MidReal Story

Identity Unmasked: A Parisian Transformation

Scenario:Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien Agreste is having a hang out with the Boys, when suddenly, a outcast named Pierre Longley gets akumatised, and jumps in the crowd and turns Adrien Agreste into Ivan Bruel. Hawk-moth plots and says that the power can permamently remove the miraculous and transport the obtained item to hawkmoth in speeds of over 900km/h
Create my version of this story
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien Agreste is having a hang out with the Boys, when suddenly, a outcast named Pierre Longley gets akumatised, and jumps in the crowd and turns Adrien Agreste into Ivan Bruel. Hawk-moth plots and says that the power can permamently remove the miraculous and transport the obtained item to hawkmoth in speeds of over 900km/h
I was about to meet up with my friends Nino and Kim at the park.
We were going to hang out, play some basketball, and just have a good time.
It was a beautiful day, and I was in a great mood.
I’d been looking forward to this all week.
I grabbed my basketball and headed out the door.
As I walked through the park, I saw Nino and Kim waiting for me at the basketball court.
They both waved when they saw me coming, and I waved back.
Nino called out to me as I got closer.
“Hey, Adrien!
You ready to get your butt kicked?”
he said with a grin.
I laughed as I walked up to them.
“Bring it on,” I said as I tossed him the ball.
Nino caught it and started dribbling it between his legs as he moved toward the hoop.
He faked left, then right, then went up for the shot.
The ball sailed through the air and swished through the net without even touching the rim.
He turned back to me with a smug grin on his face.
“Don’t get too cocky,” I said, grinning.
“You haven’t won yet.” I glanced over at Kim, who was standing on the sideline watching us.
“You wanna play too?”
I asked, and I could see the excitement in his eyes as he nodded vigorously.
“Hell yeah, I do!”
he said as he ran over to join us on the court.
He was still wearing his school uniform, but that wasn’t going to stop him from playing.
We decided to play a two-on-one game, with Nino taking on both Kim and me.
Kim was a big guy, but I was pretty tall too, so I wasn’t too worried.
I knew that Nino was good, but I was pretty good myself.
I always enjoyed playing against him because it forced me to step up my game.
I took my place in front of Nino and got ready to defend.
“You ready for this?”
he asked me as he dribbled the ball.
I nodded and got down into a defensive stance.
Nino faked left and then went right, trying to get around me, but I stayed with him and blocked his path.
He laughed and shook his head at me.
“Man, you really need to work on your defense,” he said as he stopped and took a step back so he could shoot.
“Hey, I’m getting better,” I said as I put my hand up to try and block his shot.
I didn’t quite make it in time, though, and the ball sailed over my fingertips and went through the hoop for two points.
“Points for trying,” Nino said, grinning at me before he started dribbling the ball again.
I scowled at him and got ready to defend as he tried to get around me once more.
We went back and forth like that a few more times before Kim started getting impatient.
“Come on already!
Let’s play!”
he said, bouncing up and down with excitement as he watched us go back and forth.
Nino and I ignored him, though, we were too focused on our game to pay attention to Kim’s whining.
He tried to go around me one more time, but this time I was ready for him.
I moved with him and managed to block his shot before he could get it off.
I turned around and stole the ball from him before he even knew what had happened, then I ran down the court to take my shot.
Kim tried to get in front of me to stop me, but I dodged around him and made the shot before Nino could catch up with me.
“Points for trying,” I said, laughing as I held up two fingers since it looked like Nino didn’t want to give them to me himself.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, scowling at me as I jogged back down the court.
“You really need to work on your offense,” he added with a smirk as we faced off against each other once more.
“Come on already!”
Kim shouted again as he bounced up and down with impatience on the sidelines.
"Identity Unmasked: A Parisian Transformation"
Nino gave me a dirty look, but he couldn’t help but laugh, too.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he said as he held up his hand.
“Just give me a second, okay?”
Kim looked like he was about to explode, but he managed to keep it together.
