MidReal Story

Lost Aristocrats: Jungle Crash to Zoo Encounter


Apr 27
Scenario:a children's story about a giraffe named Mindgy and a flamingo named zozo. create a story about them ceash landing a u.f.o. in a jungle. being captured. and ending up at a zoo. they observe the humans and attempt to make sense of it all. the narration is a dialog between as if they speak a language nobody else does. they are pompous entitled sophisticated dainty aristocrats on their planet. one has a dry sense of humor and the other has an immature one-liner style humor.
Create my version of this story
a children's story about a giraffe named Mindgy and a flamingo named zozo. create a story about them ceash landing a u.f.o. in a jungle. being captured. and ending up at a zoo. they observe the humans and attempt to make sense of it all. the narration is a dialog between as if they speak a language nobody else does. they are pompous entitled sophisticated dainty aristocrats on their planet. one has a dry sense of humor and the other has an immature one-liner style humor.
The UFO crashed deep in a jungle on Earth.
Mindgy and Zozo, two aliens, stepped out of the wrecked spaceship.
As they stared at a landscape that was completely different from their own planet, they started to complain in their own unique language.
It was a language that nobody else could understand.
Zozo: “Ugh! The humidity is killing me!
My skin feels sticky!
Look at me!
I’m not as shiny as I used to be!”
Mindgy: “Let’s just get out of here!
This place is even worse than the garbage dump!”
Zozo: “You mean the garbage pile?”
Mindgy: “Yeah, whatever.
This place is full of bugs and frogs!
I feel like I’m going to get goosebumps all over my body!
The spots on my body are standing up! I can’t look polished anymore!”
Zozo: “Don’t worry, Mindgy.
I’m still very shiny.
My long legs are still straight and slender.
There are no wrinkles on my body, and my two antennas are as straight as ever.”
Mindgy: “That’s because you only have a few spots on your body.
I have so many spots that I can’t even count them.
Zozo: “But you’re still very good-looking.
The spots on your body make you look even more handsome.”
Mindgy and Zozo stepped away from the UFO.
As they walked out of the jungle, they were shocked by what they saw in front of them.
They covered their mouths and noses in disgust as they continued to move forward.
They stepped on many strange bugs along the way, staining their dainty bodies in mud and leaves.
They looked like they had just escaped from prison.
Mindgy: “Ugh, I can’t believe we have to walk through this jungle!
This is so disgusting!
I feel like I’m going to throw up!”
Zozo: “Don’t say that, Mindgy.
You’re an aristocrat, and I am a lady.
We can overcome anything!”
Mindgy: “I know that I can overcome any kind of hardship because I am an aristocrat!
Even if it’s dirty, dangerous, or life-threatening, I am not afraid!
Mindgy slowly turned around and looked at Zozo with a flirtatious gaze before saying, “Because I am a man!”
Zozo: “Focus on the main point!”
Mindgy: “Alright, I’ll do it again!”
Mindgy looked at Zozo with his glistening eyes before saying, “Because…”
Mindgy smiled as he said this sentence with a dramatic tone.
He looked like he was glowing with a dazzling light.
Mindgy: “…I am the handsome aristocrat Mindgy!”
Zozo smiled at his answer before saying, “Stop showing off your good looks all the time.
You’re making me jealous.”
Mindgy: “It’s alright if you’re not as handsome as I am.”
Zozo: “Are you kidding me?
There is no one else who is daintier than us on this planet.”
Mindgy: “That’s right.
We are the most beautiful creatures in the entire universe!”
Zozo: “Hurry up and finish your sentence!”
"Lost Aristocrats: Jungle Crash to Zoo Encounter"
Mindgy quickly covered his mouth with his small hand and said, “No wonder there are so many people who want to capture us!”
Mindgy wiped away his tears before saying, “Let’s go!
I want to go back to my comfortable bed!”
Zozo: “Let me do it!”
Zozo used her long legs to kick away the fallen branches and leaves in front of her as she walked forward.
Just as they were about to leave this disgusting jungle full of bugs and frogs, they suddenly saw a long snake blocking their path.
Mindgy was terrified of everything that was remotely dangerous.
He quickly grabbed Zozo’s hand and said in fear, “Zozo!
It’s a snake!
Please get rid of it for me!”
Zozo was very scared of snakes.
She quickly grabbed a nearby branch and used it to drive away the snake.
Mindgy quickly pulled Zozo away and said, “Let’s get out of here!”
Zozo looked at Mindgy with an understanding gaze before saying, “How about we use our UFO to fly up into the sky?”
Mindgy covered his mouth with his hand and said in shock, “I forgot that we still have the UFO!”
The two of them quickly ran back to their UFO.
However, when they opened the door, they saw that a monkey had sneaked inside while they were not looking.
The monkey was sitting in the driver’s seat and pressing all kinds of buttons.
The UFO suddenly started to shake before it flew up into the sky.
Mindgy and Zozo sat down in their seats and fastened their seat belts.
Just as they were about to start the UFO, a large warning sign suddenly appeared on the screen.
After a few seconds, there was another warning sign.
The UFO’s mechanical voice said, “Warning!The energy is dropping rapidly!The UFO will explode in thirty seconds!”
