MidReal Story

Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery


Jun 2
Scenario:A rob is robbering a bank and suddenly a man come to protect the bank (his name should be Nick)
Create my version of this story
A rob is robbering a bank and suddenly a man come to protect the bank (his name should be Nick)
The bank robber walked into the bank, and I knew it was time.
I’d been waiting for this moment for a long time.
I’d been waiting for him to come back to my city, and now that he was here, I was going to make sure he didn’t get away with it.
He walked up to the counter and pulled out his gun.
"Everyone on the ground!"
he shouted.
"Nobody move!"
I watched as everyone in the bank hit the floor, including my friend Sarah Jennings, who was working behind the counter.
She looked up at me with wide eyes, but I just shook my head at her.
"Don’t worry," I mouthed.
"I’ve got this."
Chapter 1
I know I should’ve been cowering in fear, but instead, I was grinning from ear to ear.
It was finally happening.
He was finally back, and now I could finally get my revenge.
I knew he was coming.
I’d been waiting for it.
I’d known he’d be back, and I knew I had to be ready for him when he showed up.
Jack McCallister had been in and out of prison his whole life, and he’d spent more time on the outside than he had on the inside.
And every time he was released, he always came back here.
It was the only place he knew, the only place he could go and feel safe, and the only place he could go to disappear.
But he’d made a grave mistake this time.
He’d robbed the wrong bank, at the wrong time, and now I was going to make sure he regretted it.
I knew he’d come to this bank eventually.
It was the last one left in town that he hadn’t hit yet.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery
There was no way he could resist it.
The only question was when he would come, and if I would be ready when he did.
I had been preparing for this day for a long time, ever since Jack robbed my father’s bank five years ago and killed him in cold blood.
I was going to make him pay.
He walked into the bank wearing all black from head to toe, his face partially covered by a ski mask and a pair of dark sunglasses hiding his eyes.
He didn’t say a word as he walked up to the counter and pulled out his gun, but he didn’t have to.
His mere presence was enough to send a chill down my spine.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery
Everyone in the bank knew who he was and what he was capable of.
They all knew his name, and they all whispered it in hushed tones whenever they talked about him.
They knew that if you crossed him, you either ended up dead or wishing you were.
But not me.
I wasn’t afraid of him.
He might be a monster to everyone else, but I had other plans for him.
As Jack raised his gun and pointed it at one of the tellers behind the counter, I knew it was time to make my move.
I stepped out from behind the pillar and walked up to him with a smile on my face.
He turned to look at me and his eyes widened in shock at first, but then his expression darkened as he raised his gun and pointed it directly at me.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery
I’d been waiting for him to show his face again, and now that he was here, I was going to make sure he paid for what he did to my father.
He was always going to come back to this city; it was the only place in the entire world that Jack McCallister could call home. But I was ready for him this time.
I’d spent the last five years preparing for this moment, and I was not going to back down without a fight.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery
The bank was busy as always, and my heart raced as I looked around and waited for him to arrive.
I knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up.
And sure enough, a few minutes later, the door opened and in walked Jack McCallister.
Everyone in the bank turned to look at him, and the whispers started immediately.
Jack McCallister was back, and everyone knew what that meant.
As he walked up to the counter and pulled out his gun, everyone in the bank dropped to the floor and hit the ground.
Nobody moved, and nobody made a sound as Jack brandished his weapon and barked orders.
"Nobody move!"
he shouted.
"Get down on the ground!
A surge of anger coursed through my veins, and I clenched my fists as I watched him make his way around the bank, waving his gun in the air like a madman.
This wasn’t just about me anymore.
My friend Sarah worked at this bank, and she was here right now.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery
I couldn’t let anything happen to her or anyone else in this bank.
I had to do something.
I had to stop him before it was too late.
I had been waiting for this moment for five long years, and now that it was finally here, I wasn’t going to let it slip through my fingers.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery
Chapter 2
"Go ahead and shoot," I said.
"I dare you."
My voice was calm and steady, and my eyes never wavered from his.
I wasn’t afraid of him.
I didn’t flinch or try to look away as he pointed his gun at me, and I knew he could see the fire in my eyes.
I wanted him to see it.
I wanted him to see how much he had fucked up by coming back here.
He glared at me, his eyes dark and dangerous as he studied my face.
"How do you know my name?"
he asked.
He tried to sound intimidating, but his voice came out weak and shaky, and I knew he was bluffing.
He didn’t have it in him to pull the trigger.
"Not important," I replied calmly, my eyes still locked on his.
"I know a lot more than just your name, Jack.
And you’re right to be scared, but not of me.
Not anymore."
For a moment, I thought he might actually shoot me.
His finger tightened around the trigger, and I braced myself for the shot.
But instead of pulling it, he hesitated.
I could see the uncertainty in his eyes as he studied my face.
Slowly, his gaze shifted away from mine and moved around the room.
For a moment, I thought he might actually turn and run.
Maybe he finally realized that he had met his match, that I wasn’t going to back down or let him get away with this.
But then he turned back to me, and his eyes were cold and hard as he glared at me.
"What game are you playing here?" he demanded.
He took a step closer to me, and his voice was low and menacing.
"You think you’re going to scare me?
You think you can take me on?"
I didn’t flinch as he moved closer to me, even though I could feel his breath on my face.
I stood my ground, staring him down as I waited for him to make his next move.
I wasn’t playing any games.
This wasn’t some plan to catch him in the act and turn him over to the police.
This was personal.
This was about revenge.
And when he saw the look in my eyes, he knew it too.
For a moment, we stood there in silence, staring each other down as we waited for the other to make a move or say something that would change the course of our fates.
Guardian of the Vault: A Bank Heist Mystery