MidReal Story

Love's Jealous Betrayal: Axel's Romantic Turmoil


May 20
Scenario:Axel is handsome muscular man who is in love with a girl named cyia
Create my version of this story
Axel is handsome muscular man who is in love with a girl named cyia
I’m a big guy.
I’ve always been a big guy.
I was the biggest guy in my class, and I’m the biggest guy in my group of friends.
I have muscles on top of muscles, and I can lift more than any of my friends.
I’m not saying this to brag, but to give you an idea of who I am.
I’m not a small man, and I can be very intimidating when I want to be.
But there’s one thing that makes me weak in the knees and turns me into a blubbering idiot: Cyia.
She’s the girl I’ve been in love with since we were kids.
She’s the girl who has had my heart for as long as I can remember.
She’s the girl who has been by my side through everything, even when she didn’t have to be.
And she’s the girl who has never given me a reason to doubt her love for me.
But that doesn’t stop me from being jealous as hell when other guys look at her or try to talk to her.
Cyia is beautiful, and she knows it.
She has legs for days and a body that makes my mouth water.
I’ve never met a girl as beautiful as she is, and I’ve never been attracted to anyone the way I’m attracted to her.
She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more, and I would do anything for her.
And I mean anything.
I’ll even go so far as to say that I would kill for her.
I know it sounds extreme, but it’s true.
My love for her is all-consuming, and I can’t imagine my life without her in it.
The only problem is that there are other guys out there who want her too.
Kaiden is one of them.
He’s a friend of mine, and he knows how I feel about Cyia.
But that doesn’t stop him from flirting with her every chance he gets.
Like right now, at this stupid party we’re at.
Kaiden stands in front of Cyia, his eyes roaming over her body like he has every right to look at her.
My hands clench into fists at my sides, and I force myself not to go over there and punch him in the face.
He’s doing this on purpose, trying to get a rise out of me because he knows how territorial I am when it comes to Cyia.
And he also knows that I can’t stand him touching her or looking at her the way he is right now.
He doesn’t care, though.
He thinks he can do whatever he wants, even when it comes to my girl.
Which makes me wonder why I’m even friends with him in the first place.
I mean, if he was anyone else, I would have knocked him out by now.
But he’s not anyone else; he’s Kaiden, my friend who has known Cyia almost as long as I have.
And maybe that’s the problem.
Cyia laughs at something Kaiden says, and I try not to let my jealousy get the best of me.
I know she’s only talking to him to be polite and not cause a scene.
But it doesn’t matter.
I still want to rip his head off and shove it up his ass.
The music is so loud that we have to scream at each other just to be heard over it.
But no amount of noise will ever drown out the sound of my beating heart as Kaiden leans closer to Cyia, his breath fanning her face as he whispers something in her ear.
Her smile falters for a moment before she nods and takes a step back from him.
She glances around the room like she’s looking for someone, and I clench my fists even more when she meets my eyes from across the room.
There’s jealousy in my eyes, and Cyia can see it.
"Love's Jealous Betrayal: Axel's Romantic Turmoil"
I know nice finished last as the d-line of the football team I just walked out but cyia runs over me her eyes burised
Good, she should.
I’m not afraid to show her how much I love her or how crazy she makes me.
If Kaiden wants to flirt with her, then let him.
We’ll see how much he likes it when she ignores him.
Except she doesn’t ignore him.
Instead, she walks away from me like nothing happened and goes over to stand next to him near the beer keg in the corner of the room.
My fists unclench, but it’s a mistake as Kaiden leans even closer to her, his mouth close to her ear.
Cyia smiles and takes a step back, but he follows her, closing the gap between them.
My jaw clenches again, and I can feel my teeth grinding together as I watch them.
My blood is boiling, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
The more Kaiden talks to Cyia, the more pissed off I become, and it’s only a matter of time before I explode.
Leaning against the wall like he owns it, Kaiden slides his hand along Cyia’s lower back.
I can’t take it anymore.
The possessiveness inside me explodes, making me lose all control over myself.
I cross the room in three long strides and grab Kaiden by the shoulder, pulling him away from Cyia.
His eyes widen in shock when he sees me, and he takes a step back, his hands up in surrender.
“Take it easy, man,” he says over the music.
“I was just talking to her.”
If he thinks that’s going to stop me from kicking his ass, then he’s wrong.
I’m about to slam my fist into his face when Cyia grabs my arm and pulls me away from him.
“Stop it!” she yells in frustration.
“You’re making a scene.”
I ignore her and go back after Kaiden, but she steps in front of me and places her hand on my chest.
I’m not an idiot; I know what she’s doing.
She’s trying to calm me down because she knows how jealous I get when it comes to Kaiden.
But it’s not working.
With a growl of frustration, I grab her around the waist and pull her close.
“Don’t do this,” she pleads, trying to pull away from me.
But I don’t let her go.
Instead, I hold her tighter against me and glare at the man standing a few feet away.
“He’s mine,” I say in a low voice only she can hear.
Kaiden’s eyes narrow in anger.
“Oh yeah?” he says in a mocking tone.
“Since when?”
The room has grown quiet as everyone watches us.
But I don’t care about any of that.
All I care about is the way Kaiden is looking at the woman in my arms like she’s something he wants.
Something he needs.
“She’s been mine since the day I met her,” I say in a cold voice.
“Don’t you ever forget it.”
Kaiden’s nostrils flare in anger.
“You know this isn’t over,” he says before turning and walking away.
But I’m not worried about him right now.
"Love's Jealous Betrayal: Axel's Romantic Turmoil"
Before I can stop myself, I bring my lips crashing down on hers in a rough possessive kiss.
She gasps in surprise, but I don’t give her time to protest.
Instead, I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer so that her body is pressed against mine as I kiss her like my life depends on it.
Her hands press against my chest as she tries to push me away, but I refuse to let her go.
My lips move hungrily against hers as my tongue slides into her mouth and claims what’s mine.
She moans in response, and I feel the heat of my desire building inside me until I’m almost at the point of no return.
I’m not sure how much longer I can hold back before I take her right here in front of everyone.
When I finally pull away, we’re both panting and out of breath as we look into each other’s eyes.
For a moment, everything else disappears and there’s only us as we stand there staring at each other longingly.
But then reality comes crashing back around us as the sound of the music fills the room once more.
Cyia looks around in embarrassment, and I realize what I’ve just done.
Shame washes over me as I take a step back and let her go, feeling like a complete asshole for letting my jealousy get the best of me and kissing her like that in front of everyone.
Now they all know exactly how I feel about her, and there’s no going back from that.
“I’m sorry,” I say in a low voice, praying that she’ll forgive me for my reckless behavior.
But she doesn’t seem angry at all; in fact, she looks more bewildered than anything else, as if she can’t quite believe what just happened between us.
“I-I have to go,” she stammers before turning and running from the room, leaving me standing there all alone.
For a moment, I consider following her and apologizing for what I did, but then I realize that I don’t want to just yet.
Not when my body is still burning with need and my heart is pounding so loudly that I can hardly think straight.
I have to admit that kissing Cyia was just as amazing as I knew it would be, and even though she tried to resist me at first, she couldn’t seem to help giving into the passion and desire that flowed between us the moment our lips touched each other’s skin.
For a moment, I convince myself that I didn’t come up with my crazy scheme because I was jealous of Kaiden or worried that I was losing Cyia to him, but because I wanted to prove that she was mine and remind him that he could never have her like I did.
"Love's Jealous Betrayal: Axel's Romantic Turmoil"