MidReal Story

Island of Courage

Scenario:The characters in this childrens story for 5 to 9yr olds. A sabretooth tiger called Passion. He is very quick and cheeky. A cat whos name is Violet and her special skills is gymnastics, she is always saving people. A dragon called Flash, he is always up for a fight, but the others have to hold him back. They start on an island of native australians, passion gets into trouble, flash wanted to fight them but violet saves the day. Always has a moral story about developing character, doing hard things and celebrates persaverance.
Create my version of this story
The characters in this childrens story for 5 to 9yr olds. A sabretooth tiger called Passion. He is very quick and cheeky. A cat whos name is Violet and her special skills is gymnastics, she is always saving people. A dragon called Flash, he is always up for a fight, but the others have to hold him back. They start on an island of native australians, passion gets into trouble, flash wanted to fight them but violet saves the day. Always has a moral story about developing character, doing hard things and celebrates persaverance.
I love to steal things.
Some people are just born with an adventurous, curious spirit that gets them into trouble and that’s me.
I’m Passion, a sabretooth tiger who is quick and cheeky.
My orange fur with black stripes makes me easy to spot, but I don’t care.
I love living on this island.
It’s hot and lush with plenty of trees to climb and explore.
The ocean is full of fish and the natives are friendly, as long as you don’t steal their food.
But how can I resist?
When the native Australians come to the island to trade, they bring the most delicious food ever!
I have to have it, but sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me and I get caught.
Lucky for me, my friends are always around to save the day.
Violet is a cat with gray fur and green eyes.
She’s a skilled gymnast and can do all sorts of tricks in the air.
She trains at a local gym and has muscles that will put most men to shame.
Violet also has a sixth sense for danger, which is why we’re partners.
She keeps us safe while we run wild and free on this island.
Flash is a dragon with red scales and sharp claws.
He breathes fire and is always ready for a fight.
Flash is the muscle of our trio and is also an excellent artist.
He loves to draw comics all day and night, but he never forgets to eat or sleep.
I don’t know what I’d do without them!
They always seem to be there when I need them most, including today.
After stealing some native food and their boomerang, I found myself tied up in the jungle.
The natives warned me about stealing from them again before leaving me alone.
They said they wouldn’t be back until tomorrow morning, which meant I’d be stuck out here all night!
I tried to break free but my paws and legs were tied tight.
No matter how hard I tugged and pulled, I couldn’t move.
If a snake or scorpion came along, I’d be an easy meal!
I’m always hungry and it’s not like I can go very long without food.
The sun was starting to go down and the jungle was coming alive with the sounds of the night.
I heard strange noises and felt something brush against my tail.
Oh no, please no!
I’m not ready to die yet!
A snake hissed in the distance and its slithering sounded like it was right next to me.
I tried to wiggle my tail and shake off whatever was touching it.
Maybe if I stayed still, the creatures wouldn’t notice me.
But that was impossible!
The jungle was full of animals and I knew they could smell me from miles away.
I had been in trouble many times before and had been saved by Violet or Flash just as often.
In fact, I used to tell stories about Violet being my hero all the time.