MidReal Story

Gods Among Us

Scenario:A 12 year old girl discovers her family heritage of gods and goddesses. While fighting monsters that would do anything for that power. Will she crumble? Or will she learn what it means to be a God? A Demi-God
Create my version of this story
A 12 year old girl discovers her family heritage of gods and goddesses. While fighting monsters that would do anything for that power. Will she crumble? Or will she learn what it means to be a God? A Demi-God
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I was twelve when I found out my family were gods.
Gods Among Us
It was a Tuesday, and I was in the middle of math class when the monster attacked.
The creature had been disguised as a substitute teacher, but I saw through its human form the moment it walked into the classroom.
Its eyes were black pits, and its skin was covered in scales that shimmered like oil in sunlight.
I knew what it was because I’d seen one before—a year ago, when it tried to eat my best friend.
I’d barely managed to save her life then, and now the monster had come back for me.
I didn’t have time to think about why or how it had found me again; all I knew was that I had to get out of there fast.
I was only twelve years old when my world ended.
The substitute teacher entered the room, and a chill ran down my spine.
He wasn’t human, I could tell.
There was something about him that set every nerve in my body on fire, as if he were the monster himself.
When he turned his gaze towards me, I saw his eyes: black pits devoid of any humanity or emotion.
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I turned away from him and tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind wouldn’t stop racing.
What would I do if the creature attacked me?
How could I fight something so powerful and deadly?
Where would I run?
When would it be safe for me to come back home again?
The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and I leaped out of my seat and ran for the door before anyone else could get there.
My classmates stared at me in shock as I sprinted down the hallway like a bat out of hell, but by then I didn’t care what they thought of me anymore; all that mattered was getting as far away from this thing as possible before it was too late.
It wasn’t long before I heard its growls echoing through the halls behind me, sending shivers down my spine even though I couldn’t see them myself.
I ran faster, ignoring the shouts of the other students and the sound of lockers slamming shut as people rushed to escape this nightmare come to life.
How had it found me here, at school?
And why did it want me so badly?
A year ago, when I’d first seen it, it had been after my best friend, not me, and if I hadn’t stopped it in time she would’ve been killed and eaten like everyone else who got too close to these creatures.
So what had changed?
Why was it targeting me now instead of someone else?
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I was running down the stairs now, praying that I could outrun them long enough to find a safe place to hide where they couldn’t reach me.
My heart was pounding in my chest like a drum, and I could barely hear anything over the sound of its growls getting closer by the second.
I was almost at the bottom when I felt something grab hold of my ankle—
My scream cut off in a strangled gasp as I tripped and fell forward, flailing desperately as I tried to break my fall before I slammed into the ground headfirst.
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I expected to feel sharp claws sinking into my skin at any second, but when I looked back over my shoulder, I didn’t see the monster anywhere.
It must’ve been further up the stairs than I thought, or else it was just playing with me, waiting for the right moment to strike.
If that was the case, then I didn’t have much time left before it caught up with me and dragged me down to hell where it could eat me alive.
With a sob, I climbed to my feet and ran for it; I wasn’t far from the front door now, and if I could just make it out of there I might have a chance to get away.
My heart leaped in my chest as I reached the top of the stairs and saw the front door just ahead—
And then something lunged at me from behind, its clawed hand reaching for my throat.
Gods Among Us
I tried to scream, but all that came out was a strangled gasp as I leaped over the railing, hoping that if I couldn’t outrun them then maybe I could at least outsmart them by hiding somewhere they couldn’t reach.
The stairs rushed up at me, and I slammed into them hard enough to knock the wind out of me; tears sprang to my eyes as my head spun from the impact, but somehow I managed to stagger back onto my feet and look up at my attackers just in time to see my brother step between us.
"Marcus!" A wave of relief washed over me when I saw him blocking my path; he wouldn’t let those monsters hurt me, not if he could help it.
But then something else appeared beside him—a giant crow with razor-sharp talons and glowing red eyes—and suddenly there were two beasts instead of one.
"Run," he told me without looking back.
"Go! Don’t stop for anything or anyone except Mom or me."
With a sob, I turned away from him and ran down the stairs again as fast as I could go.
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I clutched at it with one hand, too afraid to look back over my shoulder in case the monsters were right behind me.
I didn’t know how far I’d gotten from them or if they were still chasing me, but I couldn’t slow down now as long as there was even a chance that they would catch up to me again.
My mother was gone; she had been the strongest person I knew, but against these monsters she hadn’t stood a chance.
