MidReal Story

In a world where dreams can be purchased and experienced


Apr 8
Scenario:In a world where dreams can be purchased and experienced, James, an addict of these dream escapes, uncovers a plot to manipulate minds through these dreams.
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In a world where dreams can be purchased and experienced, James, an addict of these dream escapes, uncovers a plot to manipulate minds through these dreams.
I remember when I first moved to the city and how much I loved it.
The energy was electric, the possibilities endless, and I was sure that I was on the brink of an adventurous new chapter in my life.
Now, years later, the magic is gone, and I’m stuck in a reality that feels like anything but an adventure.
But maybe that’s just me.
My days are spent in a state of perpetual discontent, my nights either drowning in alcohol or wandering through my dreams in search of some form of release.
There was a time when I had so much ambition and determination for what the future held.
I guess time just has a way of wearing you down.
Don’t get me wrong, I have a good job at a small accounting firm downtown, and I know it’s only a matter of time before I move up and make some real money, but it just feels so boring sometimes.
I’m not sure if accounting is really what I want to do with my life, but it’s all I’ve ever known.
And maybe that’s the part I resent the most: that I don’t know what else I would want to do if not this.
It feels like I’m just living my life on autopilot, waiting for something to change without ever doing anything about it.
Even the city itself feels like it’s changed, like it’s working against me now instead of with me like it once did.
I used to love getting lost in its streets, soaking up its wild energy and feeling like anything was possible.
Now it seems like all the city does is remind me of how little has changed since those first days when I arrived with my head full of dreams and ambitions for what my future held.
When I’m feeling especially restless and it’s clear that the only way to get out of my own head is with a little help, I turn to alcohol.
There’s nothing quite like a good night at the bar to put my mind at ease, even if it’s only for a little while.
But then there are also nights like tonight where even the alcohol doesn’t seem to be doing much to help me shake my restlessness.
Nights where all I want to do is sleep without dreams so that I can wake up and face another day without this overwhelming sense of boredom hanging over me.
Because even though my dreams aren’t always exactly what you’d call pleasant, they’re definitely better than being wide awake and stuck in the same routine with no end in sight.
That’s not to say that my dreams are always peaceful, but at least they give me a break from my reality.
In a world where dreams can be purchased and experienced