MidReal Story

Lost Horizon: Nami's Odyssey

Scenario:Nami from One piece, alone.
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Nami from One piece, alone.
I woke up with all my body aching.
My head was pounding and my throat was dry.
I don’t remember what happened.
The last thing I could recall was the moment I was on Thousand Sunny with my friends, the Straw Hat Pirates.
I was in the middle of them, yelling at Luffy for making a stupid decision again.
But, what happened afterward?
My mind was foggy and fragmented.
I couldn’t remember anything.
I tried to lift my head up, but the pain made me groan.
I was lying on a sandy beach.
The sound of waves crashing against the shore and seagulls above my head made me remember that I was no longer on the ship.
But, how’d I end up here?
Where was Sunny?
Where were my friends?
I couldn’t find them anywhere.
I tried to sit up, my vision was blurry.
It took me a moment to adjust my eyesight to the bright sunlight.
The sky was clear blue.
No clouds could be found in sight.
The sun was shining high in the sky, blinding me for a moment.
There were palm trees on my right side, and further away from them, there were forests with tall trees that I couldn’t recognize.
This island looked beautiful, but it made me feel uneasy for some reason.
I bit my lower lip as I squinted my eyes, trying to search for any sign of my friends or civilization.
But all I could see was an empty beach that stretched far to the left of me with no end in sight, and beautiful clear blue ocean to my front—I saw no sign of any ship sailing in the distance—while the right side was blocked by palm trees so I couldn’t see farther there.
“Usopp, Chopper, Brook!”
I called their names, but no answer came back to me.
I tried sitting up again, this time successfully despite my body’s protests.
I looked around and realized that I was alone on this unknown island.
I assumed that we were separated somehow when something happened to Sunny—maybe it got attacked by some pirates or sank after hitting a rock?
—while I was unconscious for whatever reason it might be.
A sudden memory flashed through my mind.
On the ship, we were talking about an island we planned to go to today.
It was an island that Sanji heard from his friend at Baratie.
It was said that there’s an ancient treasure hidden there.
Was this island that island?
Had we arrived here before something happened to Sunny?
Or did our ship sail away from this place after something happened while I was unconscious?
My heart started to beat faster as a sense of panic started to fill me up.
I called out their names again while frantically searching for them around me.
Lost Horizon: Nami's Odyssey
What do i wear?
Please, answer me!”
There was no response.
My head was splitting with pain.
It was hard for me to think clearly, but I tried my best to remember what happened.
We were on our way to the island.
It was a beautiful day, the sea was clear and the weather was nice.
We planned to stop by the island for a while to get us more food supplies before we sailed toward the island with the ancient treasure.
I remembered teasing Luffy for being a food monster, but then I felt dizzy.
No, not just dizzy.
It felt like the world was spinning around me.
My heart was beating faster as I realized something.
We were caught in a whirlpool!
I remembered shouting out to Luffy who was sitting on the figurehead of the ship, “Luffy!Get down!
It’s not a good time for you to be a figurehead!”
And then I saw Sanji, who’s holding the ship’s wheel, losing his grip when he slipped on some water.
And then—no, I don’t remember anything after that.
Did we sink?
Did I get swept away from the ship?
I closed my eyes as I tried my best to remember what happened afterward, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember anything after that moment.
I was engulfed by the darkness of my own mind, and then I woke up here, alone, with no idea how I got here or where my friends were.
“Usopp!” I called his name again, but there was still no answer.
I put my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
A headache was throbbing inside my head, making it hard for me to think straight or focus.
I tried to breathe in and out slowly, and then I opened my eyes again and looked around me to see if I could find any sign of my missing friends or our ship—sadly, there was none.
My heart sank as I realized that I was truly alone here.
“No, I’m not alone,” I murmured to myself before I called out another name, “Chopper!”
But there was still no answer.
I called out the last name that came across my mind before it got engulfed by the darkness in my mind earlier, “Brook!Please answer me!”
The sharp pain hit me once again.
Tears started to well up in the corner of my eyes as the realization slowly made its way to me.
