MidReal Story

Island of Legends


May 9
Scenario:Superman's suit has a inspired by Fijian motifs and flys over fiji
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Superman's suit has a inspired by Fijian motifs and flys over fiji
I’m flying over Fiji.
It’s a far cry from Metropolis, with its bustling streets and towering skyscrapers.
But that’s what I love about my job.
One minute I could be talking with the president, the next I’m soaring over coral reefs and crystal-clear lagoons.
I love the water.
Something about it calms my soul, which is ironic considering that I crash-landed in the desert.
I dip down closer to the water, admiring the vibrant colors of the coral reef below.
Fiji is an island nation, made up of over three hundred islands.
The main islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, but there are also dozens of smaller islands.
I circle overhead, counting more islands in the distance, but I’m not sure which ones they are.
The air is warm and humid today, and I feel sweat gathering on my forehead.
I can’t imagine what it must be like for people who live here year-round, but then again, I have a feeling that Fijians are used to this kind of weather.
Most of the islands in Fiji are volcanic, which means there’s plenty of fertile soil for crops.
As I fly closer to the island, I notice how green it is.
Palm trees line the beaches, and in a few minutes, I’m hovering over one of the more popular resorts in Fiji.
The beach is crowded with people, but I can’t hear them because I’m so high above them.
The people on the beach look like tiny ants from up here, but if I focus hard enough, I can make out individual faces.
That man has a mole on his left cheek, and that woman is wearing a bikini with tiny flowers all over it.
The water is such a beautiful shade of blue, and I wonder if there are fish in the lagoon.
I fly closer to the water so that the sun shines down on me, warming me from head to toe.
The cool ocean breeze rushes past me, reminding me of what it felt like to fall from the sky all those years ago.
I close my eyes and let the sun warm my skin, enjoying the peace and quiet of this remote corner of the world.
There are plenty of people on the beach, but they don’t even know that I’m here, and I like it that way.
I’ve been to Fiji many times before, and it never loses its appeal.
The High Chief of Tovu gave me a suit with traditional Fijian motifs on it, and I love wearing it whenever I visit Fiji.
It makes me feel like the country is my second home, even though Fiji is located thousands of miles from Metropolis.
I could stay here all day, but there are things that I need to do, so I take one last look at the beach before flying off into the sky again.
I fly higher this time, not wanting anyone to see me, but I can still see the resort below me, as well as a few smaller islands in the distance.
Island of Legends
I’ve been in Fiji for three days now, and so far, everything has gone smoothly… which means that something will probably go wrong later tonight, but until then, I’m going to enjoy the peace and quiet of this remote corner of the world.
I land on one of the smaller islands in the distance, far away from any of the major tourist attractions, where no one will be able to see me.
I take off my suit so that no one will recognize me, and then dive into the water, heading east towards some underwater caves that were discovered recently by a group of divers who were exploring the area for oil deposits.
They didn’t find any oil, but they did find some really cool caves in the process, complete with underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles in every direction.
I’ve flown through some pretty narrow tunnels before, so these will be no problem for me, but what’s really interesting is that there are bioluminescent creatures living inside these caves, which means they glow in the dark!
How cool is that?
I don’t need to breathe, but it’s still nice to feel the water rushing past my skin as I glide through the ocean floor, heading towards the caves and tunnels that I heard about a few weeks ago.
I could fly through the water, but I don’t want to attract any attention to myself, so I swim instead, using my arms and legs to propel myself forward at a steady pace, while keeping an eye out for any sea creatures that might be swimming nearby.
I see a few sharks in the distance, but they don’t seem interested in me, which is good because I’m not interested in them, either… at least not today!
I soon arrive at the caves and start exploring the area, using my x-ray vision to see through the walls and find any hidden passageways that might be lurking behind them.
The caves and tunnels are completely dark, except for the bioluminescent creatures that live inside them, which means they provide just enough light for me to see where I’m going, even though it’s not much.
The water is crystal clear, which makes it easy to see where I’m going, and before long, I find myself in a long tunnel that winds its way underneath the island and out to sea on the other side.
I swim through the tunnel, following it as it curves left and then right again until I can see sunlight shining down on me from above, so I know that I’ve finally made it out of the tunnel and into open waters.
The signal grows stronger as I swim closer to it until I finally reach an underwater mountain, where it seems to be coming from the other side of the mountain, so I swim around it until I find an ancient device sitting on the ocean floor, glowing brightly enough to light up the entire area around it.