“You want me to show you how it’s done?”
he asked, bouncing the ball.
Nino rolled his eyes at me before he looked back at Kim.
“Go ahead, big guy,” he said, gesturing for Kim to take his place.
Kim looked pleased as he made his way out onto the court.
He stood in front of Nino and held the ball out to me.
“You gonna guard me or what?”
he asked, giving me a challenging look.
I laughed at that.
“Well, if you’re daring me to…”
I said before I moved to stand in front of him and got ready to defend.
Kim smiled at me.
“Yeah, I am.”
The next thing I knew, Nino tossed the ball to Kim so we could start playing.
Kim caught it and held it out to me as he got into position.
I nodded, getting into my defensive stance.
I wasn’t sure exactly what Kim was planning to do, but I knew that I had to be ready for anything.
He faked left and then went right, but I followed him easily enough.
“I wouldn’t be worried about watching where he’s going if I were you,” Kim said as he moved around me with ease.
“I’d be more worried about watching where that ball of his is.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just watch,” Kim replied before he started moving toward the hoop.
As he did, Nino began a series of intricate dribbles that were unlike anything I’d ever seen before.
He spun the ball around his fingers in a complex pattern that made me dizzy just watching it, but he somehow managed to keep control of the ball the entire time.
It was a thing of beauty, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by it even though I was supposed to be guarding him.
I was so impressed, in fact, that I didn’t even notice when Kim stopped running to watch Nino’s performance along with me.
He was supposed to be playing defense, but he was too fascinated by Nino’s moves to care about that right now.
As for Nino, he didn’t seem to care either.
He was too absorbed in what he was doing to pay attention to Kim right then, too.
It was just me, him, and that basketball—the way it was always supposed to be when we played together at the park like this.
Nino finished his performance by spinning the ball around his waist one last time before he stepped back and shot it.
The shot went up, and Kim sprang into action once again, jumping up with his arms outstretched in an attempt to block it from going in before it was too late.
I watched with anticipation, my eyes on the ball as it sailed through the air toward the net, but I didn’t really care if it went in or not.
"Identity Unmasked: A Parisian Transformation"
Meanwhile, in a street corner, Someone named.. Pierre Longley was mad and fuming..
The ball swished through the net, making me smile when I heard the satisfying sound of the swooshing noise that told me my shot was perfect.
As I turned around, I saw Kim grinning at me, his arms still raised above his head from when he’d tried to block my shot but missed by a longshot.
I guess you were right,” I said with a shrug as I jogged over to him to pass him the basketball so we could go retrieve it from where it had landed on the ground after going through the net perfectly.
“Shooting is what I should’ve been worried about.”
“Yeah, but if you’d been paying attention to your surroundings like you were supposed to be doing,” Kim said, dropping his arms back down to his sides after he gave me the ball, “then you would’ve realized that I’m actually pretty good at defense, too.”
“Yeah, you are,” I agreed, “but you’re not as good as you think you are.”
“Don’t underestimate me,” Kim warned me, “or you’ll regret it.”
“I won’t,” I promised as I turned away from him so I could get back into my defensive stance.
He chuckled, saying, “Good, you better not, or you’ll find out what happens when you mess with The Chihuahua of Defense.”
I couldn’t help but laugh when he called himself that, even though it was a pretty ridiculous nickname.
It was also a pretty fitting nickname, though, since it did a pretty good job of summing up his personality along with his defensive skills.
I didn’t want to tell him that, though—especially not right now—so instead of saying anything else, I just nodded at him as I stood there waiting for Nino to make his move.
When Nino did finally make his move, it was a pretty impressive one.
He faked left before going right, making me fall for his fake-out pretty easily.
Once he was past me, he headed toward the hoop like we’d been doing the entire game and went up for the shot.
I saw Kim’s eyes going wide as he jumped up to block the shot, and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw him swat the ball out of Nino’s hands so it went flying away from the hoop instead of going in like it was supposed to.
