MidReal Story

Legacy of Betrayal

Scenario:Star Fox: Wolf O'Donnell infiltrates Fox McClouds Arwing and convinces Fox McCloud to Betray Star Fox and join Star Wolf and leave his father's legacy behind
Create my version of this story
Star Fox: Wolf O'Donnell infiltrates Fox McClouds Arwing and convinces Fox McCloud to Betray Star Fox and join Star Wolf and leave his father's legacy behind
I was in the middle of a dogfight with Star Wolf when I saw him.
Wolf O'Donnell, the leader of the team, was flying in front of me.
I had him in my sights and I was ready to take him down.
I fired my lasers at his Arwing, but he dodged them with ease.
He then flew behind me and started firing at my ship.
I tried to shake him off, but he was right on my tail.
I then saw an opening and quickly turned my Arwing around and fired at him.
He wasn't expecting that and I hit his ship dead on.
His Arwing started to smoke as he spiraled out of control towards the planet Venom below us.
I followed him down to make sure he didn't eject from his ship before it crashed.
As we were falling, I saw a flash of light coming from his Arwing's cockpit.
It was a bomb!
He must have set it to go off if he was about to crash!
I tried to get away, but it was too late.
I was plummeting to my doom and there was nothing I could do about it.
My Arwing had been damaged during my dogfight with Star Wolf and I had lost control of it.
I tried to stabilize my ship, but it was no use.
The damage was too severe.
Panicking, I quickly assessed my situation.
I was falling towards the planet Venom below and my Arwing was spiraling out of control.
The Great Fox was nowhere to be seen and I had lost contact with my team.
I was on my own and I had to act fast or I was going to crash.
Think, Fox, think!
I told myself as I tried to regain control of my ship.
Suddenly, my Arwing stopped spinning and I was able to level it out.
The ground was getting closer and closer and I needed to pull up or else I was going to crash into the planet's surface.
I hit the thrusters and pulled up as hard as I could, narrowly avoiding a fatal crash.
Once I regained control of my ship, I quickly scanned the area for any signs of Wolf O'Donnell.
He was somewhere below me and he was still alive.
I then saw him flying erratically in his damaged Arwing.
His engines were smoking, but he was still able to fly his ship somehow.
He was heading towards a rocky outcrop in the distance and he was going to use it to make his escape.
Not if I had anything to say about it!
I said as I started firing at his ship.
Wolf saw me coming and tried to evade my attacks by flying in between the rocks on the outcrop.
I followed him closely and continued to fire at him, not letting up for a second.
He then did a quick turn in between two rocks and started flying straight up into the air to try and lose me.
He knew that he couldn't outfly me with his damaged ship, so he tried to outmaneuver me instead.
Nice try, Wolf!
I said as I continued to follow him upwards.
Wolf then did a quick loop and flew straight back down at me.
He must think that he can get behind me if he flies downwards!
I thought as I tried to shake him off my tail.
But Wolf wasn't going to let me get away from him that easily.
He continued to follow me down as he fired away at my ship with his own lasers.
I then saw the rocky outcrop coming up fast below me and I knew that we were both going to crash if we didn't do something soon.
Wolf knew it too and he didn't want us both to die like this.
That's when he set off the bomb in his cockpit in a last ditch effort to take me down with him.
What the?!" I said in shock as Wolf's Arwing exploded right in front of me!
It caught me off guard and I wasn't prepared for the blast at all.
The explosion engulfed his entire ship and sent a shockwave towards me.
NOOOOOOO!" I screamed as I tried to get away, but it was too late.
The wave hit my ship and sent me spiraling out of control towards the planet's surface.
My ship was done for and there was nothing I could do to stop it now.
I then saw Wolf eject from his ship and deploy his parachute in an attempt to slow his descent.
He was falling towards Venom too, but he was much higher than I was.
He must have ejected before he set off that bomb!
I thought as I quickly did the same.
Eject, eject, eject!" I said as I pulled the lever and shot myself out of my doomed Arwing.
I then deployed my parachute and started to slow down.
My heart was racing and I was still shaking from what had happened.
That was way too close!
I thought as I looked down at Venom's rocky terrain below me.
It was hard to see anything through all of the smoke, but I could still make out some things here and there.
I then looked up and saw Wolf falling towards me in his parachute.
He must have seen me eject from my ship.
We locked eyes for a moment and he gave me a look that I will never forget.
It was a look of terror, but also one of relief.
