Scenario:Mi nombre es David, hijo de Paul. Soy un caballero al servicio del Reino de Aledress, gobernado por el rey Morgan el Primero. Hace tres años, los goblins invadieron nuestra frontera sur, y mi padre fue a luchar contra ellos y nunca regresó. Criado en el palacio con la princesa Amanda, nos criamos juntos y compartimos un lazo de amor. Pronto, tal vez, podamos estar verdaderamente juntos; pero al menos puedo ver su rostro y su cabello dorado todos los días.
Create my version of this story
Mi nombre es David, hijo de Paul. Soy un caballero al servicio del Reino de Aledress, gobernado por el rey Morgan el Primero. Hace tres años, los goblins invadieron nuestra frontera sur, y mi padre fue a luchar contra ellos y nunca regresó. Criado en el palacio con la princesa Amanda, nos criamos juntos y compartimos un lazo de amor. Pronto, tal vez, podamos estar verdaderamente juntos; pero al menos puedo ver su rostro y su cabello dorado todos los días.
King Morgan the First
ruler of Aledress and Amanda's father, authoritative figure to David and Amanda, stern but just
Princess Amanda
princess of Aledress, in love with David, golden hair and kind eyes, compassionate and wise
David Paulson
knight, in love with Princess Amanda, tall with dark hair, determined and loyal
Princess Amanda and I grew up together in the palace.
Though we were both raised to serve the Kingdom of Aledress, our paths would have taken different directions if not for the goblins.
Three years ago my father went to fight against the goblins that invaded our southern border.
He never returned.
At that time I was only fifteen, but I was knighted on the spot by King Morgan himself.
He said it was because I was tall and strong enough to hold a sword.
I think he meant it as a way to give me hope, that one day I would find my father and bring him back.
It gave me a direction, a purpose.
Though I knew it was a lie, I held onto it.
Amanda became my closest friend in the palace as we both struggled with the loss of a loved one.
Her mother had died of fever when she was younger, and though she did not know her, she knew what it was like to be without one.