Mindgy and Zozo looked at the screen with fear in their eyes.
Mindgy put on his helmet and said, “I don’t care if it explodes!Just let me kill that monkey!”
Zozo looked at the screen and said, “I don’t care if it explodes either!That monkey is an abomination!”
The UFO suddenly exploded.
Mindgy and Zozo were flung into the air along with their chairs.
“Mindgy, we’re flying!We’re flying!”
As they flew through the air, Mindgy and Zozo could not help but scream.
Mindgy: “That monkey is such a bastard!He destroyed our UFO!When I see him, I’ll take his life!”
"Lost Aristocrats: Jungle Crash to Zoo Encounter"
something about feeling the breeze
Mindgy: “We’re going to hit the ground!”
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!”
As they fell from the sky, Mindgy and Zozo felt like they were falling into a meat grinder.
They were both covered in blood and their bodies were all twisted together.
When they finally landed on the ground, they were both knocked unconscious by the impact.
When Mindgy woke up, he realized that he was being stared at by a group of humans.
The humans were all pointing at him and talking amongst themselves.
When he turned his head to look around, he saw that Zozo was also lying next to him.
The two of them had been flung out of their seats when they fell from the sky.
Their bodies were all twisted together and it looked like they had been thrown into a meat grinder before.
But their spirits were not broken at all.
Mindgy looked at the humans with disdain before saying to Zozo, “What are these ugly monkeys looking at?Why are they so noisy?”
Zozo: “How would I know?”
Mindgy: “I think they find us very interesting.”
Zozo: “Really?Do I need to take off my clothes and dance for them?”
Mindgy: “Don’t be ridiculous!”
Zozo: “Then do you want me to take off your clothes and dance for them?”
Mindgy: “You idiot!You want to be a pervert in front of these ugly monkeys?If you want to take off your clothes, you should do it in front of me!”
Zozo: “I think I’ve gotten a lot stronger after surviving that fall.”
Mindgy: “It seems that you’ve also become more stupid after falling.”
While the two of them were talking, a bunch of humans suddenly came over and started to surround them.
There was one human who was distinguished from the others.
He had a crown of flowers on his head and he was looking at Mindgy and Zozo with a smile on his face.
The human with the crown of flowers said, “These two creatures are so rare!They look like they belong to a species that has never been seen before!”
Mindgy looked at the human with the crown of flowers and said, “You have good eyes!I am indeed a rare species that has never been seen before.”
The human with the crown of flowers said, “But you’re still alive!What good luck this is!Quickly, let’s catch them and bring them back with us!”
As soon as he finished speaking, the other humans quickly surrounded Mindgy and Zozo.
They were all pointing at Mindgy and Zozo and talking amongst themselves.
"Lost Aristocrats: Jungle Crash to Zoo Encounter"
Zozo: “What are those things on their bodies?”
Mindgy: “I think those are their skins.”
Zozo: “Their skins are so colorful!”
Mindgy: “It’s like a badly decorated Christmas tree.”
Zozo: “Speaking of Christmas trees, you also look like a Christmas tree!”
Mindgy: “You don’t understand beauty at all!My appearance is like a rare treasure that can only be found in a palace!”
The humans quickly took Mindgy and Zozo away with them and locked them up in a huge iron cage.
There were a lot of other strange creatures in the iron cage as well.
If Mindgy and Zozo had to give them a score based on their appearances, they would only score a zero at most.
The humans outside the iron cage seemed to be very interested in Mindgy and Zozo.
They were all staring at Mindgy and Zozo with wide eyes, as if Mindgy and Zozo were some kind of rare treasure.
Mindgy: “Look at those ugly monkeys outside!They’re all staring at us!They’re like a group of sheep that have seen their shepherd!”
Zozo: “You’re also an ugly monkey!”
Mindgy: “What did you say?”
Zozo: “You’re pretty.”
The two of them were locked up in a huge iron cage with the other strange creatures.
The other strange creatures all seemed to be very afraid of the humans.
They all huddled together in a corner and did not dare to move an inch.
Mindgy and Zozo looked at each other with disdain before sitting down lazily.
Zozo: “What are these things?”
Mindgy: “How would I know?They’re probably some kind of livestock.”
Zozo: “Then what are we?”
Mindgy: “We’re obviously nobles!We’re the only nobles in this world!We’re the most noble creatures in this world!”
Zozo: “You look like a toy that can be found anywhere.”
Mindgy: “I’m not going to argue with you about this.”
Mindgy and Zozo were sitting in the iron cage, watching the humans outside the iron cage.
The humans outside the iron cage were dressed in various colors.
Some of them were wearing red clothes, while some of them were wearing blue clothes.
Some of them were wearing yellow clothes, while some of them were wearing green clothes.
Mindgy looked at the humans and said with disgust, “Why are these sheep walking around aimlessly?They’re so noisy and annoying!”
Zozo looked at the humans and said, “What are they doing?Let me see if I can find a clue.”
Mindgy and Zozo looked at the humans carefully for a long time but still could not figure out what the humans were doing.
In the end, they could only say with a sneer, “I don’t know what’s so good about these things!They’re so noisy and annoying!They don’t even look good!”
"Lost Aristocrats: Jungle Crash to Zoo Encounter"