MidReal Story

Legendary Quest: Unleashing Super Saiyan 4


May 15
Scenario:Dragon ball z universe you are Goku before the super saga and you discover a new way to ascend to supersaiyan 4
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Dragon ball z universe you are Goku before the super saga and you discover a new way to ascend to supersaiyan 4
The Hyperbolic Time Chamber was a place of legend, a place where warriors could train for a year in just one day.
It was also a place that had nearly killed me the first time I’d used it, when I was just a boy.
But I wasn’t a boy anymore.
I was Goku Son, the legendary Super Saiyan, and I had come here to unlock a new transformation.
I had been training in the chamber for three days now, and I could feel my power growing with each passing moment.
I had already pushed myself to my limits and beyond, tapping into reserves of energy that I hadn’t known existed.
But that wasn’t enough.
I needed to go further, to push myself even harder if I wanted to achieve my goal.
And so I continued to train, pushing myself harder and harder until I thought my body would break.
But it didn’t break.
It only grew stronger.
And then, on the fourth day, something happened.
It was like a bolt of lightning, coursing through my veins and filling me with boundless energy.
I knew then that I was on the right track, that I was closer than ever to achieving my goal.
I smiled to myself, and redoubled my efforts.
I didn’t know how long it would take for me to unlock my new transformation, but I was determined to keep going until I did.
I had already spent three days in the chamber, and I was prepared to spend three more if that’s what it took.
I was so close to achieving my goal, and I wasn’t about to give up now.
Time passed in a blur after that.
I lost track of how many days I’d been in the chamber, and it didn’t really matter anyway.
The days had turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, but still I kept on training, never once letting up on my efforts.
My hair had grown long now, falling in unruly spikes around my face.
I’d lost track of time and had no idea what was happening outside of the chamber.
There were people out there who needed me, who counted on me to keep them safe.
But I couldn’t worry about them right now.
I needed to focus on my training, to push myself as hard as I could if I wanted to unlock my new transformation.
And so that’s what I did.
I pushed myself harder than ever before, training for hours on end without stopping even for a moment.
My muscles ached and my head throbbed, but I pushed through the pain and kept on going.
I didn’t know how much longer it would take for me to unlock my new transformation, but I was prepared to keep on training for as long as it took.
Because I knew that I couldn’t fail.
There was too much at stake.
I needed to become stronger if I hoped to defeat the enemy that was coming for us.
The enemy that would destroy us if we didn’t stop them first.
And so I pushed myself harder than ever before, determined to unlock my new transformation no matter what it took.
I had lost all sense of time by then.
It felt like I had been in the chamber for years, and maybe I had been.
But it didn’t really matter anyway.
Time had no meaning when I was in this state of pure concentration, pushing myself beyond my limits and discovering just how strong I could become when I put my mind to it.
And then, finally, it happened:
I felt a surge of power rising inside of me, building and building until it was almost too much for me to contain.
I felt like I was about to explode, and then everything went dark.
When I came to again, something was different.
I could feel the power inside of me, bubbling just beneath the surface and waiting to be unleashed.
And then, with a roar that shook the very foundations of the chamber, it happened:
"Legendary Quest: Unleashing Super Saiyan 4"
A hundred days of rigorous training, each one spent pushing myself to the limit and beyond, determined to unlock a new transformation.
If only they knew.
If only they knew that their prince was training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, they wouldn’t have revived Frieza.
They wouldn’t have called on Beerus and his brother to deal with the Emperor of the Universe.
And they most certainly wouldn’t have let Frost into their ranks.
The revival of Frieza and the emergence of Frost were just the beginning.
With Cell and Buu vanquished, there was nothing standing between them and the people of Earth.
They had no idea what was coming.
What kind of enemies would be knocking on their door?
But that wasn't my concern.
My focus was on training, to push myself beyond the limits of a Super Saiyan 3 and unlock the power of a Super Saiyan 4.
Every day was another chance to become stronger, and I wasn't going to waste a single moment.
The days turned into weeks, and then into months, but still I trained, never once stopping to take a break or even to rest.
Vegeta's voice would occasionally reach me, reminding me to eat or sleep, but I ignored him, too focused on my goal to let anything get in my way.
My hair had grown long and unruly by then, but I hardly noticed; I was too busy training to care about something as trivial as my appearance.
And then one day, as I was standing on the edge of the cliff, practicing my Kamehameha, a familiar voice interrupted me:
I shot him a quick smile before turning back to the task at hand.
There was still so much for me to learn, so much that I didn't know, but I wasn't going to give up.
I was going to keep on training until I reached my goal and became the strongest warrior in the universe.
You're not going to get any stronger if you don't eat," Vegeta said, his voice tinged with annoyance.
"I told you that you should take a break."
"I don't need one," I replied stubbornly.
"I'm going to keep on training until I unlock Super Saiyan 4, no matter how long it takes."
Vegeta didn't say anything else after that, and I took his silence as a sign that he had finally given up on trying to get me to stop.
And so I continued to train, pushing myself harder than ever before, determined to unlock the power of a Super Saiyan 4 and become the strongest warrior in the universe.
It had been over two years since I'd gone into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train, and the people of Earth were growing restless.
They had no idea what was going on, and they were starting to wonder if I'd abandoned them.
But I hadn't abandoned them; I would never do that.
But by then, it was too late.
By then, everything had already fallen apart.
As soon as I stepped out of the chamber, I knew something was wrong.
The air was thick with smoke and ash, and the sound of explosions filled my ears.
The city stretched out around me, reduced to ruins, and I could see people running for their lives as an army of alien soldiers bore down on them.
"Legendary Quest: Unleashing Super Saiyan 4"
"What happened here?"I asked Vegeta, who was waiting for me outside the chamber along with Gohan and Krillin.
Vegeta's face was grim as he explained what had happened in my absence: a new enemy had appeared on Earth and attacked, using his army to conquer the planet.
His name was Frost, and he was incredibly powerful; even Vegeta and Gohan had struggled to keep up with him in battle.
"I should have been here," I said, clenching my fists.
"But it doesn't matter now," Vegeta replied."What matters is that we need to stop him before he causes any more damage."
I nodded, my gaze hardening as I stared out at the city before us.
I wasn't sure if I'd be able to defeat this new enemy, not after all the training I'd done in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but there was one thing that I knew for sure: I was going to do everything in my power to protect Earth once again.
Vegeta and I led the charge against Frost's army, tearing through their ranks with ease as we made our way toward their leader's stronghold.
The sight of my Super Saiyan 3 form was enough to send most of his soldiers fleeing in terror, and those that remained were quickly dispatched by Vegeta and Gohan as we made our way toward Frost's fortress.
But when we reached Frost, we found that he wasn't going down without a fight.
The two of us clashed, our blows sending shockwaves reverberating through the air as we battled it out for supremacy.
I quickly realized that my Super Saiyan 3 form wasn't enough; as powerful as it was, it wasn't enough to defeat an enemy as strong as Frost.
And so, with no other options left, I decided to do something that I should have done a long time ago: I transformed back into my base form and returned to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to continue my training.
I knew that it was risky; after all, the chamber had already been damaged once by my immense power, and there was no telling what might happen if I continued to push myself even further.
But it was a risk that I was willing to take.
The fate of Earth was on my shoulders, and there was nothing that I wouldn't do to protect it from harm.
"Be careful," Vegeta said as he watched me go."I don't know if Earth can take much more of this."
"I'll be fine," I replied with a grin."I'm going to keep on training until I unlock Super Saiyan 4 and become the strongest warrior in the universe."
"Legendary Quest: Unleashing Super Saiyan 4"