He was glad that he was still alive, but he was also terrified that he wasn't going to make it out of this alive.
We then heard an explosion behind us and looked back at our ships as they hit the ground below and exploded into a ball of flames.
They were both done for and there was no way to recover them now.
We were on our own and we were both falling towards Venom's surface.
We continued to fall in silence until we got closer to the ground.
That's when we both decided to cut our parachutes and prepare for impact.
We were falling much faster than before now that we didn't have our parachutes to slow us down.
We then hit the ground at the same time and rolled for a few seconds before coming to a stop.
The rocky terrain was rough and it hurt like hell when we hit it, but we were both able to walk away from it.
Wolf and I then got up and faced off against each other once again.
Our rivalry wasn't over quite yet, even though we were both on the ground now.
I got up first and aimed my blaster at him, but he was too quick and did the same thing.
He then fired a few shots at me and I was forced to take cover behind a rock.
I waited for him to come around the corner so that I could get the drop on him, but he never did.
That's when I heard his voice over the intercom.
I'm not here to fight you, Fox!
I just want to get out of here alive!"
I waited a few seconds before emerging from my hiding spot, but Wolf was nowhere to be seen.
He must have used a smoke bomb or something to make his escape!
I thought as I looked around, but there was no sign of him anywhere.
That's when I heard the sound of a ship's engines coming from the distance and I knew that it was Wolf's Arwing.
I then saw it fly overhead and disappear into the clouds.
Slippy's voice called out over the intercom.
"Fox, you've got to go after him!
Don't let him get away this time!"
I then looked down at the ground and saw my Arwing in pieces.
It was done for and there was no way that I could recover it now.
Slippy was right though.
I had to go after Wolf before it was too late.
I then took off in the direction of the sounds and prepared myself for what was about to come next.
I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like it, but I had no choice but to face it head on.
I eventually caught up with Wolf and we both landed on the ground at the same time.
Our Arwings were both reduced to smoldering wrecks and there was nothing that we could do about it now.
There was nothing left between us and it was time to settle this once and for all.
As we got out of our ships and faced off against each other once again, the tension in the air was palpable.
We both had our weapons drawn and we were ready to use them if we had to.
But neither of us made the first move.
I then heard Slippy's voice over the intercom once again.
He begged me not to let Wolf escape and reminded me of all the destruction that he had caused so far this time.
But I was determined not to let Slippy get what he wanted this time.
He had gotten me into this mess in the first place by convincing me to go after Wolf, but he wasn't going to get me out of it by convincing me not to let him go.
I then turned off the intercom and focused on Wolf once again.
I was done listening to Slippy and I wasn't going to let him control me anymore.
It was time for me to take control of my own destiny and do what I thought was right for a change.
I then looked down at Wolf and saw that he was also ready for what was about to come next.
He stared back at me with a look of defiance on his face and I knew that he wasn't going down without a fight.
That's when I realized something.
Wolf and I were more alike than I had ever thought before.
We were both strong willed, determined, and willing to do whatever it takes in order to get what we want.
We were both leaders of our own teams and we were both willing to do whatever it takes in order to come out on top.
But there was one thing that set us apart from each other.
It was something that I had always taken for granted until now.
It was something that had always been a part of who I am and I had never questioned it before.
But now, it seemed like something that was worth questioning once again.
I had always believed that loyalty and honor were two of the most important things that a person could have.
They were what defined me as a person and they were what made me who I am today.
But now, they seemed like nothing more than a distant memory.
Wolf's maneuvering had been great.
Even though his Arwing was smoking and in the process of falling apart around him, he was still able to dodge all of my shots and keep himself from being hit.
But I knew that it wasn't going to last long and that I would eventually be able to take him down if I just kept trying.
I then fired off a few more shots and waited for the inevitable moment when his ship would finally crash down into the ground below and explode into a million pieces.
But then something unexpected happened.
Instead of going down in flames and crashing into the ground like I had expected him too, Wolf's Arwing suddenly exploded in a brilliant flash of light.
His ship was torn apart and reduced to nothing more than a cloud of debris that was quickly blown away by the wind.
For a moment, I just stared at it in shock and disbelief as I tried to process what had just happened.
I had never seen anything like it before and I didn't know how such a thing could be possible.
But then, the answer became clear and I realized what had happened.
There had been a bomb hidden inside of his ship all along and it had been set off by some kind of trigger mechanism that was attached to his cockpit.
