MidReal Story

Love in the City That Never Sleeps

Scenario:I, Lily, can't wait to be loved again.
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I, Lily, can't wait to be loved again.
I’ve been in New York for a year.
A year of living in the city that never sleeps, and I’m still not used to it.
The constant noise, the people, the traffic, the smell of exhaust fumes.
It’s all so different from what I’m used to.
But that’s why I moved here.
To escape my past and start over.
And so far, it’s been working.
I have a good job at a marketing firm, and I’ve made some great friends.
I even have a crush on one of my coworkers.
Everything is going well for me in New York, except for one thing:
Chapter 1
I’ve been in New York for a year.
A year of living in the city that never sleeps, and I’m still not used to it.
The constant noise, the people, the traffic, the smell of exhaust fumes.
It’s all so different from what I’m used to.
But that’s why I moved here.
To escape my past and start over.
And so far, it’s been working.
I have a good job at a marketing firm, and I’ve made some great friends.
I even have a crush on one of my coworkers.
Everything is going well for me in New York, except for one thing:
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
The people who live here love it.
The people who don’t, who come to visit and are overwhelmed by the constant movement, by the fact that they can’t walk more than two feet without bumping into someone else, they usually can’t get away fast enough.
But not me.
When I’m in New York, I’m not Lily Evans anymore—I’m just one more person in an endless sea of faces.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
And I love it.
I’ve been in New York for a year.
A year of living in the city that never sleeps, and I’m still not used to it.
The constant noise, the people, the traffic, the smell of exhaust fumes.
It’s all so different from what I’m used to.
But that’s why I moved here.
To escape my past and start over.
And so far, it’s been working.
I have a good job at a marketing firm, and I’ve made some great friends.
I even have a crush on one of my coworkers.
Everything is going well for me in New York, except for one thing:
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
Here, I'm invisible, just another face in the crowd of millions, and that anonymity is a welcome change from the small town where everyone knew my business.
Even if they didn't always know the truth—gossip travels fast in a place where there isn't much else going on—it was hard to be happy when every kind word was overshadowed by a past I wasn't ready to let go of just yet.
But here, there's no one who knows me or my story; no one who cares if I'm unhappy or not; no one who will remind me every time they see me how sorry they are about what happened to me.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
In New York City, you can be anyone you want to be and no one will ever know your secret—because they're too busy hiding their own.
In New York City, you can get lost without ever leaving your apartment—or you can find yourself in the middle of a crowd.
In New York City, being alone isn't lonely; it's freeing.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
The city that never sleeps is a place where you can pretend your own problems don’t exist because everyone else is pretending too; and the more you pretend, the easier it is to believe that one day you'll wake up and everything will be different.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
Chapter 2
Here, I'm invisible, just another face in the crowd of millions, and that anonymity is a welcome change from the small town where everyone knew my business.
The city never stops: the noise, the lights, the people—it all keeps going no matter what time it is.
At first, adjusting was difficult; the subway felt like a maze, and even finding groceries was an adventure.
But with time, I found my way around and learned to thrive in this chaotic environment.
I moved here to escape my past, to start afresh without the constant reminders of what I've lost.
It was a decision made on impulse after a particularly devastating breakup with my longtime boyfriend.
New York seemed like the perfect place for a new beginning—the heartbreak and memories of our relationship fading away as I embraced this vibrant city.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
I've lived in New York for a year now, and although the city's relentless pace can be overwhelming, it offers a freedom I've never experienced before.
Here, I'm invisible, just another face in the crowd of millions, and that anonymity is a welcome change from the small town where everyone knew my business.
The city never stops: the noise, the lights, the people—it all keeps going no matter what time it is.
At first, adjusting was difficult; the subway felt like a maze, and even finding groceries was an adventure.
But with time, I found my way around and learned to thrive in this chaotic environment.
I moved here to escape my past, to start afresh without the constant reminders of what I've lost.
It was a decision made on impulse after a particularly devastating breakup with my longtime boyfriend.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
New York seemed like the perfect place for a new beginning—the heartbreak and memories of our relationship fading away as I embraced this vibrant city.
I landed a position at a marketing firm that quickly became my sanctuary—a place where I could throw myself into work and forget about everything else for a while.
My coworkers have become my friends, especially Mia Torres.
She’s like a sister to me, always there when I need her most, ready with a joke or advice to lighten my spirits on even the toughest days.
When I first started at the firm, Mia was the only one who made an effort to get to know me.
It took less than a week before we were heading out together for lunch and swapping stories about our lives.
Since then, we’ve grown close and share almost everything with each other.
Mia's been my rock in this unpredictable city, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.
She's not just a coworker; she’s my best friend and confidante.
Mia knows everything about me, from my college major to what brand of yogurt I buy for groceries.
She’s always there with a smile and a joke—even when things seem hopeless.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
Alex is tall with sandy-blond hair and the most mesmerizing blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
He’s kindhearted, witty, and incredibly good-looking, but he’s also completely oblivious to my feelings.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
Alex treats me more like a little sister than a potential girlfriend, teasing me about my nonexistent love life and setting me up with his single friends.
I’ve tried dropping hints and even flirting with him, but it’s like he’s immune to my charms.
If Alex was interested in me, I’d give anything to be with him, but I know it’ll never happen.
We’re just friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be—nothing more, nothing less.
I glued my eyes to the screen, trying to focus on the presentation in front of me instead of the conversation Mia was having with someone else in the break room.
Love in the City That Never Sleeps
I had to admit; she was right.
I didn’t need a man to enjoy life, but that didn’t stop me from wanting one.
"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes.
"I’ll look."
I turned toward the window, careful to avoid making eye contact with Alex, but then I froze.
"Oh my God," I whispered, staring out the window.
Alex was standing next to Elena, laughing at something she’d said, and the way they looked at each other made my heart sink.
It was like staring into a mirror—two people who shared an unspoken connection, even though neither of them had the courage to act on it.
The truth was staring me right in the face, and I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t there anymore.
Mia burst out laughing as she watched Alex and Elena together, both of them oblivious to the fact that they were being watched.
Mia exclaimed, elbowing me in the ribs.
"Are you blind? Look at them! They’re perfect for each other!"
I winced, rubbing my side where she’d jabbed me.
"I didn’t know she was interested in him like that."
"She’s been leaving flowers on his desk every morning for the past month! How did you not notice?"
Love in the City That Never Sleeps