MidReal Story

High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret

Scenario:Found an Infinity Stone in my locker
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Found an Infinity Stone in my locker
Chapter 1
I found the Infinity Stone in my locker.
No, really.
I know it sounds like something out of a comic book or a movie, but I swear to God it’s true.
It was just sitting there on the top shelf, glowing and pulsing with an otherworldly light, and I knew right away that it was something special.
I reached out to touch it, and as soon as my fingers made contact, I felt a jolt of electricity shoot up my arm.
I’m not usually one to go looking for trouble.
In fact, I try to avoid it at all costs.
But sometimes trouble just has a way of finding me no matter what I do.
Maybe it’s because I’m a curious person by nature, always poking my nose where it doesn’t belong and asking questions that I probably shouldn’t be asking.
Or maybe it’s just that I have a natural talent for attracting weirdness like a magnet.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
Whatever the reason, trouble always seems to find me, even when I’m not looking for it.
And that’s exactly what happened on the day I found the Infinity Stone in my locker.
As the school bell rang and everyone else rushed off to their first class of the day, I hurried over to my locker and quickly spun the dial on the combination lock.
I was starving—I’d skipped breakfast again—and I was really hoping that I’d remembered to pack a snack in my lunch bag this time.
My mom always got so mad at me when I forgot.
The locker door swung open with a creak, and I reached inside only to find… nothing.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
Well, almost nothing.
There was something in there, all right.
It just wasn’t my lunch bag.
It was a small, round stone, about the size of a baseball, and it had this radiant blue glow that seemed to light up the entire hallway from inside my locker.
I’d never seen anything like it before in my life, and I knew instinctively that it must be some kind of precious gemstone or something along those lines.
But what was it doing here in my locker?
And why did it look so familiar?
It looked so out of place there among my school books and gym clothes that for a moment I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing.
It was like something straight out of one of those superhero movies Mia loves to watch—totally surreal and unbelievable, yet somehow real nonetheless.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
I couldn’t help but wonder as I stared down at the stone in my palm.
It looked like it had been carved from a single piece of sapphire, its deep blue color shimmering in the light like a cool summer sky.
It was absolutely beautiful, the kind of thing that might be displayed in a museum or something.
And yet somehow it had ended up here, right in front of me.
My hands were practically shaking with excitement as I gazed down at that shimmering blue surface, and I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest.
I wanted to reach out and touch it, to run my fingers over that smooth surface and feel that strange electric hum against my skin.
But something held me back.
Maybe it was fear of the unknown, or maybe it was just common sense telling me that this probably wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had.
After all, what if this thing was radioactive?
Or cursed?
What if touching it caused some kind of horrible accident, like a spontaneous explosion or something?
I didn’t have any idea what this thing was—or even where it had come from—and touching it seemed like a pretty risky move under the circumstances.
I hesitated for a moment longer, trying to figure out what to do next.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
And then, without really meaning to, I reached out and touched the stone with my free hand.
The moment my fingers made contact with its surface, a jolt of electricity shot through me, making all the hairs on my body stand on end.
For a split second, everything went white, and then it felt like the floor had fallen out from under me.
I cried out in shock as I fell backwards, landing hard on my ass with a thud.
A moment later, when I looked down at my hand, I was surprised to find that the stone was gone.
There was no sign of it anywhere, as if it had simply vanished into thin air the moment I touched it.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
For a second, I sat there staring at my hand in shock, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
Had I imagined it all?
Or maybe this was some kind of prank after all, and somebody had somehow managed to snatch the stone away from me while I wasn’t looking.
I looked around quickly to see if anyone else had noticed what had happened—and sure enough, there were quite a few people standing in the hallway by now—but none of them seemed to have seen anything unusual.
They were all too busy rushing off to their next class or chatting with their friends to notice anything strange happening right under their noses.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
"Jamie, what’s wrong? Are you okay?"
Realizing that there was nothing more to be done and that I was already running late for class, I quickly scrambled to my feet and started gathering up the books and papers that had spilled out of my backpack when I fell.
"It’s nothing," I insisted, fighting back a sudden rush of panic.
