MidReal Story

Justice's Love: A Tale of Contrasting Paths

Scenario:/write love story between two women who fell in love againt situation. one is policewoman named hasi malik and another is gangleader woman shivani pawar. they both work for justice but in different way. one uses emotions and other uses violence. shivi has bad past and she don't believe in law. when hasi gets to know this she woves to do justice for shivi. in process she finds herself getting close to shivi. one day some mafias uses shivis gang as pawn and blamed them for crimes,when NCB comes to raid the gangs house, shivi called hasi asking for help. and hasi rushed to help and solved the matter. some other day hasi found shivi running in rain restlessly as if she is afraid. hasi took her to near by hotel and got to know that some old rival of shivi wants to kll her. hasi consoles her and promised to help where they shared a meaningful kiss and slept in each others arms. Like this make more engaging scenarios to show the love forming bond between the two women and write ten thousand words in book.
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/write love story between two women who fell in love againt situation. one is policewoman named hasi malik and another is gangleader woman shivani pawar. they both work for justice but in different way. one uses emotions and other uses violence. shivi has bad past and she don't believe in law. when hasi gets to know this she woves to do justice for shivi. in process she finds herself getting close to shivi. one day some mafias uses shivis gang as pawn and blamed them for crimes,when NCB comes to raid the gangs house, shivi called hasi asking for help. and hasi rushed to help and solved the matter. some other day hasi found shivi running in rain restlessly as if she is afraid. hasi took her to near by hotel and got to know that some old rival of shivi wants to kll her. hasi consoles her and promised to help where they shared a meaningful kiss and slept in each others arms. Like this make more engaging scenarios to show the love forming bond between the two women and write ten thousand words in book.
I was running through the woods, my heart pounding in my chest.
I could hear the sound of the police cars behind me, but I didn’t stop.
I had to keep going.
I had to get away from them.
I had to get away from this place.
I had to get away from her.
The trees were a blur as I ran past them, my feet slipping on the wet leaves that covered the ground.
It was raining hard, and I was soaked to the skin, but I didn’t feel the cold.
All I could feel was the fear that was driving me forward, that was pushing me to keep running even though my legs felt like they were going to give out at any moment.
I could hear her voice in my head, taunting me, telling me that I would never escape her, that she would always be there, waiting for me in the darkness.
But I couldn’t let myself believe that.
I couldn’t let myself give up hope.
I had to keep going, no matter what it took.
The police cars were still behind me, their sirens blaring as they tried to catch up to me, but I didn’t stop.
I ran faster, desperate to put some distance between us and escape once and for all.
But it was no use, because she was there waiting for me, standing in the middle of the road with a gun in her hand and a smile on her face.
And I knew then that I was never going to get away from her.
That she was always going to be there, lurking in the shadows, just waiting for the right moment to strike.
I woke up with a start, my heart pounding and my body covered in sweat.
It took me a few moments to remember where I was, and when I did, I let out a long sigh of relief.
I was no longer in the woods, being chased by the police.
I was in my own bed, safe and sound, in my own apartment in Delhi.
The dream had felt so real that I almost expected to see her there next to me, waiting to take me back.
But of course she wasn’t.
She was thousands of miles away, and she wasn’t ever going to come back.
Nobody is going to get you,” I whispered to myself as I lay back down on my pillow.
And then I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.
It didn’t work.
The dream was still there, lingering at the back of my mind like an unwelcome guest.
I knew that it wasn’t going to leave me alone until I dealt with it.
But I didn’t want to deal with it.
I wanted to forget about it, to push it away and pretend that it had never happened.
But I knew that wasn’t going to happen either.
It was time to face up to what had happened and try and move on from it once and for all.
I stepped out of the door of the police station and into the pouring rain, not even bothering to put up my umbrella.
I could see Shivani standing a few feet away from me, watching me intently.
She had been waiting for me all along.
I should have known that she wouldn’t have gone far without saying goodbye.
That she would want one last chance to see me before we went our separate ways.
“You’re under arrest,” I said as I started towards her.
