Love's Professional Boundaries"
After all, why else would he be so nice to me?
A man like him could choose any woman he wants, but he chose me instead.
It must be because he loves me.
That’s why every day after work, all I can think about is when Mr.Smith will finally confess his love to me.
Sometimes, it feels like he’ll never get up the courage to say anything about it.
But then other times, it feels like it could happen any second now.
I know that we’re meant to be together; we’re just waiting for the right moment.
Mr.Smith will finally be able to take his relationship with me to the next level when he overcomes his shyness and tells me how he feels.
I can’t wait until we’re finally husband and wife.
Every day when I come into work, I can’t wait for Mr.Smith to arrive so that we can get started on our day together.
He’s always so nice to me, asking me if I’m okay and if I need anything.
It’s just one of the many things that I love about him.
And then when he walks in, I feel like I lose my breath because there’s just something about him that commands attention.
He’s so tall and muscular, and his face could be featured in any magazine in the world.
There’s no doubt about it: Mr.
Smith is the most perfect man for me.
Other women in the office have told me that they think he’s attractive too, but I know that they don’t really understand him like I do.
They don’t see the way he looks at me or know that he loves me.
They just wish that they could be as lucky as I am to have him as their supervisor.
But they’ll never get their wish because Mr.
Smith is meant for me.
No other woman will ever understand him like I do, or love him like I do.
Sometimes, I worry that maybe Mr.
Smith is waiting for me to tell him how I feel before he makes his feelings known to me.
But then I remember that’s impossible because I already know that he loves me, so it doesn’t matter who tells him first.
I know that we’re meant to be together, and it will happen when it’s supposed to happen.
"Love's Professional Boundaries"
Of course, it’s not very professional of me to be in love with my supervisor, but that’s just another reason why it’s so important for us to never break up.
Because if we did, it would be very difficult for me to continue working here, knowing that I had to see him every day, knowing that he was looking at another woman or in love with another woman.
The only solution would be if one of us left the company which would be sad but also romantic, because it would mean that neither of us were willing to compromise our love by continuing to work with each other every day.
But that won’t happen anyway, because Mr.
Smith is just too perfect for me and there’s no reason why either of us would want to give up our jobs.
Besides, if people are meant to be together, then they should be together all the time, not just when they’re at home or on vacation or the weekends, so everything will work out just fine as long as Mr.
Smith and I stay together forever.
Ever since we got together, my work performance has really improved too; it’s never been better!
There’s just something about having him around all day every day that makes me work so much harder; it’s like he’s always in the back of my mind, telling me to do my best so that he can notice how good I am at my job.
And now that Jessica has had the baby and she’ll be taking time off work to look after it for a while, I know that he’s going to need more help than ever with his work, so it’s the perfect opportunity for me to prove myself to him again by working even harder than ever before.
I’ve even started dressing more professionally too, wearing skirts and blouses instead of jeans and t-shirts because I know how important it is for Mr.
Smith to be surrounded by beautiful women all the time, so I want to make sure that he finds me as attractive as possible when he looks at me too.
Which just goes to show how much I love him!
The first time that I met Jessica was a few months ago at a company dinner party.
Mr Smith brought her as his date and everyone assumed that they were together but no one knew for sure until she told us that she was pregnant with his baby and they were planning to get married soon after it was born.
I was heartbroken when she said this; how could she be in love with him too?
I knew that there was nothing that I could do to stop their wedding from happening but I didn’t want to think about it or talk about it because it made me feel sick every time that I thought about him getting married to another woman.
But then things got even worse when Jessica came back from her leave last week with the baby in tow; there was no denying the fact that she was the mother and Mr.
"Love's Professional Boundaries"