MidReal Story

Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara

Scenario:A boy named noa goes to a party looking for his younger sister after she seeks out. He goes to the party just to find out there has been an outbreak and these creatures called ghouls appear and noa had ghoul dna transferd to him some how causing him to be able to shift from ghoul to human. Later on in the story these ghouls body parts go for big money in the underground gang scene
Create my version of this story
A boy named noa goes to a party looking for his younger sister after she seeks out. He goes to the party just to find out there has been an outbreak and these creatures called ghouls appear and noa had ghoul dna transferd to him some how causing him to be able to shift from ghoul to human. Later on in the story these ghouls body parts go for big money in the underground gang scene
Chapter 1
I was a dead man walking.
The words echoed in my head as I made my way through the crowd of bodies, all writhing and pulsing to the beat of the music.
A sea of flesh and sweat that swallowed me whole as I searched for my sister.
Elara had been missing for two days, and this party was the last place she’d been seen.
She’d promised it would be her last hurrah before she left for college, but now I feared she wouldn’t be leaving at all.
Not if I didn’t find her soon.
I pushed through the throng of people, my heart pounding in my chest as I scanned the room for any sign of her long red hair or petite frame.
"Shit," I muttered under my breath, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
This wasn’t my scene.
I preferred the quiet and solitude of the library over the noisy chaos of a party any day of the week.
But I’d come here for Elara, because she was my baby sister, and I’d promised her that I’d always have her back.
I just hadn’t thought it would come to this.
Not again.
The music was so loud that it made my ears ring as I moved deeper into the warehouse, trying to get a better look at the people around me.
Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara
There had been nothing out of the ordinary when we’d first arrived—just a bunch of college kids getting wasted on kegs of beer and grinding on each other out on the dance floor.
It was your typical frat party, with concrete walls that echoed with laughter and music as strobe lights flashed overhead.
But something felt off about this place from the moment we walked in—or maybe I just hadn’t wanted to be here, so everything seemed wrong.
And then they came through the wall.
Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara
It was the strangest thing, because there hadn’t been a wall there one minute, and then there was—just this shimmering barrier that seemed to appear out of thin air.
One second I’d been watching a group of girls dancing by the bar, and the next, they were screaming as they were dragged through some kind of portal or gateway that had swallowed them whole.
And just like that, the party was over, as a group of six figures emerged from the other side of the wall and stepped into the crowd.
They were all tall and lean, with sharp features and dark eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness.
Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara
I’d heard stories about the ghouls, like everyone else.
They were supposed to be urban legends—myths made up by people who didn’t understand what was lurking in the shadows around them.
I never thought I’d actually see one in person—or six, for that matter.
And yet here they were, right in front of me, their sinister features unmistakable against the flashing lights overhead.
The crowd erupted into chaos as people realized what was happening and tried to push past each other to get away from the monsters among them.
Some even pulled out weapons—guns and knives—and started shooting at the ghouls as they moved through the crowd with inhuman speed, tossing bodies aside like ragdolls as they searched for their next meal.
Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara
I tried to push through the crowd, searching for a glimpse of my sister’s face in the mass of bodies and flashing lights.
But she was nowhere to be seen.
My heart was racing now as I frantically searched for her in the chaos.
She should have known better than to come here—it wasn’t safe for anyone who didn’t know what they were doing—but Elara had always been headstrong and impulsive, with a rebellious streak a mile wide.
If she’d heard about this place and what went down here after dark, there was no way she would have stayed away.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d come looking for trouble just so she could see what all the fuss was about.
Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara
Ghouls hadn’t always been like this.
Once, they’d been human—just like me and Elara—and I’d heard stories of people who had even befriended them.
There were still some ghoul clans out there who lived peacefully among humans in the depths of the wilderness—as long as you didn’t get too close to their territory, they were usually content to leave you alone.
But when the infection first appeared, it spread through the human population like wildfire—turning men and women into twisted creatures who hungered for flesh and blood.
The survivors began calling them ‘ghouls’ for lack of a better name; their bodies were gaunt and emaciated from months of starvation as they hunted down prey in the streets like wild animals.
They could run faster than any human on two legs and tear through flesh with their bare hands; bullets were useless against them, because they felt no pain or fear.
And although they couldn’t withstand direct sunlight or fire for long before burning up from the inside out—or being put down by those who knew how—they were still a formidable threat if you weren’t prepared.
But these ghouls were different than any I’d ever seen before.
Ghoul Bloodlines: The Search for Elara
I stumbled backward, looking around frantically for my sister.
People were screaming and running in every direction, their silhouettes illuminated by the flickering lights overhead.
The ghouls had been attacking anyone they could get their hands on, which was unusual; normally, they only hunted at night, when it would be easier to drag their victims down into the depths of the city’s labyrinthine sewer system undetected.
But not tonight.
Tonight, they seemed almost… restless, as if searching for someone.
I shuddered at the thought of what might happen if they caught up with her now.
My sister was missing, and these things had been tearing through the crowd like a pack of rabid wolves; if she’d gotten in their way…
If something happened to her—I shoved that thought aside before I could finish it.
I wasn’t going to let anything happen to her—not if I could help it.
She’d been so excited about starting college in two weeks, after all—so happy that she’d be able to leave home at last and finally start living life on her own terms.
This had been her last big night out before the end of summer, a chance for her to cut loose one last time before diving headfirst into a new chapter of her life.
It was supposed to be a night of celebration, of joy and excitement—and now it might be turning into a nightmare from which neither of us would ever wake up.
No—he couldn’t let that happen.
Not when there was still a chance he could find her first…
I shoved my way through the crowd as best I could, searching desperately for a glimpse of my sister’s fiery red hair or petite figure among the sea of faces around me—but she was nowhere to be found.
She should have known better than to come here alone at this time of night; this place wasn’t safe after dark, not with all the things that lived in the shadows around us.
But Elara had always been headstrong and impulsive, with a rebellious streak a mile wide; if she’d heard about some new underground club that was rumored to cater exclusively to ghouls—or worse—that had just popped up in town recently, there was no way she would have stayed away.