I could see her smile at the words, but she didn’t run this time.
She stood her ground, watching me as I approached her.
“You know,” she said when I was only a few feet away from her.
“Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing after all.” She reached out a hand towards me, gently brushing a strand of wet hair out of my face.
Her touch was electric against my skin, and a shudder ran down my spine at the contact.
“You’re not like the others,” she said softly.
"Justice's Love: A Tale of Contrasting Paths"
I immediately turned around, recognising her voice even before I saw her face. I couldn't help but wonder whether she had always seen me differently, or whether it had been something that had change after she had found out about my past.
Or maybe she had always seen me that way, and I had just been too blind to see it before.
I could see Shivani standing a few feet away from me, her eyes wide and fearful, her hands held up in front of her as though she were trying to shield herself from an unseen attacker.
Her clothes were torn and dirty, and there were bruises on her face and blood on her hands.
She looked so vulnerable, so different from the bold and fearless woman that I had come to know over the past few months.
“Shivani?” I said, taking a step towards her.
She shook her head violently, backing away from me as though I were about to strike her, and I could see fresh tears welling up in her eyes at the movement.
I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath as she spoke. “I’m so sorry.”
I felt my heart clench at the sight of her tears, a wave of sympathy rushing over me that I knew I didn’t have any right to feel.
She was a criminal, a dangerous woman who had done terrible things, and she deserved to be punished for them.
But she was also a woman in pain, a woman who had suffered more than most people would ever know, and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of empathy for her in that moment.
I reached out a hand towards her, wanting to comfort her, but she flinched away from my touch, as though my fingers were made of fire and would burn her if she dared to get too close.
“It’s okay,” I said softly, taking another step closer to her.
“You’re safe now.I’m not going to hurt you.”
But she just shook her head again, backing away from me until her back was pressed up against the cold stone wall of the building behind her, with nowhere left to run and no way to escape my gaze.
“No,” she whispered, her voice so soft that I could barely hear her words over the sound of the rain as it fell all around us like a shroud of water, hiding us from the world. “You don’t understand.You can’t understand.”
“Then help me,” I said, my voice pleading as I reached out towards her once more, desperate to show her that I was on her side, that she could trust me to keep her safe. “Tell me what happened.I want to help you, Shivani.I want to help you find justice.”
Shivani looked at my hand, her eyes dark and unreadable, but this time she didn’t flinch away from my touch when I reached out towards her.
"Justice's Love: A Tale of Contrasting Paths"
she started to tell me about what happened in her past. how someone she loved accused her for harrasment, in false allegations she was arrested and even her parents disown her, didn't trust her. she was left alone to face the cruel worls even after being innocent. i find myself standing at her position and think how she would have felt at that moment
It had been raining for hours, but I didn’t care about the water as it soaked through my clothes and dripped down my skin like sweat, leaving me feeling cold and clammy and desperate for release as I ran after her through the dark streets of Mumbai, as though I could somehow catch her if I tried hard enough, as if all the times I had spent running after her before had made some kind of difference to the outcome this time around.
I knew that I should have given up by now, that I should have stopped chasing her long ago and left her to her fate, but something inside me just wouldn’t let go, some part of me that refused to give up on her no matter how hard she tried to push me away, or how much she hurt me along the way.
Maybe it was because of the connection that we shared, the unbreakable bond between us that seemed to link our souls together no matter how far apart we were or how much we tried to deny the truth of our feelings for one another.
"Justice's Love: A Tale of Contrasting Paths"
Her cheeks were pale as she stared at me with eyes that were almost as black as the night itself, her wet hair clinging to her face like ivy as she fought to find the words she needed to tell me the story that I knew was tearing her apart inside.
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you everything,” she said at last, her voice little more than a whisper as the rain poured down around us like a storm cloud breaking in two.I was staring at her in the darkness, my heart pounding so hard in my chest that it hurt almost as much as the bruise on my shoulder as I waited for her to continue.“You don’t have to,” I told her after a while, my anger melting into something like sympathy as I reached out to take her hand. “You can tell me when you’re ready.”“No,” she said, shaking her head as she pulled back from my touch like it had hurt her, or like she couldn’t stand it anymore.“You need to know.I want you to know.I don’t want you to think…”
She hesitated for a moment before she finally looked into my eyes again, as though she was trying to find some form of absolution there that she knew she didn’t deserve.