Island of Legends
The device is shaped like a small crystal pyramid, with a flat top and 4 sides, each side covered in strange symbols that look like some kind of ancient language, but I can’t read them, so I don’t know what they say.
The device itself seems to be made from the same material that my suit is made from, which means it must be made from a metal that was only found on Krypton, so I wonder how it ended up here in Fiji.
The device doesn’t look like it’s been activated yet, but it might be dangerous, so I decide to take it with me, just to be safe.
I grab the device, using my x-ray vision to scan beneath the ocean floor until I find a small cave where I can hide it, so I place it inside the cave and cover it up with sand before swimming back to the surface to see how things are going up top.
As I swim back to the surface, I take one last look at the ocean floor below me, marvelling at how beautiful it looks down here, even in the dark.
There are corals growing all around me, in all shapes and sizes, some of them so large that they almost look like trees, while others are so small that they look like tiny little flowers growing on the ground.
The ocean floor itself is covered in all kinds of different creatures, from starfish to urchins to crabs and lobsters… even some octopuses!
It’s a shame that there are people out there who want to destroy this beautiful place, so I need to make sure that doesn’t happen!
I soon reach the surface of the water once more, just in time to see the sun setting over the horizon, casting a beautiful orange glow over everything around me.
It’s one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen, which makes me feel very lucky to be here right now, even though I still have no idea why I’m here or what I’m supposed to do next.
I dive into the water and start swimming back towards Tovu as fast as I can, using my super speed to reach the shore within minutes of leaving the mountain.
As I reach the shore, I see that there are a lot of people waiting for me, including some Fijians who were wearing traditional clothes and singing songs as I approached, so I stop to say hello and thank them for their help before heading back to Tovu for dinner.
By the time I arrive at Tovu, it’s already dark outside and all of the villagers are gathered in the village square, where they have set up a large bonfire and are roasting fish and vegetables over it while singing songs and playing music to celebrate my arrival.
I join them around the fire and spend the rest of the evening eating food, drinking kava, and laughing with my new friends, while I wait for the High Chief to arrive so that we can have dinner together.
The High Chief soon arrives and joins me around the fire, where he greets me with a big smile and tells me that he is very happy to see me again, so I thank him for inviting me to his village and tell him that I am happy to be here, too.
Island of Legends
The next morning, I wake up early and fly over the island once more, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair and the sun shining on my face as I fly over the ocean and take in all of the beautiful landscapes around me.
It feels good to be back in Fiji once more, even if it’s only for a little while, and I can’t help but smile as I fly over the island and take in all of its natural beauty, from the clear blue waters to the white sandy beaches to the lush green forests that cover the mountains in the distance.
Fiji truly is a beautiful place, and I feel very lucky to be here right now!
Just like last time, the Fijian Prime Minister has granted me the freedom to explore his nation as I see fit, and I am very grateful to him for doing that, so I make sure to pass by his office while I’m in the area to say hello and thank him for his help.
While I’m there, he also shows me the new suit that his people have made for me, which looks almost exactly like the last one, but with a few small changes that are designed to make it even more powerful than before.
The suit itself is still made from the same kind of metal that my old suit was made from, which means that it can still protect me from almost anything, but now it also has some Fijian motifs engraved on it that are designed to enhance my powers by drawing energy from the sun and focusing them into my body through my skin… kind of like how solar panels work!
I thank the Prime Minister for his gift and promise him that I will use it well before heading back outside to try out my new suit for myself by flying around the island once more.
As soon as I take off from the ground and start flying over Fiji, I can feel the energy of the sun being absorbed by my skin and flowing into my body through my suit, just like the Prime Minister said it would!
It feels amazing to have that power inside of me once again, just like old times!
I fly over the island once more, marvelling at how beautiful it looks from above, with all of its palm trees and coral reefs and sandy beaches, but as I look down at the villages below me, I can’t help but notice that they all look very different from one another, with some of them being made up of only a few dozen houses, while others have hundreds or even thousands of them.
I guess that’s just how things are in Fiji, though, so it’s not really that big of a deal.
I soon reach the village of Tovu, but before I can fly any further, I suddenly feel a drastic drop in temperature around me, which is then followed by a large dark cloud forming over the village of Tovu.
That’s strange, it was sunny a moment ago, so what happened?
I look up at the sky to see what’s going on, but all I can see is a thick layer of clouds that are blocking out the sun and turning the sky dark.
Island of Legends
The villagers below me all start shouting in surprise when they see me descending from the sky, but they aren’t scared or anything like that; they’re actually happy to see me!
“Superman has returned!”
“Welcome back, Superman!”
