MidReal Story

Interdimensional Clash: The Zero Mortal Plan Unveiled


May 6
Scenario:Sephiroth is in the final battle with his nemesis Cloud Strife and his companions Tifa and Barrett. When a black hole formed from out of nowhere and just before Sephiroth started his on slot he looked behind him to see a mass figure with pinkish purple ki illuminating around him will spiky hair and a fancy ring on his middle finger on his right hand. Sephiroth and his enemies stop and ponder who this person is unknown to them he is from another Universe and his name is Goku black but he did not come alone he brought with him future zamasu to furthermore act out the zero mortal plan
Create my version of this story
Sephiroth is in the final battle with his nemesis Cloud Strife and his companions Tifa and Barrett. When a black hole formed from out of nowhere and just before Sephiroth started his on slot he looked behind him to see a mass figure with pinkish purple ki illuminating around him will spiky hair and a fancy ring on his middle finger on his right hand. Sephiroth and his enemies stop and ponder who this person is unknown to them he is from another Universe and his name is Goku black but he did not come alone he brought with him future zamasu to furthermore act out the zero mortal plan
I stood against the man who had been my one true rival.
Cloud Strife: the main protagonist of AVALANCHE, the one who had always bested me in battle no matter how strong I become.
I glared at him from the other end of the battlefield, my silver hair and piercing green eyes catching the light of the sun setting behind me.
The air crackled with energy as both of us stared at each other, completely focused on the fight that was coming.
I could see it in his eyes: the same fierce determination that I had.
He wanted to win this fight just as much as I did.
His spiked blonde hair was even more wild and unkempt than usual, and his bright blue eyes were narrowed in concentration.
He held his gigantic sword by his side, and I gripped my Masamune so tight that my knuckles turned white.
This was it, the moment that we had been waiting for all these years.
Cloud’s other friends stood behind him, watching us with wide eyes.
Tifa Lockhart, the strongest martial artist in the world: she was a lean, mean fighting machine who could take down even the biggest and toughest opponents with ease.
Barrett Wallace, the leader of their group: he was a massive man with a gunarm who could crush boulders with his bare hands.
He was glaring at me with a fierce scowl on his face, his lips pulled back to reveal his sharp teeth.
They were all spoiling for a fight, I could tell, but they knew that Cloud would have to fight me himself first.
I would make sure of that.
Nothing would get in the way of our final battle.
I would not allow it.
I would finally prove that I was stronger than him.
The sun dipped below the horizon and darkness fell over us, but we could still see perfectly thanks to our enhanced senses from being warriors for so long.
We stood there for what felt like ages, waiting for the other to make their move.
And then it began:
Cloud and I charged at each other like a pair of wild animals, roaring in anger and swinging our swords with all our might.
Our blades met with a loud clang and the force of it sent out a shockwave that shook the ground and made the earth beneath our feet crack and crumble.
We jumped back and stared at each other with narrowed eyes before attacking again.
We were perfectly matched in strength and skill, neither one of us giving an inch to the other as we fought with everything we had.
We clashed over and over, each time sending more shockwaves rolling across the battlefield and causing the earth to crack and crumble even more beneath our feet.
Tifa and Barrett watched us with wide eyes as we dueled it out, our swords flashing through the air and striking one another with enough force to shatter mountains.
"Interdimensional Clash: The Zero Mortal Plan Unveiled"
A black hole opens behind Sephiroth and outcome too people from a different Universe Goku black and Future zamasu do it finish their zero mortal plan
But as we fought, I sensed something strange happening in the air around me.
A distortion in space was forming just to my right, something dark and powerful that made my skin crawl when I looked at it too long.
I didn’t know what it was at first, but I didn’t have time to think about it or question it because Cloud was attacking me again already.
I swung my sword at him with all my might and he blocked me easily before countering with a slash of his own that I barely managed to dodge in time.
I growled in anger almost losing myself in rage only to stop when I felt a presence beside me
I turned my head just slightly and saw that another figure had appeared out of nowhere next to me while I was fighting Cloud.
He looked like a human boy in his early twenties with spiky hair and a fancy ring on his right hand.
He was wearing a dark martial arts gi that looked like the kind you would see on someone from a Kung Fu movie.
He was staring at me with a fierce scowl on his face, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he watched me fight.
His ki aura flared around him, making it seem as though he was the one causing the distortion in space.
I narrowed my eyes when I saw him appear next to me, wondering who he was and where he had come from.
I didn’t know how he had appeared next to me so quickly or what he wanted with me, but I knew that I couldn’t trust anyone right now.
I wasn’t about to let my guard down until this battle was over.
He must have sensed my caution because he smirked at me before jumping into the fight.
I growled in annoyance when he started attacking me too, completely ruining my fight against Cloud.
But I didn’t have any time to argue or question him because someone else appeared out of nowhere behind Tifa and Barrett.
A bright light flashed across the battlefield for a moment before settling over them and revealing two more figures standing there.
Tifa turned around and gasped in shock when she saw them while Barrett clenched his fists and glared at them.
I could feel a surge of power coming from their direction as well, making my skin tingle when I looked at them.
Two men were standing there: one had spiky black hair like the other one but he was wearing dark armor underneath a long black cape that billowed around him ominously.
The other man had long white hair that was tied back into a ponytail and he was wearing white armor over a black robe.
His eyes were glowing purple as he watched us with an almost bored expression on his face.