“You need to know everything,” she said at last.
“I need to tell you everything.”
She told me about her uncle, about how he had taken her in after her parents died in a car crash when she was just a child, leaving her to look after her sister while he worked away from home for months on end.
She told me about how he would come home drunk in the middle of the night and beat them both black and blue for the slightest reason, or for no reason at all; about how he would take them to bed with him and do things to them that no person should ever have to endure.
She told me how she had always been angry about what had happened to her sister more than she had been about what had happened to herself; angry that she hadn’t been strong enough to protect her from their uncle’s violent temper, or to stop him from doing those things to her that she knew he shouldn’t have done.
She told me how that anger had stayed with her as she had grown up, festering like an open wound that refused to heal as her hatred for the man who had destroyed her life twisted around inside her like a serpent as she waited for the chance to get back at him for everything he had done.
And then she told me how she had started to steal from people in order to buy the things they needed to survive; how she had eventually become a pickpocket who could steal anything from anyone without being caught; how she had slowly worked her way up through the ranks of the underworld until she had become a gang leader who would do anything to get what she wanted.
And then she looked at me with tears in her eyes again as she spoke the words that I didn’t want to hear because I knew they were true.
"Justice's Love: A Tale of Contrasting Paths"
I hadn’t known what to expect when I had asked Shivani Pawar where she had got all those scars from, but I certainly hadn’t expected this.
I took a deep breath and steeled myself as I looked deep into those beautiful brown eyes of hers that were filled with unshed tears, trying not to let my emotions get the better of me as I waited for her to continue.
“Please,” I whispered.
“I need to know.”
She closed her eyes and nodded at last before continuing.
I could hear the pain in her voice as she spoke, and I didn’t know how much more of this I could take, but I knew that I had to let her finish.
“We needed money,” she said at last.
“And I had heard that there was a man who was willing to pay good money for a young girl’s virginity, so I offered up mine for sale in return for a bottle of cheap whiskey.”
I felt like I had been punched in the stomach at those words, but I just about managed to keep my emotions in check as I listened to what she had to say.
I wanted to cry for what she had been through, but I didn’t know if that would be enough, and I knew that I still had a job to do, so I kept listening as Shivani told me everything else that I needed to know.
I could see how angry she was as she spoke, but that anger was not directed at me.
There was something else there, simmering just beneath the surface, something that she hadn’t told me yet, and it was only when she stopped speaking that I realized what it was that she was so desperate to tell me.
“You think you know me,” she said at last, her voice filled with pain as she looked at me with those tear-stained eyes of hers once again.
“But you don’t have a fucking clue.”
“I’m not saying that I do,” I replied at last, not sure what else to say to her after she had told me what she had gone through.
“I just want to understand.”
She shook her head at that, her expression hardening as she spoke again.
“Understand what?”
“Why a worthless piece of trash like me deserves to be treated like an actual human being?”
“Why a girl who has done so many terrible things to so many people can still be considered a person?”
“Why someone like me should even be allowed to live?”
And then she was crying again, and all I wanted to do was hold her tight in my arms and never let her go, but I knew that I couldn’t, so I just sat there watching her as the tears rolled down her cheeks once more, waiting for her to finish speaking so that I could decide what to do next.
This wasn’t easy for me either, but I knew that there was only one way that this could end.
“I’m not saying that you deserve anything,” I said at last.
“I’m not saying that you should get away with all the things you’ve done.”
“All I’m saying is that there are some people out there who will listen if you let them.”
“You don’t have to keep fighting all on your own.”
She looked at me in silence for a few moments after that as if trying to decide whether or not to believe me, then she wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke again.
“I don’t need anyone else,” she replied at last.
“I’m doing fine on my own.”
"Justice's Love: A Tale of Contrasting Paths"