"Just…just lost my balance for a second there. No big deal."
But even as the words left my mouth, it was clear that Mia didn’t believe me—not entirely, anyway.
"Are you sure?"
She narrowed her eyes at me skeptically.
"You don’t look so good."
"I’m fine," I said, trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.
"Just…a little shaken up, that’s all. Must’ve hit my head harder than I thought."
As soon as she was satisfied with my explanation, Mia gave me a quick hug and let out a sigh of relief before turning to go.
"Okay," she said over her shoulder as she disappeared into the crowd. "Make sure you get to class on time! And take it easy for the rest of the day, alright? If you start feeling worse at any point, promise me you’ll go see Nurse Martinez!"
"I will!"
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
I called after her, even though I was pretty sure she couldn’t hear me.
And then, once Mia was finally out of sight, I let out a long, slow breath and did my best to pull myself together.
It took more than a little effort to calm my nerves after what had just happened, but eventually, after a few deep breaths, I was able to convince myself that it had all been some kind of hallucination or something.
There was no way that an Infinity Stone—an actual Infinity Stone!—could have been sitting in my locker one moment and just disappeared the next after being touched by a mere mortal like me.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
With my heart still pounding in my chest, I quickly gathered up the few books and papers that had fallen out of my backpack and shoved them back inside before closing the locker again and heading off to class.
The hallway was even more crowded now than it had been when I’d arrived at school this morning, which made it difficult to move very quickly, but luckily the classroom where my next class was being held wasn’t too far away.
So long as I stayed focused and didn’t get distracted by anything or anyone along the way, there was a good chance that I’d be able to make it there on time before the bell rang for final period.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
Chapter 2
"Is everything okay?" he asked, pausing a few feet away.
I smiled at him reassuringly.
"Yeah, everything’s fine," I said.
"Why wouldn’t it be?"
"You just seemed a little out of it during class today," Mia pointed out.
"I was worried that something might be wrong."
I frowned, feeling a little guilty for making her worry about me.
"Sorry if I was acting weird," I said, giving her an apologetic smile.
"But honestly, you didn’t notice anything strange? Not even a little bit?"
Mia shook her head.
"Not really. But then again, maybe that’s why…"
She trailed off, looking thoughtful as she considered the possibility that she’d just gotten so used to seeing me act like an idiot from time to time that my behavior earlier hadn’t seemed all that unusual to her by comparison.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
"By the way, have you seen Leo anywhere?"
Mia asked, changing the subject.
"He hasn’t shown up to any of his classes today, and he’s not answering his phone. I’m starting to get a little worried."
I groaned.
"Ugh, me too. Especially after what happened with Mr. Jenkins’ phone earlier today…"
It was all over school by now that one of the teachers had somehow lost their cell phone, which was particularly odd because they’d been sitting right there at their desk when it went missing.
At first, no one could figure out what had happened to it, but eventually we all learned the truth: Leo had taken it to keep another student from getting into trouble after they’d been caught using their own phone in class.
Which was definitely a nice thing for him to do, even if it meant he might end up getting into trouble himself if he didn’t return the phone before the teacher noticed it was gone.
"I don’t know what he was thinking," Mia said with a sigh.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret
"It was nice of him to try to help that girl out, but if the police show up at his house later today, he’s going to be in serious trouble."
"Luckily for him, Lisa was sitting right in front of me when Mr. Jenkins came over to her desk," I said.
"She told him that she’d let another student borrow her phone during class and that she didn’t know where it was now because they hadn’t given it back yet. Hopefully that’ll keep Leo from getting into any trouble. At least with the school."
Mia nodded.
"Yeah, I guess you’re right about that."
Her expression darkened as she considered what might happen next.
"But what if the police show up? They’ll have to investigate this eventually, won’t they? And even if Lisa doesn’t want to get Leo in trouble with the school, there’s no way she’d lie to the cops for him." "Yeah, I guess you’re right," I admitted reluctantly.
"Hopefully that won’t happen either."
We were both quiet for a moment as we tried not to think about what would happen if Leo ended up getting arrested for stealing a teacher’s cell phone.
High School Havoc: The Infinity Stone Secret