MidReal Story

I want design a product about XR glasses


Apr 8
Scenario:I want design a product about XR glasses and I hope corportion with Meta company.
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I want design a product about XR glasses and I hope corportion with Meta company.
In the past few years, I’ve been developing a new pair of XR glasses.
They are not for sale.
It’s just a personal project.
But I am very proud of it.
I believe that it’s the best design in the world.
By wearing this pair of XR glasses, people will feel that they have entered another world.
It’s like upgrading from a Nokia 3310 to an iPhone 13.
When we talk about XR glasses, we are actually talking about AR and VR glasses.
They are the predecessors of MR glasses.
In the future, the ultimate human-computer interaction experience is definitely MR glasses.
But before we achieve that, let’s upgrade our AR and VR glasses first.
At present, the XR glasses on the market are not as perfect as we want them to be.
They are heavy and ugly.
They don’t have outstanding
There are also problems with the resolution and field of view.
In order to solve these problems, I came up with some ideas.
First of all, they must be light and beautiful, just like the sunglasses on the market.
People don’t wear sunglasses just to block the sun.
Some people wear them because they want to look cooler while others wear them because they have bags under their eyes or don’t want to wear makeup.
I believe that many people have such habits.
This is why my XR glasses look so similar to sunglasses.
My design is very high-end and they look at least as good as Ray-Ban.
More importantly, they have excellent AR and VR functions.
When people put on my XR glasses, they will realize how great this product is.
Secondly, people need to use them in their daily lives.
People cannot carry them around like a camera or a telescope.
Everyone has a smartphone nowadays, but not everyone has a camera or telescope.
The reason why smartphones have become popular is that they are easy to carry and can help us solve problems in our daily lives, such as looking up information online and handling work emails on time.
What about XR glasses?
How can they help us in our daily lives?
How can they make us more efficient?
What about watching movies and playing games?
It’s not enough if they can only do these things.
They are not as good as VR headsets, which are perfect for watching movies and playing games.
But there are also many disadvantages to using them for everyday use, such as being heavy, hot, and isolating us from the world around us.
We need to come up with a better way to solve these problems before they can be truly integrated into our daily lives.
Thirdly, people are forgetful sometimes or don’t want to spend too much time searching for information and doing calculations themselves.
This is why they need to have a virtual keyboard, an advanced AI assistant, and even health monitoring systems on my XR glasses so that they can help us save time and energy and improve efficiency in our work and life.
My design has very intuitive user interfaces and allows users to perform operations easily through gestures, voice commands, or even eye movements.
I want design a product about XR glasses
Fourth, my XR glasses can also be used for education and training, healthcare, sports, travel, entertainment, design, and so on.
There are so many possibilities and they will help us improve our lives in so many ways that we can’t even imagine.
Last but not least, they must be affordable.
People will not buy them if they are too expensive.
It is especially important for people in developing countries, who have limited disposable income but still want to use this technology to improve their lives and work efficiency.
The reason why people in developed countries can afford smartphones is that they have been made affordable by manufacturers, who have lowered their prices over time in order to attract more customers and make more profits through other services, such as selling apps, music, movies, games, cloud storage, insurance, and so on.
The same applies to XR glasses, which will only become popular if they are affordable for everyone in the world.
I think that it is very important for me to design these XR glasses because I believe that they are the future of human-computer interaction.
I don’t think that this technology is just a passing trend; it is here to stay and it will change our world forever.
I am passionate about designing them because I believe that people will love them after they see my design sketches and prototypes.
It has taken me a lot of time and effort to come up with this design, but I believe that it is worth it because it will help people improve their lives in ways that we can’t even imagine right now.
However, my ideas have been rejected by Meta Platforms and other companies such as Apple and Sony for being “too ambitious” and “not practical enough”.
I am not discouraged because I believe in my design and I have been working on it for so many years that I don’t want to give up on it now just because some people think that it is not good enough or that it is too difficult to implement right now.
I have decided that I will keep improving my design and looking for other partners who share my vision of creating the best XR glasses in the world that are affordable and easy to use for everyone in the world.
I want design a product about XR glasses
One year ago, I presented my design sketches and prototypes for the XR glasses to Meta Platforms Inc executives and they rejected them saying that they were “too futuristic” and “unrealistic”.
But one of their engineers who was also my friend, Alex Thompson, liked my design ideas very much and he suggested that he could help me build some prototypes using new technologies that he has developed in his lab at Stanford University where he works as a research scientist specializing in augmented reality and virtual reality technologies.
So I agreed and we worked together for several months on building new prototypes using Alex’s latest technologies and techniques for creating VR/AR applications on mobile phones and other devices such as smart glasses or watches etc…
I was very happy when I saw the first prototypes because they were much better than anything that I could have done by myself and I knew that I would be able to use them to show Meta’s executives how great my design really was and how much potential it had if they decided to work with me on developing it into a real product that people could use every day in their lives just like smartphones or tablets do today.
So I contacted my friend Sarah Lee who is a marketing expert and an experienced business development manager at one of the largest technology companies in Silicon Valley and asked her to help me set up a meeting with Meta Platforms Inc executives so that I would be able to present my latest design sketches and prototypes of the XR glasses.
She agreed and she helped me prepare a presentation that I would give to the executives to convince them that my design was worth investing in and that they should work with me to develop it into a real product for their customers all over the world.
I was very nervous but I knew that this was my one chance to show them how great my design really was and how much potential it had if we all worked together to bring it to market as soon as possible.
I felt that this was a unique opportunity for me to work with a great company like Meta Platforms Inc that has a lot of experience in creating innovative products and services for its customers and that would be able to help me make my dream of designing the best XR glasses in the world come true one day.
So when I arrived at Meta’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California to present my updated design sketches and prototypes of the XR glasses, I was very excited but also very nervous because I knew that this was going to be a very important meeting for me and that I had to do my best if I wanted to convince Meta’s top decision-makers to work with me on this project.
Sarah Lee was there too and she introduced me to several of Meta’s executives before we went into the conference room where they all sat down around a large table covered with papers and folders full of information about my project and listened carefully while I presented my latest design sketches and prototypes of the XR glasses that Alex helped me build using his new technologies and techniques for creating VR/AR applications on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets etc…
They were all very impressed with what they saw and they asked me many questions about how I came up with these new features and what kind of technologies we used to build them into our prototypes so that they could understand better how they worked and why they were so great.
I want design a product about XR glasses