The other figures stepped aside so they could step forward.
"Interdimensional Clash: The Zero Mortal Plan Unveiled"
The man in the black cloak stepped forward and said in a deep voice that was filled with power.
We are the gods of this universe and we have come here to offer you mortals the chance to join us in our quest to eliminate all mortals in existence.
Our plan is called the Zero Mortal Plan and it’s already begun.
But we need your help to carry it out.”
The man in the white armor stepped forward and said in a calm voice.
“We wish to create a world where there are no mortals to taint the beauty of the universe.
We must destroy all mortals in order to achieve that goal.
And we would like for you to help us carry out our plan.”
I narrowed my eyes when I heard what they were saying.
I knew that I didn’t like them from the moment I saw them and that feeling only got stronger when I heard what they wanted to do.
They wanted to kill all of those weaklings?
That was exactly what I was trying to do!
I had finally found some allies who would help me destroy all of those pathetic weaklings and now these two were trying to steal them from me?
Oh no they don’t!
I charged at them and slashed at them angrily with my sword.
The man in the black cloak easily dodged my attack and jumped into the air before vanishing in a burst of speed and appearing behind me.
I spun around and attacked him again, but he dodged me just as easily as before.
The man in the white armor didn’t move from his spot and just watched with an amused expression on his face while he waited for me to finish my fight.
“Don’t bother trying to attack him,”
he said in a bored tone of voice.
“Your attacks are useless against him.”
“I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but you’re not going to stop me from destroying those weaklings!”
I want nothing more than for all mortals to be destroyed.
After everything they did to me, it’s only fair that they should all pay with their lives.”
My eyes widened in shock when I heard him say that.
Did he really just say what I think he said?
That he wanted to destroy all of those pathetic weaklings too?
But how could that be possible?
He was one of those weaklings!
He couldn’t possibly think that he was any better than they were, could he?
Or was he just pretending so he could gain my trust?
I didn’t know what their game was, but I knew that I couldn’t trust them yet.
Not when I had only just met them.
But if they truly did want the same thing that I did, then maybe they could be useful allies.
I lowered my sword and said in a calm tone of voice,
“If what you say is true and you really do want to destroy all mortals, then we may have a common goal.
I am Sephiroth, the greatest warrior in all the different dimensions and universes who has come here to this world in order to destroy all mortals before they have the chance to become strong enough to threaten me again.
If you truly wish to do the same thing, then perhaps we can be of use to each other for a little while.”
I narrowed my eyes and glared at them as I spoke, trying to see if they were lying or not when they answered.
The man in the white armor smiled and said in a calm tone of voice,
We are not lying, Sephiroth.
Our plan is called the Zero Mortal Plan and it will eliminate all mortals in existence so we can create a new world free of their taint where only gods dwell.”
“Very well,”
I said as I nodded my head in agreement.
"Interdimensional Clash: The Zero Mortal Plan Unveiled"
“If you truly do wish to destroy all of those pathetic weaklings, then I will accept your offer.
But when we’re done, I will be the one to destroy you all and take your power for myself!”
I didn’t wait for them to answer and charged at them with my sword held high above my head.
I will finish this fight now and then we can join forces to destroy all of those weaklings together.
The man in the black cloak didn’t move out of the way and just stood there waiting for me to reach him.
I didn’t know what he was planning, but I didn’t care.
I would kill him no matter what he was trying to do.
I swung my sword at him and prepared to unleash all of my power on him when I suddenly felt something behind me.
I narrowed my eyes and stopped moving so I could see what it was.
A black hole had appeared behind me and seemed to be pulling everything around it into itself.
I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew that I had to stop it before it could suck me in too.
I gripped my sword tighter and prepared to unleash all of my power to destroy it when a figure stepped out of the black hole and into the light.
The man was wearing a black cloak that covered his entire body except for his head.
He had pinkish purple hair that was similar to mine and he was wearing a fancy ring on his right hand.
He didn’t look like any of those pathetic weaklings that I had fought before and I knew that he must be strong since he had just come out of a black hole that had appeared on this battlefield.
I narrowed my eyes and focused my senses on him as I tried to see what else I could learn about him.
I could sense a lot of power coming from him, but it was different from anything I had ever felt before.
It wasn’t like the power of an ordinary mortal or even like that of a god, which is what I assumed he must be since he was with those two other guys who were gods too.
There was something else about him that felt different from them, but I didn’t know what that was yet.
I turned to face him fully and watched as he walked towards me until he was standing in front of me and looking at me with an amused expression on his face.
I didn’t know why he was amused, but I didn’t care about that either.
All I cared about was figuring out what he was and how powerful he was.
We glared at each other for a moment while we tried to see if we could learn anything else about each other when Cloud suddenly spoke up from behind me.
“Hey, who is that guy?”
I turned my head slightly and saw that all three of my enemies were staring at him in confusion too.
They didn’t know who he was either?
But how could that be possible?
Wasn’t he one of their friends?
Or were they just pretending not to know him so they could catch me off guard when I tried to attack them?
That must be what it is!
I knew that I couldn’t trust them!
I narrowed my eyes even more and gripped my sword tighter as I prepared to attack them when I heard what the man in the black cloak said next.
“I don’t know who that is either,”
he said in a bored tone of voice while he continued to watch us with an amused expression on his face.
"Interdimensional Clash: The Zero Mortal Plan Unveiled"