I was going to go get the ball, but I didn’t have to because Kim was already running over there to grab it so we could start our game.
I was about to run over there to meet him so we could start playing when something stopped me in my tracks.
I wasn’t sure what it was at first, but then it happened again.
Suddenly I was engulfed in a blinding light that made it impossible for me to see anything at all except for a bright white light that filled my vision.
I heard a loud sound that was almost like a popping noise, but I didn’t have time to think about that right now.
"Identity Unmasked: A Parisian Transformation"
It took me a minute to realize who the voice belonged to since it sounded so familiar even though I knew that there wasn’t any possible way that it could be who I thought it was and that this whole situation had to be some kind of crazy dream or something that I would eventually wake up from or snap out of and then everything would be back to normal again like it was before all of this insanity had happened.
After spending what felt like forever trying to get my vision to clear up and stop being blurry and filled with bright white light, I finally managed to open my eyes only to be left completely and utterly speechless when I saw what—or rather who—was standing in front of me right now.
“Adrien,” Nino said at the same time that Kim said my name.
“Where did you go?”
he asked me as he ran over to me and grabbed my arm before he could stop himself since he thought that I had somehow disappeared or something even though he could still see me even though I looked a little different than I had before all of this craziness had happened.
“Is this some kind of joke?”
Kim asked me as he took a step closer to me after he’d caught up to us and come over here too.
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said in confusion as I looked down at myself and saw that I looked pretty much the same as I always did except with one major difference that I never would’ve thought could possibly be real in a million years.
Except for that one major difference that there was no way that I could be imagining or dreaming or hallucinating or whatever since it was right there in front of me and standing out like a sore thumb since it was so impossible and ridiculous that it had to be real.
“Except for this,” I said when I realized that Kim and Nino were still waiting for an answer even though they had no idea what I was talking about since they couldn’t see what I was seeing, and I held my hands out in front of me so they could see them and understand why I’d said what I did since there wasn’t any other way that I could think of to explain why everything was so different now than it had been before this crazy thing had happened.
“I’m not Adrien anymore,” I said, and even though it sounded pretty ridiculous when I said it out loud like that and I knew that there wasn’t any way that they would believe me when they saw how similar we looked, “Ivan.”
they asked at the same time as each other, but it was Nino who got the final word when he said, “Who’s Ivan?”
"Identity Unmasked: A Parisian Transformation"
Ivan is someone completely different than I’ve ever been before and even then he doesn’t seem like anyone that I know either, because as far as I’m concerned there is only one Ivan in my life and he’s not the same Ivan that Kim and Nino think he is, or at least they weren’t before this crazy thing happened that even I can’t believe is real.
What’s going on?”
I asked in confusion as I looked back at Kim and Nino, who were looking at me in a way that I’d never seen before but I had no way of knowing whether that was because they were just as confused as I was or if it really was because they saw someone different than the person they were supposed to see in front of them now that everything had changed in a way that didn’t make any sense to any of us as far as I could tell.
“Did you plan this?”
Ivan is the name that you told us to call you if anything ever happened to you,” Kim said to me as if he was talking to a little kid instead of a guy who had been going to school with him for years, and he looked at me like I was crazy when he said, “What are you talking about?”
“I told you to call me Ivan if anything ever happened to me?”
I asked in confusion once I’d gotten over my shock enough to think that maybe they were just playing a joke on me, one of those stupid kinds of jokes that only kids would find funny and not something that anyone would ever do to someone who was supposed to be their friend since it would only make them look like a total asshole who didn’t care about anything except themselves.
“Yeah,” Nino said when Kim just looked at him without saying anything even though he was the one who should’ve been able to explain what was going on better than anyone else if he was the one who had sent him over there to talk to me even if he didn’t know what he was talking about.
“But we’re not playing around with you like that time we told you that alligator would attack you if you went into the water.”
It wasn’t an alligator.”
"Identity Unmasked: A Parisian Transformation"