If I let them catch me now, then Marcus would be alone in the world without any family left to protect him—and I would never forgive myself if anything happened to him.
Diana had told us that once our mother died we would be next on the monsters’ list of targets, which was why we’d spent all those years training and learning how to fight so we could survive when they finally came for us.
Now that time had finally come—our mother was dead and her killers were coming after us.
Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig sounded like footsteps chasing after me, even though I couldn’t see or hear anything following me through the forest.
I didn’t know how far I’d gotten from the monsters, but my lungs were burning from running so long and I didn’t think I could go much further.
My mother’s warning echoed in my ears: Don’t ever stop running.
The moment you do, you’re already dead.
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I thought about what would happen to Marcus if he had to grow up without our mom—or worse, if those monsters killed him too.
He was only a year older than I was; he shouldn’t have to die before his time because of some ancient curse that we knew nothing about until it was too late.
Gods Among Us
Then I heard it: a loud, sickening crack that made my blood run cold and my stomach churn in horror.
It sounded like something snapping under pressure, like the sound of a bone breaking, but ten times louder than anything I’d ever heard before.
Despite myself, I slowed down to listen for it again; I didn’t want to hear that noise, but at the same time I couldn’t block it out of my mind now that I knew what it was.
The forest grew eerily quiet around me, like even the trees themselves were holding their breath to see what would happen next.
And then a voice spoke in my mind: Elara, you have to keep running!
Don’t stop; don’t look back until you get to the cabin!
Gods Among Us
Chapter 2
I stumbled to my feet, feeling an unfamiliar but comforting warmth envelop me. The pendant's light dimmed slightly, but its warmth remained. I knew the monsters were still out there, but for now, they couldn't breach this sanctuary.
"Elara," a familiar voice called from the shadows. I turned to see Diana stepping into the light, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and urgency. "You've activated the pendant's power—you've tapped into your true potential."
Before I could respond, another loud crack echoed outside. Diana grabbed my shoulders, her grip firm yet reassuring. "We don't have much time. The barrier will hold them off for now, but we need to prepare for what's coming next."
I nodded, my resolve hardening. My mother's death would not be in vain; Marcus and I would survive this curse. With Diana's guidance and the magic within me awakening, we stood a fighting chance against the darkness hunting our bloodline.
As the sounds of growls and clawing intensified outside, I took a deep breath and looked at Diana. "What's our next move?"
She smiled grimly and handed me a dagger etched with runes. "We fight back."
"Marcus, wake up!"
I hissed, shaking him violently. "We don't have time for this—wake up!"
His eyes flew open and he lunged out of bed, already reaching for the knife he kept under his pillow. "What's going on?"
He growled.
"I heard it too," our mother called softly from her room.
She must've woken up from all the noise we were making.
There was another loud snapping sound in the air, and I looked down to see that my pendant had shattered into a million pieces.
"What the hell was that?"
Marcus exclaimed as he burst into my room with Diana at his heels.
"Are you okay?"
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My eyes were wide with fear as I pointed to the remains of my pendant on the floor. "It's already started. The monsters are coming for us."
Diana's brow furrowed, but she didn't look surprised.
"What do you mean? What happened?"
"I was in math class when three creatures came after me," I gasped, trying to catch my breath after all that running.
"They were huge—like nothing I've ever seen before. They tried to kill me!"
Marcus' hand went to the knife at his side, and he looked grimly determined.
Diana whispered under her breath, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief.
"What did they look like?"
"I don't know—they didn't look human," I said quickly, "and right now it doesn't matter. We have to get ready for a fight. The monsters are coming for us, and if we don't stop them they'll kill everyone who gets in their way!"
Marcus turned to Diana, a grim expression on his face.
"She's right. If those things are out there, then it's only a matter of time before they find us."
Diana nodded slowly and took a deep breath as she considered our options.
"Elara, Marcus—pack your bags. We're going to need everything we've got if we want to survive this."
She turned toward me and gave me a reassuring smile.
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"Don't worry, Elara. We're going to get through this—no matter what."
I nodded and went to fetch my backpack from the corner of my room.
I didn't know how much time we had before those monsters caught up with us, but I was going to do everything in my power to help my family survive this curse.
As I packed my bags, Diana led us through the cabin to an iron door marked with strange runes that I'd never seen before.
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"Follow me," she said.
We passed through the door and descended down a narrow staircase until we reached an underground chamber as large as our cabin
Four life-sized statues stood in the center of the room: one for Diana, one for Marcus, and two others: one blue and green, the other red and yellow.
"These are not just decorations," Diana said gravely as she turned toward us. "These statues represent each of you."