I was all alone on this island with no sign of my friends or any ship nearby.
No matter how hard I tried to call out to them, they wouldn’t come back to me because they couldn’t hear me.
A sob broke free from my lips as more tears streamed down my cheeks.
It felt like something heavy was crushing my chest, making it hard for me to breathe properly.
“Calm down, Nami,” I muttered to myself as I wiped away those tears with the back of my hand.
“You have to calm down.Or you’ll never be able to find them.”
I took a deep breath before I continued mumbling to myself, “I’m sure they’re looking for me right now.You have to stay strong and find them so you can go home together.”
Lost Horizon: Nami's Odyssey
I bit my bottom lip before I managed to push myself up from the sand, only to realize that my feet were sinking into the warm sand when I tried to stand up.
I looked down at my feet and let out a frustrated sigh when I noticed that my shoes were gone, too, leaving my feet bare on the sand that felt like hot iron against my skin.
I couldn’t remember when my shoes disappeared, but since they were gone, it meant that I had to walk barefoot until I could find them again or make new ones to replace them.
My eyes widened in realization.
“Clima-tact,” I muttered to myself as panic started to rise up inside me once again when I realized that my weapon was missing, too.
It wasn’t just a weapon to me, but it was also a symbol of my own strength and identity, too.
Without it, it felt like a part of me was missing, too.
My hands balled into fists as I gritted my teeth and glared up at the sky before I let out a frustrated sigh to calm myself down again.
“You can do this,” I muttered to myself before I decided to explore the island in search of my missing crewmates—hopefully, my weapon would be there, too.
If we were on this island together, then they should be nearby somewhere, right?
I looked around again and noticed how peaceful the island seemed to be: the sky was clear, the birds were chirping, and the waves were lapping against the shore gently, making it seem like the perfect place to take a nap or relax after a whole day of work.
I spotted a few crabs scurrying across the shoreline, and I couldn’t resist smiling at how cute they looked when they saw me and started to run away from me as fast as they could, with their big claws opened wide for balance as they ran across the sand with their tiny legs and bodies swaying back and forth cutely with each step they took.
Lost Horizon: Nami's Odyssey
narrows her eyes suspiciously, sensing something off. She might enjoy a bit of fun, but she's no fool; years of heroics have honed her instincts. What do you think you're up to? She says firmly, taking a step back and preparing herself for any possible threat. Her voice becomes stern, the playfulness evaporating like morning mist. (Describe what she wears)
I shook my head and stopped focusing on the crabs, but it reminded me that there might not be any food or water for me if the island was already deserted.
The thought of being on an island without any supplies made my head hurt even more than before, so I decided to stand up and explore the island in search of my missing crewmates again.
My body felt heavy when I tried to stand up, and I had to use my arms to support myself when I tried to stand up.
My legs felt like they were made of lead when I tried to move them, and my vision was spinning.
I stumbled around like a drunkard for a bit before I managed to stabilize myself when my eyes landed on a nearby tree where I could rest my hand on to support myself.
I forced my legs to move and took one step after another until I was standing in front of the tree.
I leaned against it to support myself and took deep breaths to keep myself calm so that the dizziness could pass.
The pain didn’t pass, though; it felt like there was a hammer inside my skull every time it pulsed with pain.
I decided to ignore it as best as I could and looked around the area to see if there was anything else for me to use and found nothing but some coconuts on the trees.
“Usopp, Chopper, Brook!”
I called out their names again and waited for them to reply or come running out from their hiding spot, but nothing happened at all.
The only response that came after my call was an echo of my own voice across the empty island.
The sand was soft beneath my feet when I looked down at them and realized that they stopped hurting already.
I lifted my gaze up from my feet and looked around the beach again and noticed how empty it was.
There weren’t any poisonous snakes lurking around or any wild animals hiding behind bushes or trees, either.
I could see everything clearly from where I stood; there weren’t any shipwrecks or signs of life anywhere around or on the island at all—it was just me and nothing else.
My heart sank when everything started to sink in and make sense to me.
Lost Horizon: Nami's Odyssey