MidReal Story

Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance

Scenario:High-School, 2010s, set in America, a Boy who likes video games, comics, and computers, suddenly is assigned to a class full of blonde Jocks with letter jackets, How will the boy survive with wedgies daily?
Create my version of this story
High-School, 2010s, set in America, a Boy who likes video games, comics, and computers, suddenly is assigned to a class full of blonde Jocks with letter jackets, How will the boy survive with wedgies daily?
I felt uneasy walking into my new classroom.
I had been in this school for a few days and was still not used to the idea of being here, but it was only a matter of time.
What I didn’t like was exchanging classes in the middle of the semester.
As I stepped inside, I looked around the room and my eyes were met with a bunch of jocks sitting on the desk in front of me.
They were all blonde, and their hair seemed to glow in the sunlight that entered from the window.
It was an odd sight, but the most surprising thing wasn’t their hair color, it was how big and muscular they were.
The smallest of them would easily crush me, and that was saying something.
My classmates all had brown hair and wore glasses just like me.
We all had similar tastes too; we loved comics, video games, computers, and books.
However, there was no one like me in this class.
They all had blonde hair and were very athletic.
It was crazy how different we were.
But what made me feel even more out of place was the fact that they were all staring at me.
I quickly looked away and made my way to the only empty desk, right in front of them, and sat down.
A wave of tension filled the air as I sat down in my chair, and it took every ounce of my self-control not to start sweating bullets.
I tried to ignore them as best as I could, but it was impossible not to notice how they were staring at me with disapproving eyes.
With a gulp, I met their gaze, only to see that they were still staring at me with expressions that screamed “you don’t belong here”.
I bit my lip nervously as one of them opened his mouth and began talking in a low voice.
It was obvious they thought I couldn’t hear them, but they didn’t know that my hearing was really good because of my glasses
“Who’s this dorky dude?”
“I don’t know, but he looks weak.”
“He doesn’t have any muscles.”
I flinched at their words and couldn’t help but wonder if they talked about me like I wasn’t even there.
Were they saying things like “he smells” or “he has no friends”?
Did they have a reason to hate me?
The fact that I could hear their whispers so clearly made me feel like they were shouting at me, and the weight of their gazes on me felt like a ton of bricks had fallen on me.
“Shut up!”
I heard a voice say when the blonde jock who had been talking the most raised his voice and silenced everyone else around him.
The One Jock, went towards me, opened his bag, took a fresh pair of jeans, a red letter jacket, fresh white gym socks, and everything jocky, "if you don't change in the gym wardrobe I swear to God I will destroy you."
I sighed and looked away from him when I felt the weight of his stare on me.
It was evident he wanted to show who was in charge and didn’t appreciate me ignoring him.
I knew I should have answered but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
After a few minutes, our teacher walked inside the classroom, “Good morning students.I’m Mr Fitzgerald, I’m going to be your Physical Education teacher for the rest of the year.”
I sighed in relief when I saw an older man enter the room with a smile on his face.
Maybe he would be able to bridge the gap between us and make us get along just fine?
As I looked at him, I noticed he was balding and had a noticeable beer gut on him already.
I shook my head slightly and hoped he wouldn’t be as bad as he seemed to be at first glance.
I cleared my throat nervously when Mr Fitzgerald introduced himself to us, “Now let’s see how many of you are here today.”
He began calling out our names, making sure everyone was present before he continued with his introduction.
I was the last one to be called, “Alex Johnson.”
I raised my hand slightly and smiled at him when he called my name and tried not to let my disappointment show as I realized we had nothing in common at all and he wouldn’t be able to make the blondes stop hating on me for no reason at all.
“Now, let’s talk about the rules in my class,” Mr Fitzgerald said, as he moved towards the blackboard and took a piece of chalk into his hand and began writing down the rules for the first semester on it with a smile on his face, “if you don’t follow these rules you will have to do laps around the gym until you learn how to behave.”
I rolled my eyes when I heard him say those words, “I hope he’s joking.”
It was going to be a long year, especially since I wasn’t good at sports, and even worse at running laps around the gym, “I’ll do my best not to get on his bad side then.”
I sighed in relief when the bell rang and let out a sigh of relief when I heard it ring loudly throughout the room, signaling the end of the first period.
The blondes turned around in their chairs and looked at me with expressions that screamed “we’re not done with you yet” but left the classroom without saying anything else before I could even begin to feel scared or nervous.