He must have known that he wasn't going to be able to escape from me this time and so he had decided to take us both out in one final act of revenge for all the wrongs that I had done him over the years.
The force of the blast sent me hurtling towards the ground along with the pieces of debris from what little remained of his Arwing as they were scattered across the sky like fireworks in the night.
I tried to keep myself from being caught up in them, but there were too many and they were moving too fast for me to avoid them all completely.
I then lost control and crashed down into the ground along with the rest of his ship, where I was knocked unconscious by the force of the impact and everything went dark around me as I slipped away into oblivion.
When I finally came around, the first thing that I noticed was the pain that was coursing through my body like a river of fire.
My head was pounding and my vision was blurry, but I could still feel it as if someone was stabbing me repeatedly with a thousand tiny knives all at once.
I groaned and tried to move, but every attempt only made things worse and I was forced to lay there until the pain eventually subsided enough for me to be able to think clearly once more.
As I struggled to get up, I suddenly remembered what had happened and everything came rushing back in a flood of memories that left me feeling as if I had been punched in the gut.
Through the haze, I noticed him moving towards me and with one final burst of energy, I raised my blaster and aimed it straight at his head, glaring up at him as he advanced upon me with a look in his eye that said he wasn't about accept defeat so easily after everything we'd been through together over the years.
He stopped in his tracks and I could see the surprise in his eyes when he realized that there was no way for him get any closer without risking getting himself killed too, but he didn't flinch or try to turn tail and run like the coward I knew him as deep down inside either because he had far too much pride for that kind of thing, even now when he knew he was beaten.
I smirked as I watched him, despite the pain that was threatening to tear me apart and the fact that I was barely able to keep myself conscious, and part of me wanted to pull the trigger and put him out of his misery right there on the spot just so that he could finally shut up and let me die in peace, but I decided that I would let him live because I needed to know what kind of game he was playing and what he was going to do next now that he knew that he had lost.
"We meet again, Fox," he said smirking.
I could tell that he was struggling to keep his balance, as if he was barely holding on by a thread and could collapse at any moment, and I wondered how it was that he was still conscious when I should have been the one who was dead or at least have passed out by now after everything we'd been through.
I knew that the only reason he had made it this far was because he had activated the bomb as soon as he knew that there was no way for him to be able to get away from me in time, and that it had taken most of the brunt of the impact away from him when it went off, but I also knew that he was still just as hurt as I was and that he wouldn't last much longer if I didn't do something soon.
I could see him looking down at my blaster, as if he was expecting me to shoot him at any moment, but I didn't do anything because I could tell that he was too stubborn to die and that he would try to take me down with him even if it meant taking the rest of the planet with us.
Despite everything that had happened between us over the years, I couldn't find it within myself to hate him as much as I once had and part of me even felt a little sorry for him, because I could see that he had been through a lot and that he was just as much of a survivor as I was.
I knew that we were both in the same boat and that we would both be dead by now if we had both been anyone else, but something told me that he wasn't finished yet and that I would be a fool to underestimate him, no matter how much I wanted to.
"I guess you're not not as stupid as you look after all," I said smirking back.
He narrowed his eyes and glared down at me as if he wanted to be able to shoot me himself, but he didn't make any sudden moves and kept his distance as I slowly got up and made my way towards him, so that we could talk properly and I could find out what he knew about what Andross was really up to.
After everything that had happened between us over the years, I knew that it would be stupid for me to trust him again so easily after he had already betrayed me so many times before and that there was no way for us to be able to go back to being friends again like we used to be when we were both still children, but something told me that he wasn't going to try anything just yet and that he would be willing to wait until I had found out everything that he knew before he made his move.
But just as I was about to reach out and grab hold of him, a surge of energy coursed through his body and he quickly pulled back, causing me to lose my balance and fall back onto the ground with a loud thud.
I cursed and shook my head.
He smirked and gave me a mock salute as he made a run for it, making his way into the thick underbrush and disappearing from sight.
I swore loudly, cursing myself for being so stupid and letting my guard down, because I should have known that he wasn't going to let me get away with everything that I had done to him over the years without at least trying to get some kind of revenge, and that he would be willing to go through me if he had to in order to get what he wanted.
I quickly got up and made my way after him, determined not to let him slip away from me a second time, even if it meant that I was going to have to kill him in order to do so.