She led us to the center of the room and gestured for us to put our hands on the stone slabs beneath them.
Gods Among Us
As we did so, I watched as the statues began to glow—each a different color of the rainbow, reflecting our elemental affinities.
The blue and green statue glowed with a watery light; the brown and black with earth; the white and grey with air; and the red and yellow with fire.
Diana said softly as she turned toward me.
I felt a surge of energy as my crystal began to glow red hot beneath my hand, the runes around it flashing bright like fireworks on the fourth of July.
"You are the new Demi-God…"
I looked at her in shock, my heart pounding wildly in my chest.
Gods Among Us
"You mean… like you?"
I stood there in stunned silence for a moment, trying to process what she'd just told me.
I was scared—terrified at the thought of what lay ahead—but I knew that I had to be strong for my family's sake.
Those monsters out there had tried to kill me—and they would stop at nothing until they wiped us off the face of the earth!
There was no time left to be afraid… "Elara!"
My eyes snapped up at Diana's voice and I realized that something was very wrong.
"Quickly! Take this!"I did as she said and held it up in front of me, watching in shock as a massive barrier of energy appeared in front of us.
The monsters were right outside the cabin—and they would be through any second!
Marcus growled low in his throat and I watched as he closed his eyes and began to recite an incantation under his breath.
Suddenly he was bathed in a bright light and when it faded, I saw that he'd transformed into his true form—a massive wolf with silver eyes and fur that matched our mother's hair.
He stood over us protectively, baring his teeth at the things that lurked on the other side of the barrier.
I watched him nervously and then took a deep breath and focused all my energy on the purple crystals embedded in my dagger.
Diana looked up at Marcus and nodded."Recite the incantation for Aria's transformation."
Marcus nodded in response and turned to our youngest sister."Aria…"
He began, "Kalei loffin thar!"
Gods Among Us
Suddenly, Aria appeared before us in a flash of light.
She no longer looked like a human girl—her red hair was gone, and in its place was a beautiful snowy owl with eyes like sapphires.
She landed gracefully on the ground and took her place beside Marcus, looking out at the monsters with fearlessness in her eyes.
"And now you," Diana said, turning to me once more.
"Recite the incantation for your transformation."
I nodded slowly, still not quite believing what was happening."You can do this…"
Marcus said softly from beside me and I took a deep breath and began reciting the words of the spell as I focused all my energy on my crystal.
A strange sensation came over me as I spoke the words of the incantation.
It was like drowning, but without water—like being pulled under by a massive current—and for a moment I felt myself panic as I struggled to catch my breath.
"It's okay," Diana whispered gently when she saw the look on my face.
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"It's just part of the transformation."
I nodded weakly, trying to calm my nerves, and a moment later the feeling passed.
When I finished reciting the incantation, a bright light enveloped me and I felt my human self being pulled away, step by step, until all that was left was my true form—a beautiful red phoenix.
My feathers shimmered in the dim light of the chamber like flames on a candle and I spread my wings wide to their fullest extent, feeling a surge of power rush through me as I did so.
I looked at them in amazement."Is this really what I look like?"
I asked in awe.
Diana nodded."Yes," she said softly.
Gods Among Us
Chapter 3
But as they drew closer, I realized that despite everything I knew about these monsters and how dangerous they were, a part of me wasn't afraid.
In fact, I was filled with something else entirely—gratitude.
Because when I looked down at my arms, where moments ago there had been horrible burns from the monsters' talons… there was nothing.
They were gone—completely healed by my transformation into the phoenix—and it was like they'd never been there in the first place!
My eyes widened in shock."Thank you," I whispered softly to that strange power inside me that had saved me from certain death."Thank you for protecting me and my family."
Gods Among Us
And then a moment later, there was no more time to think as the monsters came charging through the tunnel, shrieking and howling in rage as they caught sight of us!
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, drawing on every ounce of strength and courage I had inside me as I prepared to face them head-on.
And then, when I opened my eyes again, I let out a scream so powerful that it seemed to shake the very ground beneath our feet—and unleashed a torrent of flames that poured forth from my beak and consumed those horrible creatures in an instant!
The smell of their burning flesh filled the air as their lifeless bodies fell to the ground in a smoldering heap—all but turned to ash by my fiery wrath.
I watched in amazement as they crumbled to nothing, and a thrill of excitement rushed through me because I knew, without a doubt, that we had won this battle—I had emerged victorious!
And while it was over now, and there was no longer any danger here in this chamber, I still wasn't ready to go back just yet—or give up on this powerful new form that I'd discovered within me.