I let out a deep breath and looked around the room when I realized I was finally alone in the classroom; everyone had already left to go get their lunch.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
Suddenly, the Jocks came at me, one had blonde dye, the other had a bag full of jock clothing.
I was saved by the bell, literally, when the lunch bell rang and I made my way to the cafeteria, the halls were packed with students walking around, trying to find their friends, and I tried to find my way through the crowd without bumping into anyone else or getting lost in the chaos.
I had no idea where I was heading but followed the scent of food and found my way to the cafeteria, but my heart sank when I saw that everyone else was already seated at the tables, and there was barely any space left for me to sit down and have lunch alone without having to make myself feel even more out of place than I already was.
“Great,” I mumbled under my breath as I walked around the cafeteria looking for an empty spot to sit down at a table and enjoy my lunch alone but found none, and continued searching for another empty spot to sit down at and quickly gave up hope after searching for another five minutes with no success.
I turned around when I heard someone call out my name and saw her walking towards me with a big smile on her face and a small wave with her hand, “over here!”
“Finally,” I smiled back at her, but it quickly faded away as I saw that she wasn’t alone, “Hi, Emma.”
She stopped right in front of me and we hugged each other tightly before she introduced me to her friends, “this is Alex, he’s a childhood friend of mine.”
“Nice to meet you,” they all said with smiles on their faces and outstretched hands, “Nice to meet you all too.”
Emma took me by the hand and led me to the table, where I sat down next to her across from her friends who were already seated there, “have a seat.”
“Thank you,” I said before I sat down and placed my schoolbag on the floor next to me and put my elbows on the table, “you don’t mind if I join you?”
“I don’t mind at all,” Emma replied, “the more the merrier.”
The other girls nodded their heads in agreement, “we don’t mind at all.”
I smiled when I heard them say those words, “thank you, you guys are very kind.”
“You’re welcome,” one of them said with a smile on her face, “we’re just trying to make a new friend feel welcome at our school.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” I said before I took off my glasses and placed them on the table next to me, “thank you for being so kind towards me.”
“You’re welcome, Alex,” Emma said, “you’re always welcome here.”
I smiled when I heard her say those words and gave her a small nod, “thank you so much.”
We sat quietly eating our lunch until I noticed that a few Jocks were walking past our table while looking at me with curious expressions on their faces but said nothing else; they didn’t want to start anything while I was seated with Emma and her friends because they knew she wouldn’t hesitate to beat them up if they tried to mess with me while she was around since we had grown up together and she was very protective of me since she knew I was quiet and introverted.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
The Bell rang, and I went to class, when the same group of Jocks suddenly grabbed me.. and put me in the gym wardrobe, no gym teachers there, the Jocks were in American football clothing, like uniforms.
My first day of high school passed by in a blur of introductions to new classmates and teachers that I would have for the rest of the year.
It was a somewhat intimidating experience to be surrounded by students who all seemed to be almost the same as each other—identical blonde jocks who all looked like carbon copies of each other.
They all wore the same letter jackets as well, a symbol of their athletic prowess that set them apart from the rest of the student body in some way or another.
I had noticed quite a few of them talking in groups around the school during breaks between classes, and it always felt like they were talking about things that I would never be able to understand or relate to in any way possible—and today had pretty much confirmed that for me when I heard a few of them talking about the scores for last night’s football game and how many goals their favorite sports team scored at their last match.
I had no idea who they were talking about but tried to follow along with the conversation as best as I could while they continued talking about things that I didn’t know anything about.
It was quite an eye-opening experience for me since they all seemed so similar in many ways but also very different from me as well since I was more of a video game, comic book, and computer type of person rather than someone who was into sports or anything like that at all like they were.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
As I sat, one of the Jocks, pat my shoulder "Hey, Mikey, you are called Mike now, capisce? Come with us to the Gym wardrobe, Now."
He said it very loud so everyone could hear it and understand it too.
This is when it happened.
The Jock leader, the tallest of them all and with the blondest hair of them all looked at me with a smirk on his face looking like he just had a brilliant idea "Guys, I have a bad news for us all."
There was a sudden hush in the room as everyone turned their faces towards him which meant that this must be a very important thing for them since he was their leader after all.
He continued with his smirk on his face "We are not going to have Mike in our Squadron."
His words made me feel stunned as I didn't know what he meant by that but from the smiles on some of the Jocks' faces I quickly understood that this was not going to be something good for me.
I also felt how everyone's eyes turned towards me with judgment in their eyes.
I didn't know what was going on really but one thing was clear to me Tyler Thompson didn't like me for some reason even though we had never met before.