The lush jungle that surrounded us was a stark contrast to the desolation of the battlefield that we had just come from, with its vibrant colors and thick underbrush giving me the impression that we were walking through some kind of paradise rather than a living hell.
But I knew that there was more to this place than met the eye, and that we were only scratching the surface of what this planet had in store for us, if we managed to make it out alive, and part of me even wondered if everything that had happened thus far had all just been some kind of dream or some kind of twisted joke that Andross had played on us, but then again something told me that this was all just the beginning and that the worst was yet to come, if we didn't find a way to stop him first.
As I followed after Wolf, who's silhouette flickered in and out of view amidst the dense foliage, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter hadn't just been some kind of coincidence and that there was more going on than what either of us realized.
The explosion that had brought us here, his sudden appearance, our relentless pursuit—it all seemed too orchestrated to be mere happenstance, and something told me that Andross must have had something to do with this and that he must have known that we would both end up coming here sooner or later.
The sound of a twig snapping suddenly brought me back to reality.
I quickly spun around to find that I was no longer alone and that Wolf had somehow managed to get the drop on me again, despite how badly he had looked when I had last seen him.
I narrowed my eyes as I watched him approach me slowly, his hand resting against the hilt of his blaster as if he were expecting me to try to fight back and make a run for it, but I didn't do anything because I knew that there would be more of them coming soon if they hadn't already found us by now and that we would need to work together if we wanted to be able to stand a chance at surviving this time.
"I should have known that you were still alive," he said smirking.
"The boss always seems to know everything, even when we're convinced that he doesn't."
I glared at him for a moment before I realized that my blaster was still several feet away from me on the ground where I had dropped it while I had been running and that there would be no way for me to reach it without getting shot first unless Wolf was willing to help me up first, so I swallowed my pride for the time being as I reached my hand out to take his as I said, "Give me your hand."
He hesitated for a moment before he slowly reached his hand out to take mine as he said, "I don't know why you want to help me, but thank you."
"Save it," I said glaring at him as he helped me up off the ground."I'm only doing this for my own sake, not yours."
He smirked as he helped me up off the ground as he said, "I wouldn't have it any other way, my friend."
I stared at him for a moment as I realized that this was the first time that he had ever called me his friend and that it wouldn't be the last either, so I forced myself to focus on the task at hand as I watched him cautiously, waiting for him to make a move, but he never did, so I walked over to my blaster and picked it up off the ground before I turned back around to face him again.
"Now what?" Wolf asked me as he looked around the clearing again.
I hesitated for a moment as I realized that my Arwing was too damaged to be able to fly and that most of the other pieces were too heavy for us to be able to move by ourselves, so we would need to get creative if we wanted to be able to get out of here alive, but the question was how could we do it without getting caught by Andross' troops again?
"Don't worry about it," Wolf said, noticing the look on my face."I'm sure that we'll be able to figure something out."
I glared at him again as I asked, "What are you thinking?"
He hesitated for a moment before he finally said, "What choice do we have?"
I stared at him for a moment as I realized that he was right, but at the same time, there was no way that I was going to just give in to whatever it was that he was planning to do either, so I forced myself to stay on my guard as I watched him cautiously, waiting for him to try something, but he never did, which only made me more suspicious of what he was planning to do when he finally decided to make his move.
"You're not going to try anything," Wolf said smirking as he noticed the look on my face again.
"How do I know that you're telling the truth?" I asked cautiously, looking around the clearing again.
"You don't," he said shrugging."But if I really wanted you dead, you would already be dead by now."
I stared at him for a moment as he held out his hand to help me up.
I stared at him for a moment and then at his outstretched hand, wondering what game he was playing before I finally took his hand and allowed him to help me up.
"So what now?" I asked him again, trying not to let my guard down as I looked around the clearing one more time.
"You're asking me?" he said smirking.
"I thought that you were the one who had all the answers."
I shook my head as I glared at him again, still confused about how he managed to survive the explosion, but then again, I was still surprised that I had survived it as well, so it made sense that he had also survived it too and yet at the same time, I still didn't know why he had helped me either.
"Believe it or not," he said smirking.
"But you and I are two of the luckiest pilots that Andross has ever had in his army."
I shook my head as I tried not to laugh, wondering if he really believed what he was saying or if he was just trying to get inside my head.
"I'm serious," he said smirking.
"If you think about it, we should both be dead right now."
I hesitated for a moment as I tried to remember what had happened before I finally said, "You're right."
He stared at me for a moment before he finally said, "So what now?"
