Scenario:Back at there hotel room the morning after the cyber break. Bella enter the room to the Flynn going though the hard drive they had taken.Bella saying ‘your up early have you been at it all night ? ‘ Flynn look tired saying ‘yep. I’m not much of a hacker but I getting though the data. Look like you sister is being held by the cybers at one of three locations.’ Bella ‘I make some coffee. While you looking. Why don’t you tell me what you problem is with general Burns.’ Flynn saying ‘Christ someone made him a general. It not classified what do you know about operations Mars Ink?’ Bella saying ‘It before my time in the army but was it some untraceable tech. Something about tattooing special ink that solidify blood into stabbing weapons. Great for special op’s you could be strip searched and no one would fine a thing. Turn out to be a dead end.’ Flynn saying ‘Now do you know who is the major supplier of resource to world tech.’ Bella saying ‘everyone does the cybers. Their chips are in everyone and everything. Fixed the environment and go ridge of a lot of disease.’Flynn ‘ what if I told you Mars Ink was not a dead end. I was part of the trail group and I had theory that it could do more with blood then just weapons. I was a dum arse and told Burns about my theory that if could eliminate or corse disease among other things. On mission I confirmed my theory by accident. Burn saw dollar signs and was going to present it to the brass.’ Bella asking ‘How is all contend ?’ Flynn saying ‘ Told him it was not ready and they were down sides like addition. Call every favour I could to get the report classified. But Burn was one step ahead he when to the cybers. The wanted the tech so no one could present an opposition to them’ Flynn taking a deep breath Saying’ So since everything he had depended on my credibility. I did way Burns never saw coming. I torched my 20 year military career and rep.’ Bella ‘what ?’ Flynn ‘ torched to so bad that one would take a report from me as credible.I would love to have see his face.After that I was discharged and open the great debacle bar.’ Bella's express changed 'I think you just set his plan back.I don't think you stopped him.My sister is not missing.It the name of the operation.Burn is mass producing the ink' revealing a tattoo.
Create my version of this story
Back at there hotel room the morning after the cyber break. Bella enter the room to the Flynn going though the hard drive they had taken.Bella saying ‘your up early have you been at it all night ? ‘ Flynn look tired saying ‘yep. I’m not much of a hacker but I getting though the data. Look like you sister is being held by the cybers at one of three locations.’ Bella ‘I make some coffee. While you looking. Why don’t you tell me what you problem is with general Burns.’ Flynn saying ‘Christ someone made him a general. It not classified what do you know about operations Mars Ink?’ Bella saying ‘It before my time in the army but was it some untraceable tech. Something about tattooing special ink that solidify blood into stabbing weapons. Great for special op’s you could be strip searched and no one would fine a thing. Turn out to be a dead end.’ Flynn saying ‘Now do you know who is the major supplier of resource to world tech.’ Bella saying ‘everyone does the cybers. Their chips are in everyone and everything. Fixed the environment and go ridge of a lot of disease.’Flynn ‘ what if I told you Mars Ink was not a dead end. I was part of the trail group and I had theory that it could do more with blood then just weapons. I was a dum arse and told Burns about my theory that if could eliminate or corse disease among other things. On mission I confirmed my theory by accident. Burn saw dollar signs and was going to present it to the brass.’ Bella asking ‘How is all contend ?’ Flynn saying ‘ Told him it was not ready and they were down sides like addition. Call every favour I could to get the report classified. But Burn was one step ahead he when to the cybers. The wanted the tech so no one could present an opposition to them’ Flynn taking a deep breath Saying’ So since everything he had depended on my credibility. I did way Burns never saw coming. I torched my 20 year military career and rep.’ Bella ‘what ?’ Flynn ‘ torched to so bad that one would take a report from me as credible.I would love to have see his face.After that I was discharged and open the great debacle bar.’ Bella's express changed 'I think you just set his plan back.I don't think you stopped him.My sister is not missing.It the name of the operation.Burn is mass producing the ink' revealing a tattoo.
I entered the hotel room to find Flynn going through the hard drive we took from the Cybers.
"Morning, you up early," I said.
"I didn't get much sleep. I've been going through this," he said, pointing to the computer.
"You don't look like you got much rest. What did you find?"
"I'm not much of a hacker but I'm getting through the data."
He rubbed his eyes.
"Looks like your sister is being held at one of three locations."
I sat down next to him and touched his shoulder.
"Good, we can start looking for her."
Flynn was rugged with sharp eyes that had seen a lot.
I knew his past like it was my own.
We were in the same unit together until he got kicked out for burning a report.
I never asked him what was in that report.
Whatever it was, it must have been important for him to torch his twenty-year military career in the Army.