He turned to face me with his arms crossed in front of his chest looking like he was standing on top of a mountain and I was nothing more than a small ant.
His smile looked so arrogant that it almost made me turn my head around and look if there was anyone else he was smiling at but no, that smile was for me and only me and it was not a good thing either "Take a good look at yourself, Nerd.You are not one of us and you never will be."
My heart sank when he said it as I knew that this was not a good thing to be called, I had heard stories about him from my previous schools as well but I never thought that it would be me that he would have something against.
I mean, I have never done anything to him or any of his friends but apparently that didn't matter to him as I was not one of them so I was already an enemy to him as far as he was concerned "What are you talking about?My name is Alex Johnson, not Mike.I am new here so I don't know what you are talking about."
He chuckled when he heard what I said "Oh, you are new here.Nice to meet you Alex Johnson." and then he patted my back as if that would make us friends even though I knew that it would not happen since I could see the hatred in his eyes when he looked at me "My name is Tyler Thompson, the leader of this place and all of these people are under my control and we do things my way here.And by the way, Alex Johnson, it doesn't matter what your name is and even if it did I would still call you Mike because I feel like it so you better get used to it."
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
"We should go to the gym wardrobe, now.. you'll need to fit in, I got all the stuff, no worries, I got secret gym keys" Tyler said with a smirk as he held my hand.
As soon as he did that, many of his friends started to laugh at me "Oh, come on guys, he is not a girl to be scared of holding hands with another guy" Tyler said to them "But I am getting a bit worried about your manhood though." and then they laughed even louder as if they were following a script or something.
I felt like a complete idiot standing there as if I had done something wrong by letting him hold my hand but I just didn't want to make things worse than it already was so I just let him do whatever he wanted to do while trying to ignore the laughter of his friends who were apparently making fun of me "Here we are" he said as we stopped in front of the wardrobe door with a big "KEEP OUT" sign on it.
He opened the door with a key that he took from his pocket and then gestured for me to go inside "Enter and strip down to your underwear."
I was a bit surprised to hear that he wanted to to strip down to my underwear and I could see the surprise on the faces of his friends as well but they didn't say anything and just watched to see what I would do.
And then he smirked at me when he saw that I was not moving "What are you waiting for?I told you to enter and strip down to your underwear so you better do what I say if you don't want to get into trouble" he said and then crossed his arms again and waited for me to do what he had asked me to do.
I was a bit worried about what was going on and my heart started to beat faster when I saw the mocking glares of his friends on me as they knew that I was just an outsider and that Tyler didn't like me so they were all on his side.
I didn't want to make things worse than they already were and just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible but doing what he asked me to do felt like it was going a bit too far even for me.
I really didn't know what to do at that moment, I wanted to tell him to go f*ck himself and walk away but deep down inside I also knew that it wouldn't end well for me if I did that so I decided to go with another plan "No" I said with some determination in my voice.
He seemed a bit surprised when he heard what I said and then narrowed his eyes at me "What did you say?Did I hear you correctly?" he asked and then released my hand and took a step towards me but that was the only thing he did and didn't try anything else so I thought that maybe things would settle down but apparently I was wrong "Take off your clothes right now" he said with anger in his voice but even though his voice sounded angry, his face looked calm enough so no one except me and him noticed it.
I shook my head at him even though I was feeling scared at that moment but there was no way that I would take off my clothes right now "No" I said to him again.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
But, I quickly changed my mind..., "i.. mean... yes, I'll do it right now.." *id take off my shirt, my pants, my socks, my shoes, my everything*
He seemed even more surprised than before by my answer and I could see the surprise on the faces of his friends as well because they didn't expect me to give in to him so easily and then I saw the smug smirk on his face again and I knew that I had made a mistake by giving in to him so easily but I thought that maybe he would let me go after I did what he asked me to do but I was wrong and I knew that I was wrong as soon as I saw the smirk on his face.
And then all of the sudden, he and his friends started laughing and I could see the looks of confusion on the faces of other students who weren't part of Tyler's group because they didn't know what was happening at that moment and they were all looking at us but even though they were all looking at us, no one did anything to stop what was happening and just kept on watching the show.
Tyler and his friends were laughing at me because I had given in to him so easily but I didn't care about it because I knew that it could have been worse and that's why I thought that it was better to give in to him than not to give in to him and make things worse.
