MidReal Story

Hearts Unspoken

Scenario:Gay teens
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Gay teens
I used to think that being gay made up about 90% of who I was.
I thought the rest of my personality and interests and traits were just made up to take up space.
But as I got older, I realized that being gay was just one piece of me.
It was special and important in its own way, but it wasn't everything.
I was more than just gay.
I was confident and outgoing and outgoing and outgoing and passionate and creative and clever and funny and flawed and imperfect and so much more than just gay.
And I knew that Alex felt the same way.
Being gay wasn't the center of his universe; it was just a small part of who he was as a person.
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had grown up in a different town, one where it was okay to be gay.
Would I have come out sooner?
Would I have dated more?
Would I have been more confident in my identity?
But at the same time, being closeted for so long made me realize just how much being gay meant to me.
It took up a lot of space in my brain, a lot of emotional energy.
Hearts Unspoken