I hesitated for a moment as I realized that he had a point before I finally said, "What do you mean?"
"I thought that you had all the answers," he said smirking.
"So what now?"
I glared at him as I realized that he wasn't going to let this go and yet at the same time, I didn't know what to say either, so I stayed silent as I tried to come up with a plan to get out of here before Andross' troops came back to finish the job that they had started earlier and yet at the same time it was hard to ignore the fact that I was in no shape to be able to come up with anything right now either because my whole body felt like lead after being thrown from my Arwing and yet at the same time I wasn't about to let him know how much pain I was actually in either.
"So what now?" he repeated.
I hesitated again as I tried to ignore how much pain I was actually in after being thrown from my Arwing before I finally said, "We need to get out of here."
"I know," he replied smirking.
"So how do you suggest we do that?"
I hesitated again as I stared at him, wondering if he actually wanted my help or if he had some other plan up his sleeve instead before I finally said, "How did you find me?"
"It wasn't easy," he replied smirking.
"But after your little stunt there was no way that I could just leave you here all alone." He paused for a moment before he finally asked, "But how is it that you managed to survive that explosion anyway?"
"Never mind that," I replied as I glared at him again.
"How are you planning on getting us out of here?"
He hesitated for a moment as he glared at me before he finally said, "I thought that you said that you had all the answers?"
"I do," I replied as I glared at him again.
"But that doesn't mean that I want to tell you what they are either."
He hesitated for a moment as he glared at me for a moment before the smirk came back onto his face and I knew that he was up to something.
"Come on," he said.
"As much as I hate to admit it, I don't think that either of us will be able to get out of here all alone and if you don't believe me?" He paused for a moment and I could tell that he was waiting for me to say something before he finally said, "Well then I guess that you'll have to find out for yourself now won't you?"
I shook my head as I tried not to glare at him before I finally held out my hand and accepted his help.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"You know that this means that you won't be able to turn back now right?"
I nodded as I accepted his hand and let him help me up.
"I know," I replied.
"I'm sure."
It felt like the whole world was spinning around us when I finally stood up on my own two feet and yet at the same time I knew that it was only because I had Wolf's hand to hold onto that I didn't end up falling over either.
I tried not to think about how much this hurt as I steadied myself but there was no way that I could ignore the fact that my whole body was hurting right now and yet at the same time I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to do this all alone either because the pain was only going to get worse from here on out too.
I knew that Wolf was right too.
I shook my head as I tried not to think about what had happened earlier when Wolf and I had been fighting before I finally said, "Let's go then."
I was about to move forward before a sudden pain went through my whole body and I ended up falling back down onto my knees.
I shook my head as I tried not to think about how much it hurt right now.
I had no idea how badly I was hurt but at the same time I knew that it must have been pretty bad if even Wolf was worried about me too.
"I think that you're going to need this more than me," Wolf said as he took off his survival kit and handed it over to me.
I shook my head as I stared down at the survival kit for a moment before I finally took it from him.
"Thanks," I replied as I felt myself starting to shake.
I didn't know what was wrong with me right now but at the same time I knew that there was no way that things were going well for me right now either.
I had never felt like this before and yet at the same time there was no way that I could ignore the fact that my whole body was shaking right now either.
I didn't know what was wrong with me right now but at the same time I knew that I didn't have any time left either because there was no way that Wolf was going to let me live if something happened to me now either.
I shook my head as I tried not to think about how much this hurt right now before I finally reached into the survival kit and pulled out a med-kit and opened it up before taking out a bottle of pills and taking them.
The pain started to go away after a little while but at the same time I knew that things weren't going well for me right now either.
The med-kit had been pretty small so there wasn't anything else in there for me to take but at the same time I knew that it was only a matter of time before the pain started coming back too so I had to do something soon or else
"Are you finished?" I heard Wolf ask as I continued searching through the wreckage of my Arwing for my blaster.
I shook my head as I continued searching through the wreckage of my Arwing before I finally found my blaster and took it before standing up to see that Wolf was already standing in front of me with his blaster aimed at me.
I didn't even hesitate before I aimed my blaster at him too because I knew that there was no way that I could trust him right now even if he had given me his survival kit before too.
"Are you sure that you want to do that?" he asked as he glared at me again before he finally said, "You know that you're not in any shape to fight me right now."
"I'll take my chances," I replied as I glared at him again.
"You never learn do you, pup?"