But even though I didn't care about them laughing at me, I still couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by it and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible so I started taking off my clothes but even though I had given in to him and started doing what he asked me to do, it didn't seem like it mattered to him because he continued laughing at me and kept on making fun of me "Haha... look at this guy... he is such a loser... hahaha.
why is he even here?" he said and then continued laughing again.
His friends also started laughing at me as soon as they heard what he said and I could see the smug looks on their faces and then suddenly, I felt the anger rising inside of me and I wanted to punch him but I knew that it wouldn't end well for me if I did so I decided not to do it and then continued taking off my clothes even though I didn't want to do it anymore.
And then after I took off all of my clothes, I stood there in my underwear and just waited for them to stop making fun of me and let me go out of the class but as soon as I took off all of my clothes, I saw Tyler looking at me with a smirk on his face and then suddenly, I felt something pulling down my underwear and then Tyler started laughing even more than before.
And then I saw that Tyler had taken my underwear down to my knees and I quickly turned around and tried to cover myself from everyone but even though I tried to cover myself, it didn't seem like it mattered to him as he continued laughing at me and then all of the sudden, he started hitting me from behind and then suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my butt.
I was about to ask him to stop hitting me when I heard someone calling out my name so I quickly turned around and saw Emma standing there in front of me.
She looked really angry at Tyler for hitting me and then all of the sudden, she grabbed a book from her bag and threw it at Tyler but it didn't matter if she hit him or not because as soon as she did it, she took me by my hand and we both ran away from there together.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
But, I dreamt, Emma wasn't there, I was still at the wardrobe. I was waiting until suddenly, I saw Tyler pull out a replica of his jock clothes, and instant blonde dye.
He took off all of his clothes, including his underwear, in front of me, not caring that everyone could see his dick, then put on his jock clothes, and dyed his hair blonde.
All of his friends did the same thing, then they all looked at each other before giving each other a high-five.
It looked like they had won a battle or something.
I stood there, confused, then Tyler looked at me and said "So, are you going to take off your underwear by yourself or do we have to do it for you?".
I didn't want them to hit me again so I quickly took off my underwear and then stood there waiting for them.
But instead of hitting me, they started laughing even more than before so I quickly turned around and tried to cover myself again and then all of the sudden, Tyler stopped laughing and said "Oh, come on!It's not like we have never seen a dick before.
I mean, we do have dicks too, you know?
What's wrong with you?
Are you gay or something?".
I was about to say that I wasn't gay when I heard the door open so I quickly turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair walking into the class.
As soon as Tyler saw her walking in, he quickly turned around and started looking at her with a dreamy look on his face.
His friends also started looking at her as soon as they heard what Tyler was looking at so I quickly took that moment to look for an empty seat without anyone seeing me.
Tyler's second-in-command, Chad, who was standing right next to Tyler, also noticed that there was an empty seat right next to him so he quickly took it before anyone else could see it.
But as soon as Tyler saw Chad taking the seat next to him, he turned around and looked at me with an angry look on his face.
I knew that he was angry at me for trying to take the seat right next to him but instead of moving somewhere else, I decided to keep standing there and just waited for him to stop looking at me so that I could move somewhere else.
But even though I was waiting for him to stop looking at me, it didn't seem like he was going to stop anytime soon so I quickly turned around and started looking for another empty seat.
Luckily for me, there were a lot of empty seats in this class so it didn't take me long for me to find one.
But as soon as I was about to sit down on it, I felt something pulling me from behind so I quickly turned around and saw Chad pulling my backpack down so that I couldn't sit on the chair.
When he saw me looking at him, he let go of my backpack so that it fell down on the ground.
He then quickly stood up from his chair, walked over towards me, then grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of everyone.
He then looked at me with an angry look on his face, which kind of scared me a bit because of how big he was compared to me, but even though it scared me a bit, it didn't seem like it mattered to me as much as it should've.
He then said "Don't you dare sit down in this class, you fucking loser!".
And then suddenly, he pushed me really hard so that I could fall down on my ass.
The whole class started laughing at me as soon as they saw me falling down but even though they were all laughing at me, it didn't seem like it mattered as much as it should've because of how normal it had become for me now.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
Tyler started to force me into putting on his replica of his boxers, i started feeling jock.. am I becoming one.. it all continued as I started to feel as his ripped jeans came on my legs... I started to also feel his.. gym socks.. and his socks.. then.. he put his sweaty tank top on me.. then.. I wore his white t shirt.. and his letter jacket.. my glasses were thrown away and shattered... and my hair was forcefully dyed blonde..
