MidReal Story

Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams


May 18
Scenario:Dream to play football world cup
Create my version of this story
Dream to play football world cup
I’m running late.
I should be on the field already, but I’m stuck in this stupid job.
I’m not even sure why I still bother coming here.
It’s not like I’m irreplaceable or anything.
The only reason I haven’t quit yet is because my family needs the money.
And because I’m a coward.
I’ve been telling myself that I’ll quit once we get promoted, but that’s never going to happen.
We’re in the second division, and we’re not even close to being at the top of the league.
I don’t know what our manager was thinking when he said that we would get promoted this season.
He must have been high on something, because there’s no way that’s going to happen.
We’re not good enough for the first division, and we never will be.
I should just quit now and save myself the trouble of having to come here every day.
I have to make sure that they have everything they need, even if that means that I have to work at a job that I hate.
I hate this job so much.
I hate having to come here every day, and I hate having to deal with my coworkers and the customers.
I hate having to pretend that I care about what I’m doing, because I don’t.
The only thing that I care about is football.
It’s always been the only thing that I’ve cared about, and it always will be.
Even when I’m old and gray, I’ll still be kicking a ball around a field somewhere.
I rush through the crowded streets of Barcelona, trying to get to the stadium as quickly as possible.
"Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams"
It’s not that far away, but it takes me a while to get there because I have to walk through the metro station first.
I don’t mind, though.
I love this city, even if it is noisy and dirty and crowded all the time.
It’s not perfect, but it’s perfect for me.
And I like the fact that it’s always so busy here, because it makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself.
I’ve been living here for four years now, and I don’t regret moving here one bit.
If anything, it’s made me love football even more than I already did.
I’m not sure how that’s even possible, but it is.
I get to the stadium just in time, and we start training right away.
My teammates are all staring at me, and I can tell that they’re not happy with me.
"Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams"
I don’t blame them, because I wouldn’t be happy with me either if I were in their position.
But what can I do?
There’s nothing that I can do except keep working hard and hoping for the best.
That’s all I can do, and that’s all I’ll ever do.
We finish training a few hours later, and I head back to the metro station so that I can go home.
The stadium is in a pretty bad part of town, and I don’t want to stick around here any longer than I have to.
I might be big and strong, but that doesn’t mean that I’m invincible.
There are some things in this world that are stronger than me, and there’s nothing that I can do about it.
The metro station is just as busy as it was when I came here earlier this morning, and it takes me a while to get through the crowd.
But eventually, I make it to the platform and get on the first train that comes by.
As soon as the doors close behind me, my mind wanders back to a few years ago when we beat Real Madrid in the Copa del Rey final.
"Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams"
I still can’t believe we won.
I’m not sure how we managed to do it, but we did.
And we did it in front of our own fans at the Santiago Bernabeu.
That was the best day of my life.
I don’t think anything will ever top that.
I step off the train and head up the stairs to the street level.
I can feel the sun shining down on me as soon as I walk outside, but it doesn’t make me feel any better about this morning.
According to the clock on the wall in front of me, I’m already an hour late for work.
My boss isn’t going to be happy about that at all.
He’s already mad at me for taking too many days off over the past few weeks, and he’s not going to be happy about this.
He’s always telling us to be on time and to work as hard as we can for as long as we can.
He doesn’t care if we’re tired or if we’re sick or if we’re hurt.
He only cares about us doing our jobs like we’re supposed to.
And right now, I’m not doing my job like I’m supposed to.
I’m not even close to doing my job like I’m supposed to.
And my boss is going to be furious with me when he finds out.
I start walking toward the construction site, hoping that he won’t notice how late I am.
But deep down, I know that he will.
How could he not?
I’m not the only one who’s late this morning.
There are a bunch of other people who haven’t shown up yet either.
My boss is going to be mad about that too.
He doesn’t care about anything except getting his work done on time and under budget.
That’s all he cares about.
And he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.
Even if it means yelling at us and calling us names and making us work overtime without pay.
Even if it means threatening to fire us every time we make a mistake or do something wrong.
My boss is an asshole, but I don’t have any other choice except to work for him.
And I don’t mind working for him most of the time.
I don’t mind working hard and doing my job like I’m supposed to.
I don’t mind any of that at all.
It’s just that I had a rough day yesterday and I’m still feeling the effects of it today.
"Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams"
Even though I haven’t been able to sleep very much lately, I feel like I haven’t been able to rest very much either.
It’s been a long time since I last felt rested.
It feels like it’s been even longer since I felt happy.
But I’m not going to let this get me down today.
I have a job to do and I’m going to do it as best as I can.
Because I have to do my job and because I want to do my job are two very different things.
There are days when I don’t want to do my job at all.
There are days when I don’t even want to go to work at all.
But those are the days when I try to remember what my life was like before I had this job and what it would be like if I lost this job.
Those are the days when I try to remember what my life was like before Mia came back into my life and what my life would be like if she ever left again.
"Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams"
There are days when I don’t know what I would do without Mia in my life.
Mia is one of the best things in my life right now.
She makes everything better just by being there for me.
I’ve known Mia for as long as I can remember.
We grew up on the same street together, even though we didn’t live in the same house or even on the same side of the street.
She was always there for me when I needed her, no matter what was going on in my life or in hers.
She was always making me laugh and feel better about everything that was happening to me or around me.
She was always there to listen to me talk about whatever was on my mind or in my heart.
And she was always there to give me good advice and help me make good decisions, no matter what those decisions were or how they turned out in the end.
Mia has always been my best friend and my biggest supporter from the very beginning.
We’ve been through so much together over the years, but nothing has ever come between us or kept us apart for very long.
Not distance or time or relationships with other people or anything else that’s come our way so far.
We’ve always found a way to get back together again in the end, no matter how far apart we might have been or how long it might have taken us to find our way back to each other again after being away for so long.
We’ve always had each other’s backs no matter where we are or what we’re doing at any given time of any given day or night.
We’ve always been able to count on each other no matter how many times we’ve let each other down or disappointed each other before this moment in our lives right now.
"Goalbound: Chasing World Cup Dreams"