I think they’re shouting in Fijian or something, so I can’t really understand what they’re saying to me, but I still get the message loud and clear: they’re glad to see me!
I land on the beach in front of them a moment later and they all start approaching me with smiles on their faces, looking surprised and excited by my sudden appearance on their doorstep.
It’s nice to be back in Fiji again, the people here have been very kind to me in the past, so it feels good to know that they still remember me.
But as soon as I step onto the beach, I realise why they were so happy to see me: it feels freezing cold out here!
That’s very strange, considering that Fiji is supposed to be a tropical island nation where the weather is always hot and sunny… so why does it feel like winter here?
Despite the warmth of their hospitality, I get the feeling that something isn’t quite right here, so I decide to look around and see what’s going on for myself.
“Hey there, what happened here?”
I ask the villagers, but they all look confused by my question and don’t know how to respond.
The High Chief of Tovu and his young daughter, Sera, approach me a moment later, looking very surprised by my sudden appearance, and I can see that even they are shivering with cold, which is very unusual for them.
“Superman… we weren’t expecting you to be here,” says the High Chief, looking very surprised to see me standing in front of him, but he still bows his head in respect when he sees me anyway.
“Yeah, I know,” I reply with a smile, “this is kind of a surprise visit for me too… but that’s not what I meant; I was talking about this weather!
What happened here?
The villagers all look surprised by my question, but no one seems to know the answer to it, which is very strange since it’s not something that should normally happen around here.
Eventually, the High Chief clears his throat and speaks up.
“We don’t know why this has happened, Superman… we’re sorry, but the weather has been very cold here all day, even though it’s supposed to be summer in Fiji right now.
We think it might have something to do with the big storm that’s going on over our village right now, but we’re not sure.
Clark, I mean Superman, sir,” says the High Chief nervously when he sees me walking towards him with a serious expression on my face, “please don’t get angry at us!This isn’t our fault!
We didn’t mean to make you come all the way out here for nothing!”
“It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong… I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on here,” I say to him with a smile, before turning my attention towards his daughter a moment later.
Island of Legends
She looks very pretty in her traditional Fijian dress, and I can see that the other villagers are all looking at her with jealousy in their eyes as they stand behind her, but she doesn’t look very happy about it right now and is trying to hide her face from me behind her long, flowing hair.
“Sera, right?”
I ask her with a smile, but she still doesn’t say anything in response and continues to avoid my gaze as I speak to her.
That’s when I notice a group of beautiful Fijian women dancing in the distance, and can already see that this is going to be a big distraction for me, as they all look very pretty and are dancing very gracefully in their traditional Fijian dresses.
But that’s when I suddenly notice that it feels very cold here, and not just because of the ice and snow on the ground, but because of the cold breeze that’s blowing from above me right now, even though I can feel that there’s no wind at all.
This is very strange for me, as I’m not normally the kind of person who gets cold easily, but I can see that the High Chief has noticed this too and is looking at me with a worried expression on his face.
“Is everything okay?”
he asks me nervously, “You look very cold right now!”
“Yeah, I don’t know why, but I am!”
The cold breeze continues to blow around us for a moment longer before disappearing just as suddenly as it appeared a moment earlier, and I can see that the other villagers are all looking at each other with worried expressions on their faces as they watch this happen from a distance.
But even though the cold breeze is gone now, it still feels very cold here to me for some reason, but I don’t know why that is when it’s supposed to be summer in Fiji right now.
We’re still pretty close to Antarctica from here, but we’re not that close to it either, so I don’t know what could be causing this sudden drop in temperature here in Fiji now.
That’s when I suddenly hear a loud humming noise coming from inside my suit all of a sudden, and can already tell that this isn’t a good sign.
It sounds like a warning signal to me, but I still don’t know why it’s going off like this right now or what could be causing it to make this sound at this very moment.
I say to the High Chief and his daughter a moment later as the humming noise continues to get louder inside my suit now, before taking a few steps back as the noise gets even louder than before.
I say to them nervously as the humming noise gets even louder now and makes my whole body start to shake as a result of it now, before taking a few steps away from them as I feel my whole body start to vibrate with energy all of a sudden for no reason at all.
My heart starts to race even faster inside my chest when I realize what must be happening here right now as a result of all this, and can already tell that I need to get out of here right now or risk getting everyone else sick by being around them right now!
“Get back!”
I shout to the High Chief and his daughter a moment later, “Get away from me right now!It’s not safe!”
But they ignore my warning and continue to stand where they are for some reason, even though they all look very scared by what they see happening to me now.
Island of Legends