Gods Among Us
"Elara, you need to focus," Marcus urged, his voice a soothing growl in his wolf form.
Diana's owl eyes gleamed with worry. "Your powers are new and raw. You must learn to control them."
I nodded weakly, feeling the instability ripple through my body. The chamber shimmered around us, the crystal-embedded ceiling reflecting our forms in a surreal dance of light and shadow.
Aria flew closer, her snowy plumage brushing against my burning feathers. "We're here for you," she whispered. "Together, we can stabilize your power."
Drawing strength from my family's presence, I closed my eyes and focused inward. I felt the chaotic energy swirling within me—volatile, yet full of potential. With every breath, I envisioned it calming like a storm settling after a fierce gale.
Gradually, the tremors ceased. My phoenix form steadied, flames glowing steadily instead of erratically. I opened my eyes to see my family watching with pride and relief.
"We're ready," I said firmly.
Together, we faced the tunnel's dark maw once more—united and prepared for whatever lay ahead.
Then came another moment without time; monsters charged through tunnel shrieking!
I took breath closing eyes drawing all strength/courage inside preparing head-on face them again.
When opening eyes screaming powerfully ground shook beneath feet flames poured forth beak consuming creatures instantaneously!
Gods Among Us
Their burning flesh air-smell lifeless bodies smoldering heap crumbling nothingness fiery wrath watched amazement thrill knowing victory ours! Still not ready return/give-up newfound powerful form within feeling destabilize post-battle urged focus/control newfound powers Marcus/Diana’s urging stabilizing chaotic energy Aria’s support united strengthened bond prepared face next dark tunnel challenge awaiting us
Gods Among Us
- Then came another moment without time; monsters charged through tunnel shrieking!
I took breath closing eyes drawing all strength/courage inside preparing head-on face them again.
Gods Among Us
Aria, still an elegant snowy owl, landed beside me and nuzzled my cheek, her sapphire eyes filled with unspoken words of comfort. Our bond had grown stronger through this ordeal; we were more than family now—we were a unified force against the darkness.
Just as I began to regain my human form, a sudden chill swept through the air. The ground beneath us rumbled as ancient runes etched into the earth began to glow. Diana transformed back, her face as pale as the moonlight filtering through the smoke.
“Elara, Marcus, Aria,” she said urgently, “this is only the beginning. The monsters were just scouts. The true enemy lies ahead.”
Summoning our remaining strength, we stood together in the desolate landscape. With our newfound powers and unbreakable bond, we were ready to face whatever awaited us in this new chapter of our journey.
It suddenly dawned on Elara what was happening here—the monsters weren't here for their home… they were here to destroy it!
And kill them all!
Her eyes fell on the smoldering embers where their cabin used to be—where their happy lives used to be—and her heart sank like a lead balloon filled with bricks.
She felt that gaping hole of loss opening up inside her and swallowing her whole—but then she remembered what was at stake here.
Her family was okay—for now—and she'd just unlocked this incredible power within her.
If these creatures wanted a fight… she'd give them one!
She spread her wings wide and declared,
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“I swear that I will never let you go. I will keep you safe and protect you, and I will destroy anyone and anything that comes between us!”
She transformed back into her human form and turned to see her brother approaching slowly from where he'd been surveying the destruction with Diana.
“What did you say?” Marcus asked her in a deep, rumbling voice as he looked at her with a mixture of fear and admiration on his face.
“Nothing,” Elara said, shaking her head as she came over to join them.
The three of them stood there, surveying the ruins of their home together.
“There's nothing left,” Marcus said after a minute, sounding stunned by that fact somehow.
“Do you think they got everyone?”
He looked around at the fields beyond the cabin, but there was nothing out there—no people or animals or even plants!
It was like everything had been wiped out in one fell swoop!
“Do you think we're the only ones who survived? Are there other sanctuaries out there?”
Diana looked at him sadly, but didn't say anything.
Elara could see the answer in her eyes anyway, though—it was written all over her face.
Her heart sank like that lead balloon again as she realized that they really were on their own now.
“Marcus,” Diana said after a long moment, “I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” he asked, turning to face her.
She sighed, looking almost pained as she spoke again.
“They destroyed all of the sanctuaries—every one we knew about. We're not safe anywhere now.”
He looked stunned by that announcement, and for a moment Elara could see doubt in his eyes before he shook his head and pulled himself together again.
“But if this wasn't them… then what's going on here?”
“These creatures weren't acting alone,” Diana said grimly as she turned to look up at her son.
Gods Among Us
Chapter 4