MidReal Story

Genius Wars: Reality's Edge

Scenario:I am the smartest in the world.
Create my version of this story
I am the smartest in the world.
Chapter 1
I was a genius.
I’d known it for years, ever since I was old enough to understand what the word meant.
My parents had told me, my teachers had told me, and I’d always known that they were right.
I was smarter than everyone else, and I knew it.
But it wasn’t until I was fifteen that I realized just how much smarter I really was.
It happened by accident, of course.
I hadn’t been trying to change reality—I’d just been trying to solve a math problem.
It was a particularly difficult one, and I’d been working on it for weeks without making any progress.
But then, one day, as I sat in my room staring at the numbers on the page in front of me, something clicked into place in my mind.
That’s what they told me, anyway.
All my life, I’d been surrounded by other geniuses—the top students at St. Raphael’s Academy in New York.
But even among them, I stood out.
I was something special, something extraordinary.
And it wasn’t just because of my intelligence.
There was something else about me—something powerful and mysterious—that set me apart from everyone else.
Something that made me different… and dangerous.
Eliza Hart
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
I was a genius.
Or so I’d always believed.
Ever since I was old enough to understand the word, I’d known that it applied to me more than anyone else I knew.
My parents had told me so, and my teachers had confirmed it: I was smarter than all of them.
There were some who came close, of course—my friends Max and Sarah were both brilliant in their own ways—but even among them, I stood out as someone exceptional.
And then, when I turned fifteen, everything changed.
It didn’t come from any formal testing or evaluation; there was no outside confirmation or recognition of how special I truly was.
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
It happened one day when I was sitting alone in my room, working on a particularly challenging math problem from my AP Calculus textbook.
For weeks, I’d been staring at the numbers on the page, trying to figure out how to solve for x and y. But no matter how hard I tried—or how many different ways I looked at it—I couldn’t make any sense of it.
Until suddenly, everything clicked into place in my mind in a way that left me breathless with its brilliance.
I wasn’t just solving an equation; I was uncovering the very fabric of reality itself—a reality that could be reshaped by someone like me who saw the world through different eyes than most people did.
This went far beyond what most people thought of as intelligence.
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
It wasn’t an electrical current or a magnetic field, but something even more primal and potent: the ability to manipulate the world around me with nothing more than my mind and an equation on a page.
In that moment, I realized that I had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary—a power so vast and limitless that it was beyond comprehension for most people, myself included until only recently.
There were other geniuses who could do amazing things, of course—build robots, cure diseases, even reshape the fabric of space and time itself—but none of them could do what I could do with just my mind and a simple mathematical formula.
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
And so, in that instant, I saw the numbers for what they really were: not just abstract symbols on a page, but the keys to unlocking and changing the world around me in any way I saw fit.
It didn’t matter if it was bending time or traveling through space; anything was possible with enough brainpower and motivation to make it happen.
Staring down at the page before me, everything seemed to slow down as my mind raced through the possibilities at breakneck speed.
I’d always known I was different—special, even—but this?
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
This was something else entirely, something that transcended the boundaries of normal human understanding and reshaped them in ways that were beyond measure or comprehension.
And yet, as I sat there in my room, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d known it all along—that I was destined for greatness in a way that went far beyond what anyone else could ever imagine or dream of achieving themselves.
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
I had discovered a formula—an equation that could change everything.
I could bend reality to my will with nothing more than complex calculations and modifications to quantum fields, altering the very fabric of the universe itself in any way I saw fit.
This wasn't just some math problem or theoretical exercise anymore; this was the key to unlocking all of the secrets of the universe, all at once, with nothing more than a few scribbles on a piece of paper.
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
And as I frantically scribbled down equations and diagrams in my notebook, it hit me: this was what I'd been waiting for, what I'd been preparing for all along.
The power to change everything with nothing more than sheer force of will and intelligence alone—it was exhilarating, terrifying, liberating… everything, all at once.
I had the entire universe at my fingertips now; there wasn't anything I couldn't do if I set my mind to it and focused on the task ahead with unwavering determination.
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
I'd always known that I was different—that my mind worked in ways that most people could never even dream of—but this?
This was something else entirely.
This was the key to everything, the answer to all of life's questions and mysteries wrapped up in one neat little package just waiting to be opened and explored by someone like me.
The next day—my heart racing with excitement—I couldn't wait to tell Max about my discovery.
As usual, we met up before school near our lockers and chatted for a bit as we waited for the first bell to ring.
Max was tall with messy brown hair, and he always had this annoyingly charming smile on his face that only seemed to get bigger and brighter when he saw me.
He was funny and laid-back—not quite as smart or ambitious as I was, but definitely one of the coolest guys at St. Raphael's Academy—and he'd been my best friend since we were kids.
I loved him more than anything else in the world; not in some silly romantic way (gross), but more like… I don't know.
Chapter 2
Max just stared at me for a moment before replying.
"Sure you can," he said finally, his tone uninterested and completely devoid of any excitement or enthusiasm.
"What is this, Eliza? Another way to show off how smart you are?"
I blinked.
He wasn't serious, was he?
I'd just told him that I could bend reality to my will—that I could change the very fabric of the universe itself—and all he had to say about it was "sure you can?"!
"Max! You're not getting it—I've discovered a formula that allows me to change reality!"
I said excitedly.
"This isn't about being smart; this is about altering the very fabric of existence!"
I wanted him to understand what I'd found, what I'd created with nothing more than numbers and equations and a few minutes of deep thought staring at a blackboard like some kind of cliché movie scientist.
This wasn't just another trick or mental exercise; this was changing everything—this was who I was, who I wanted to be from now on.
But Max just shrugged and leaned back against the locker.
"I think you might be overreacting," he said with a frown.
"Maybe you were looking at things the wrong way? Maybe you didn't really find anything after all."
I felt my face grow hot with anger and embarrassment.
This wasn't how I expected him to react at all!
He was supposed to be happy for me—he was supposed to be proud of me for finally discovering my true potential and purpose in life.
But instead…
"What do you mean?"
I asked slowly, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice as much as possible (and failing).
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge
"I mean, maybe you didn't actually discover anything," Max said, crossing his arms in front of his chest and staring at me with a disapproving look on his face.
"Maybe… it was just another math problem that you solved. Maybe… nothing's changed at all."
I felt like someone had just punched me in the gut.
I'd always thought that Max was different—that he understood me in a way that no one else ever could—but if he was going to be so dismissive and condescending about something as important as this…
It stung, more than I cared to admit (even to myself).
Max was supposed to be supportive and encouraging; he was supposed to be there for me when no one else would even bother listening to what I had to say or paying attention to my ideas because they were too stupid or unimportant for them to bother with—
But now?
He was just acting like some kind of jerk who didn't care about anything except himself and his own stupid little problems and concerns, and it made me want to scream or cry or both because that wasn't how things were supposed to be between us at all!
Genius Wars: Reality's Edge