I quickly got up from my ass, then picked up my backpack from the ground while trying not to show anyone how much pain I was in.
But as soon as I got up from my ass and started walking away from everyone, another text message popped up on my phone so I quickly stopped walking away from everyone so that I could check who it was from.
When I saw who it was from, it was from Emma Roberts so it quickly made me smile a bit when I saw that it was from her because she was one of my best friends back when we were kids.
She was also one of my only friends back when we were kids because just like now, no one really wanted to be friends with me back then either.
But even though no one really wanted to be friends with me back then either, she was always there for me whenever someone tried to bully me or anything like that.
I also had a crush on her back when we were kids but she never knew about it because she was never really good at noticing whenever someone liked her or anything like that.
The text message that she sent me said "Hey Alex, I heard that you got moved to another class.Is everything okay?I also heard that you got in trouble with the blonde jocks from your old class, are you okay?Let me know if you need any help, okay?
I quickly smiled a bit when I saw the text message that she had sent me but as I was about to start texting her back, I suddenly heard Tyler's voice coming from behind me so I quickly turned around, saw him standing right behind me then quickly put my phone back into my pocket.
He then looked at me with an angry look on his face, then grabbed my phone from my pocket, then quickly looked into it to see who I was texting.
When he saw that it was Emma who I was texting, he quickly turned around, showed the message that she sent to everyone, then started reading it out loud.
Everyone started laughing as soon as they heard him reading out the text message but even though they were all laughing, it didn't seem like it mattered as much as it should've because of how normal it was for me to get bullied by everyone.
Tyler then looked at me with an angry look on his face, then pushed my phone back into my pocket.
He then said "So, do you need any help or not?".
I then said "Yeah, I'm actually enjoying all of this bullying right now so I don't really need any help right now.".
When I said that, everyone started laughing even more but even though they were all laughing even more, it didn't seem like it mattered as much as it should've because of how normal it had become for me to get bullied by everyone.
Tyler then said "Alright then, enjoy your time being bullied by us then.".
He then started walking back towards his chair so I did the same thing while trying not to show anyone how much pain I was in.
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"
Tyler started smiling.. he threw 40 piles of old stinky socks at me.. and even forced me to wear the mascot uniform "The Chicago Socks.." it was a sock puppet costume..
I then walked towards my chair, sat at my chair, then waited for the teacher to start his lesson.
But just as I was about to start waiting for him to start his lesson, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.
Mr.Harrison then quickly walked towards the door, opened it, then saw Tyler standing outside of the classroom.
He then said "Come in.".
Tyler then walked towards his chair while smirking at everyone.
Once he reached his chair, he sat at his chair, put his bag on top of his table then waited for Mr.
Harrison to start his lesson.
Mr.Harrison then walked towards his table then started looking at everyone before he started saying "Good morning everyone.".
He then waited for everyone to respond so once everyone responded, he continued saying "Alright then, let's get started on today's lesson.".
He then wrote down a bunch of notes on the whiteboard but just as he was about to finish writing down everything he needed to write down for today's lesson, he suddenly heard someone snoring then turned around to see who it was.
But once he turned around and saw who it was, he quickly said "Wake up!This is not time for you to be sleeping!".
Everyone quickly turned around and saw that Tyler was the one who fell asleep in the middle of class but even though they all saw that it was Tyler who fell asleep in the middle of class, it didn't seem like it mattered as much as it should've because of how normal it was for Tyler to fall asleep in the middle of class.
Tyler then got up from his chair while yawning a bit.
He then stretched his arms a few times before he looked at Mr.
Harrison while saying "Alright Mr.Harrison, I'm awake now.Can we please continue your boring lesson now?".
Mr.Harrison then said "You better not fall asleep again or I will not hesitate to send you out of my classroom!".
Tyler then sat back down on his chair, then waited for Mr.
Harrison to start his lesson.
But just as he was about to start waiting for him to start his lesson, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.
Mr.Harrison then walked towards the door, opened it, then saw a student standing outside of the classroom.
I then quickly turned around to see who it was and once I turned around to see who it was, I quickly saw that it was Emma.
She then smiled at Mr.Harrison, then quickly walked towards me while Mr.
Harrison quickly closed the door.
She then looked at me, then whispered "Are you okay?".
I then nodded my head in response.
But just as we were about to start talking, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.
Mr.Harrison then quickly walked towards the door, opened it, then saw Tyler standing outside of the classroom.
He then said "Come in.".
"Geek vs Jocks: Unexpected Alliance"